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Let's just remove every skill from the game and give everyone a stick.


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What ever inspired this, I want some.



Stick Grab - user steals opponents sticks and grants a permanent fire aura.

Ring of Sticks - Once enough sticks are stolen, user lays a ring of sticks around them. When sticks are laid, sticks inflict 1 damage to user, igniting sticks via fire aura and killing Elementalist with burn.


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Ele: you've 5 skills unlike other classes, but here's the trick, these aren't more skills in fact there is a song you need to play and pressing the wrong button will instantly put you at a disadvantage, however, should you complete the harmony, you will still deal the same damage, maybe less, as others do with just pressing one button.

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> @"Vincenzo.3145" said:

> All I ever seem to hear other than posts relevant to the SoI nerf is "X is too overpowered" and "Y has too much faceroll/stealth/utility/etc". What gets me is when people say it in lieu of something that is also not only overpowered, but basically does the same thing just better. It just shows how little people actually understand about class matchups or how their super awesome unkillable metabattle build is somehow inferior to something that is specifically made to counter said build assuming the player isn't just trying to faceroll their way towards a kill like everyone else seems to do without thinking.


> So here's a solution...


> Instead of trying to "balance" everything because we know just how much people **love** balance patches ~~if they're so ungrateful then why bother?~~, why don't we just give everyone a stick? Here's the thing about a stick. A stick is made out of wood. Usually fallen off a tree or something so it doesn't have any magical properties or anything special.... **BUT,**


> They are extremely effective at whacking things. Specifically people! So instead of people outwitting and combo'ing eachother to death or brainlessly walking up to others whilst wondering why they are dying, they can do just that and now everyone can have fun hitting eachother! It's also great stress relief and it's a video game so nobody has to feel any pain! ~~Egos aside anyway~~ And it's not complicated at all! All you have to do is press 1! Just don't press 1 too much or it'll get nerfed. And be careful you don't hit that enter key. Someone might think you're using a macro if you accidentally put a long string of 1s mixed with WASD in chat.


> So let's remove every skill from the game and give everyone a stick. Oh and please be sure to report any player that is using a bot to use their 1 for them. We all know they could just be using their autoattack, but who can tell the difference? Besides, we're salty. Gotta get back at everyone that beats us because anyone that does is either stick carried or isn't playing by the rules.


> inb4 tomorrow: "Stick OP, pls nerf"


I have to call you out on this, most of the balance posts have been constructive atleast since I been playing gw2 off and on for about 4 years now, the balance patches just have never been that great while some are better then others thats not saying allot. This is far from your typical whiny wow nerf this posts. However this certainly would fix the balance in this game and give anet more resources for other things lol!

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Not enough specifics on your stick: size, weight, density, composition, age, shape. I need numbers, numbers, and more numbers to min/max. What you are proposing is some sort of feel good nonsense that we are all equal! That only works in special game modes like SaB! The rest of us recognize that we dont want the stick - we want the nunchuck. Could you imagine the horror of skills if people just described what they did instead of giving metrics? We might start playing because we liked the look of something rather than its ability to kill a target more effectively. My God could you imagine if reality ran that way? A world without quantifiable science behind every decision? Delete your Asuran characters sir, you are NOT worthy!

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Isn't this what Super Adventure Box was about? Beating your way up with nothing but a stick. I know you can upgrade to a different weapon, bombs, a slinghot, a boomerang, a whip wtc. but the first ever playthrough of SAB is always just a stick.

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