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At least drop a tweet if you cancel a stream

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Had been waiting for a couple of hours before leaving twitch chat.I can understand it due to all the lay-offs but this doesnt at all instill much confidence, especially in a time where the community wasnt all that pleased with what the company put out, and is now seriously doubting the future of the game and wanting to continue supporting it..

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I'm sorry, guys. I know you're upset and worried about the layoffs and all, but... You couldn't manage one tweet to say it was canceled? Not one? Even Donald Trump can manage that! I mean, he can't spell, but...


This makes me REALLY worried for Tuesday. Not to mention I just wasted three hours waiting for information that was never delivered. I guess Tuesday everyone will just go in blind, no idea how powerful the warclaw is or how to get one.

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While I understand the frustration here given the obvious fallout (insert joke about the other company here) regarding the mount/WvW, finding out from an outside news source that your company might be 86ing a ton of people then spending the better part of the day getting more details from your actual employer about the pending job loss kind of puts people not in the right head space. Taking them to task for not having the stream or even taking a while to say it wasn't happening is maybe just a bit insensitive. I might not be a fan of the mount thing, but I think its obvious why the powers that be most likely opted for it and now these people at Anet are trying to gain their footing.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Is it a coincidence that this happened when Rubi went on holiday?


> I'm imagining it being like the time when the office secretary at my work went on holiday and no one knew how to unlock the back door, the printer stopped working and we ran out of tea!


You just made me spit my coffee out.. that was a waste of good coffee!! :)

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> This makes me REALLY worried for Tuesday. Not to mention I just wasted three hours waiting for information that was never delivered. I guess Tuesday everyone will just go in blind, no idea how powerful the warclaw is or how to get one.


C'mon. It will most likely be a Mastery Track like with all the other mounts, or a WvW ability track to level. One way or the other, I doubt it will be breaking news of something no one was expecting. There is no reason to be "worried."


> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > Is it a coincidence that this happened when Rubi went on holiday?

> >

> > I'm imagining it being like the time when the office secretary at my work went on holiday and no one knew how to unlock the back door, the printer stopped working and we ran out of tea!


> You just made me spit my coffee out.. that was a waste of good coffee!! :)


Ditto! (only that I was drinking tea) Thanks for the laugh, @"Bloodstealer.5978"! =)

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> How many people even watch these? A couple months ago everybody was literally "they stream?"?

> It's not a big deal and they definitely have better things to do tbh


In and of itself it's not a big deal. However, it's pretty clear there was a serious communications breakdown yesterday; whoever was supposed to host the stream was unable to do so and there appears to have been no backup plan. The ball got dropped, then a random cat from somebody's home instance batted it under a charr car with a flat. By the time they got it back, three hours had passed and an already unsettled community was visibly agitated.


Not good, but I'm going to try to remain optimistic and hope it's an anomaly. If this becomes the norm we're all in trouble.

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> @"Mikali.9651" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > The timing was bad, but mistakes happen.


> A mistake in my business means losing a client or getting fired. Or losing a company.


Wow, that must be awful as, assuming that your business is staffed by human beings, mistakes are inevitable.

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LOL I watch these streams when i can or catch up if I couldn't make one. I would say about 150 people tops even bother.

Considering all people have wanted to do is trash that mount, trash balance, trash WvW in general, I can well believe they stuck two fingers at it. I would of done even without the Bad news they received.

It beggars belief *shakes head*

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> LOL I watch these streams when i can or catch up if I couldn't make one. I would say about 150 people tops even bother.

> Considering all people have wanted to do is trash that mount, trash balance, trash WvW in general, I can well believe they stuck two fingers at it. I would of done even without the Bad news they received.

> It beggars belief *shakes head*


I would like to think and tbh firmly believe the devs are thicker skinned than that.. everything added to the game will garner different reactions from the player base.. do they cancel all comms because of that or accept that what they offer wont make everyone feel warm and cuddly all the time and that's the way it will always be in any MMO.

Heck as soon as a balance pass goes live the forums, redditt etc go on red alert, that is just another day in the life of a dev nothing more.. but this time there is something a lot more serious to add into the equation, something that absolutely takes precedence over the community feeling over a mount in WvW.. your being way to naïve if you can't understand that.


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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > LOL I watch these streams when i can or catch up if I couldn't make one. I would say about 150 people tops even bother.

> > Considering all people have wanted to do is trash that mount, trash balance, trash WvW in general, I can well believe they stuck two fingers at it. I would of done even without the Bad news they received.

> > It beggars belief *shakes head*


> I would like to think and tbh firmly believe the devs are thicker skinned than that.. everything added to the game will garner different reactions from the player base.. do they cancel all comms because of that or accept that what they offer wont make everyone feel warm and cuddly all the time and that's the way it will always be in any MMO.

> Heck as soon as a balance pass goes live the forums, redditt etc go on red alert, that is just another day in the life of a dev nothing more.. but this time there is something a lot more serious to add into the equation, something that absolutely takes precedence over the community feeling over a mount in WvW.. your being way to naïve if you can't understand that.



Oh c'mon. Of course what is happening company wide at the moment will take priority and I would of expected the stream to have happened if things were 'ok'. If you work with the public on anything you have to roll with the punches and believe me i'm no stranger to that. Doesn't mean you can't be pissed at people dissing any hard work you have done.

However people need to understand that. This thread is a complaint about a stream that maybe a 100 were waiting to see that didn't happen in the face of hard time for these people who live and breathe this game.

And they are the people you should judge.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Palador.2170" said:

> > This makes me REALLY worried for Tuesday. Not to mention I just wasted three hours waiting for information that was never delivered. I guess Tuesday everyone will just go in blind, no idea how powerful the warclaw is or how to get one.


> C'mon. It will most likely be a Mastery Track like with all the other mounts, or a WvW ability track to level. One way or the other, I doubt it will be breaking news of something no one was expecting. There is no reason to be "worried."


Mastery Track? That requires Mastery Points. Where will they be gotten from? Will there be points scattered around the WvW maps?


WvW Ability Track? So, you put just one point in, and you have the full mount unlocked in PvE? Or maybe the one point then unlocks a mastery track for PvE, and you need to then find the mastery points out there?


But my real, honest concern is that this is WvW's big (and possibly last) chance to gain some status. They need to be ready for the non-WvW-er people coming in, and show them reasons to want to stay and keep playing. If WvW wants more attention, they need more players and this is their chance. But if nobody knows what they're doing when the patch hits, then the most likely experience they'll have is a bad one. WvW will miss its chance, and it will continue to fade.

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> Mastery Track? That requires Mastery Points. Where will they be gotten from? Will there be points scattered around the WvW maps?


Well, it might be a trick to get WvW players to spend time in PvE, just like PvE players are forced to play WvW for certain items. We'll see.


> WvW Ability Track? So, you put just one point in, and you have the full mount unlocked in PvE?


What?! Just like gliding, it has several steps. No one will have it fully unlocked at once.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> What?! Just like gliding, it has several steps. No one will have it fully unlocked at once.

I was going to explain what I mean, but... no. We're off topic of the real issue here.


WvW needs more players, and this was their chance to draw some in. But if nobody knows what's going on when the time comes, then we're going to see people getting frustrated and generally having a bad time of it all. It'll be the opposite of what WvW needs.


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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> WvW needs more players, and this was their chance to draw some in. But if nobody knows what's going on when the time comes, then we're going to see people getting frustrated and generally having a bad time of it all. It'll be the opposite of what WvW needs.


It might get a bit difficult for people who have never played WvW before. For the rest of us, we will be fine I'm sure. ;)

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