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THE WARCLAW - Announcement


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This is really cool. Couldn't care less about the naysayers. Wait and see how this will work out. It's probalby going to be a tactic anyway if I had to guess.


Funny to see the reactions. Those were the exact reactions to gliding coming to the mode as well. You all cried, but in the end it was a really really good addition that made traversing the map so much easier and friendlier - which was absolutely needed.

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Is this an out-of-season April Fools' joke?


serious edit: I've played WvW for 6 years, I'm a roamer at rank 9.8k, I've seen a lot of BS when it comes to this game mode. If this mount is imbalanced and ruins roaming any more than it already it is, at least there's a bonus week for me to get those last ranks and retire. This better be implemented well.

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I don't find it hard to believe, that they think this is even a good idea permanently. That's how out of touch they are with WvW.


I wonder if this is because they get ganked on stream? I wonder what it means in terms of combat though.


What are the limitations on the mounts, with the amount of Server lag already, additional framerate problems and the queues from players, just wanting to enter wvw to use these mounts?



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I will admit that it looks cool, but I will try to reserve judgment until we see how it is. My biggest fear with mounts being implemented is that they would affect roaming and fighting in general. I was praying that they would not give them any sort of engage ability or movement enhancement, but it seems like it has both based on the trailer. I spend most of my time in this game roaming and worry that this is going to further negatively impact this. Again though I will reserve my judgment.

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