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Mounts mean the death of roaming


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Looking at the preview video, it appears that it will expand roaming to other classes and builds. Effective roaming typically requires strong escape which this doesn't improve but it will allow classes/builds without perma-speed to move around the map more. I suspect we will see more players roaming and ganking more difficult

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> @"Straegen.2938" said:

> Looking at the preview video, it appears that it will expand roaming to other classes and builds. Effective roaming typically requires strong escape which this doesn't improve but it will allow classes/builds without perma-speed to move around the map more. I suspect we will see more players roaming and ganking more difficult


Not sure how people come up with these completely backwards conclusions

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"Straegen.2938" said:

> > Looking at the preview video, it appears that it will expand roaming to other classes and builds. Effective roaming typically requires strong escape which this doesn't improve but it will allow classes/builds without perma-speed to move around the map more. I suspect we will see more players roaming and ganking more difficult


> Not sure how people come up with these completely backwards conclusions

Its not wrong, if we define roaming as simply getting there in a timely fashion.


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> @"Bigsexy.8302" said:

> What do you mean roaming will die? Roaming has been dead since HoT.

> Now it's terribad players running cheese builds, ganking newcomers and think they are roaming kek


I always auto-translate "roaming" nowadays straight to "ganking with the cheesiest build possible" because that's really what people whining about it are talking about being gone. Funny because the mount doesn't even kill that (which it should have). Dismounting someone is easy and the CC if you get knocked off your mount makes you a free kill.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"Straegen.2938" said:

> > Looking at the preview video, it appears that it will expand roaming to other classes and builds. Effective roaming typically requires strong escape which this doesn't improve but it will allow classes/builds without perma-speed to move around the map more. I suspect we will see more players roaming and ganking more difficult


> Not sure how people come up with these completely backwards conclusions


> @"Bigsexy.8302" said:

> What do you mean roaming will die? Roaming has been dead since HoT.

> Now it's terribad players running cheese builds, ganking newcomers and think they are roaming kek


It is not hard to understand how some still consider themselves 'roamers', if you remember the story of the Emperor's New Clothes. What's true is true regardless of how many people say it's true or not.


A sizable portion of self-proclaimed 'roamers' have deluded themselves for so long, that now realizing that they are parading around butt-naked is unfathomable.

It isn't that different to people who got angry when they fixed Tarir and Istan. They were enjoying the benefits of something that shouln't have happened in the first place for so long, that they ended up so accustomed to it they were not able to see what was wrong with it.


Now roamers who used to seek 'easy pickings' will have a bit of a harder time. Like players that take longer to load enemy models and would die before they could see people coming out of stealth , newbies, players with some disability, players with some sort of social anxiety that keeps them from forming parties, players with less time to organize groups, people just trying to do some daily, etc...

What used to be practically free warscore and WXP will now require slightly more work. Just slightly.

And that will give the people trying to get acquainted with the game mode and people trying to regroup a little leeway to compose themselves and fight back, and reducing the effectiveness of <3s bursts from ganking builds.

It will not matter much if the roamer is truly skilled, but those who were enjoying some free lootbags because of their build rather than their own skill will have a a bit of a harder time until they adapt.

Just not that much unless they are truly undeserving of victory. In which case they will likely complain and leave, then eventually come back.

They always come back.


And that's just for those who do have a warclaw. Let's not forget not everyone who can play in WvW has expansions.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> Well if anyone still had lingering doubts, I think the livestream sealed it.. 3 dodges, CC immunity, faster than swiftness.


> gg


Not One word about roamers on that stream..Not ONE ! Everything done with blobbing in the mind and to attract new players..These reasons they gave as to why they added mounts made me facepalm.

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> @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> the one kill wonders can easily kill the mount one shot too and the player will get knockdowned leaving him vulnerable. also roaming died with hot cause what you are calling roaming is just ganking.


Yes exactly,im running with 2 guys having fights vs 6 or 8 but Im ganking.Ok then.


Youre not talking about roamers,youre talking about Gankers,the side the roamers are fighting Against.Big difference bud.

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> @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> > the one kill wonders can easily kill the mount one shot too and the player will get knockdowned leaving him vulnerable. also roaming died with hot cause what you are calling roaming is just ganking.


> Yes exactly,im running with 2 guys having fights vs 6 or 8 but Im ganking.Ok then.


> Youre not talking about roamers,youre talking about Gankers,the side the roamers are fighting Against.Big difference bud.


mounts are not that useful as you think of. will not have much impact.

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> @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > > @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> > > the one kill wonders can easily kill the mount one shot too and the player will get knockdowned leaving him vulnerable. also roaming died with hot cause what you are calling roaming is just ganking.

> >

> > Yes exactly,im running with 2 guys having fights vs 6 or 8 but Im ganking.Ok then.

> >

> > Youre not talking about roamers,youre talking about Gankers,the side the roamers are fighting Against.Big difference bud.


> mounts are not that useful as you think of. will not have much impact.


Oh it will, :)

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> Now roamers who used to seek 'easy pickings' will have a bit of a harder time. Like players that take longer to load enemy models and would die before they could see people coming out of stealth , newbies, players with some disability, players with some sort of social anxiety that keeps them from forming parties, players with less time to organize groups, people just trying to do some daily, etc...

> What used to be practically free warscore and WXP will now require slightly more work. Just slightly.

> And that will give the people trying to get acquainted with the game mode and people trying to regroup a little leeway to compose themselves and fight back, and reducing the effectiveness of <3s bursts from ganking builds.

> It will not matter much if the roamer is truly skilled, but those who were enjoying some free lootbags because of their build rather than their own skill will have a a bit of a harder time until they adapt.

> Just not that much unless they are truly undeserving of victory. In which case they will likely complain and leave, then eventually come back.

> They always come back.


> And that's just for those who do have a warclaw. Let's not forget not everyone who can play in WvW has expansions.


Being able to gank mounted players has nothing to do with skill and everything to do with builds. There will be builds that allow to gank mounted players and it won't require more skill or effort than it requires to gank unmounted players. Builds that are not suited for ganking mounts however (eg most melee builds i assume) won't be able to do anything, no matter the skill of the involved players.

Roamers going for "easy picks" is mostly an issue with lack of opposing roamers. Those "free bags" is all what's left in this game mode that is turning more and more into a farm fest for easy rewards and woe betide those who dare to disrupt those poor farmers, to the point where players who play the game as it once was meant to be played (eg. killing other players or defending objectives) are considered griefers and "bad for the game". The mount is just one more step into this direction, away from actual PvP and catering to the players that just want easy rewards. Why they don't stick to PvE is beyond my understanding, but w/e.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:


> It is not hard to understand how some still consider themselves 'roamers', if you remember the story of the Emperor's New Clothes. What's true is true regardless of how many people say it's true or not.


> A sizable portion of self-proclaimed 'roamers' have deluded themselves for so long, that now realizing that they are parading around butt-naked is unfathomable.

> It isn't that different to people who got angry when they fixed Tarir and Istan. They were enjoying the benefits of something that shouln't have happened in the first place for so long, that they ended up so accustomed to it they were not able to see what was wrong with it.


> Now roamers who used to seek 'easy pickings' will have a bit of a harder time. Like players that take longer to load enemy models and would die before they could see people coming out of stealth , newbies, players with some disability, players with some sort of social anxiety that keeps them from forming parties, players with less time to organize groups, people just trying to do some daily, etc...

> What used to be practically free warscore and WXP will now require slightly more work. Just slightly.

> And that will give the people trying to get acquainted with the game mode and people trying to regroup a little leeway to compose themselves and fight back, and reducing the effectiveness of <3s bursts from ganking builds.

> It will not matter much if the roamer is truly skilled, but those who were enjoying some free lootbags because of their build rather than their own skill will have a a bit of a harder time until they adapt.

> Just not that much unless they are truly undeserving of victory. In which case they will likely complain and leave, then eventually come back.

> They always come back.


> And that's just for those who do have a warclaw. Let's not forget not everyone who can play in WvW has expansions.


Okay, though it is true that many of those who continue to roam often do so in groups or with extremely cheesy builds, I also don't think it's fair to claim they aren't doing "what they think they are."


Roaming in WvW has always been a punishing hobby. When upgrades became automatic and tactivators were added, it became a lot harder. When PoF rolled around, I thought it had reached it's peak. The amount of damage, durability and mobility everything has now means the majority of fights are going to be extremely one sided depending on who's playing what and where that fight is taking place. Couple that with upgraded objectives being a suicide ground for solos or groups of less than 5 attempting to snipe it, and roaming pretty much means; take supply camps and sentrys as fast as you can before you're caught fighting in a bad spot, or roam in small groups and wait 20 minutes before full zergs start chasing you down because you're actually managing to do more than killing solos every few minutes.


As much as I hate the people who run me over with 4 - 8 friends, I don't at all blame them for sticking together. Same for those playing cheesy builds. I might not respect the people playing the carry builds or the guilds/players that will tryhard to kill a solo, but I do understand why they've resorted to such behaviors. Roaming is simply not enjoyable the vast majority of the time unless you're with friends that can keep you in a positive mood or using a build that doesn't get you killed every 5 minutes for reasons beyond your control (eg. zergs, pugs chasing you down, unforeseen one shots, etc).


Roaming has always been a community defined term. Everyone has a different idea of what it is or isn't but the general consensus is; a solo or small group floating around with no tag capturing small objectives like supply camps, sentrys, killing dolyaks and looking for fights. I still see lots of people doing all of those things and I would call all of them roamers. The only thing I don't see much of anymore is players who are solo more than they are in a group. Dedicated solo roamers are pretty much extinct, and for good reason with what doing so means having to deal with.


And if I've misinterpreted what you've said entirely, and you're actually referring to scouts who are defending their territory, well... Yeah they probably don't think they're roaming. They're scouts. Defending is what they do.

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I honestly think at this point,people ar mistaken the few roamers left for Gankers.The gankers run in these bigger groups..Roamers, the few left still run in groups of 2 - 5,Not ganking solo's.So its the gankers that gave this name to the roamers..While in reality its the Roamers being Ganked.

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> @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> > > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > > > @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> > > > the one kill wonders can easily kill the mount one shot too and the player will get knockdowned leaving him vulnerable. also roaming died with hot cause what you are calling roaming is just ganking.

> > >

> > > Yes exactly,im running with 2 guys having fights vs 6 or 8 but Im ganking.Ok then.

> > >

> > > Youre not talking about roamers,youre talking about Gankers,the side the roamers are fighting Against.Big difference bud.

> >

> > mounts are not that useful as you think of. will not have much impact.


> Oh it will, :)


the impact will not be as huge as you think of. mount speed in own territory is just a bit slower than griffon (on foot). also claiming that they never mentioned roamers is kinda a misinformation cause they said they want to give players the ability to scout etc etc. in other news mount will not even be able to stop gankers.

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> @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > > @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> > > > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > > > > @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> > > > > the one kill wonders can easily kill the mount one shot too and the player will get knockdowned leaving him vulnerable. also roaming died with hot cause what you are calling roaming is just ganking.

> > > >

> > > > Yes exactly,im running with 2 guys having fights vs 6 or 8 but Im ganking.Ok then.

> > > >

> > > > Youre not talking about roamers,youre talking about Gankers,the side the roamers are fighting Against.Big difference bud.

> > >

> > > mounts are not that useful as you think of. will not have much impact.

> >

> > Oh it will, :)


> the impact will not be as huge as you think of. mount speed in own territory is just a bit slower than griffon (on foot). also claiming that they never mentioned roamers is kinda a misinformation cause they said they want to give players the ability to scout etc etc. in other news mount will not even be able to stop gankers.


Scouters are not roamers.Besides,we have radars..The lazy way of scouting.

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> @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> > > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > > > @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> > > > > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > > > > > @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> > > > > > the one kill wonders can easily kill the mount one shot too and the player will get knockdowned leaving him vulnerable. also roaming died with hot cause what you are calling roaming is just ganking.

> > > > >

> > > > > Yes exactly,im running with 2 guys having fights vs 6 or 8 but Im ganking.Ok then.

> > > > >

> > > > > Youre not talking about roamers,youre talking about Gankers,the side the roamers are fighting Against.Big difference bud.

> > > >

> > > > mounts are not that useful as you think of. will not have much impact.

> > >

> > > Oh it will, :)

> >

> > the impact will not be as huge as you think of. mount speed in own territory is just a bit slower than griffon (on foot). also claiming that they never mentioned roamers is kinda a misinformation cause they said they want to give players the ability to scout etc etc. in other news mount will not even be able to stop gankers.


> Scouters are not roamers.Besides,we have radars..The lazy way of scouting.


i just feel that forums just like being alarming. in stream mount seemed totally fine. yes scouters are not roamers but pretty much you can save-cap camps and inform the position of zerg the same as before.

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> @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> > > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > > > @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> > > > > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > > > > > @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> > > > > > the one kill wonders can easily kill the mount one shot too and the player will get knockdowned leaving him vulnerable. also roaming died with hot cause what you are calling roaming is just ganking.

> > > > >

> > > > > Yes exactly,im running with 2 guys having fights vs 6 or 8 but Im ganking.Ok then.

> > > > >

> > > > > Youre not talking about roamers,youre talking about Gankers,the side the roamers are fighting Against.Big difference bud.

> > > >

> > > > mounts are not that useful as you think of. will not have much impact.

> > >

> > > Oh it will, :)

> >

> > the impact will not be as huge as you think of. mount speed in own territory is just a bit slower than griffon (on foot). also claiming that they never mentioned roamers is kinda a misinformation cause they said they want to give players the ability to scout etc etc. in other news mount will not even be able to stop gankers.


> Scouters are not roamers.Besides,we have radars..The lazy way of scouting.

And now everyone mounted has a radar as big as a tower balloon as well, lol.


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There are just some people that won't be happy no matter what. Some will always try to seek out the negative in everything. There is nothing you can do for these people to convince them otherwise. Let them have their doom and gloom. Everybody else can go about their merry way and have fun.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> There are just some people that won't be happy no matter what. Some will always try to seek out the negative in everything. There is nothing you can do for these people to convince them otherwise. Let them have their doom and gloom. Everybody else can go about their merry way and have fun.


You mean people realizing how it will affect the gameplay in a bad way,unless all you do is blob offcourse.Righto !

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Defending camps on alpine BL will become significant easier with this patch. The time to get from spawn to nw/ne/n camp is cut by almost 1/3, as is from either keep if they have a wp. A defender should now have enough time to watch the map for swords (or use a third-party app), and port -> mount -> get there before objective is capped.


As a result we should expect to see more upgraded towers and keeps after the patch, which may result in more static game play. I also predict that with faster defense, havoc teams will easier be hunted down and wiped, resulting in few havoc groups and more stacking on the same map in larger blobs.


The new sniff skills also makes golem rush tactics less effective, and I would expect scouts to use the sniff skill next to keeps as soon as outnumbered buff pops.


The question is if giving defense this huge boost is beneficial to the game mode. I have seen a lot of people asking for better rewards for playing defensive, but I don't recall if people wanted to make defense stronger.

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