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Is the LFG system flawed?

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If by a queue you mean you pick a dungeon, raid or fractal and get dumped into the first group with a space with no opportunity for either you or the group to choose then no, it wouldn't be better. The ability to choose a group from those currently available (and to advertise a group with whatever specifications you choose) is my favourite thing about GW2's LFG tool over the ones in other games I've played because it makes it so much easier for people to find like-minded players. In other games LFG is dominated by speed runners and 'experienced' players and anyone who doesn't already know what to do or who isn't willing to do it as fast as possible is advised to avoid using them. In GW2 everyone can use it because it's easy for people who don't want to play together to avoid each other.


Yes some people sell runs. The same happens in games without this kind of LFG tool, they just spam map chat with the adverts instead of restricting it to a menu. Removing the good things about the LFG tool won't change that.

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> @"Neeman Oria.7504" said:

> Does the game die when Players start selling you content you already paid for?


Players are not selling content, they are selling a service. The service provides the benefits of completing the content (i.e., the rewards) without needing to do what's necessary to complete the content otherwise.


> Would a queue system be better?


Better for whom?


A queue-for-content system can have flaws.


+ One flaw can be that the content one queues for is designed to be easy enough so that any random collection of players can beat it (WoW LFR). This has obvious downsides for those who might want challenge.

+ Another possible flaw is that if the content is not that easy, then many players will kick those who don't have the build/skill to succeed. If the content can only be entered via the queue, more marginal players may have no recourse to find a group. At least with the GW2 LFG, there is the option for such players to form their own group.


What might be a better system would be a blend of the current LFG with the option for a blind-draw queue, as long as there was some mechanism so that if players chose blind draw, they'd have to live with who they drew.

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Any system that requires human judgement is inherently flawed. That being said, the existing LFG system is pretty good. It could be better, with more filter options or whatever, but it could be a lot worse too. Solid B+.


Also, there's a large disconnect between the title question and the original post. Could you please elaborate on what, specifically, you wish to discuss?

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"Algreg.3629" said:

> > yes. those players bought the content from anet and you will not be able to enter it without paying your fee.


> That's incorrect. Anyone can enter any content they want without paying gold to other players. Whether the are willing to pay in time/effort/persistence, of course, is up in the air.


I take it as evidence for the frequency of outlandish complaints and general nonsense around here that the irony in a post like this can be missed :)

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Is cool when someone takes as evidence whatever helps to maintain her/his own way to see the things, and choose to ignore anything else... like post offering raid training, like guilds inviting people, like... at the end of the day, the content is there, like was said.


Nothing stops people to make their own party, learn about the content and finishing been able to achieve their goals... nothing but their own attitude, mental state and yes, physical handicap. Or, fail... but, as I said, learn something in the process.


But back to the OP point, welcome to Guild Wars franchise. Ferrys [and other services (as was stated)] has been sold from the day one person discovered she/he can do it something other people not [wanna try, have time, able to, have time (insert here any reason)].


Hope you enjoy this game.


Have fun and good luck.

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> @"Leon de Damasco.8105" said:

> Hello!


> Is cool when someone takes as evidence whatever helps to maintain her/his own way to see the things, and choose to ignore anything else... like post offering raid training, like guilds inviting people, like... at the end of the day, the content is there, like was said.


> Nothing stops people to make their own party, learn about the content and finishing been able to achieve their goals... nothing but their own attitude, mental state and yes, physical handicap. Or, fail... but, as I said, learn something in the process.


> But back to the OP point, welcome to Guild Wars franchise. Ferrys [and other services (as was stated)] has been sold from the day one person discovered she/he can do it something other people not [wanna try, have time, able to, have time (insert here any reason)].


> Hope you enjoy this game.


> Have fun and good luck.


well, I suppose when you are of the appaling weltanschauung that the competent and able should be slaves to the incompetent and unable, lots of these complaints appeal to you.

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The way the LFG is implemented I do believe is very good.

For example if you are doing a LFG for a meta, Let say it is (Tangled Depths) you might want to go to (Ogre Lane) or the (Nuhoch Lane) ect. Granted you can join one group and do any of them but it does help joining the side you want to go down rather then maybe a random side.

another example which would has bigger impact is the (Fractals an Raids) here on LFG can really have a lot of reasons why you want to be specific.

for example Fractal LFG

1. what if you are looking for a healer but you want a certen kind maybe you want a druid or maybe rather a scourge or Renegade or (Fire Brand)

2. you need support but you need or want a certain kind maybe a Fire Brand or a Chronomancer or even a Renegade ect.

3. I have seen this quite often that some one wants to do a run though with out any heal.

4. or for fractals might want to do the CMs

5. or play causal

6. and I seen many others reason

There is another added option I could see working and that is for things like AR or CM that the in game LFG option only allows players that have the 250+ AR or at least a few CMs able to join. (but personally not really concerned about that)


Now the one thing I could say that I think (MIGHT) be better is to make it where the starter (creator) of the LFG can't get kicked.

I seen this happen all to often some one starts a simple LFG and some times just 1 player does not like the creator of the LFG (and for many different reason) and because they vote to kick ( I have seen this as well that the other players vote to kick as well just because its there and they not really knowing why but they still second an third it)

Now yes the other players could just leave but it is not the same because the starter (creator) of the LFG will still be there and can look for more.


This way you don't get some new player Starting an LFG and some players that are in a hurry join an kick the LFG Creator out cuz there new and not fast enough, or even this a group of friends join and one of there guild members friends come on so they kick the LFG creator.

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Yes, but not for the reasons OP is stating.

No player can ‘sell you content you already paid’.

They’re selling clears of content you seem unsble to do yourself.

You can

A) join a PUG,

B’) join a raiding guild

C) join a group that sells clears


Those are _choices_


LFG is flawed in the sense that

A) you can’t tell if a map is full

A2) there is no queue on bottlenecking maps

B’) you need someone onanother map to get off of a dead map

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> If by a queue you mean you pick a dungeon, raid or fractal and get dumped into the first group with a space with no opportunity for either you or the group to choose then no, it wouldn't be better. The ability to choose a group from those currently available (and to advertise a group with whatever specifications you choose) is my favourite thing about GW2's LFG tool over the ones in other games I've played because it makes it so much easier for people to find like-minded players. In other games LFG is dominated by speed runners and 'experienced' players and anyone who doesn't already know what to do or who isn't willing to do it as fast as possible is advised to avoid using them. In GW2 everyone can use it because it's easy for people who don't want to play together to avoid each other.


> Yes some people sell runs. The same happens in games without this kind of LFG tool, they just spam map chat with the adverts instead of restricting it to a menu. Removing the good things about the LFG tool won't change that.


If I had an option, back when I started this thread, I would have chosen this as my accepted answer.

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