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This creeping silence is totally ruining the mood


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If it wasn't for Gaile and Ben we wouldn't get any info on these forums at all, the stance they take with the no communication until x or y event, is hurting them more than anything, they want this to be the official forums, yet we tend to get more info from twitter/Reddit, even the twitch channel is where the WvW announcement was first brought up,


These forums should be the first port of call for any info, or put it across all the platforms at the same time, there is a post on Reddit today about a players guild who have all quit the game because nothing is changing, people dont have anything to look forward too, i have friends who have quit this game and i cannot get them to come back no matter what i say/do,


The PR department ( if they still have one ) really doesn't promote this game at all, i never see Ad's for this game anywhere, yet i still see them for WoW etc, maybe they want to stay on the low side and just keep plugging along, but it seems a shame that such a great game will end up fading into the background,


I see people saying they dont say or do x / y because of push back, at the end of the day they are the Devs if they want to do something, they should do it, only they know what way they want the game to go, sure if its something completely game breaking, then they should listen to feed back, but if its the usual OMG i geared this toon up and now the armor is useless, or i made this weapon and now its not meta, that should be considered LOW on the scale of things.

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From my point of view gw2 is going exactly the same way WoW went.


Gw2 is getting further and further away from what made people play and love this game with passion.


It will get to a point where peole dont even recognize the game anymore but they will play because the good times they had in the past, hoping for the day that the game will be fun again and that day will never come.


This is what happened with WoW over the years and its now dying off.

Gw2 doesnt have the same size appeal and the resources WoW once had


Gw2 can die much faster then WoW If Anet keep going this way



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> I don't think we need dates or specifics, just some clarification on the actual topic of "expansion yay or nay"... it is whether ANET is willing to address that question or not - my personal feeling is they won't especially if it's a nay.


Yes, I do believe however that there are 3 scenarios unfolding:


1. LS5 will have the expansion content. That is what Anet stated previously, in my own words "we are proud of LS5 and it will have expansion-worthy content".


If you see LS4, you can't but say that we did get a new mount, new mastery, raid, fractal, pve maps, some weapons that can be unlocked by playing the game. I don't remember any other seasons giving us such content. If this is how they will continue to do it, it could actually be very good. Instead of getting all in one go, we get pieces every 3 months to combat the drought that could happen with the expansion release (players rushing to finish all the content and waiting for the next 2 years for a new expansion release).

Another positive aspect of this approach would be the time they buy to finish the endings. If you are forced to release an expansion in one release, you are bound to rush the content and thus possibly lowering the quality of it. This way they can have more time to make such content in a more calm way and with fewer bugs/mistakes.


The negatives come from the marketing, how do you interest new potential customers with just LS releases? How do you make a hype? How do you do your marketing? It seems clumsy in that regard.


And, if you want to make it work, then you really need to make those chapters count. No more just maps with 4 hearts, a few events and basically 0 replayability. It needs to have far more quality and content. Elite specs, life skills (housing, fishing, sailing, grow your own garden, ya know, things that BDO and Archeage have), build templates, more instanced group content (ex. story replayability on a Hard mode - with a need to have a group of players - like dungeons were previously, with their own unique rewards - skins or titles, or something else).


2. LS5 will be released and after it the expansion. The team is working on expansion and needs more time. If that is so, then the reason is that they are making a new continent - possibly a Cantha, but it doesn't need to be, it's my personal wish - with new race Tengu (which needs more time for all the armor skins to work for them). I do hope that they introduce new Villains and get away from dragons as early as the end of LS5. I need something with more personality - like Shiro was.


3. A lot of their developers are working on new games. I do believe that Anet wants to have more games under their belt, it does not need to be just Guild Wars. If that is the reason, then it is not surprising that we are getting content so slowly - most of their resources are put on a new project(s) so GW2 suffers. As the company grows, their hunger for new things and ideas also. This is bad for GW2 in a long run, so they are making their LS5 expansion-worth content as the way to finish the story about dragons. This way they get more time for touching points to unfold the story.


In a year-2 years time, they will release their new game (it does not need to be GW3, it can be something completely different). It is very possible that the game will be a single player focused or some kind of one big map online game, both of which do not need more development time after they are made (maybe even a quality mobile game). Then they can put some of their developers and people back into GW2 for something new and fresh while getting their money/resources from another game and have more sources for their income.

I do believe that Anet does not want to stop working on GW2, but it would make sense if they want to explore other things and put GW2 a bit aside before getting back into it in full scope.

I myself would rather like GW3, with a greatly made transition from GW2, starting a bit different. They wanted GW2 not to have Trinity so they made their combat and skill design in such a fashion, but it kinda backfired multiple times. From abusing the stacking in a corner to making it hard to make a good group content that is not just a spam fest, and huge balance problems. With new engine and structure, with better-made combat suited for a group play, they could do wonders in GW3, while still taking away a lot from GW2.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> If it wasn't for Gaile and Ben we wouldn't get any info on these forums at all, the stance they take with the no communication until x or y event, is hurting them more than anything, they want this to be the official forums, yet we tend to get more info from twitter/Reddit, even the twitch channel is where the WvW announcement was first brought up,


> These forums should be the first port of call for any info, or put it across all the platforms at the same time, there is a post on Reddit today about a players guild who have all quit the game because nothing is changing, people dont have anything to look forward too, i have friends who have quit this game and i cannot get them to come back no matter what i say/do,


> The PR department ( if they still have one ) really doesn't promote this game at all, i never see Ad's for this game anywhere, yet i still see them for WoW etc, maybe they want to stay on the low side and just keep plugging along, but it seems a shame that such a great game will end up fading into the background,


> I see people saying they dont say or do x / y because of push back, at the end of the day they are the Devs if they want to do something, they should do it, only they know what way they want the game to go, sure if its something completely game breaking, then they should listen to feed back, but if its the usual OMG i geared this toon up and now the armor is useless, or i made this weapon and now its not meta, that should be considered LOW on the scale of things.


Unfortunately it is not the devs that make those decisions, they just make what is asked for happen. We as players do however want them to answer for those decisions on a constant daily basis. Unfortunately the kind of answers we often seek need to come from much higher up the chain, not the devs themselves.

At the end of the day GW2 is a product that is developed not just for our enjoyment, but to make money for the business and pay those that work on it from the office cleaners to the CEO and although devs will have a lot of input, its ultimately others higher up process that make decisions that best serve the business interest, the devs will then work their magic to make good on those decisions, just don't expect them to be able to elaborate to much beyond that, for good reason

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Well, I hope Anet will read these. This is also my issue with the game these days. I dont mind if there is an expansion, LWS5-6-7 or something else.


If only Anet tell us what their plan is in a larger scale then people would not lose their interest in the game. Anet can state what the LWS5 will bring to the game or answer the questions about if there will be an expansion or not, then people will keep playing the game and experience the progression and be hyped for the upcoming news.


Currently the situation is like this;

“New episode!”.

“Everyone hyped”,

“plays non-stop 1 month”,

“starts to be repetitive”,

“2 month complete silence”,

“starts to ask Anet what will happen next”,

“still silence”,

“more silence”,


“New episode!”,


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> We don't log in often anymore and lots of guild members are starting to lose interest in the game, to the point there isn't anyone to talk to in our guild's discord or ingame chat.


I think this is because how little replayability new content has. 2hour story every 3.5 months, 1 map with same generic hearts and events like any other open world map ever doesn't really keep people interested. All my guilds are falling apart and friends stop playing. They come back for a week after release, get story done, play new map few times and they quit until next episode...

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > You should try WvW/sPvP for a while then come back and edit your post...


> sPvP sucks and WvW can be fun for limited amounts of time... what's your point exactly?


Did you read the OP's post and about the lack of communication? Now apply that to those 2 modes...

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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > > You should try WvW/sPvP for a while then come back and edit your post...

> >

> > sPvP sucks and WvW can be fun for limited amounts of time... what's your point exactly?


> Did you read the OP's post and about the lack of communication? Now apply that to those 2 modes...

People just get confused about what the OP means. He's not talking about ArenaNet not communicating at all but not communicating about the future of the game much. Do you know when the LS5 starts? Do you know when we can expect the next expansion? I don't think he's after ArenaNet talking about the game in general but more of a roadmap of what's coming because people are bored with what the game currently has without anything to look forward to. The horizon is pretty empty at the moment.


And if you are suggesting that they are roadmapping sPvP and WvW activities then surely playing those modes will not get you that information. Is there a link you can show where we can read about the future of sPvP and WvW for the next year or so?


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From my experience Arenanet still communicates more than many other gaming companies. They are also likely very limited on what kind of information they can post - they cannot give us empty promises or "x will happen soon!" because well... in the world of companies and game development things change. The devs are not superhumans and we sometimes should remember that. I mean, it is not that long ago when they posted that video talking about season 5 that comes after season 4, and what kind of plans they have for that. We also know that the big WvW change is coming once they get that one sorted out. They have also asked about quality of life ideas and are probably working on implementing some of those.


There is constant new content. I think players should not get stuck in 1 type of content (like say, only playing story+expansion stuff and then complaining about boredom). That limits your changes. Get out of your comfort zone, try new things (by try I do not mean 2 feeble attempts, I mean putting in serious effort to try and understand all the game modes) - set your foot in raiding, fractals, WvW, PVP, do stories on different builds or classes, implement challenges for yourself, work on fashion wars, craft a legendary, work on stuff only a few in the community have... there is loads to do, even for veterans like myself. Not everything has to be handed out as "here, do this". There's a lot of adventure and things to discover. A lot to experience.

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Ff14, Wow, Eso, Bdo, all diff mmos and all mmos that we learn about new content and the directions of said mmos months before we even get to that point.


Wow announces and even show early footage of patches months away from release.

Hell in Eso's case they oppened up the year with a roadmap detailing the entire 2019.


Is Anet incompetent and they cant be sure if something will release untill a week before it releases? I doubt it.


The wrost thing is that doesnt even mean they are better at communication necessarily. Wow is terrible at communicating with the fan about anything other than the direction of the game ostly content wise.


In terms of balance, recieving and acting upon feedback etc they are terrible.

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> @"Only Even.6193" said:

> I dream off a stream with the devs/community managers every 1-2 weeks :anguished: ... i guess Warframe spoiled me too much about the proximity and easy communication with the staff.


Have you tried watching Guild Chat? It's pretty informative. (It's where we learned about Episode 6 of the current Living World Season.)

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Over the years of watching ANet, I'm generally more worried when they start talking. They aren't all that good at understanding what should be hyped and what they should leave well enough alone. They are really good at generating stuff that's worth my time, that's fun, and that seems to be fun for others, too.

> >

> > ANet isn't my friend; I don't care if they stop talking to me. I care about what they deliver.

> >


> Its not a matter of anet being your friend or not, its about remembering this game exists or has a future and a direction more often than once every 3 months.


They can't produce content very 3 months without remembering that the game has a future & a direction. I don't need them to say something to 'prove' their commitment; I want them to demonstrate their interest by delivering content, not by talking about it.

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I'm reminded of this (paraphrased) response from [Neil Gaiman](http://journal.neilgaiman.com/2009/05/entitlement-issues.html), when someone asked him if GRRM didn't have some responsibility to his fans to finish the story in a timely fashion.


> ...it's unrealistic of you to think [ANet] is "letting you down".


> ...I keep trying to come up with a better way to put it, but ...my perspective is this:


> [ANet] is not your [slave].

>> ...

> People are not machines. [Game designers] aren't machines.


> You're complaining about [ANet] doing other things than [communicating often and releasing new content] ...as if your buying the [original game] ...was a contract with [them]...


> No such contract existed. You [paid for the game] ...and I assume that you enjoyed it because you want [more].


> It seems to me that the biggest problem with [MMOs] is that either [players] complain that the [games] used to be good but that somewhere in the effort to [add new content] the quality has fallen off, or [the games/expansions] aren't coming out [quickly] enough.


> Both of these things make me glad that I am not currently [a game developer]... For me, I would rather [play a good game] from a contented [development team]. I don't really care what it takes to produce that.

>> ...

> The economics ...for a [development team] mean that very few ... can afford to [develop new content all the time]... So [development teams] with huge [ideas]... are going to [work on] them and [release content] as they go along.


> And if you are waiting for a new [release/expansion] in [an MMO], whether from [ANet] or [bethesda]...


> Wait. [Play] the original ...again. [Play] something else. Get on with your life. Hope that the [dev team] is [working on the content] you want to [play] ... and not [going belly up], or something equally as dramatic. ...


> And ...in the future, when you see other people complaining that [ANet] ...has been spotted doing something other than [publishing vague plans or releasing poorly-> developed content] ..., explain to them, more politely than I did the first time, the simple and unanswerable truth: [ANet] is not working for you.

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It's funny. They work hard on the LW seasons and the design team does a great job. People play the new map and story hard for a couple weeks. Then players spend months grinding wvw, pvp, fractals, and for some raids because they are the only things to do. The hilarious part about this is the parts of the game that everyone spends month grinding because its the only things worth replaying get literally zero attention. I guess fractals gets new stuff every so often, but those instabilities seem extremely anti fun and are an arbitrary difficulty scaling to make old content "new".


The lack of communication makes this totally worse sometimes because a lot of people will stop investing time and "gemstore" purchases if they can't even see a lengthy future with this game. Why should someone spend $20 on some gemstore purchases to make their character look cool if there isn't much worth playing and showing off the new gear with. If the new content only lasts me a week of extreme casual play, then why in the heck would I buy the new outfits or convenience items from the gemstore with real cash only to get use out of those items for like 24 hours of playtime until the next LW season starts 3 month (delayed to 4 months) later.

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> @"wickedkae.4980" said:

> You're not alone OP. As a vet, I also worry that this game is not going to move forward in a positive, valuable way. We have nothing to do to advance our characters in end game in any real meaningful way. What worries me is that Anet is so afraid of making real changes to shake this game up, we may be stuck in the holding pattern forever. This is the last year for me. If we don't get a REAL expansion (higher lvls, new gear, new ways to advance our character NOT by grinding) then I will be moving to ESO permanently.


I wouldn't recommend ESO if you want vertical progression .. is the same design as GW2 basically, difference is ESO has gear sets with bonuses that differ your playstyle and GW2 has specializations. Once you hit a certain CP cap it maxes your stats on gear the rest is Diablo 3 paragon style with minor bonuses. I've used the same sets of gear for ages in both games. WoW or FF14 would be what you want..

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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > So its official anet is out of ideal.

> >

> > https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/tame-the-warclaw/


> Posts like these are a shining example of why Anet rarely communicates with the community anymore.


Because they cant take criticize? That not a good thing i mean its the internet your putting your "art" out there for all to see. If you keep going out of your way to simply forget what the ppl your working for are saying dont be shocked that things are going to be some what mean.


This silence and not keeping up with the GW2 comuintly is a problem this is an example of it. Do not thing of it any other way.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I'm reminded of this (paraphrased) response from [Neil Gaiman](http://journal.neilgaiman.com/2009/05/entitlement-issues.html), when someone asked him if GRRM didn't have some responsibility to his fans to finish the story in a timely fashion.

>> [snip]


But... in general, authors just want you to buy the book. Hopefully you enjoy it, but that's the end of things. If there's a sequel, hopefully you enjoyed the first enough to buy it. Single-player games, same deal.


An MMO is structured more like a relationship. Arenanet sets things up to encourage people to log in and play the game every single day, so it's clearly how they want the relationship to work. But people in a relationship sometimes want to know that it's headed somewhere, so the time and effort they're investing isn't going to feel like a wasted decade of their life.

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