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A flying boar glider and no PvP balancing?


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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > @"Gringo.2163" said:

> > When my wife saw the glider she imediately opened wallet, so "that stupid cosmetic glider which contributes absolutely nothing" statemenit is wrong.


> You wife buying that glidder doesnt improved QOL of the game at all in any aspect of the game and it most certainly doesnt add anytging new since there are like 50 glidders already. That glidder or any other glidder has no impact on my pvp game play at all. And for pve i woulsnt buy a glidder for that as well cosmetic improvements dont deserve my money when they dont improve the actual gaame


I agree with you, but PvP doesn't pay the bills. The game mode is already in a failed state with a dwindling player base, so unfortunately, we're at the bottom of the list of things to fix.


And adding anything pvp-related to the gem store is moving toward the P2W model, and we all know that never ends well.


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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"everyman.4375" said:

> > You want the team working on gliders to work on the balance ? That's not realy their job, you know.


> The problem is, how many resources is anet putting into balancing and how many into flying pigs


Two vastly different teams. Balance teams are the game designers determining which areas need adjustments and flying pigs or novelty items require much less resources to plan out.


Quite a few of you haven't heard of the phrase, "Too many cooks in the kitchen.". Or at least know what it means.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > @"everyman.4375" said:

> > > You want the team working on gliders to work on the balance ? That's not realy their job, you know.

> >

> > The problem is, how many resources is anet putting into balancing and how many into flying pigs


> Two vastly different teams. Balance teams are the game designers determining which areas need adjustments and flying pigs or novelty items require much less resources to plan out.


> Quite a few of you haven't heard of the phrase, "Too many cooks in the kitchen.". Or at least know what it means.


Can't belive, the current balancing team is doing at its best, it can be improved much

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> @"rowdy.5107" said:

> The reason why anet ignores all the crybabies is because it already is pretty balanced. Just because YOU cant beat a mirage with your current setup and class doesn't mean other classes and setups cant either. learn to ADAPT and if your class is just a bad matchup. Then avoid them on the field. its just that simple.


Game is far from balanced are you on drugs

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Current patching policy of ANet:


- in general a patch every two weeks on tuesday

- a balance patch every 3 months


We had a general patch this week and the last balance patch was in december the 11th 2018.


This means:

- no patch at all next week

- the next balance patch will ship in march 2019 (maybe february the 19th, with a bit of luck, but I would not expect it)

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> @"rowdy.5107" said:

> The reason why anet ignores all the crybabies is because it already is pretty balanced. Just because YOU cant beat a mirage with your current setup and class doesn't mean other classes and setups cant either. learn to ADAPT and if your class is just a bad matchup. Then avoid them on the field. its just that simple.


as a necro player I'm told to: but other classes have to be viable in wvw zergs as well.


But im Not allowed to play solo necro when I take your statement?


Because necro sux without a pocket support.


Where was that statement when scourge was totally busted strong, with no icd on dhuumfire, more corrupts, more survivability?


There it was totally fine that necro got nerfed, no telling: learn to play and adapt?


Like for real?


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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"rowdy.5107" said:

> > The reason why anet ignores all the crybabies is because it already is pretty balanced. Just because YOU cant beat a mirage with your current setup and class doesn't mean other classes and setups cant either. learn to ADAPT and if your class is just a bad matchup. Then avoid them on the field. its just that simple.


> as a necro player I'm told to: but other classes have to be viable in wvw zergs as well.


> But im Not allowed to play solo necro when I take your statement?


> Because necro sux without a pocket support.


> Where was that statement when scourge was totally busted strong, with no icd on dhuumfire, more corrupts, more survivability?


> There it was totally fine that necro got nerfed, no telling: learn to play and adapt?


> Like for real?



You must not have tried roaming as necro, I guess. It is doable. Maybe try it before you knock it.

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> @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"rowdy.5107" said:

> > > The reason why anet ignores all the crybabies is because it already is pretty balanced. Just because YOU cant beat a mirage with your current setup and class doesn't mean other classes and setups cant either. learn to ADAPT and if your class is just a bad matchup. Then avoid them on the field. its just that simple.

> >

> > as a necro player I'm told to: but other classes have to be viable in wvw zergs as well.

> >

> > But im Not allowed to play solo necro when I take your statement?

> >

> > Because necro sux without a pocket support.

> >

> > Where was that statement when scourge was totally busted strong, with no icd on dhuumfire, more corrupts, more survivability?

> >

> > There it was totally fine that necro got nerfed, no telling: learn to play and adapt?

> >

> > Like for real?

> >


> You must not have tried roaming as necro, I guess. It is doable. Maybe try it before you knock it.


Doable because there's like 95% bad people roaming.

But against almost all classes the matchup is in favour of the other class.

Not to mention that it's impossible to fight against those ganking squads, but you have to fight, because you won't be able to outrun any other class.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Kumouta.4985" said:

> > the supposedly existing team that works on balance IS NOT the same team that makes cosmetic items, believe it or not


> "PVE balance team" does the "balance" across all game modes i think.




pretty sure that anet has a "universal" balance team and not a balance team for each game mode

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:

> > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > > @"rowdy.5107" said:

> > > > The reason why anet ignores all the crybabies is because it already is pretty balanced. Just because YOU cant beat a mirage with your current setup and class doesn't mean other classes and setups cant either. learn to ADAPT and if your class is just a bad matchup. Then avoid them on the field. its just that simple.

> > >

> > > as a necro player I'm told to: but other classes have to be viable in wvw zergs as well.

> > >

> > > But im Not allowed to play solo necro when I take your statement?

> > >

> > > Because necro sux without a pocket support.

> > >

> > > Where was that statement when scourge was totally busted strong, with no icd on dhuumfire, more corrupts, more survivability?

> > >

> > > There it was totally fine that necro got nerfed, no telling: learn to play and adapt?

> > >

> > > Like for real?

> > >

> >

> > You must not have tried roaming as necro, I guess. It is doable. Maybe try it before you knock it.


> Doable because there's like 95% bad people roaming.

> But against almost all classes the matchup is in favour of the other class.

> Not to mention that it's impossible to fight against those ganking squads, but you have to fight, because you won't be able to outrun any other class.


This is where spectral walk or flesh wurm will help...


You can't outrun, but you can outsmart and kite and then nuke.

(Celestial Reaper roaming, personally haven't tried scourge roaming)

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:

> > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > > @"rowdy.5107" said:

> > > > The reason why anet ignores all the crybabies is because it already is pretty balanced. Just because YOU cant beat a mirage with your current setup and class doesn't mean other classes and setups cant either. learn to ADAPT and if your class is just a bad matchup. Then avoid them on the field. its just that simple.

> > >

> > > as a necro player I'm told to: but other classes have to be viable in wvw zergs as well.

> > >

> > > But im Not allowed to play solo necro when I take your statement?

> > >

> > > Because necro sux without a pocket support.

> > >

> > > Where was that statement when scourge was totally busted strong, with no icd on dhuumfire, more corrupts, more survivability?

> > >

> > > There it was totally fine that necro got nerfed, no telling: learn to play and adapt?

> > >

> > > Like for real?

> > >

> >

> > You must not have tried roaming as necro, I guess. It is doable. Maybe try it before you knock it.


> Doable because there's like 95% bad people roaming.

> But against almost all classes the matchup is in favour of the other class.

> Not to mention that it's impossible to fight against those ganking squads, but you have to fight, because you won't be able to outrun any other class.


Doable then. Bad and good are relative from player to player.


On paper, yes. On paper, many things are true and false. In practice, you can push against those "impossible odds". Paper =/= Practice in this game.


Yes. A single player will have a disadvantage against a squad. That is obvious. I thought we were talking about solo roaming though, if we are talking about squads then bring your own.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Kumouta.4985" said:

> > > the supposedly existing team that works on balance IS NOT the same team that makes cosmetic items, believe it or not

> >

> > "PVE balance team" does the "balance" across all game modes i think.

> >

> >


> pretty sure that anet has a "universal" balance team and not a balance team for each game mode


That's what i ment but still their focus is mainly pve.

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this is the thing that most people do not understand.. all classes have strong matchups and weak matchups aginst other classes. necros are usually the ones I see crying the most about mesmers. you are a bad matchup. your class in general will not win aginst a Mesmer.. but what happens if a Mesmer runs into a thief or a guard? hes going to die right? you need to learn what classes are a good and a bad matchup aginst other classes. your necro shouldn't be trying to fight a 1v1 fight anyway. its not that type of class. so by you saying there is no balance is just silly. if you want to roam. use a class that is meant for roaming. don't use some class that is horrible at something and expect exceptional results.

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Or maybe rangers have stances that shit with stab, pewpew from 2k range, deadeyes just dodge roll and shadowstep to take half of ur hp in single shot, while mirage purely shit on u from start to the end. He don't even need to jump on u to show u disrespect. Solo roaming reapers are eaten fro breakfast, on any open field.

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@"Safandula.8723" Oh I get it, you get eaten for breakfast and assume everyone else must too.

If I can't do it then no body can mentality.


You should check out some reaper roaming videos from people who actually play and enjoy the class, because they don't get eaten, they eat.


No point going over all the times I've killed Mesmers thieves and rangers on my Reaper either because the only reaper vids I have are PvP which would serve no use as you're talking about WvW, in a PvP subforum.


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