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Why do you play GW2?

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I voted "other" because there is no "all of the above" option. :tongue:


I love this game's story. I really enjoy PVP. I *love* the combat (and it has totally spoiled me for other games; keep trying to dodge...or worse - jump off a cliff and expect to glide...). My dear friend is a major reason why I even got this game to begin with - I was on the fence about getting it, idly mentioned it to her, and she all but exploded in glee; that's how I found out she played GW2, as well. (She's also the reason I started doing PVP, too; we played together a lot.) I also love this game's soundtrack, the art style, the voice acting, the lore, the wonderful devs who listen to their players... Actually, there are very few things about this game that I actively *dis*like.


While real-life commitments have sadly taken up my time, I fully intend to return to this game in a few weeks (once I'm done with the aforementioned commitments). I can't wait. :)


[*Edit*: A'right, looking back on it, there is one major thing that I do actively dislike about this game: the overabundance of flashing lights and effects. Other than that, however, this game is still my favorite.]

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I will just say that this is not my main MMORPG anymore. I play it here and there, today I did dungeons/fractals/wvw and some gathering of nodes, but I do not know when I will play it again. I always log in for LS and stay active for a week, all other days I just mess around when I feel like it, not going towards anything because I did all I wanted long ago.

I am like retired, just playing here and there for good old days kind of a thing. I am mostly focused on Real Life and other hobbies. I wish I have an urge to put more hours into this game but I don't have it for years.

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Because other games I played were sadly overrun with bots like a beautiful NCsoft game with dark elves and to a lesser degree also a beautiful NCSoft game with winged characters. I loved both at release but instead of getting better like GW2, various aspects of both got worse until I had to look for something else.

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Picked Combat because it's the thing that kept me the most interested the longest.


I've really liked/loved multiple aspects of this game:


* Combat

* Open World Exploration

* WvW

* Community(server)/Guild/Friends

* Very little Grind

* No subs


On the whole there are a lot of different designs all over the game I really like/enjoy, and whenever I play other games, from singleplayer to other MMO games, I always end up missing a bunch of things that I felt GW2 got so much better. But especially the combat, it isn't perfect, but it is still one of the most fun combats I've found in an rpg'ish game.


That said:


* I am not actively playing atm.


Just burned out after 6 years of playing, on extended leave, or as someone else said above me, "I'm retired."

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I came back after not playing for a few months (got sucked into FFXIV for a bit) but came back solely to get one of my characters the Wings of Love glider skin. I played some PVP with him, then remembered how much I love this game. Lots of stuff came back to me, like how PERSONAL the personal story felt to me, to how original the races were, to the action based combat...I miss playing piano with ele. There's a lot more to it, but that's the general gist of it all. This was my first MMO, and it'll forever hold a special place in my little gaming heart. I know it can be better, but man...no one else has given me the experience quite like this game has.

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Almost Everything, except guilds and guild-mates 'cause I'm a sad, sad loner. XD



Combat is very fun and challenging to master to the point you can complete group events, Champion bosses, and even Dungeon runs solo if you're smart enough with it. It's fluid and attentive, instead of static and boring. It will obviously differ depending on which class you pick and your playstyle, but I always feel "in control" and ready to take on anything, even if I lose a lot. :p


In PvE, the lore and story is very enjoyable and I love listening to all of the open-world dialogue and events, along with the beautifully themed maps and slowly darkening storyline. It has its ups and downs, as no story is perfect, but every time it makes me smile to explore Tyria with a new character all over again.


PvP feels energetic and competitive with movement instead of cardboard "stand still, watch percentages change" combat. It always keeps bringing me back to see how well I pit against others, even if it can be upsetting to lose from time to time. But that just makes you want to try harder again next time, huh?


WvW can be very serene and peaceful at times with roaming from camp to camp, but keeping an eye out for other dangerous roamers. But Other times it can be very, very Intense and chaotic with big group battles over Towers, Keeps, and SMC. I have fun with both, but generally prefer the more relaxing roaming style while listening to Funk music. I think I listen to Funk while in squad fights too though since it helps alleviate that intimidation of seeing the other enemy teams following behind you and coming for blood and slaughter.


A bunch of other things that are really nice are the Trading Post (instead of direct, time-consuming Player-to-Player trading), the Crafting System and Material Storage that is neatly laid out and organized, being able to "Deposit All Materials" at any time to free up inventory space, being able to Waypoint or use a Teleporting Scroll/Portal to travel back to previously visited places instead of backtracking, the Heart "quests" that don't require accepting the quest to start it and don't require backtracking to finish it, the User Interface specifically where your Health and Skills is just below your character on the screen instead of off to the side or in the corner, all of the Music (yes!), Gliders, awesome-designed Mounts, etc. etc.


Maybe I'm just a fanatic and love this game to death, but those are my reasons for why I keep playing it. <3


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Would have said pve gameplay due to the fact I love hidden events and stunning mechanics within jumping puzzles, but it's more lore: I definitely want more talkative npcs, books, sheet of paper on the ground... Dungeons were a great source of lore and it had been tuned down with the arrival of fractal. I expected more in cliffside or uncatagorized fractals as example.


But I try to be there when a new living story episode is released to explore the maps.


I miss old lion's arch, and core maps style.

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I picked the lore and story but I could also have picked PvE gameplay, the two go together for me. I just really like exploring the world, talking to the NPCs, finding all the stories scattered around the game (both the actual storyline and things like event chains or what the NPCs are up to),


The world, and especially the charr (who looked like nothing I'd seen in a game before) were what originally drew me to GW1, then finding out it was an MMO with no subscription fee convinced me.

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I am just a casual player.

1 its free

2 feel forced to start it everyday for daily tasks (gold making)

3 nice graphics and sound

4 nice to play even when i am tired (just hang around and dont do much)

5 other games are bad (i mean i have no better games at the moment)

6 loot

7 maybe a bit addicted (not as much as a paid mmo)


i play more when i have a goal. thats now i going make a new legendary weapon :)

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Initially PvP, but the balance team utterly ruined it by now. I still log in a couple of times because I enjoy the combat itself, but I don't enjoy the powercreep and the state of the game in general so I always quit after 1 or 2 games because i can't bring myself to play it anymore. PvP just isn't fun anymore.


Then I log in to do the story every 2 months and that's about it. I have no hopes for the future at this point.

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I dunno. I feel my awnser doesn't fit any of the catagories, because a lot of options provided aren't mutually exclusive. If you said "what did you like about gw2", perhaps this poll would be easier to awnser - but I don't play this game because I like one aspect of the game above all others. I'd also like to note that just because I like the lore/story or my guild doesn't mean I won't take breaks from playing.

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