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Upcoming Balance Notes

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This seems like a pretty ideal patch overall. I see quite a few things that players requested in their profession forums that made it into the patch. So kudos ANet.


The downside is that they really need to do an incremental-ish balance patch like this every month. Make smaller changes, but often, and when well-thought-out and modest suggestions are made in profession forums, give them very serious consideration.


Not saying they didn't ignore some long-running issues, not saying they didn't tone something down that was arguably not over-the-top, not saying that they fixed everything and now it's good. Quite the opposite: a lot needs to be done. BUT the point is they definitely made good and requested changes without rocking the boat too much and if they could do this every month, in six or 8 months they'd have an amazingly-polished product.


Overall, I'm very happy with the patch. Though if it's 3 months until the next one, that will pretty much have wasted the good will and the opportunity. Hopefully, the recent, painful shake-up will refocus efforts so smaller, more frequent patches will guide the professions to a long-term goal.

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> @"Druitt.7629"

> Overall, I'm very happy with the patch. Though if it's 3 months until the next one, that will pretty much have wasted the good will and the opportunity. Hopefully, the recent, painful shake-up will refocus efforts so smaller, more frequent patches will guide the professions to a long-term goal.


The problem is that these types of changes have been made in the past and taken months before any fix is made. It's becoming a common theme to nerf something into oblivion and then wait months before it becomes viable again. The was a poll done a while back where the majority response was that people want to play their main class but switch occasionally for certain things. With these kinds of changes you're looking at players being forced off classes that they want to play for certain content.


This is not the only issue. Changes such as the warrior banner nerf are being done without any viable alternatives being provided to players. It is an integral part of the current meta as banners affect even gear compositions for certain classes. This kind of change is in line with previous nerfs to chronos and druids which appear to be done without any regard for how they'll affect the meta and the fact that it has even taken this long for them to be nerfed to the point of no viability is indicative of a rudderless ship just sailing with the wind. This is not the first time that such a major change has been done that ultimately just nerfs everything and quite frankly reduces the enjoyability of the game for players.


Sure people have been calling for banners to be altered in some way because they've been too important in the meta for too long. But these changes just leave it as just as important a part of the meta as it previously was but with a reduced effectiveness. The main problem is that it takes too long for certain classes to be buffed to the point where they replace the existing meta while concurrently the current approach is to just nerf everything until something else becomes moderately viable. Ultimately what we get is a diminished game experience for months on end.


To replace the effectiveness of banners something could have been done with guardian or chrono signets for example where signet sharing could become the new replacements for banners and EA while at the same time buffing warrior DPS in accordance to what they've said they've wanted to do. These patch notes in it's current state are just poor and are just going to annoy a lot of people. I can only speculate that those in charge of balancing don't play this game as frequently as some of us do because these changes are unaccepted from certain perspectives and they keep happening.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > > > > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > > > > **Necromancer**

> > > > > We'll be pushing some of its damage higher through skill updates in PvE, but will be mostly leaving it alone in competitive modes, as all the necromancer specializations have a healthy representation in competitive game modes._

> > > >

> > > > So what you just told me is that necromancer is balanced based on popularity rather than effectiveness.

> > > >

> > > > Explains a lot about the class.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > More appropriately ... it's balanced on theme

> >

> > While every other class isn't? Seems fair.


> Seems that EVERY class to me is balanced primarily on theme .. that's why none of them are inline with a common performance target. At least not yet ... maybe in 4-6 more years.


So you believe Anet doesnt care about comparative performance between the classes in modes such as PvP, WvW and Raids, they only care about the % of each class representated in each mode.


Two things: This concept invalidates the idea of balance in PvP, and says that we as players should only keep following the flavor of the month to win most often.

It also says the balance developers have chosen to continue to chase their own tail, since they lack a common performance target for each class. This means they waste time, resources, and money to constantly rebalance against player interest, which will be as constantly changing as fashion trends do.


It's not difficult to see why this method doesnt bode well for GW2.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> 1) Good job in breaking Dragonhunter and core guardian!

> 2) Get a test server already! Paper notes don't work.


How did it break DH? They increased range on one bow skill. The bow still sucks in WvW unless you cloud the zerg and don't run in it. It's more useful in PvE, lol.

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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > 1) Good job in breaking Dragonhunter and core guardian!

> > 2) Get a test server already! Paper notes don't work.


> How did it break DH? They increased range on one bow skill. The bow still sucks in WvW unless you cloud the zerg and don't run in it. It's more useful in PvE, lol.


They broke it by removing it's main source of damage, which was Righteous Instincts... Without that, power guard will lose most it's damage. That's how they broke it.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > 1) Good job in breaking Dragonhunter and core guardian!

> > > 2) Get a test server already! Paper notes don't work.

> >

> > How did it break DH? They increased range on one bow skill. The bow still sucks in WvW unless you cloud the zerg and don't run in it. It's more useful in PvE, lol.


> They broke it by removing it's main source of damage, which was Righteous Instincts... Without that, power guard will lose most it's damage. That's how they broke it.


But that is not affecting the Elite. I don't run that trait line. I guess it's how you play. If you follow the Meta's all the time you'll end up getting screwed on every balance patch.

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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > 1) Good job in breaking Dragonhunter and core guardian!

> > > > 2) Get a test server already! Paper notes don't work.

> > >

> > > How did it break DH? They increased range on one bow skill. The bow still sucks in WvW unless you cloud the zerg and don't run in it. It's more useful in PvE, lol.

> >

> > They broke it by removing it's main source of damage, which was Righteous Instincts... Without that, power guard will lose most it's damage. That's how they broke it.


> But that is not affecting the Elite. I don't run that trait line. I guess it's how you play. If you follow the Meta's all the time you'll end up getting screwed on every balance patch.


Well, i'll bow to your obvious expertise and refrain from commenting.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > 1) Good job in breaking Dragonhunter and core guardian!

> > > > > 2) Get a test server already! Paper notes don't work.

> > > >

> > > > How did it break DH? They increased range on one bow skill. The bow still sucks in WvW unless you cloud the zerg and don't run in it. It's more useful in PvE, lol.

> > >

> > > They broke it by removing it's main source of damage, which was Righteous Instincts... Without that, power guard will lose most it's damage. That's how they broke it.

> >

> > But that is not affecting the Elite. I don't run that trait line. I guess it's how you play. If you follow the Meta's all the time you'll end up getting screwed on every balance patch.


> Well, i'll bow to your obvious expertise and refrain from commenting.


Nah, you can keep commenting. I was just kind of pointing out the change screwed Guardian as a whole and not just affecting the DH trait line.

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> @"DarkEagle.7381" said:

> > @"spartan.9421" said:

> > The best part about this update is everyone freaking out and overreacting despite the patch not even being live yet.


> Well, some "freak outs" are justified such as the lack of Mirage nerfs in PvE. Tell me how waiting for the patch will magically manifest in PvE Mirage nerfs?


Tell me how freaking out is going to help with anything. Answer: it won't. Constructive criticism and helpful feedback *after* the patch is what will help ANET make the right adjustments.

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> @"Apokriphos.7042" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > > > > > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > > > > > **Necromancer**

> > > > > > We'll be pushing some of its damage higher through skill updates in PvE, but will be mostly leaving it alone in competitive modes, as all the necromancer specializations have a healthy representation in competitive game modes._

> > > > >

> > > > > So what you just told me is that necromancer is balanced based on popularity rather than effectiveness.

> > > > >

> > > > > Explains a lot about the class.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > More appropriately ... it's balanced on theme

> > >

> > > While every other class isn't? Seems fair.

> >

> > Seems that EVERY class to me is balanced primarily on theme .. that's why none of them are inline with a common performance target. At least not yet ... maybe in 4-6 more years.


> So you believe Anet doesnt care about comparative performance between the classes in modes such as PvP, WvW and Raids, they only care about the % of each class representated in each mode.


I'm not sure I would say they don't care about comparative performance, but it's pretty obvious it's not the primary reason they make changes. If it was primary, then why don't we have performance balance yet? I mean, how long do you think it should take them to give you that kind of balance because it's over 6 years now ...

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> @"spartan.9421" said:

> Tell me how freaking out is going to help with anything. Answer: it won't. Constructive criticism and helpful feedback *after* the patch is what will help ANET make the right adjustments.


While freaking out doesn't help anyone, there's no reason why this format of feedback before an actual patch hits can't work. There are a lot of points made on here that are valid. There's no point waiting another 3 months for a change when some feedback can be given now to prevent some of these changes. This kind of open communication with players regarding changes is important for the future of the game so that players aren't left in the dark for months on end. As hard as some on here may find it to believe not all balance decisions are the best thing for the game and the player experience and some players may have something worthwhile to contribute.


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> @"Inoki.6048" said:

> Not sure what was wrong with Chrono btw. Someone enlighten me please? I never found them difficult to fight. Mirage, on the other hand, is hands down broken to the core and that infinite clone spam + condi application definitely needs to go.

Chronomancer being the end-all-and-be-all of PVE support is what's wrong with it. That should never have been allowed in the first place, and there's no way around nerfing it now.

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Basically zero change. Even the gyro "rework" just plays into how Scrapper is already a spammy, low effort, PBAoE facetanker They'll just press an extra button or two and deal more damage (or be more immune to incoming effects) while doing the exact same thing that they've always done. Ranger spirits merely received a basic boi QoL change which itself doesn't really address how the skill subtype is hopelessly bland and outclassed, bringing neither movement to combat nor providing anything useful to any team or individual player. The only remotely interesting patch changes are:

* **Harbinger Shroud** because it a proper mechanical alteration to an existing skill with a delayed pay-off (which implies positioning and timing) rather than just being more boons or an increased duration slapped onto already-existing effects

* **Banner changes** which aren't even really that good in the end since they don't really alter how the banners are used in any way outside of the Battle Standard (which probably won't see play in PvP anyway because Rampage is just too low effort for its returns)


Man, I can't believe that that's really it. Neat that these were spoiled prior to the update, but the whole patch could have dropped and it probably wouldn't have ended up affecting the game beyond a few days of PvP meme builds running their course before things fell back into the usual stale meta.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Inoki.6048" said:

> > Not sure what was wrong with Chrono btw. Someone enlighten me please? I never found them difficult to fight. Mirage, on the other hand, is hands down broken to the core and that infinite clone spam + condi application definitely needs to go.

> Chronomancer being the end-all-and-be-all of PVE support is what's wrong with it. That should never have been allowed in the first place, and there's no way around nerfing it now.


It's not Chrono's fault that GW2 is an incredibly shallow game that has 5-6 too many classes for its own good. It was the first build in the game to provide a unique buff to parties in PvE content, of course it was going to take command of every PvE instance amidst a sea of generic DPS classes.

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Another hit on Mesmer? I personally feel like if a Mesmer succeeds they are going to be nerfed. it's my favorite class but I find I can't play it effectively.


**The bar on Mesmer is being set so high that only a young video gamer with the concomitant reaction times can play it.**


I've been playing this game for more than 6 years. Mesmer is my favorite class, both GW1 and GW2.... Please consider making a relatively easy-to-play build.


I feel that ANET has catered too much to a narrow demographic of players.. making the game more and more difficult to play and enjoy.


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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:


> As a quick note: It is easy to judge a change in isolation – I ask that you consider how the full set of changes in tandem will affect Tyria.


> Sincerely,

> GW2 Systems team



Love how this was added. I'm going to go and say thanks for the update and heads up, but I feel that everything up until now for mesmer was done to cater to the crowd that whines the loudest.

There have been super questionable balance changes since Feb. of last year, and every time things were changed it seemed like it was done to cater to the wrong complaints.

Maybe other feedback identifying outliers and more direct nerfs to issues never made it to your team?





> **General**

> • Fixed a bug in which some ring effects with a range of 600 were appearing larger than they should.

> • Exhaustion: This effect now stacks in duration up to 3 times.


So Elusive Mind has a very hefty Exhaustion penalty making the trait unusable. You can check your own statistics in PvP and WvW. Currently what I ( and most likely the majority of mesmer mains ) have discovered is the only functional grandmaster trait mirage has is Infinite Horizon, as the other two are basically unusable.

Will you add a tiered system like you have done for thieves to make using Elusive mind during a Daze NOT be as punishing vs using it on a stun, like thieves will have with cripple, chill, and immobilize?



> **Mesmer**

> _After watching mesmer builds develop following our last update, we have a few more adjustments for both chronomancers and mirages.

> While we think that Signet of Inspiration's new functionality is working well, it's a little too strong, so we're slightly reducing both the recharge time and the extension of the boon duration. This still leaves it a little on the strong side, but we don't want to remove it entirely. Similarly, the Danger Time trait ended up being too strong; we've been seeing some very high damage numbers coming out of chronomancers who are also bringing support skills._




I dont understand the need for a danger time nerf, (and from the listed benchmarks on snowcrows, power chrono isn't anywhere near the top of the DPS charts.)

So I am wondering where the "very high" is coming from...


While we are on the subject of Chrono. What is it supposed to do?

You guys keep nerfing its support, wells are impractical to use because of the way the function, and it seems that you are going to begin nerfing power as well?

What's the idea for chrono?



> _Finally, we're slightly reducing the duration of the Mirage Cloak dodge in order to make it more like the normal dodge move. When we first built the mirage specialization, we felt that the dodge window had to be larger than a normal dodge in order to compensate for the fact that the player doesn't move with the dodge. As players have become more accustomed to the specialization, we've found that this advantage is no longer necessary. Coupled with the superspeed that's granted by the other minor trait, mirages can travel significantly farther than a normal dodge while attacking. This change does not affect the window for an ambush attack, which has always been on a separate timer._



So, the problem that a lot of people found in beta is going to be repeated?

The problem, if I recall correctly from the pre-launch of PoF complaints about your original iteration, was that it was impossible to move out of AoE's. With this change you are returning the original clunkiness back to Mirage Cloak, while not fixing what the majority of people have been asking for and that is to not dodge while CC'd

So now we get a mirage cloak that will still be complained about AND feel clunky.

That isn't the only issue I have with this change.

The previous nerfs to vigor and jaunt were done because you felt the evasion windows were too high. Now that you are effectively lowering Mirage Cloak will we see some type of reversion done to those traits and skills so that the statement given on Dec. 11, 2018 "We want mirages to excel in longer combat engagements" still holds true?


Right now, Power mesmer has very little vigor uptime, thus lowering its overall ability to avoid damage to have those longer engagements, and you already nerfed the burst of power. What will be done about that spec in pvp and wvw

Will you address the issue of Condi burst and/or Scepter?

Those are things that should have been addressed, yet continue to be ignored.

Again, we have given feedback on that issue and it continues to be overlooked.



> • Well of Recall: Reduced the recharge time of this skill from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.


Honestly, if the well continues to only give it's benefits at the end of the channel it will still be clunky and ineffective to use.

You have a game where you want people *Actively* playing, yet these wells require the mesmer AND any party member to sit still inside of the well for its full duration ( or watch a timer to jump back into it for the ending channel) to receive the benefit.

It's unusable in WvW, no one uses it in PvP and it's clunky to use in PvE. This isn't the only well that exhibits this behavior either.

Why can't these be changed to function like other well skills in the game?


> • Signet of Humility: Reduced the recharge time of this skill from 180 seconds to 120 seconds in PvE only.


Why not do this in all game modes?




> • Speed of Sand: Superspeed's duration has been reduced to match Mirage Cloak's duration.


This change is what will hurt the most and I and others are pleading that you keep the Superspeed at least 1s so that MC doesn't feel as bad to use.


> • Imaginary Axes: Reduced the amount of torment stacks applied in PvP and WvW from 3 to 1. This skill can no longer be used on targets behind the mesmer.

This was a good change- but scepter- which is now the superior condi 1handed weapon- will just replace this weapon.

> • Ambush Assault: This skill can no longer be used on targets behind the mesmer.


Basically, their is no real reason to run Axe over scepter now, how will you and the team address this?


> • Signet of Inspiration: Lowered the extended durations of boons that this skill grants from 5 seconds to 3 seconds. Lowered the recharge time from 30 seconds to 20 seconds.

Honestly this signet needs a new functionality, either it will be really good or really bad, and this change just makes it bad.


> • Axes of Symmetry: Reduced this skill's damage in WvW to match the PvP version of this skill. The number of confusion stacks that this applies is now 3 in all game modes.

Comments above about scepter. It is great that the confusion is getting lowered, but it doesn't really help anything if you leave the other weapon ( scepter) as is

> • Illusionary Ambush: Increased the recharge time of this skill from 20 seconds to 35 seconds in PvP and WvW only.


This is WAY harsh, why not just put it back to 30s like it was pre-PoF launch?



> • Cry of Pain: The number of confusion stacks that this trait allows Cry of Frustration to apply has been decreased from 2 to 1 in all game modes.

> • Ineptitude: The confusion duration of this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP and WvW.


Good changes and thank you guys for finally addressing this a little, but as has been mentioned on this forum. The meta build for condi-mirage doesn't use Illusions OR ineptitude, and with the change from Axe to Scepter this does nothing to effectively change the meta or the condi burst that is currently making mirage overbearing to some people.



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Overall i think the chrono changes are good. You have instant access to quickness from ToT so we're no longer shackled to Time Warp. Coupled with the buff to moa signet there's now both the option and a benefit to taking it again. I think though that the piecemeal changes to the class are irritating some people, perhaps less frequent but larger scale changes would be a possible approach to this?


The two condition damage builds that are in the raid meta right now are mirage and renegade. I don't really understand why you'd alter renegade that only really excels on one boss compared to mirage that can do excessive damage on a number of bosses. Almost any nerf to mirage in pvp as things stand in the current meta is welcome and steps have been taken towards that. The same can be said with soulbeast. If they are enough to change the oppresive dominance of these builds and address complaits from the pvp community, I can't comment; I don't have the experience required in SPvP.


I think the changes to banner are reasonable, warrior now has complete control and no longer has to ask a teammate to move a banner for them. Reduced stats is fair also. Still have a place in the meta but the stats they provided was a bit too much. Winds of disenchantment change an interesting move and will propably mean a resurgence of spellbreaker in WvW.


I'm happy to see a change to ranger spirits. More interactive gameplay is something people who play druid have been asking for.


Changes to scrapper look like they could be good and useful in a WvW scenario. I'm excited to get my hands on it.


The change to scourge if it ends up being a nerf in WvW is a step in the right direction. Still going to end up a crucial part of zerg play but as it stands right now it's way too much. I'm concerned about is the possibility of activating the f5 skill and placing the shade after a delay so the bomb isn't telegraphed. That will cause some problems. The change to reaper utilities doesn't seem to really achieve anything because the damage on them was already next to nothing


From a mostly raid perspective i'm excited about alot of these changes. Like I said before I really appreciate these notes being released a week early so we can have some time to consider the changes before they hit. More and earlier communication is really appreciated and I hope to see more in the future.

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> @"RAZOR.7246" said:

> > @"spartan.9421" said:

> > Tell me how freaking out is going to help with anything. Answer: it won't. Constructive criticism and helpful feedback *after* the patch is what will help ANET make the right adjustments.


> While freaking out doesn't help anyone, there's no reason why this format of feedback before an actual patch hits can't work. There are a lot of points made on here that are valid. There's no point waiting another 3 months for a change when some feedback can be given now to prevent some of these changes. This kind of open communication with players regarding changes is important for the future of the game so that players aren't left in the dark for months on end. As hard as some on here may find it to believe not all balance decisions are the best thing for the game and the player experience and some players may have something worthwhile to contribute.



I would say the opposite: How can anyone have valid points without playing a classes' changes in the actual environment with all the other changes from the others classes as well?

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