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NPCs blocking access to bank

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Or, if it's not the Mystic Forge you also need, use any of the other Cities or areas with Bank Access. There's WvW and PvP, also many different maps. Another option is acquiring a Lounge Pass, often offered at a discount, and can be acquired with Gold.


> Good luck.


Hoelbrak and Divinity's Reach also have at least 1 random guy who stands by the bank and gets accidentally selected when I press F. If I remember correctly the DR one says "I'm rich you know" which is the last thing I want to hear when I'm trying to see if selling everything I own will let me afford 1 new thing. Especially because he never answers when I ask if he's willing to share.


Rambling aside, when this happens I tend to just click on the banker, or move to another banker, depending on which seems easier at the time. It would be nice if Anet could do something to fix it, but it doesn't bother me a lot even when it happens frequently.

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> @"Knight In Shining Armor.1708" said:

> I have a permanent fractal pass, but LA is where I park my main character. I always try to return him there before I logout. I'd like the option to shove or kick the NPC out of the way, preferably into the "more violets less violence" lady


The skritt trying to collect artifacts in Thunderhead Peaks can be pushed out of the way.

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Other options: you can create an account bound city scroll so any of the racial cities plus Ebonhawke for ~100-175 gold (there's one for LA too, but it requires combining elements of the other six, so it's a lot more expensive).



[Rata Sum Portal Scroll](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rata_Sum_Portal_Scroll)



* 50 mystic coins ~65g

* 7 piles of mystic dust ~2g

* 2 mystic keystone crystals ~2g

* Essence of [city] 20-150g (depending on if buy/sell offer, which city)


By comparison, a typical "lounge pass" retails for 1000 gems, which costs ~325 gold (if converting to gems)

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Another work around is to glance at what your F prompt will do. "Greet" means you have a useless NPC. "Talk" means you have an interactive NPC, in this case the bank. You can shuffle around until the prompt says "Talk." I generally just run up to stand on top of the bank NPC (or the center of the mass of players there, heh), take a split second to verify I have "Talk" and then press F.

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