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Run away builds as far as the eye can see.


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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Be great if thief 1v1 dueling potential was increased,not by a large margin by any means just a small boost


It ever occur to you that you can include all your thoughts in a single post? You've posted in this thread 7 times in the last 2 hours and it gets annoying to scroll through the bloat.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > > > I look at it this way - if you initiate a fight against me and I come out on top and you run away, rather than finish what you started, I'm not chasing you, and I'll consider it a win. I don't have time to chase pansies around a map.

> > >

> > > Issue with that is some specs and or builds are meant for hit run playstyle and players that are utilizing this are only playing to their spec/class strengths and would actually be considered a poor decision for them to stay and duel as some classes/builds this would be suicide. Especially with the builds running around these days.

> > First of all: resetting is not a playstyle, it's a reset.

> >

> > Regarding poor decisions:

> >

> > Experiences of a reaper player:

> > If one of these "I am afraid to die an go for cheese mode" powercreep mobility builds leaps to 1500 range after he messed up (usually done by GS warriors to regenerate or longbow soulbeasts), then I do a leap in the opposite direction and move on which is usually too much distance for them to catch up again and it often breaks combat so that I can teleport back to keep.

> >

> > You know what the typical reaction of these people is? ... **/laugh**

> >

> > Isn't it a poor decision to disengage when you can't re-engage?

> >

> > WvW idiocy...


> Ur wrong! Thief resetting is part of its playstyle


Sorry dude, I consider disengaging and resetting 2 different things. Resetting a fight because you're losing is not a playstyle, it's a non-play style...."dang, I didn't get the surprise one-shot on this dude so I'll just use my leaps to get away to get all my health and cooldowns back and try again."


Disengaging to me means, staying in the fight but kiting, or getting out of aoes, or out of that pull range.....not running away to get your health and cooldowns back and starting again. If you're resetting a fight you might want to play something else, cuz it would seem you don't know how to manage your abilities/CDs.

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> @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > > > > I look at it this way - if you initiate a fight against me and I come out on top and you run away, rather than finish what you started, I'm not chasing you, and I'll consider it a win. I don't have time to chase pansies around a map.

> > > >

> > > > Issue with that is some specs and or builds are meant for hit run playstyle and players that are utilizing this are only playing to their spec/class strengths and would actually be considered a poor decision for them to stay and duel as some classes/builds this would be suicide. Especially with the builds running around these days.

> > > First of all: resetting is not a playstyle, it's a reset.

> > >

> > > Regarding poor decisions:

> > >

> > > Experiences of a reaper player:

> > > If one of these "I am afraid to die an go for cheese mode" powercreep mobility builds leaps to 1500 range after he messed up (usually done by GS warriors to regenerate or longbow soulbeasts), then I do a leap in the opposite direction and move on which is usually too much distance for them to catch up again and it often breaks combat so that I can teleport back to keep.

> > >

> > > You know what the typical reaction of these people is? ... **/laugh**

> > >

> > > Isn't it a poor decision to disengage when you can't re-engage?

> > >

> > > WvW idiocy...

> >

> > Ur wrong! Thief resetting is part of its playstyle


> Sorry dude, I consider disengaging and resetting 2 different things. Resetting a fight because you're losing is not a playstyle, it's a non-play style...."dang, I didn't get the surprise one-shot on this dude so I'll just use my leaps to get away to get all my health and cooldowns back and try again."


> Disengaging to me means, staying in the fight but kiting, or getting out of aoes, or out of that pull range.....not running away to get your health and cooldowns back and starting again. If you're resetting a fight you might want to play something else, cuz it would seem you don't know how to manage your abilities/CDs.


Disengagement to me is if losing disengaging and not returning,resetting is backing off to reset hp/CD to re engage. Not that I feel DE is healthy due to perma stealth but it’s playstyle requires hit and run gameplay due to lack of sustain in longer fights and how it achieves damage in burst and not in sustained combat. A DE or thief in general is at a disadvantage vs almost all classes in a fight exchanging blows and needs to reset if things aren’t going well,it doesn’t have the blocks and invulnerability mesmers,guards have to balance the low hp. Thief has a 1 1/4 sec block compared to most classes that have more than one at 3-4 sec and has no dependable invulnerability unless u consider fast reflexes as a bad substitute. It has to rely on evades and mobility to survive and due to low hp’s,high damage/sustain most classes have these days the have no choice but to run or die and why would someone chose death? lol if a soulbeast kept resetting to rapid fire u or somthing similar than I could see the frustration but a class like thief due to its weaknesses and strengths I think it is it’s play

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I don't think you understand......resetting is not part of ANY playstyle OR build. It's a cop-out. You make it the playstyle when you use a build that can't survive any other way....that's called a glass canon. Again I'd suggest either trying out different builds/gear to get that "sweet spot" of decent damage AND survivability, you know, like every...other...class...(besides condi mirage)...has to do. But hey, if you want to continue playing the reset game then people will continue to call you out on it for running away. Take your pick.

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> @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > > > > I look at it this way - if you initiate a fight against me and I come out on top and you run away, rather than finish what you started, I'm not chasing you, and I'll consider it a win. I don't have time to chase pansies around a map.

> > > >

> > > > Issue with that is some specs and or builds are meant for hit run playstyle and players that are utilizing this are only playing to their spec/class strengths and would actually be considered a poor decision for them to stay and duel as some classes/builds this would be suicide. Especially with the builds running around these days.

> > > First of all: resetting is not a playstyle, it's a reset.

> > >

> > > Regarding poor decisions:

> > >

> > > Experiences of a reaper player:

> > > If one of these "I am afraid to die an go for cheese mode" powercreep mobility builds leaps to 1500 range after he messed up (usually done by GS warriors to regenerate or longbow soulbeasts), then I do a leap in the opposite direction and move on which is usually too much distance for them to catch up again and it often breaks combat so that I can teleport back to keep.

> > >

> > > You know what the typical reaction of these people is? ... **/laugh**

> > >

> > > Isn't it a poor decision to disengage when you can't re-engage?

> > >

> > > WvW idiocy...

> >

> > Ur wrong! Thief resetting is part of its playstyle


> Sorry dude, I consider disengaging and resetting 2 different things. Resetting a fight because you're losing is not a playstyle, it's a non-play style...."dang, I didn't get the surprise one-shot on this dude so I'll just use my leaps to get away to get all my health and cooldowns back and try again."


> Disengaging to me means, staying in the fight but kiting, or getting out of aoes, or out of that pull range.....not running away to get your health and cooldowns back and starting again. If you're resetting a fight you might want to play something else, cuz it would seem you don't know how to manage your abilities/CDs.


Reset? Disengage? The outcome is what matters. If a thief can win by resetting the fight, then why wouldn't they? Roamers use resets/disengage to their advantage all the time. If they don't, they likely die a lot more than they have to out of sheer stubbornness. You also have to keep in mind that roaming is not dueling. You use whatever you can to your advantage because the base assumption is that you aren't going to get a fair fight and, if you do, it won't stay fair for very long!


For example, yesterday I was solo roaming on my mirage and an enemy group of ranger, ele, and engi spotted me. They came after me. I engaged to test the waters, determined that they weren't very skilled and extremely overconfident, but it's still a 1v3 and at one point I ate a burst that should have been avoided while trying to land a stomp. So I blinked away while they tended to rallying their fallen friend, got just far enough away that my health started to replenish, and then re-engaged. I ended up winning that fight.


Why stick around and die when I could retreat, recover, re-engage and win? Would I have received a medal for finishing the stomp (maybe!) and then dying? Besides, by not chasing me down and keeping pressure on me, they as much chose to reset the fight as I did.

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> @"Odinens.5920" said:

> I don't think you understand......resetting is not part of ANY playstyle OR build. It's a cop-out. You make it the playstyle when you use a build that can't survive any other way....that's called a glass canon. Again I'd suggest either trying out different builds/gear to get that "sweet spot" of decent damage AND survivability, you know, like every...other...class...(besides condi mirage)...has to do. But hey, if you want to continue playing the reset game then people will continue to call you out on it for running away. Take your pick.


Who cares what salty players who lose fights have to say? You think you're getting to people when you lose and then start talking trash about the tactics they used or the class they played? If you want to be upset about something, be upset at ANet for designing things like stealth and mirage the way they did. Don't be upset with players who use their available skills to win.


Besides, it's WvW. If you're looking for a fair fight, you came to the wrong place!

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> @"prototypedragon.1406" said:

> > @"ventusthunder.5067" said:

> > Good god. After seeing your choice of weapon set, armor choices, freaking FORTY THOUSAND health, clicking your skills, and the camera shake, it's no wonder these players are able to get away from your ganks untouched. Even your rampage puts no pressure on besides CC spam.


> _**I'm not meant to kill people**_, plus the two guardians each are running complete support and hit maybe a 2k if they are lucky ,most of the times 800's. And unlike most we try to avoid rushing to meta builds such as the over glorified gas bubble spell-breaker.


Lol, yes you are. You're a bloody warrior, you are here to hurt people, not tickle them.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > I don't think you understand......resetting is not part of ANY playstyle OR build. It's a cop-out. You make it the playstyle when you use a build that can't survive any other way....that's called a glass canon. Again I'd suggest either trying out different builds/gear to get that "sweet spot" of decent damage AND survivability, you know, like every...other...class...(besides condi mirage)...has to do. But hey, if you want to continue playing the reset game then people will continue to call you out on it for running away. Take your pick.


> Who cares what salty players who lose fights have to say? You think you're getting to people when you lose and then start talking trash about the tactics they used or the class they played? If you want to be upset about something, be upset at ANet for designing things like stealth and mirage the way they did. Don't be upset with players who use their available skills to win.


> Besides, it's WvW. If you're looking for a fair fight, you came to the wrong place!


But you aren't using your skills to win. You're using them to run away when you don't win.


...and for the record, not once in any mmo I've ever played have I ever pm'd somebody, after losing a fight, with salty messages. I leave that for the kids that grew up with participation trophies and don't know what competition really is.


Again, run away to reset and you are forfeiting in my eyes. You lose, I move on.

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> @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > > I don't think you understand......resetting is not part of ANY playstyle OR build. It's a cop-out. You make it the playstyle when you use a build that can't survive any other way....that's called a glass canon. Again I'd suggest either trying out different builds/gear to get that "sweet spot" of decent damage AND survivability, you know, like every...other...class...(besides condi mirage)...has to do. But hey, if you want to continue playing the reset game then people will continue to call you out on it for running away. Take your pick.

> >

> > Who cares what salty players who lose fights have to say? You think you're getting to people when you lose and then start talking trash about the tactics they used or the class they played? If you want to be upset about something, be upset at ANet for designing things like stealth and mirage the way they did. Don't be upset with players who use their available skills to win.

> >

> > Besides, it's WvW. If you're looking for a fair fight, you came to the wrong place!


> But you aren't using your skills to win. You're using them to run away when you don't win.


> ...and for the record, not once in any mmo I've ever played have I ever pm'd somebody, after losing a fight, with salty messages. I leave that for the kids that grew up with participation trophies and don't know what competition really is.


I'm not sure what your point is. It appears that you want to call the example of winning a 1v3 by resetting and re-engaging "not a win". Okay. I didn't win. Do you feel better now?

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> @"Odinens.5920" said:

> Just sayin....resetting is forfeiting. I don't care that you're doing it to whittle down an unskilled group. If you didn't have those mechanics would you still engage them?


U are essentially asking players to not utilize their chosen classes and their tools that were disigned for a playstyle that u dislike or discount to their fullest to achieve the best results. A class like thief for example is not a bruiser and can’t be built like one to the degree that other classes can be so why do so? A good player knows what to expect from each class and should assume its going to be played to its strengths. U sound ridiculous that someone has to fight by ur set of rules for it to be what u consider a proper fight. There are no referees lol. If a thief tries trading blows with a holo or soulbeast and doesn’t use his tools to reset knowing the ranger or holo by design does more sustained damage and is far more durable than they are infact a bad thief player. Sry but ur way of thinking is wrong,thief would be a free bag otherwise which sounds like how u want ur battles anyway lol. I only use thief as example because it’s design is around a playstyle u say does not exist.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > Just sayin....resetting is forfeiting. I don't care that you're doing it to whittle down an unskilled group. If you didn't have those mechanics would you still engage them?


> U are essentially asking players to not utilize their chosen classes and their tools that were disigned for a playstyle that u dislike or discount to their fullest to achieve the best results. A class like thief for example is not a bruiser and can’t be built like one to the degree that other classes can be so why do so? A good player knows what to expect from each class and should assume its going to be played to its strengths. U sound ridiculous that someone has to fight by ur set of rules for it to be what u consider a proper fight. There are no referees lol. If a thief tries trading blows with a holo or soulbeast and doesn’t use his tools to reset knowing the ranger or holo by design does more sustained damage and is far more durable than they are infact a bad thief player. Sry but ur way of thinking is wrong,thief would be a free bag otherwise which sounds like how u want ur battles anyway lol. I only use thief as example because it’s design is around a playstyle u say does not exist.


as a thief main you dont need, or shouldnt have to "reset" you have enough kiting/disengaging tools to play around though its easier said than done vs some classes but it is what it is, sure i can run off but what have I done? given the guy a free camp/sentry and lose sight of him . in my early days is "trying to reset" the moment i do get out of combat to reset the other guy normally wp's and or runs the other way - operning the gap even more so i have to use even more resources to re engage.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > > Just sayin....resetting is forfeiting. I don't care that you're doing it to whittle down an unskilled group. If you didn't have those mechanics would you still engage them?

> >

> > U are essentially asking players to not utilize their chosen classes and their tools that were disigned for a playstyle that u dislike or discount to their fullest to achieve the best results. A class like thief for example is not a bruiser and can’t be built like one to the degree that other classes can be so why do so? A good player knows what to expect from each class and should assume its going to be played to its strengths. U sound ridiculous that someone has to fight by ur set of rules for it to be what u consider a proper fight. There are no referees lol. If a thief tries trading blows with a holo or soulbeast and doesn’t use his tools to reset knowing the ranger or holo by design does more sustained damage and is far more durable than they are infact a bad thief player. Sry but ur way of thinking is wrong,thief would be a free bag otherwise which sounds like how u want ur battles anyway lol. I only use thief as example because it’s design is around a playstyle u say does not exist.


> as a thief main you dont need, or shouldnt have to "reset" you have enough kiting/disengaging tools to play around though its easier said than done vs some classes but it is what it is, sure i can run off but what have I done? given the guy a free camp/sentry and lose sight of him . in my early days is "trying to reset" the moment i do get out of combat to reset the other guy normally wp's and or runs the other way - operning the gap even more so i have to use even more resources to re engage.


I hear u,I’m just not good enough yet to fight most soulbeast,holos or even guards without backing off to regain ini and endurance. Plus I usually get to like 10% health after being hit twice with a mix of maurader and zerk gear and usually way before I’ve chipped any amount of their hp’s down due to their sustain. I use scholar runes and the zerk-valk trinkets so maybe I neet to get Gud as they say and get some more suitable runes etc lol. For right now I usually avoid most 1v1 in wvw and jump in to outnumber and help allies and run if I get to pressured lol

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You laughed at a support chrono who escaped the gank from 3 noob players xD


Yeah you are 3 noobs sorry.


You especially, you wasted every single stun and skill you have into that chrono defensive skills.


So the one who should've laugh is only him.


You are the kind of player I take as example to do the exact opposite when I solo roam in wvw?

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