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Thief hate

Jack Redline.5379

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> @"Aleksej.7453" said:


> Meta is just a good concept of what a build should look like. Anyhow my reply to Jack comes from playing 1 game with him and 2 against him so im pretty sure i know what im talking about. Peace toxic person who got offended and likes condi thieves lol



I got offended? Srsly? that had to be some real salt pro to offend me. Could you elaborate. I mean this is rly some deep dark net stuff not even i know about.

UNLESS. You are that Mesmer that Afked twice becuase somebody rekt him on the close and I wasnt there to help him. If so, it wasn't me who was offended. It was you and yes i did salt the shit out of you for Afking mid game for any and all reasons. If it is you GG dude xD

And if it rly is you. The 2 games you played against me. My team won those.

There was a similar case with a Guardian once so i am not sure. But the mirage was more recent so it poped up my mind as first example.

Please feel free to illuminate these circumstances xD

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"Aleksej.7453" said:


> > Meta is just a good concept of what a build should look like. Anyhow my reply to Jack comes from playing 1 game with him and 2 against him so im pretty sure i know what im talking about. Peace toxic person who got offended and likes condi thieves lol

> >


> I got offended? Srsly? that had to be some real salt pro to offend me. Could you elaborate. I mean this is rly some deep dark net stuff not even i know about.

> UNLESS. You are that Mesmer that Afked twice becuase somebody rekt him on the close and I wasnt there to help him. If so, it wasn't me who was offended. It was you and yes i did salt the kitten out of you for Afking mid game for any and all reasons. If it is you GG dude xD

> And if it rly is you. The 2 games you played against me. My team won those.

> There was a similar case with a Guardian once so i am not sure. But the mirage was more recent so it poped up my mind as first example.

> Please feel free to illuminate these circumstances xD


Dude, lmao. Im a thief, we won the one we played together and u lost 2 vs me. And thats not the point, i said offended @"rowdy.5107" . Im actually laughing

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For those that are genuinely curious;

Thief is hated on (at least from me) because:


1. It gatekeeps other less mobile squishies such as fresh air ele and shatter mesmer (before mirage). The only realistic counter to thief is outsustaining it. Pretty much any build must take into account surviving vs thief (and rev since HoT).

2. It relies on inherently frustrating mechanics, such as stealth, no LoS teleports (+returns), , spammable skills, and instant damage.


Even in games without those mechanics, many people dislike assassin archetypes because you feel cheated when you are having an intense standoff with another player and an assassin comes and instakills you.

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> @"Aleksej.7453" said:

> Dude, lmao. Im a thief, we won the one we played together and u lost 2 vs me. And thats not the point, i said offended @"rowdy.5107" . Im actually laughing


Well then i appologize for any passive agressive approach and if you are a thief and i lost against you. I could use a character name so i can put a face to it so i can fix that by kicking ur ass back ;) <3 no hard pheelings. Also what is wrong about liking condi thieves? I mean that last sentence is RLY confusing.

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> Just to give an update me and @"Aleksej.7453" have had that duel. Lets say that we know now how the things are in terms of Condi and Power Thieves. ;^)


U dont get it do you, its about team play not a duel. And yeah u won congratz. U are the best thief EU what can i say

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> Nice, we got a finalist, now we need to see the other e-kitten measurement semi-final between bluri and incissor.

> E-kitten the true e-sport!



Yes. Let us keep comparing. Tbh would love to compare my peaneye with bluri but that guy simply wont show up :P so i can't. I called him out twice already (maybe even three times) and yet he would not approach me. Clearly he knows why.

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > Nice, we got a finalist, now we need to see the other e-kitten measurement semi-final between bluri and incissor.

> > E-kitten the true e-sport!

> >


> Yes. Let us keep comparing. Tbh would love to compare my peaneye with bluri but that guy simply wont show up :P so i can't. I called him out twice already (maybe even three times) and yet he would not approach me. Clearly he knows why.


I really don't think he is interested in you tbh.

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So first you asked why people hate thieves but it devolved into wanting to measure e-peen with Sindrener. Maybe people just don like people with inflated ego and most of the time you will find them playing thief, mesmer or whatever FOTM is played.Spice it with some Dunning Kruger effect and Hubris and you get big bowl of toxicity. That is game after game same old story till you just assume that everyone is the same . In games one of those 3 is the first to start a flame war in chat instead of playing, so they are actively losing the game and on top of that they rope in at least one person. Maybe you are good thief or bad one people don't care, because you are being insufferable (could use worse words but they will get kittenizered).

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vancho it didn't become a epeen contest until the power thief guy decided to talk trash about how somebody else likes to play. Now back to that lil subject.. the power thief wouldn't stand a chance aginst the condi thief. all it takes is one.. just ONE steal and the power thief is insta-popped. there is no way around it unless you are loaded to the gills with cleanse. if you manage to even survive that 1 steal.. now u gotta deal with crits up the butt, nonstop stacking of poison, torment and bleeding and perma-evades.. good luck mr. power thief. :)

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Also forgot that certain type of people will congregate on ......... insert one cheesy build , which in turn will cause people to be annoyed to play with or against the profession. Doesn't matter if your build is different the many will ruin it for one. Also people hate conditions by default cause they ruin the action combat by forcing people to fight the UI and not the player. You are not going oi boy gona fight condi whatever, you know it will be a slog win or lose, because you are constantly cced cripple,slow, freeze, weakness, confusion, torment,poison.

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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> Also forgot that certain type of people will congregate on ......... insert one cheesy build , which in turn will cause people to be annoyed to play with or against the profession. Doesn't matter if your build is different the many will ruin it for one. Also people hate conditions by default cause they ruin the action combat by forcing people to fight the UI and not the player. You are not going oi boy gona fight condi whatever, you know it will be a slog win or lose, because you are constantly cced cripple,slow, freeze, weakness, confusion, torment,poison.


A condi mirage be like

![](https://i.imgur.com/VXDoaQS.jpg "")


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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> Also forgot that certain type of people will congregate on ......... insert one cheesy build , which in turn will cause people to be annoyed to play with or against the profession. Doesn't matter if your build is different the many will ruin it for one. Also people hate conditions by default cause they ruin the action combat by forcing people to fight the UI and not the player. You are not going oi boy gona fight condi whatever, you know it will be a slog win or lose, because you are constantly cced cripple,slow, freeze, weakness, confusion, torment,poison.


When im in a match. I really don't give 2 s%#ts if somebody is going to get mad at me for melting them with condi. I get yelled at all the time especially by thieves saying "youre cheap" "get a real build" "youre cancer" as they are laying there all dead with their face in the dirt. its not MY fault that you find being insta-popped by a much more superior type of thief offends YOU. im playing to win and im playing to give MY team a winning advantage. and im sorry but your tears will only fuel me to keep focusing on YOU and making sure that YOU have the worst match I can possibly give you.

Now, if you think your power thief build is better. Id like for you to prove it to me :) you can use any build you would like.. it wont matter. as soon as you are 400 distance from me you are going to die.. and there is NOTHING for you to stop it. and THAT is why most people don't like condi thieves. because the odds of you beating one is slim to none.


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Too bad condi thief gets popped by ever other class in existence.


And too bad even something as bad as core necro can: lulecksdee in it's face because condi transfer is a thing. Congrats, not only do you look like an aszhat, you found one build that can kill itself in other variation, but useless against all of the sustain in this meta.




This is why this PvP community is actual garbage compared to every other game in existence. Actual laughing stock.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> Too bad condi thief gets popped by ever other class in existence.


> And too bad even something as bad as core necro can: lulecksdee in it's face because condi transfer is a thing. Congrats, not only do you look like an aszhat, you found one build that can kill itself in other variation, but useless against all of the sustain in this meta.


> :Slowclap:


> This is why this PvP community is actual garbage compared to every other game in existence. Actual laughing stock.


From my experience only class that casts its stuff slower than necro is revenant when you throw the stolen Essence sap at him. There is srsly not many easier things than interrupt a Necro who is about to cast a skill. Also you can Evade the cast. You need to use a little Brian to be able to fight those ''sustain'' builds. Get creative if you know what i mean. Too bad that you clearly lack this perception thing since you even made post like this. 0 knowledge on condi thief or how it works or deals dmg. Next time please try it out a bit then post duwmb stuff like this

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