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Discussion Thread: ArenaNet News of 21 February 2019 [Merged]

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I know myself, and many of your players are worried, and want you to succeed. We’ve been left in the dark for a while now, and it hurts. I’ve played GW1 since its launch, and GW2 since launch. These two games have been a part of my life for over 14 years. I grew up with them. I’ve met countless friends, and we still chat from GW1. They mean a lot to me,and I don’t want to see it end.


Is it possible for a more in depth statement from you in the near future? It would help. :/


EDIT: I’m not demanding to know everything, just small things like what to expect after LS5. It can be small things like hinting at a new feature, or hinting what the new zone is by talking about the new gathering node in the map, or even a new emote. I don’t want people thinking I want to know everything that goes on in the company. I should have made it more clear. I just want the old feeling of hype back, and would like communication in the form of anything, wether it be about a big or small thing. I’m sure I’m not alone in wanting at least something.



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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > @"Jura.2170" said:

> > If Anet really needs more money to keep going, would it help if they removed turning gold into gems?

> >

> > How would you feel if they did that?


> I don't know. I more than often turned gems into gold, and this mechanic could be in jeopardy when the other side of this trade gets removed.


They meant gold > gems not gems > gold

It actually should keep the option to convert gems into gold but in order to actually make money to remove the gold to gems


That way Anet will be able to make money from the gemstore with money customers paid for their goods instead of farming gold in-game and then buy with it and they lose money

The gems > gold should be kept if people want to make easy gold using real money as well and I know I'm one of these people who do that most of the time because I have no time to farm nor I have the strength.

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> @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > > @"Jura.2170" said:

> > > If Anet really needs more money to keep going, would it help if they removed turning gold into gems?

> > >

> > > How would you feel if they did that?

> >

> > I don't know. I more than often turned gems into gold, and this mechanic could be in jeopardy when the other side of this trade gets removed.


> They meant gold > gems not gems > gold

> It actually should keep the option to convert gems into gold but in order to actually make money to remove the gold to gems


> That way Anet will be able to make money from the gemstore with money customers paid for their goods instead of farming gold in-game and then buy with it and they lose money

> The gems > gold should be kept if people want to make easy gold using real money as well and I know I'm one of these people who do that most of the time because I have no time to farm nor I have the strength.


in every gold to gem transactions don't generate gems, the gems need to have been bought by another player

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Let me ask this, would you pay 10 bucks a month sub if the gem store was removed and skins , outfits etc dropped in game and through stories? Not whole outfits but like the chest drops off this or that, and the legs are from completing this story, the gloves from an achievement, you could collect things by doing ingame content. You get what im saying, mmorpg games take a huge amount of revenue to keep up , let alone add new content and expansions. No one wants to pay a sub, but they pay all the time to buy from the store? You are paying one way or another, the difference is in big sub games most of the goodies you get ingame by playing the game, and lots of new content.


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For me, it is not a good sign at all. Management can tell anything to keep us playing GW2.

Then, they just shut it down when they can not gain suffice revenue anymore.


From now on, we will get very delay LS5 and no new expansion.


ANet never really honest to us (even their staffs). However, They don't tell exact 'yes ' or 'no' answer, only tell some vague answer. ( everything will be ok..., we have those we have that ..... , or just keep quiet) just to keep people from panicking. - well that the business and management job.


1.5 - 2 years from now is actualy very long nowadays. the consummer behavior drastically change over a short period of times.

They get bored more easily if the new content wasn't added enough. I don't think people can wait that long for new content. they might leave the game before.


As i played the game for 3 years and also own Nintendo switch, iPhone ... there are so much more to choose and offer new game regularly to keep everything fresh

but GW2 didn't ... they added mediocre map to grind every 3-4 months. (but already get bored after 1st month) ... i miss the lively environment when POF launched everything so fresh and a lot things to explore. now it is just vast deserted land.


I think this is the sign of declining of the game. it is surely not gonna be great again. Even if there is new expansion. it is gonna just 'ok' .

it's time to countdown folk.

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Biggest problem i see here is existance of ncsoft in this story. They are just useless leachers In this story. If there was any care for anet or games itself Kim lol Taek Evil djin would use his over 1b of dollars and support those that actually do work in company.

I personally used to buy gems thinking , ye i support devs by that. Now when i think of it i feel like of each1$ i give , 95% goes into hand of djins who just hoard them.

So ye , my tx to devs who actually worked on this awesome game , as for djins , no matter how much money u hoard 1 thing will for sure come for u. Enjoy it !

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I dunno if 2000 gems items and skins are selling well? Maybe decrease it at 800~1000 gems?


Frankly can't very tell, but when I see more than 900, it put a lock on myself, and abort buying them. Also the 400 gems rng boxes are an incredible joke, would have not created random licence and directly the skin you want for 400 gems. What does it change? See mount packs, if you do the calculation, 1 mount skin = 400 gems.


At least we need to keep the expansion team/ living story. Deleting that would make several players quit.


@"Gaile Gray.6029" I'm very proud of the work coming from maps designer, living story writers or anyone participating to design the quests, environment, audio. It's very sad news.

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The publishers of Aion were never honest either. 'no the game isn't dying' they said as one by one the staff left. Then NC totally deleted all the starter areas. But it's ok folks, here's Aion2. They trashed that game and sucked it dry.

I have been where Anet staff are today and i'm telling you none of them will be walking into work with a spring in their step. They don't want people kittening on the forum about the game at the moment. They need our support. They need to know we as players love their game and want it to continue. I am dis-believing heartbroken that people responsible for the games I love are facing this.



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This only happened yesterday. According to various reports and stuff I read on Twitter from Anet staff Mike O'Brien went into a meeting in the morning where he was told by NCSoft they'll need to lay off staff, he did a brief initial announcement to Anet (email I'm guessing), someone leaked the news and it was all over the internet even before Anet had meetings to explain what's happening.


As far as I've seen they don't know exactly what's happening yet. They may not even have decided which departments will be affected - they may have just been told "you need to cut your operating budget to $X", realised that will mean losing staff and now they're trying to figure out who will go.


For what it's worth my employer is going through a similar situation. It was announced before Christmas that we'd be losing staff, but it was only at the end of January that we found out the departments affected and then the individual jobs. We still don't know for sure what's going to happen because we're in a consultation period over the new structure so some decisions might be changed but we're not expecting the changes to actually happen until the summer. Now some of that is due to UK labour laws - we have no such thing as 'at will' employment here, you can't just call someone into the office and tell them they don't have a job any more. To make them redundant you need to follow a specific procedure to record that that the job isn't needed any more so they can't take you to court for unfair dismissal (note: not an employment lawyer, may not be the correct term) and many people will have a statutory notice period of 2 months or more.


But some of it is also because large scale redundancies are a huge change and it takes time to get a plan in place so everything doesn't fall apart when those people leave. Even if they're doing "fluff" jobs or whatever you want to call them it's still highly unlikely they can just stop everything they're doing with no impact. It may not be immediate or obvious, but in some ways that makes it even more important that someone considers how not doing that job will affect things.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> This only happened yesterday. According to various reports and stuff I read on Twitter from Anet staff Mike O'Brien went into a meeting in the morning where he was told by NCSoft they'll need to lay off staff, he did a brief initial announcement to Anet (email I'm guessing), someone leaked the news and it was all over the internet even before Anet had meetings to explain what's happening.


> As far as I've seen they don't know exactly what's happening yet. They may not even have decided which departments will be affected - they may have just been told "you need to cut your operating budget to $X", realised that will mean losing staff and now they're trying to figure out who will go.


> For what it's worth my employer is going through a similar situation. It was announced before Christmas that we'd be losing staff, but it was only at the end of January that we found out the departments affected and then the individual jobs. We still don't know for sure what's going to happen because we're in a consultation period over the new structure so some decisions might be changed but we're not expecting the changes to actually happen until the summer. Now some of that is due to UK labour laws - we have no such thing as 'at will' employment here, you can't just call someone into the office and tell them they don't have a job any more. To make them redundant you need to follow a specific procedure to record that that the job isn't needed any more so they can't take you to court for unfair dismissal (note: not an employment lawyer, may not be the correct term) and many people will have a statutory notice period of 2 months or more.


> But some of it is also because large scale redundancies are a huge change and it takes time to get a plan in place so everything doesn't fall apart when those people leave. Even if they're doing "fluff" jobs or whatever you want to call them it's still highly unlikely they can just stop everything they're doing with no impact. It may not be immediate or obvious, but in some ways that makes it even more important that someone considers how not doing that job will affect things.


we (kind) do know who gets affected since it's been confirmed that it's due to the cancellation of an unannounced project.

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Well that probably means GW2 days are numbered and even GW1 might be shut off too as "restructuring" efforts are pursued.


Been fun guys.


@"Gaile Gray.6029" Please extend my personal thanks to everyone that has made this an enjoyable game for the past 7 years, I hope whatever the future brings it is prosperity to you all.

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> @"Kam.4092" said:

> I know myself, and many of your players are worried, and want you to succeed. We’ve been left in the dark for a while now, and it hurts. I’ve played GW1 since its launch, and GW2 since launch. These two games have been a part of my life for over 14 years. I grew up with them. I’ve met countless friends, and we still chat from GW1. They mean a lot to me,and I don’t want to see it end.


> Is it possible for a more in depth statement from you in the near future? It would help. :/




We sort of had one. But it was very vague and reassured us that we were still getting Season 5 after season 4, which I don't think was the bigger question for most people.


But it was also done late at night and not even during business hours, so I'd say that was probably just an "oh crap something's happening" quick response almost auto-generated message and they may create another post about it when they themselves get everything figured out.


At least that's my hope.

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Saying we'll still get Season 5 after Season 4 actually tells us a lot. It means their plan hasn't changed as a result of this decision, and we're going to get at least 7 more living story releases, which if we assume the absolute bare minimum of 2 months per episode gives us another 12 months of content. In other words they've confirmed their plans for the next year or more.


According to various rumours and articles I've seen most of the layoffs will be related to one or more un-related projects. Which as I understand it isn't that unusual in the games industry. Developers usually have more than 1 game they're working on and you have to do some work on it before you can decide if it's worth taking through to release or not. If not that project is gone and those people need new jobs. Sometimes that will be within the same company, sometimes not. It sucks, but it's not unusual.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> Let me ask this, would you pay 10 bucks a month sub if the gem store was removed and skins , outfits etc dropped in game and through stories? Not whole outfits but like the chest drops off this or that, and the legs are from completing this story, the gloves from an achievement, you could collect things by doing ingame content. You get what im saying, mmorpg games take a huge amount of revenue to keep up , let alone add new content and expansions. No one wants to pay a sub, but they pay all the time to buy from the store? You are paying one way or another, the difference is in big sub games most of the goodies you get ingame by playing the game, and lots of new content.



no, i can't financially justify a subscription on any type of game

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> From what I gathered, ANets current business model has a lot of overhead with 400 employees.


> This isn’t necessarily anything new for a company. It’s business as usual and you’ll see “fluff” jobs gone and I think this gives ANet a push for another expansion sooner than later.

At the same time I have to wonder why they haven't brought out a new expansion while bringing out LS chapters if they have such overhead. At the end of the day, too many cooks in one kitchen is not a good thing, but then you can create two kitchens and split them up between them. They didn't do that either. For all I know, ArenaNet personnel has been used for other projects delaying GW2 development and now those projects fell through or were done they have nothing to do at the moment and the delays for GW2 itself caused a revenue drop that they now have to react to. Seems more like poor management from Ncsoft that now messes things up for ArenaNet as a unit. Especially since the article indicates that it's not just a matter of people losing jobs but ArenaNet being merged with other Ncsoft departments.


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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Saying we'll still get Season 5 after Season 4 actually tells us a lot. It means their plan hasn't changed as a result of this decision, and we're going to get at least 7 more living story releases, which if we assume the absolute bare minimum of 2 months per episode gives us another 12 months of content. In other words they've confirmed their plans for the next year or more.


> According to various rumours and articles I've seen most of the layoffs will be related to one or more un-related projects. Which as I understand it isn't that unusual in the games industry. Developers usually have more than 1 game they're working on and you have to do some work on it before you can decide if it's worth taking through to release or not. If not that project is gone and those people need new jobs. Sometimes that will be within the same company, sometimes not. It sucks, but it's not unusual.


Yeah though I think that I'm probably not the only one who'd rather have another expansion come out than more LS chapters. I suspect that GW2 will certainly not stop but it does make me wonder whether or not this affects the realization of another expansion.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Saying we'll still get Season 5 after Season 4 actually tells us a lot. It means their plan hasn't changed as a result of this decision, and we're going to get at least 7 more living story releases, which if we assume the absolute bare minimum of 2 months per episode gives us another 12 months of content. In other words they've confirmed their plans for the next year or more.


> According to various rumours and articles I've seen most of the layoffs will be related to one or more un-related projects. Which as I understand it isn't that unusual in the games industry. Developers usually have more than 1 game they're working on and you have to do some work on it before you can decide if it's worth taking through to release or not. If not that project is gone and those people need new jobs. Sometimes that will be within the same company, sometimes not. It sucks, but it's not unusual.


Ls releases are more like every 3 to 4 months.

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