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THE WARCLAW - Announcement


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I wanted a pack animal that could carry 4 other people around so they could come along even without mounts, not a warbeast that can break gates open.


Anyways, just like with gliding, anyone claiming they don't like or that they will leave the game because of it will likely try it in-game and end up enjoying it like they did with gliding.

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A very long time ago, in the old forums, there were several discussions about WvW getting stale and people leaving the game. I'm not speaking for everyone, but I know a staggering number of people that left for other games after seasons were discontinued, out of boredom. This should be evident by the need to create the host/link matchups that we see today.


It has been said that the popularity of WvW was never anticipated and that it was never going to be a priority. And yet, in the first year and a half - two years, it was freaking huge. I just can't wrap my head around why it's still so neglected.


What was lacking in the interim, while waiting for alliances, was regular events. Not a weeklong double WXP or downstate here and there (should be more frequent). Not mounts. I. Just. Don't. Get. It. :astonished:

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> @"Ni In.6578" said:

> @"Gaile Gray.6029" how do we voice our extreme displeasure for this feature no one asked for and frankly, is negatively disruptive to the game mode?


Not only did no one ask for it, in a very good discussion on here recently, people explicitly asked for the updates to please not be mounts. You can't make this up honestly. Though still have hopes it's a new siege engine rather than a pure mount.

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> @"Noctifera.3746" said:

> so you delayed the post of a video for one week after telling us look

> "Extremely awesome" WvW Announcement Next Week and after you give us these, i dont think you even get how many of us are disappointed to say the least


To be fair, they never said it was going to be awesome for WvW. They said it was going to be related to WvW and would be awesome.


And there are a ton of people that don’t play WvW that would likely view this as awesome.


I am just happy that heavy loot bags often contain T-6 mats, and that while many of these people will come into the BLs, I can get a lot more free heavy lootbags on an order of magnitude not seen before.

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> @"timetopat.7921" said:

> > @"javascript.7924" said:

> > i don't think anet understand what WvW needs right now... instead they are spending their time on something that is going to disappoint a lot of the people that play WvW


> What content do you think anet should prioritize for wvw in your opinion ?




Alliance? NOT more PVE content for sure........

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> This is really cool. Couldn't care less about the naysayers. Wait and see how this will work out. It's probalby going to be a tactic anyway if I had to guess.


> Funny to see the reactions. Those were the exact reactions to gliding coming to the mode as well. You all cried, but in the end it was a really really good addition that made traversing the map so much easier and friendlier - which was absolutely needed.


Gliding is trash, it lets players/groups avoid fights even more, so made an already existing problem even worse. But oh noes I want to roleplay with my pwetty glider, now I can have a pwetty mount too.

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> @"Silver.2076" said:

> Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm really excited about this mount - it was really time that you remembered us Wvw-players!

> But! Would be nice if finally more would come, because to be honest, it is much too little for the long dry period we endure here!

> Nevertheless, thanks for that!


Obviously NOT a hard-core WvW player if you were waiting for more PVE content....

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> @"bigFM.8642" said:

> I honestly expected nothing from this announcement and they still managed to disappoint me...


but, but the drum roll was awesome you got to admit.... I know, I know we always expect that pweety turtle dove to pulled outta the hat, but this is WvW so expect dead chickens that only serve to make the gamemode more uninteresting and that badammtushh wont hurt so much :)

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Do you even listen to your players ?

We wanted an actual WvW update that would make it better and bring players in.

You're literally constantly doing the opposite. You just want to grab cash, I bet there will be million skins for this mount as well. As if anyone would care or could see it in a huge zerg. You've just destroyed WvW in so many ways.

And you're destroying little bit of hope we have that WvW will ever be good again.

Listen to your WvW players for once.

We DIDN'T want mounts in WvW.

You just wanna clutter the screen even more with huge mounts as if your effects aren't doing enough of that.

Wasn't there a video some years ago of you guys doing WvW with people and saying how "now you see what you need to do to make it better", nothing significant was EVER done since. You constantly ignore everything people are asking for.


Hopefully you'll finally give me some HAIRS so I can look pretty riding this thing people never asked for, or actually you won't, cuz hairs are also the thing people are asking for and you don't deliver, the last time you did was a lazy copy-paste from race to race.


Listen to your players! ...or you'll have none in the end.


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