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Is there another Expansion in the works?

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> I just hope the new expansion doesn't have another elite. It's a real pain getting all of my toons upgraded, still have a couple of toons that haven't finished them. Just not fun to do the hero points over and over and over again, and it limits play options if you don't have them.


I disagree strongly. I have prepared over 15 characters for the next elite spec already. If there were no new elite specs I would not buy the next expansion unless it was only 10 Euro.

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You know i'm not complaining about the expansions i have for the most part enjoyed them. I had one purpose for making the topic and that was to get confirmation one was still in the works. Maybe it's me but there has been little to no community feedback on plans other than the occasional article in mmorpg.com etc. I was just looking for a fairly generic response, yes or no?

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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> You know i'm not complaining about the expansions i have for the most part enjoyed them. I had one purpose for making the topic and that was to get confirmation one was still in the works. Maybe it's me but there has been little to no community feedback on plans other than the occasional article in mmorpg.com etc. I was just looking for a fairly generic response, yes or no?


One hasnt been given. We will just have to keep waiting on an announcement, although given both last two came in the finale ofbthe preceeding season, we prob have a long wait until the secrets cabinet gets unlocked again


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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> You know i'm not complaining about the expansions i have for the most part enjoyed them. I had one purpose for making the topic and that was to get confirmation one was still in the works. Maybe it's me but there has been little to no community feedback on plans other than the occasional article in mmorpg.com etc. I was just looking for a fairly generic response, yes or no?


While I don't think it's an ideal approach, I think we can count on still getting them, just because some developments are just way too large to introduce as a LS feature. I'm also thinking that the way LS episodes are structured, Anet wouldn't want to exclude new customers from the features in LS that they provide as fundamental game mechanics in expansions.


One thing that I think everyone can agree upon is that there is a large appetite for more especs; I don't see that being delivered in a LS or over a series of them. I do think it would be absolutely amazing to watch the evolution of your character as they learn a new espec through a LS season, but I don't think players have patience for that.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> ^I'm not sure how many would agree with that assessment. My characters don't continually find themselves downed or one-shot, and I am clueless about builds, etc. Still, pretty much, using the same ones I started with. I'm not sure the 'trinity' is absolutely necessary for open-world or Story content, and that comprises a large portion of the game.


> Maybe all players are not "skint" [sic], but changing the payment model, which is a Guild Wars franchise pillar, would not necessarily bring in more players, and those it did bring in might not make up for all those who left.


> I think there were lamentations about Guild Wars before GW2, and now that game is looked back on fondly. _If_ there ever was a Guild Wars 3, I imagine the same thing would happen...


> I'm unclear about any advantages to Vertical Progression, aka 'gear treadmill'. Would every single piece of content need down-leveling in such a case? Sounds like more work with little pay-off. Of course, I'm not a Game Developer.


Any boss event has lots of dead people. I'm constantly resing. This is how the game is balanced. I don't think it is so much open to interpretation as a fact. If you stand in front of a boss or in a red circle and get hit you will get 1 or 2 shot. This is because you can dodge and negate the whole damage. Obviously, if you are fighting a tiny mob out in the world it's not really representative. I'm sure it will still hurt if you don't dodge or heal a bit though.


Anyways, i know that there are many long rooted GW fans that really have a hard time changing their ways. I know. I used to be one back in the day, but GW1 was a very different game from GW2 and the realities of the MMO space have changed. To hold on to old tropes (or misguided notions that it can break with mmo design just cause) is what is actually holding back GW2 from being better.

I did say trinity is necessary for instanced content, not outworld. Don't think of it as only one profession can do one thing. This is up to class design. In GW1 you could really tank with any profession given the right build... or heal. Of course, some were more efficient than others.


The sub option should not actually drive anyone away as the F2P players will still have the same options they do now. So, i don't know exactly why they would leave.


As for looking fondly. Nostalgia will always be a factor on every game. You tend to remember the good times more than the bad ones.

I can tell you though, that i don't have very many from GW2. The highlight has been the story missions. Some great work goes into those and i am always amazed at the boss encounters they make wich are on par with a raid boss encounters. But i remember almost every aspect of GW1 findly. This was because it was such a joy to play. The combat was amazing. Just things like random arena were a ton of fun as you adjusted to the meta of the moment. The elite missions, the story's themselves were far richer. Not to be funny, but while i enjoy GW2 story mode, it has done little more than burn through GW1 lore.


The advantages of vertical progression is that your character grows in strength. You want to go into the next raid/dungeon because it will progress your character. Character progression reaches a halt in horizontal progression. At that point you go for cosmetics. But, what if you already got the cosmetic you want? Then you have no incentive to keep playing. There needs to be a carrot on a stick to keep players playing.

Hmm i didn't really mention leveling. Though i guess increasing levels with expansions would be an idea to differentiate the gear tiers in zones. Honestly, it's just like the game already works. There wouldn't be any change.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > the problem with the last two xpacts is the simple fact that, even after all what was made, all it truly got us is a way of fast and saver transportation.

> > HoT doesn't really have anything more than allot of grind, added currency and a really lame end battle, leaving us with just gliders which is quite a cash cow for Anet.

> > PoF has allot of nostalgia but not much to go for, in it's base sense it's simply a start to make the exact same mistake they made in HoT but now they have a bigger cash cow, mounts.

> >

> > what i am really hoping for is an xpac that has a big impact that draws allot of old and new guild wars fans but isn't yet more grinding, farming with extra new currencies and yet another cash cow.

> > it might surprise ppl but it was handled better in guild wars, they released an expansion but kept everything within that place.

> > they made plenty of exclusive stuff but it didn't affect the rest of the game, you can play the game without the xpac while adding allot of fun to the game if you bought it.

> >

> > so to round it up, it's better when an expansion pack adds something new but doesn't put anyone at a disadvantage when you don't own it, one that makes quite an impact but doesn't make it necessary.


> You can play gw2 without the expansions just fine. In gw1 you were at a disadvantage without the expansions.


That is a funny thing to say. I would like to know why you say that.


Is it because of the skills that were unlocked with a new expansion? Is it not the same as the elite specializations and their skills nowadays? Also, how are you not at a disavantage without a glider and mounts? :expressionless:

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To ask your question : there is something in the works. We all know that at any given moment half of entire Anet team is working for next expansion. So at this time there is 1 and half work of a expansion. Now looking at Q4 earnings i bet we will see this work in 2019. I cant imagine a whole year with 4 x Q4 earnings for Anet. Now returning at what Mike Z is saying, seeing that it will not be an expansion between LW4 and LW5, Id say We will get the next expansion thru LW5 episodes. Episodes which we will have to buy. Using POF as a reference here how I think it will be;

- Episode 1: Crystal Oasis Map + mounts (Team expansion work)

- Episode 2: Desert Higlands Map + elite specialization+griffon (Team expansion work)

- Episode 3: Elon Riverlands Map + Istan Meta+whatever we farmed in LWS2 map. (Team expansion and team LW working together)

- Episode 4: The Desolation Map +Beetle+ Sun refuge + Armour Collection (Team expansion and team LW working together)

- Episode 5: Domain of Vabbi Map + Weapon Collection + whatever we will get to farm in S6. (Team expansion and team LW working together)

It will less work for Anet, so they can trow some dungeons, open world bosses in every map and a longer story.

At the end we will have 5 maps with plenty to do, instead of 11 maps that are empty right now.

Obvious they will charge us something like 10-20 euro / episode, ...and instead of 30 euro we will pay 50-100 euro.

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> @"Nemmar.8491" said:

> The advantages of vertical progression is that your character grows in strength. You want to go into the next raid/dungeon because it will progress your character. Character progression reaches a halt in horizontal progression. At that point you go for cosmetics. But, what if you already got the cosmetic you want? Then you have no incentive to keep playing. **There needs to be a carrot on a stick to keep players playing.**

> Hmm i didn't really mention leveling. Though i guess increasing levels with expansions would be an idea to differentiate the gear tiers in zones. Honestly, it's just like the game already works. There wouldn't be any change.


No there doesn't, at least not for every game (in form of constant gear grind). GW2 has a USP in this area. If you need a carrot on a stick to keep playing the game, you are not the target audience.


Going down the same road as every single other MMO does only 2 things:

- alienate part of your core player base

- offer game play to a segment of players which could go to any other MMO thus putting you in direct competition for those players


Why in their right mind would ANY developer decide to go down this road?

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> @"Nemmar.8491" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > ^I'm not sure how many would agree with that assessment. My characters don't continually find themselves downed or one-shot, and I am clueless about builds, etc. Still, pretty much, using the same ones I started with. I'm not sure the 'trinity' is absolutely necessary for open-world or Story content, and that comprises a large portion of the game.

> >

> > Maybe all players are not "skint" [sic], but changing the payment model, which is a Guild Wars franchise pillar, would not necessarily bring in more players, and those it did bring in might not make up for all those who left.

> >

> > I think there were lamentations about Guild Wars before GW2, and now that game is looked back on fondly. _If_ there ever was a Guild Wars 3, I imagine the same thing would happen...

> >

> > I'm unclear about any advantages to Vertical Progression, aka 'gear treadmill'. Would every single piece of content need down-leveling in such a case? Sounds like more work with little pay-off. Of course, I'm not a Game Developer.


> Any boss event has lots of dead people. I'm constantly resing. This is how the game is balanced. I don't think it is so much open to interpretation as a fact. If you stand in front of a boss or in a red circle and get hit you will get 1 or 2 shot. This is because you can dodge and negate the whole damage. Obviously, if you are fighting a tiny mob out in the world it's not really representative. I'm sure it will still hurt if you don't dodge or heal a bit though.


> Anyways, i know that there are many long rooted GW fans that really have a hard time changing their ways. I know. I used to be one back in the day, but GW1 was a very different game from GW2 and the realities of the MMO space have changed. To hold on to old tropes (or misguided notions that it can break with mmo design just cause) is what is actually holding back GW2 from being better.

> I did say trinity is necessary for instanced content, not outworld. Don't think of it as only one profession can do one thing. This is up to class design. In GW1 you could really tank with any profession given the right build... or heal. Of course, some were more efficient than others.


> The sub option should not actually drive anyone away as the F2P players will still have the same options they do now. So, i don't know exactly why they would leave.


> As for looking fondly. Nostalgia will always be a factor on every game. You tend to remember the good times more than the bad ones.

> I can tell you though, that i don't have very many from GW2. The highlight has been the story missions. Some great work goes into those and i am always amazed at the boss encounters they make wich are on par with a raid boss encounters. But i remember almost every aspect of GW1 findly. This was because it was such a joy to play. The combat was amazing. Just things like random arena were a ton of fun as you adjusted to the meta of the moment. The elite missions, the story's themselves were far richer. Not to be funny, but while i enjoy GW2 story mode, it has done little more than burn through GW1 lore.


> The advantages of vertical progression is that your character grows in strength. You want to go into the next raid/dungeon because it will progress your character. Character progression reaches a halt in horizontal progression. At that point you go for cosmetics. But, what if you already got the cosmetic you want? Then you have no incentive to keep playing. There needs to be a carrot on a stick to keep players playing.

> Hmm i didn't really mention leveling. Though i guess increasing levels with expansions would be an idea to differentiate the gear tiers in zones. Honestly, it's just like the game already works. There wouldn't be any change.


I'm not sure we are playing the same game.

Also, do remember, there was no vertical progression in Guild Wars, either. It seems that game is remembered fondly.

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> @"Nemmar.8491" said:

> Also, how are you not at a disavantage without a glider and mounts? :expressionless:

Because there is nothing in core tyria that is denied a player who does not have a glider or mounts, therefore there is no advantage or disadvantage when comparing players to players. Gliders/mounts in core tyria are a significant QoL improvement for sure, but they are not required to complete the content there.


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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I don't understand what's so different about expansions vs Living Story/DLC. As far as I can see the only differences are an expansion is released all in one go and I have to pay extra for it. The storylines, maps, content etc. aren't fundamentally different. Silverwastes was a living story map and that's quite similar to the HoT maps with a map-wide meta event chain, lots of hidden things dotted around and even gave us a new armour set with two variants (carapace and luminescent).


I still think the Carapace Armor set is the best looking armor in the game, especially the Heavy set.

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I love LS but they are stretching things a bit. Unless the LS5 releases are really big to counter expansion-like content (with better instance content delivery as well) or manage to accomplish a the minimum cadence of 2-months, having an expansion every 3 years under the current model is a bit too long. LS has managed to retain players extremely well until now, but it has limits. But it is not a replacement unless sth really big comes with it.


Then again maybe they are expecting the 25th Bless Online failed relaunch to add new players.

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I just wish they would focus on tieing all the world in together, I dont even go back to 80% of the maps,... whats the point in world boss? all the focus is on meta gold farm, getting achievements done as fast as possible, with trains and portals so we can tick a box that its done.... I would like a shift in emphasis, and more on fun than ticking off a list of chores.... its been this same regurgitated content in different guises for years... I am ready for a change!

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> @"finkle.9513" said:

> I just wish they would focus on tieing all the world in together, I dont even go back to 80% of the maps,... whats the point in world boss? all the focus is on meta gold farm, getting achievements done as fast as possible, with trains and portals so we can tick a box that its done.... I would like a shift in emphasis, and more on fun than ticking off a list of chores.... its been this same regurgitated content in different guises for years... I am ready for a change!


Might be more helpful if you define what kind of change(s) you would suggest that they make. Your post is a bit vague in that regard.


Although, that might be better served in a different thread so as not to derail this one?


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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Nemmar.8491" said:

> > The advantages of vertical progression is that your character grows in strength. You want to go into the next raid/dungeon because it will progress your character. Character progression reaches a halt in horizontal progression. At that point you go for cosmetics. But, what if you already got the cosmetic you want? Then you have no incentive to keep playing. **There needs to be a carrot on a stick to keep players playing.**

> > Hmm i didn't really mention leveling. Though i guess increasing levels with expansions would be an idea to differentiate the gear tiers in zones. Honestly, it's just like the game already works. There wouldn't be any change.


> No there doesn't, at least not for every game (in form of constant gear grind). GW2 has a USP in this area. If you need a carrot on a stick to keep playing the game, you are not the target audience.


> Going down the same road as every single other MMO does only 2 things:

> - alienate part of your core player base

> - offer game play to a segment of players which could go to any other MMO thus putting you in direct competition for those players


> Why in their right mind would ANY developer decide to go down this road?


Ye man, introducing raids was just stupid.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Nemmar.8491" said:

> > > The advantages of vertical progression is that your character grows in strength. You want to go into the next raid/dungeon because it will progress your character. Character progression reaches a halt in horizontal progression. At that point you go for cosmetics. But, what if you already got the cosmetic you want? Then you have no incentive to keep playing. **There needs to be a carrot on a stick to keep players playing.**

> > > Hmm i didn't really mention leveling. Though i guess increasing levels with expansions would be an idea to differentiate the gear tiers in zones. Honestly, it's just like the game already works. There wouldn't be any change.

> >

> > No there doesn't, at least not for every game (in form of constant gear grind). GW2 has a USP in this area. If you need a carrot on a stick to keep playing the game, you are not the target audience.

> >

> > Going down the same road as every single other MMO does only 2 things:

> > - alienate part of your core player base

> > - offer game play to a segment of players which could go to any other MMO thus putting you in direct competition for those players

> >

> > Why in their right mind would ANY developer decide to go down this road?


> Ye man, introducing raids was just stupid.


From a comparative point to other MMOs, absolutely. Or are you going to seriously stand here and argue that raids in GW2 are comparable to any other MMO with serious raid content?

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"Nemmar.8491" said:

> > > > The advantages of vertical progression is that your character grows in strength. You want to go into the next raid/dungeon because it will progress your character. Character progression reaches a halt in horizontal progression. At that point you go for cosmetics. But, what if you already got the cosmetic you want? Then you have no incentive to keep playing. **There needs to be a carrot on a stick to keep players playing.**

> > > > Hmm i didn't really mention leveling. Though i guess increasing levels with expansions would be an idea to differentiate the gear tiers in zones. Honestly, it's just like the game already works. There wouldn't be any change.

> > >

> > > No there doesn't, at least not for every game (in form of constant gear grind). GW2 has a USP in this area. If you need a carrot on a stick to keep playing the game, you are not the target audience.

> > >

> > > Going down the same road as every single other MMO does only 2 things:

> > > - alienate part of your core player base

> > > - offer game play to a segment of players which could go to any other MMO thus putting you in direct competition for those players

> > >

> > > Why in their right mind would ANY developer decide to go down this road?

> >

> > Ye man, introducing raids was just stupid.


> From a comparative point to other MMOs, absolutely. Or are you going to seriously stand here and argue that raids in GW2 are comparable to any other MMO with serious raid content?


I mean, they are absolutely comparable for what they are. Jus like open in gw2 is conparable to world events in other mmos.


Also mounts.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > @"Nemmar.8491" said:

> > > > > The advantages of vertical progression is that your character grows in strength. You want to go into the next raid/dungeon because it will progress your character. Character progression reaches a halt in horizontal progression. At that point you go for cosmetics. But, what if you already got the cosmetic you want? Then you have no incentive to keep playing. **There needs to be a carrot on a stick to keep players playing.**

> > > > > Hmm i didn't really mention leveling. Though i guess increasing levels with expansions would be an idea to differentiate the gear tiers in zones. Honestly, it's just like the game already works. There wouldn't be any change.

> > > >

> > > > No there doesn't, at least not for every game (in form of constant gear grind). GW2 has a USP in this area. If you need a carrot on a stick to keep playing the game, you are not the target audience.

> > > >

> > > > Going down the same road as every single other MMO does only 2 things:

> > > > - alienate part of your core player base

> > > > - offer game play to a segment of players which could go to any other MMO thus putting you in direct competition for those players

> > > >

> > > > Why in their right mind would ANY developer decide to go down this road?

> > >

> > > Ye man, introducing raids was just stupid.

> >

> > From a comparative point to other MMOs, absolutely. Or are you going to seriously stand here and argue that raids in GW2 are comparable to any other MMO with serious raid content?


> I mean, they are absolutely comparable for what they are. Jus like open in gw2 is conparable to world events in other mmos.


No they are not. If you are a serious raider, GW2 would not be on your radar UNLESS you are really into the other things GW2 has to offer.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > @"Nemmar.8491" said:

> > > > > > The advantages of vertical progression is that your character grows in strength. You want to go into the next raid/dungeon because it will progress your character. Character progression reaches a halt in horizontal progression. At that point you go for cosmetics. But, what if you already got the cosmetic you want? Then you have no incentive to keep playing. **There needs to be a carrot on a stick to keep players playing.**

> > > > > > Hmm i didn't really mention leveling. Though i guess increasing levels with expansions would be an idea to differentiate the gear tiers in zones. Honestly, it's just like the game already works. There wouldn't be any change.

> > > > >

> > > > > No there doesn't, at least not for every game (in form of constant gear grind). GW2 has a USP in this area. If you need a carrot on a stick to keep playing the game, you are not the target audience.

> > > > >

> > > > > Going down the same road as every single other MMO does only 2 things:

> > > > > - alienate part of your core player base

> > > > > - offer game play to a segment of players which could go to any other MMO thus putting you in direct competition for those players

> > > > >

> > > > > Why in their right mind would ANY developer decide to go down this road?

> > > >

> > > > Ye man, introducing raids was just stupid.

> > >

> > > From a comparative point to other MMOs, absolutely. Or are you going to seriously stand here and argue that raids in GW2 are comparable to any other MMO with serious raid content?

> >

> > I mean, they are absolutely comparable for what they are. Jus like open in gw2 is conparable to world events in other mmos.


> No they are not. If you are a serious raider, GW2 would not be on your radar UNLESS you are really into the other things GW2 has to offer.


If you were a serious raider gw2 wouldnt be on your radar for a number of things, the raids themselves and their format isnt one those things.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > @"Nemmar.8491" said:

> > > > > > > The advantages of vertical progression is that your character grows in strength. You want to go into the next raid/dungeon because it will progress your character. Character progression reaches a halt in horizontal progression. At that point you go for cosmetics. But, what if you already got the cosmetic you want? Then you have no incentive to keep playing. **There needs to be a carrot on a stick to keep players playing.**

> > > > > > > Hmm i didn't really mention leveling. Though i guess increasing levels with expansions would be an idea to differentiate the gear tiers in zones. Honestly, it's just like the game already works. There wouldn't be any change.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > No there doesn't, at least not for every game (in form of constant gear grind). GW2 has a USP in this area. If you need a carrot on a stick to keep playing the game, you are not the target audience.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Going down the same road as every single other MMO does only 2 things:

> > > > > > - alienate part of your core player base

> > > > > > - offer game play to a segment of players which could go to any other MMO thus putting you in direct competition for those players

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Why in their right mind would ANY developer decide to go down this road?

> > > > >

> > > > > Ye man, introducing raids was just stupid.

> > > >

> > > > From a comparative point to other MMOs, absolutely. Or are you going to seriously stand here and argue that raids in GW2 are comparable to any other MMO with serious raid content?

> > >

> > > I mean, they are absolutely comparable for what they are. Jus like open in gw2 is conparable to world events in other mmos.

> >

> > No they are not. If you are a serious raider, GW2 would not be on your radar UNLESS you are really into the other things GW2 has to offer.


> If you were a serious raider gw2 wouldnt be on your radar for a number of things, the raids themselves and their format isnt one those things.


Sure, there might be other things. Lack of raids is not really a USP though, so not sure how you think this is in any way a comparison. The world design and loot/reward system has not changed and people not interested in raids are at most minor affected by them. Yet there is enough people who dislike the addition of raids, yet they can continue to enjoy GW2 mostly affect free.


Not having constant gear grind IS a strong USP and has been with the franchise since GW1. You literally do not understand USP or enjoy comparing apples to oranges.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Nemmar.8491" said:

> > > > > > > > The advantages of vertical progression is that your character grows in strength. You want to go into the next raid/dungeon because it will progress your character. Character progression reaches a halt in horizontal progression. At that point you go for cosmetics. But, what if you already got the cosmetic you want? Then you have no incentive to keep playing. **There needs to be a carrot on a stick to keep players playing.**

> > > > > > > > Hmm i didn't really mention leveling. Though i guess increasing levels with expansions would be an idea to differentiate the gear tiers in zones. Honestly, it's just like the game already works. There wouldn't be any change.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > No there doesn't, at least not for every game (in form of constant gear grind). GW2 has a USP in this area. If you need a carrot on a stick to keep playing the game, you are not the target audience.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Going down the same road as every single other MMO does only 2 things:

> > > > > > > - alienate part of your core player base

> > > > > > > - offer game play to a segment of players which could go to any other MMO thus putting you in direct competition for those players

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Why in their right mind would ANY developer decide to go down this road?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Ye man, introducing raids was just stupid.

> > > > >

> > > > > From a comparative point to other MMOs, absolutely. Or are you going to seriously stand here and argue that raids in GW2 are comparable to any other MMO with serious raid content?

> > > >

> > > > I mean, they are absolutely comparable for what they are. Jus like open in gw2 is conparable to world events in other mmos.

> > >

> > > No they are not. If you are a serious raider, GW2 would not be on your radar UNLESS you are really into the other things GW2 has to offer.

> >

> > If you were a serious raider gw2 wouldnt be on your radar for a number of things, the raids themselves and their format isnt one those things.


> Sure, there might be other things. Lack of raids is not really a USP though, so not sure how you think this is in any way a comparison. The world design and loot/reward system has not changed and people not interested in raids are at most minor affected by them. Yet there is enough people who dislike the addition of raids, yet they can continue to enjoy GW2 mostly affect free.


> Not having constant gear grind IS a strong USP and has been with the franchise since GW1. You literally do not understand USP or enjoy comparing apples to oranges.


Even raid centric mmos like wow and ff14 are alot closer to this. Sure gear maters and some ppl do raid for the best gear but from what i remember both in wow and ff14 theres alternative ways to get good gear and you can play the game just fine in that aspect


Alot of ppl also raid and enjoy raiding for the challenge it provides them and the progression, thats something u can absolutely find in a game like gw2.


Also how is the lack of raids not a Usp? Theres a number of ppl and quote that if you look (actually i assume more of them were in the old forums) of ppl saying they came to gw2 because it didnt have raids or it didnt have gear grinds. Lack of something can absolutely be a Usp.


Apples and oranges are both fruits with their pros and cons but that doesnt stop them from being comparable.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Nemmar.8491" said:

> > > > > > > > > The advantages of vertical progression is that your character grows in strength. You want to go into the next raid/dungeon because it will progress your character. Character progression reaches a halt in horizontal progression. At that point you go for cosmetics. But, what if you already got the cosmetic you want? Then you have no incentive to keep playing. **There needs to be a carrot on a stick to keep players playing.**

> > > > > > > > > Hmm i didn't really mention leveling. Though i guess increasing levels with expansions would be an idea to differentiate the gear tiers in zones. Honestly, it's just like the game already works. There wouldn't be any change.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > No there doesn't, at least not for every game (in form of constant gear grind). GW2 has a USP in this area. If you need a carrot on a stick to keep playing the game, you are not the target audience.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Going down the same road as every single other MMO does only 2 things:

> > > > > > > > - alienate part of your core player base

> > > > > > > > - offer game play to a segment of players which could go to any other MMO thus putting you in direct competition for those players

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Why in their right mind would ANY developer decide to go down this road?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Ye man, introducing raids was just stupid.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > From a comparative point to other MMOs, absolutely. Or are you going to seriously stand here and argue that raids in GW2 are comparable to any other MMO with serious raid content?

> > > > >

> > > > > I mean, they are absolutely comparable for what they are. Jus like open in gw2 is conparable to world events in other mmos.

> > > >

> > > > No they are not. If you are a serious raider, GW2 would not be on your radar UNLESS you are really into the other things GW2 has to offer.

> > >

> > > If you were a serious raider gw2 wouldnt be on your radar for a number of things, the raids themselves and their format isnt one those things.

> >

> > Sure, there might be other things. Lack of raids is not really a USP though, so not sure how you think this is in any way a comparison. The world design and loot/reward system has not changed and people not interested in raids are at most minor affected by them. Yet there is enough people who dislike the addition of raids, yet they can continue to enjoy GW2 mostly affect free.

> >

> > Not having constant gear grind IS a strong USP and has been with the franchise since GW1. You literally do not understand USP or enjoy comparing apples to oranges.


> Even raid centric mmos like wow and ff14 are alot closer to this. Sure gear maters and some ppl do raid for the best gear but from what i remember both in wow and ff14 theres alternative ways to get good gear and you can play the game just fine in that aspect


> Alot of ppl also raid and enjoy raiding for the challenge it provides them and the progression, thats something u can absolutely find in a game like gw2.


> Also how is the lack of raids not a Usp? Theres a number of ppl and quote that if you look (actually i assume more of them were in the old forums) of ppl saying they came to gw2 because it didnt have raids or it didnt have gear grinds. Lack of something can absolutely be a Usp.


> Apples and oranges are both fruits with their pros and cons but that doesnt stop them from being comparable.


No, lack of raids is not a USP. The world and loot design associated with lack of raids is. That has barely changed if at all. Get your facts strait.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Nemmar.8491" said:

> > > > > > > > > > The advantages of vertical progression is that your character grows in strength. You want to go into the next raid/dungeon because it will progress your character. Character progression reaches a halt in horizontal progression. At that point you go for cosmetics. But, what if you already got the cosmetic you want? Then you have no incentive to keep playing. **There needs to be a carrot on a stick to keep players playing.**

> > > > > > > > > > Hmm i didn't really mention leveling. Though i guess increasing levels with expansions would be an idea to differentiate the gear tiers in zones. Honestly, it's just like the game already works. There wouldn't be any change.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > No there doesn't, at least not for every game (in form of constant gear grind). GW2 has a USP in this area. If you need a carrot on a stick to keep playing the game, you are not the target audience.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Going down the same road as every single other MMO does only 2 things:

> > > > > > > > > - alienate part of your core player base

> > > > > > > > > - offer game play to a segment of players which could go to any other MMO thus putting you in direct competition for those players

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Why in their right mind would ANY developer decide to go down this road?

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Ye man, introducing raids was just stupid.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > From a comparative point to other MMOs, absolutely. Or are you going to seriously stand here and argue that raids in GW2 are comparable to any other MMO with serious raid content?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I mean, they are absolutely comparable for what they are. Jus like open in gw2 is conparable to world events in other mmos.

> > > > >

> > > > > No they are not. If you are a serious raider, GW2 would not be on your radar UNLESS you are really into the other things GW2 has to offer.

> > > >

> > > > If you were a serious raider gw2 wouldnt be on your radar for a number of things, the raids themselves and their format isnt one those things.

> > >

> > > Sure, there might be other things. Lack of raids is not really a USP though, so not sure how you think this is in any way a comparison. The world design and loot/reward system has not changed and people not interested in raids are at most minor affected by them. Yet there is enough people who dislike the addition of raids, yet they can continue to enjoy GW2 mostly affect free.

> > >

> > > Not having constant gear grind IS a strong USP and has been with the franchise since GW1. You literally do not understand USP or enjoy comparing apples to oranges.

> >

> > Even raid centric mmos like wow and ff14 are alot closer to this. Sure gear maters and some ppl do raid for the best gear but from what i remember both in wow and ff14 theres alternative ways to get good gear and you can play the game just fine in that aspect

> >

> > Alot of ppl also raid and enjoy raiding for the challenge it provides them and the progression, thats something u can absolutely find in a game like gw2.

> >

> > Also how is the lack of raids not a Usp? Theres a number of ppl and quote that if you look (actually i assume more of them were in the old forums) of ppl saying they came to gw2 because it didnt have raids or it didnt have gear grinds. Lack of something can absolutely be a Usp.

> >

> > Apples and oranges are both fruits with their pros and cons but that doesnt stop them from being comparable.


> No, lack of raids is not a USP. The world and loot design associated with lack of raids is. That has barely changed if at all. Get your facts strait.


Is there some kind of list? Im sure the ppl that constantly compained about them over the years definitely found the lack of them be an USP.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > @"Nemmar.8491" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > The advantages of vertical progression is that your character grows in strength. You want to go into the next raid/dungeon because it will progress your character. Character progression reaches a halt in horizontal progression. At that point you go for cosmetics. But, what if you already got the cosmetic you want? Then you have no incentive to keep playing. **There needs to be a carrot on a stick to keep players playing.**

> > > > > > > > > > > Hmm i didn't really mention leveling. Though i guess increasing levels with expansions would be an idea to differentiate the gear tiers in zones. Honestly, it's just like the game already works. There wouldn't be any change.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > No there doesn't, at least not for every game (in form of constant gear grind). GW2 has a USP in this area. If you need a carrot on a stick to keep playing the game, you are not the target audience.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > Going down the same road as every single other MMO does only 2 things:

> > > > > > > > > > - alienate part of your core player base

> > > > > > > > > > - offer game play to a segment of players which could go to any other MMO thus putting you in direct competition for those players

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > Why in their right mind would ANY developer decide to go down this road?

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Ye man, introducing raids was just stupid.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > From a comparative point to other MMOs, absolutely. Or are you going to seriously stand here and argue that raids in GW2 are comparable to any other MMO with serious raid content?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I mean, they are absolutely comparable for what they are. Jus like open in gw2 is conparable to world events in other mmos.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > No they are not. If you are a serious raider, GW2 would not be on your radar UNLESS you are really into the other things GW2 has to offer.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you were a serious raider gw2 wouldnt be on your radar for a number of things, the raids themselves and their format isnt one those things.

> > > >

> > > > Sure, there might be other things. Lack of raids is not really a USP though, so not sure how you think this is in any way a comparison. The world design and loot/reward system has not changed and people not interested in raids are at most minor affected by them. Yet there is enough people who dislike the addition of raids, yet they can continue to enjoy GW2 mostly affect free.

> > > >

> > > > Not having constant gear grind IS a strong USP and has been with the franchise since GW1. You literally do not understand USP or enjoy comparing apples to oranges.

> > >

> > > Even raid centric mmos like wow and ff14 are alot closer to this. Sure gear maters and some ppl do raid for the best gear but from what i remember both in wow and ff14 theres alternative ways to get good gear and you can play the game just fine in that aspect

> > >

> > > Alot of ppl also raid and enjoy raiding for the challenge it provides them and the progression, thats something u can absolutely find in a game like gw2.

> > >

> > > Also how is the lack of raids not a Usp? Theres a number of ppl and quote that if you look (actually i assume more of them were in the old forums) of ppl saying they came to gw2 because it didnt have raids or it didnt have gear grinds. Lack of something can absolutely be a Usp.

> > >

> > > Apples and oranges are both fruits with their pros and cons but that doesnt stop them from being comparable.

> >

> > No, lack of raids is not a USP. The world and loot design associated with lack of raids is. That has barely changed if at all. Get your facts strait.


> Is there some kind of list? Im sure the ppl that constantly compained about them over the years definitely found the lack of them be an USP.


Lack of something is almost NEVER a USP. The benefit of lacking something can be a USP. Adding raids was not breaking with a USP since you are not unique in having raids, nor are you unique in not having raids. There is other MMOs without raids.


Again, raids getting added barely affected this aspect. Loot, world design, progression, etc. was not affected by raids (or if at all only minor). Balance to a certain extent was (and is some of the reason why people might be offended).


Not having a constant increasing gear treadmill is a USP as in almost no other MMO has this. It's something which has been with the franchise longer than this installment.

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