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> @"NeroBoron.7285" said:

> From my WvW perspective:

>An indestructable sneak gyro that pulses invisibility can be too strong. maybe give only invisibility on initial deployment and then a smoke field pulsing blind.


i would have to disagree since you can still sort of see where the stealth-ed players are (in the smoke field)

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048"


I still dont get it why both PvE/PvP/WvW is mixed in this balance patch since every gamemode is completly different in term of gameplay and playstyle.

I should propose to do like "General" change (change that affects each gamemode) then => subclass with only change in this gamemode "PvE/PvP/WvW" It would more clear.




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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"NeroBoron.7285" said:

> > From my WvW perspective:

> >An indestructable sneak gyro that pulses invisibility can be too strong. maybe give only invisibility on initial deployment and then a smoke field pulsing blind.


> i would have to disagree since you can still sort of see where the stealth-ed players are (in the smoke field)


I know I even suggested such changes [here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/50231/scrapper-overhaul "here") and people still can cast aoe's into that field.

That's why I said can be too strong, we will see how this will work out ;) The issue is that builds that require targets are completly thrown up. And even with only initial invisbility the steath duration can be increased by additional effort through blasts and leaps.

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> • Herald of Sorrow: Equipping this trait turns Desert Shroud into Harbinger Shroud, which removes the pulsing effects of Desert Shroud and instead shifts into a single detonation after a 3-second delay. This trait deals damage, corruption, and conditions in one strike while providing barrier to allies within the vicinity.


I can see why in WvW they would need to change scourge, but 3 seconds in WvW is a lifetime, you cast this and the enemy will have moved on long before that 3 seconds is up, esp with the AOE field that it puts down, (nothing says avoid me like a giant pulsing red circle on the ground) its so easy to avoid this skill, its far better to take shout reaper now over scourge, unless you can somehow ask the enemy to stand still for 3 seconds while the skill goes boom.

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I should have known we would get a retaliation patch because of the ncsoft layoffs and its here. I mean deadeye and renegade changes you might as well have just remove them from the game. Based off other posts too its pretty much anything pof if it was reworked or not is going into the garbage. Something must be coming in some form to actually be fun gameplay wise or something because it feels like buying any expansions is just a waste of money now.

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I dont think that unending corruption change does The job. Itse just not gona get picked on wvw because of changes to desert shroud( which would become unplayable, i mean 3s delay? Its unusable ) like The problem with scourge when it comes to wvw is how big shade Works, weak support options and The fackt you dont want to drop shade on top of your allies because it doesnt really do anything. Like designwise when your supposed condi/support spec is used as Power dps spec then there is something fundamentalismi wrong with class design...

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > Boonbeast get -1s on dolyak stance = BOONBEAST IS FIXED NOW !11 all go home! LOL

> > I thought that was a joke but its not ? eksdee

> You know that Leader of the Pack was also nerfed right? You know what the trait does?

> Anyways, this might just be enough to get boonbeast in line. We will see.


40s cd on stability-breakstun and immunity to movement impairing conditions (which being removed by very few skills ONCE) and stackable damage reductions that lasts 5-6s ? At this point i'm surprised why its not 3s at best?

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> > • Herald of Sorrow: Equipping this trait turns Desert Shroud into Harbinger Shroud, which removes the pulsing effects of Desert Shroud and instead shifts into a single detonation after a 3-second delay. This trait deals damage, corruption, and conditions in one strike while providing barrier to allies within the vicinity.


> I can see why in WvW they would need to change scourge, but 3 seconds in WvW is a lifetime, you cast this and the enemy will have moved on long before that 3 seconds is up, esp with the AOE field that it puts down, (nothing says avoid me like a giant pulsing red circle on the ground) its so easy to avoid this skill, its far better to take shout reaper now over scourge, unless you can somehow ask the enemy to stand still for 3 seconds while the skill goes boom.


Well, you don't have to take that trait...

Also, if we can use f5 wait 2seconds,then use f1 right before the bomb goes off, it's still kinda good. But then we would need very clear visuals.


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Hey long time warrior player, 10k+ hours and 95% of that is on warrior, so I'm happy that banners are seeing some work. I'd just like to add my reflections.


> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> **Warrior**

> Banner skills have long been very passive in nature. Today we're releasing some changes to give them a bit more active gameplay while also reducing their granted attributes to give greater role flexibility in group settings. However, we do think that the warrior gives up a lot in order to use them, so we're increasing the bonus stat gains when warriors equip traits that modify banners. As a larger change, we're also removing the bundle skills from banners and changing the pick-up action to now recharge the banner skill. Previously, the banner skills could be a trap for players, providing weaker skills in a bundle that anyone could interact with. We considered enhancing the banner skills, but we don't want banners to be alternate weapons that take away from a player's normal weapons.


Overall banners are getting a nerf; you used to get 50% from 170 now you get 100% from 100, so 255 -> 200. So if your mission is to create active banner gameplay, I see a few issues with your approach. Now the nerf is needed, I have no issues with that... But with the changes as a whole, banners are now basically utility traits. Like empower allies, assassin's presence or spotter. I don't see this as the way to encourage warriors to keep taking what makes them 'unique'.


What are warriors currently called, in gameplay like fractals and raids, on the lfg? 'BS' i.e banner slaves... BANNER SLAVES! If anything your changes are making the warrior situation worse. Warriors bring a lot to the table but we're mostly in groups atm because we're a buff bot and we do decent CC. Outside of fractals and raids, you hardly see banner play at all... Because banners aren't FUN.


Now nerf banners, do balancing etc, i have no issue with that. But "We don't want banners to be alternate weapons that take away from a player's normal weapons."

Why not? Guardians have tombs, eles have conjures, engis have tool kits. And warriors have banners... Simply having the cd reworked so they are encouraged to be picked up, isn't the best solution. I want warriors to run around carrying a banner and feel cool doing it. Just like necros run around with a swarm of miniors and feel cool doing it.


You don't want banners to be alternative weapons. Ok fine! You and your team have probably put a lot of thought into that. And I want to respect that. But they don't need to work the way an engi kit works... with new skills. Maybe change banners to be like the soul beast transformation. Where banners become a part of the character. And not something outside of them, in the process they add a little extra to how warrior works.


With the current changes (as I see it) banner slaves will still remain slaves. With little change happening in general PvE, WvW and PvP. However in fractal and raid groups, warriors will still remain, forced to take the 2 utilities, without any change to how the class is played. What I've asked for is perhaps a lot of work, and is not easily done. But i wanted to voice my concern.

If you truly want to see more active gameplay with banners then more than just a personal buff and cd rework needs to be done. It should be fun. I think Empower Allies should be reworked. As strength banner and the trait do the same function. Why can't banners be carried like a back piece. With empower allies changing to something that enables warriors to carry multiple banners. Then warrior can carry 1-2 banners, and have additional skills that appear on the utility bar that impact how they work.


My idea in short:

No new trait: Old system, banners are dropped end of story.

New trait: Banners can be picked up and 'equiped' or 'put on' like a back piece, the utility slot changes to something usefull, like vulnerability on strength, (The current 2nd banner skill) And when the banner duration ends, the utility returns to 'cast banner X'. Players can then recast, pick up and run around. Feeling COOL and unique, as all warriors should feel.


On a positive note, The Battle Standard Re-synced: I love that the Elite banner will be able to be used both offensively as well as defensively. I think this is an amazing change. And will see a great impact on gameplay in PvP and WvW.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> The 0.75s Dodge for Mirage is going to effectively kill the spec in PvE, PvP, and WW


Not sure how that's going to kill the spec in PvE, but if it does in PvP and WvW, then hallelujah.


That said, it will probably still be overperforming actually. But will have to see.

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Looking at these patch notes. I am already calling it. Mesmer is still broken and will keep being broken the entirety atleast of 2019.


The only thing that was trully overperforming by such a large margin people are forced to adjust there entire playstyle around it. Even if youd have tried to gut it. it would still feel normalised. The nerfs where lackluster and dont do anything.


The dps output is still the same. The defensives are still the same. the extremely negligable nerf to mirage cloak literally doesnt do anything at all since it still performs the same.


Gj you have again shown us that the 50% mesmer class in pvp will maintain its status quo, because of nerfs that literally dont do anything.

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About mesmer:

Scepter wasn't touched, staff wasn't touched, IH wasn't touched, dodge while cced wasn't "fixed".

Lots of condi mirages switched from axe to scepter long time ago.

So yeah apart from mirage cloak now long like any other dodge and Illusionary Ambush on longer cooldown, the same clone all skills spam stay the same, you will still see lots of carried noobs around playing condi mirage in pvp and wvw.

I doubt it will stop being still the top 1vs1 spec in the game together with boonbeast.


Boonbeast will be the same as before, probably stronger, holo just a bit nerfed for corona burst stab, warrior sees no buffs, thiefs sees no buff, rev sees no buffs, weaver sees no buffs, only tempest support buffs, necro sees no buffs, core guard nerfed, scrapper rework must be seen, so nothing will change in my opinion.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> Boonbeast will be the same as before, probably stronger, holo just a bit nerfed for corona burst stab, warrior sees no buffs, thiefs sees no buff, rev sees no buffs, weaver sees no buffs, only tempest support buffs, necro sees no buffs, core guard nerfed, scrapper rework must be seen, so nothing will change in my opinion.

I kinda felt the same way and wondered if this pre-release of information was the complete patch or just a significant portion of it.


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