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Being asked if I want to move to new map unusually frequently

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Seems like I can no longer play more than 10-15 minutes lately without being asked if I want to move to a map with more people on it. Even when I say yes, before very long I am asked again. And again. I know that it's under my control whether to move or not, but is this happening to others as well? Could maps be more consolidated for a while so they have lots of players on them? Not sure if that's do-able. Thoughts?

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My time of day to play really varies. Weekdays, weekends, rarely late at night. It truly is happening every 10 minutes or so to me in the past several weeks. I usually accept if I'm not in the middle of anything, too, for the buff, but honestly I'd rather be on maps with a lot more people to start with, and stay there -- easier for group events, bounties, and so on.

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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> Well it happens. But when I am farming a map for whatever nodes and I get the message, I always pick later then finish farming. Then I go to the new map as requested. New nodes spawn (not rich) and I farm them again. Great for farming.


Rich nodes can also "respawn" but not exactly. It depends on the map and how many you have already mined.


> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> My time of day to play really varies. Weekdays, weekends, rarely late at night. It truly is happening every 10 minutes or so to me in the past several weeks. I usually accept if I'm not in the middle of anything, too, for the buff, but honestly I'd rather be on maps with a lot more people to start with, and stay there -- easier for group events, bounties, and so on.


That won't really work either. For example if you go into Timberline Falls right a few minutes after reset there is a pretty good chance it will ask you to move in 10-15 minutes even though the instance you loaded into is close to full. The reason is because the majority of people were there for the anomaly event and they leave after it is done.


Any map that has large events going one is going to experience this because of people coming and going.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> I particularly find it interesting when I'm asked to move to another instance and not a minute later I get asked to do it again.

It's actually not quite as useless as it might seem at first. If you happen to be on a map where people turn up for meta events or world bosses, chances are whenever your map instance empties out, you'll be moved to another with more people on it. With many metas and bosses on fixed timers these days, there's a considerable chance that the meta/boss in question is not quite done on that map you got moved to, and as soon as that's finished people will abandon that instance. If you are (un-)lucky enough, you might cycle through as much as four or five instances before the stragglers of the meta/boss event have left and the map instances reach a stable population again.

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If you're not following the meta train, that will sometimes happen. When you're on a map that has a meta, it grows into multiple maps. When people leave, because that meta is over, the maps collapse. Take the AB meta. There might be four or five maps with enough people on them to get something done. Then, they all become one map. But it's not like everyone goes to the same map all at once, so you get multiple requests.


But since each time you do it gives you a buff anyway, why does it matter? I'd rather have the buff for longer/more often anyway.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > I particularly find it interesting when I'm asked to move to another instance and not a minute later I get asked to do it again.

> It's actually not quite as useless as it might seem at first. If you happen to be on a map where people turn up for meta events or world bosses, chances are whenever your map instance empties out, you'll be moved to another with more people on it. With many metas and bosses on fixed timers these days, there's a considerable chance that the meta/boss in question is not quite done on that map you got moved to, and as soon as that's finished people will abandon that instance. If you are (un-)lucky enough, you might cycle through as much as four or five instances before the stragglers of the meta/boss event have left and the map instances reach a stable population again.


I didn't qualify it as useless but I would describe it as annoying. Oh and by the way, this has happened to me in The Royal Terrace as well.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> If you're not following the meta train, that will sometimes happen. When you're on a map that has a meta, it grows into multiple maps. When people leave, because that meta is over, the maps collapse. Take the AB meta. There might be four or five maps with enough people on them to get something done. Then, they all become one map. But it's not like everyone goes to the same map all at once, so you get multiple requests.


> But since each time you do it gives you a buff anyway, why does it matter? I'd rather have the buff for longer/more often anyway.


Yes, I know there's a buff. As to "why it matters," it's annoying to get the pop-up over and over, day after day.

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The issue is that when your map is marked to be closed, the megaserver algorithm is not smart about sending you to another map that's not going to close, but whichever instance is probably most empty. Thus, when you get an exodus of players after a meta event or whatever, people may end up being tossed around as instances are closed.


I would suggest that when a map is marked to be closed, they should mark some other instance as "not closing" and move everybody there. This "not closing" instance should remain valid for at least 30 minutes to prevent the issue described here.


I imagine the issue is that the algorithm may have three maps: one pretty full and two low ones, and the idea is to merge both lower population instances instead of feeding players to the nearly capped instance. It's just that this doesn't work during the mass exodus of players.


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