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Horse Mounts Discussion!


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they can give the warclaw a horse skin (like a real horse not a silly unicorn bird griffon kinda thing)


since the warclaw, movement-wise atleast is the closest to an IRL horse: obviously it can't fly or glide and it can't jump super high or hover, it can't canyon jump like the raptor, and it can't blink like the jackal so a horse skin might work for it to satisfy the horse-mount wanting fans. they can just give/change it's engage skill to a horse kick thing or horse jump-stomp for downed enemies.

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Well since this thread has been resurrected, I may as well chime in. Horses maybe be rare in Tyria but they do exist and they are known of. Immediately upon entering Divinity's Reach, to the left of the main gate is a little guard station where two NPCS will have a short conversation about Centaurs. One of them insults the centaurs with the following remark:


**"Horses are for riding. Who wants a pet that talks back?"**


At this point just add them as a Jackal Skin and be done with the discussion once and for all.

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> @"Astyrah.4015" said:

> they can give the warclaw a horse skin (like a real horse not a silly unicorn bird griffon kinda thing)


> since the warclaw, movement-wise atleast is the closest to an IRL horse: obviously it can't fly or glide and it can't jump super high or hover, it can't canyon jump like the raptor, and it can't blink like the jackal so a horse skin might work for it to satisfy the horse-mount wanting fans. they can just give/change it's engage skill to a horse kick thing or horse jump-stomp for downed enemies.


Given how the Warclaw functions in PvE this mount would be perfect for a horse skin though it would need non cat like animations to not be weird. I don't want another type of mount but I do want a horse skin for one of the non flying mounts that looks like a basic horse.

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> @"Jagblade.4627" said:

> > @"Ultramex.1506" said:

> > Ugh...no thanks, what a generic mount


> Some people prefer "generic" realistic options to Neon RGB or exclusively High Fantasy.


And some other people prefer a bit more creative, Anet should have added a slider to reduce the visual cluster but if you take out the infusion gw2 ain't that neon RGB



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We need horses just because there should be horses. If GW2 wants to avoid doing everything other RPGs do, why are there humans and swords and gold coins? It should just be neon pink Asura-Charr hybrids playing 3D chess against each other for gumballs. If that sounds unappealing, then maybe we should consider that there are some things that are just nice to have because they're nice to have. People really expect horses in fantasy, just like they expect to be able to play a human warrior with a sword and shield and earn gold coins. Playing an Asura engineer riding a a steampunk mini-pony is way less cliched than playing a Conan the Barbarian ripoff that doesn't happen to ride a horse. Just saying. I would still rather ride a dragon than a horse, but dragon riding is a trope too and this game already has that.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > @"Astyrah.4015" said:

> > they can give the warclaw a horse skin (like a real horse not a silly unicorn bird griffon kinda thing)

> >

> > since the warclaw, movement-wise atleast is the closest to an IRL horse: obviously it can't fly or glide and it can't jump super high or hover, it can't canyon jump like the raptor, and it can't blink like the jackal so a horse skin might work for it to satisfy the horse-mount wanting fans. they can just give/change it's engage skill to a horse kick thing or horse jump-stomp for downed enemies.


> Given how the Warclaw functions in PvE this mount would be perfect for a horse skin though it would need non cat like animations to not be weird. I don't want another type of mount but I do want a horse skin for one of the non flying mounts that looks like a basic horse.


exactly! the warclaw in pve is as basic a mount you can get, and it's the closest candidate for a simple horse skin, movement-wise.


the other contenders raptor and jackal are possible too but their movement skills make it non-horse-ey .... well atleast i havent see a real horse traverse a canyon or teleport short distances.



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ArenaNet, you've got three options for this one in my book:

- Add a regular old horse skin for one of the existing mounts and ensure that it actually looks like a horse. (The Pegasus was bad, and you should _feel_ bad)

- Add an _implied_ horse skin for one of the existing mounts, utterly invisible with a floating saddle and reins. (Coconut footsteps and idle neigh noises)

- Don't.

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I feel like horses, while awesome and beautiful, don't have much to offer in uniqueness at this point. They're fast, but we have raptors and roleypoley beetles for that. I feel like the most generic mount we have is the warclaw and honestly I think horses should have been in that spot, but alas.


If we ever get a reason to use beasts of burdens in GW2 then I could see dolyaks being the big heavy but slow cart carriers and horses being the leaner and faster cart carriers with less capacity.

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"The earliest records of horses show that they existed on **Cantha** during the reign of Emperor Kaineng Tah. According to Loremaster Ermenred, the emperor was renowned for his horseback riding but died under mysterious circumstances while hunting in 464 BE with reports claiming that his horse had gone wild and killed him"


"In Cantha, one of the twelve main celestials is the Celestial Horse, revered during the Canthan New Year festivities."


**Horses coming in Cantha confirmed.**



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> @"BlackLotus.8349" said:

> I feel like horses, while awesome and beautiful, don't have much to offer in uniqueness at this point. They're fast, but we have raptors and roleypoley beetles for that. I feel like the most generic mount we have is the warclaw and honestly I think horses should have been in that spot, but alas.


> If we ever get a reason to use beasts of burdens in GW2 then I could see dolyaks being the big heavy but slow cart carriers and horses being the leaner and faster cart carriers with less capacity.


So this is off topic but your post made me think, "I want a roleypoley skin for the roller beatle!" That would be so creepy looking and cool.

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I HATE seeing some of the mounts in game, BUT others like them, there they are... It's not about one vs the other, but about what members in the community want. There are ENOUGH people that WANT horses just like I don't want to see the mounts your on... If you are worried that EVERYONE will have a horse mount then if they do all buy them then guess what, then everyone wanted them! If a few folks but them then guess what, you wont see so many of them that you're getting sick of it, as well, don't buy it if you don't personally want one.


On a side note, I am for under water mounts or even unlock another mastery for the skimmer allowing it to travel underwater...

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Of all the mounts that already exist in the game, a horse skin would fit the jackal better, as he is a quadrupedal creature. But in any case, I think it would be very strange, since a horse has legs much bigger than a wolf's. Also counting that they would not be able to change the movements of the jackal exclusively for the use of a horse skin. I'm pretty sure that if they create a horse skin to fit in the jackal, it will be very strange, because a horse is much bigger than a wolf. They just can't breed a horse with short, flat feet! XD

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> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> ArenaNet, you've got three options for this one in my book:

> - Add a regular old horse skin for one of the existing mounts and ensure that it actually looks like a horse. (The Pegasus was bad, and you should _feel_ bad)

> - Add an _implied_ horse skin for one of the existing mounts, utterly invisible with a floating saddle and reins. (Coconut footsteps and idle neigh noises)

> - Don't.


I vote for the last option, but only if there are knights going along behind doing the latter.


As an aside, apparently the movie only had this because of its lowish budget and they couldn't afford horses: (have seen this on other websites, but haven't seen any confirmation from the Monty Python members)

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Nowhere does that example prove horses exist. It only proves knowledge of them. Again, it could be that the humans knew about horses before they came to Tyria, which has no horses.




>[[Maybe, or maybe not]](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/38043/questions-about-edge-of-destiny-and-sylvari-names)


> Logan, Caithe, and Rytlock come across a broken asura gate. By carefully manipulating some of the broken pieces back into place, they are able to cause the gate to activate for a short time so they can escape through it. Except...the gate keeps shorting out and connecting to random other gates, showing images of where it connects: "…a grassy plain where wild horses ran…


Unless there are Asura gates on other worlds that they’re connecting to then they saw horses in Tyria.

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