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Make us PAY for LW Content!

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> @"Aerlen.5326" said:

> > @"hellsqueen.3045" said:

> > > @"Aerlen.5326" said:

> > > If I have to pay, I want the BS flashy kitten kitten gone from LS and the difficulty set low enough that absolutely everyone (even very casual players) can complete it solo on every class. If they don't do that latter one, they won't have repeat customers. Why buy the new episode if you couldn't finish the last one? Why buy the new one if the last one was full of garbage you didn't enjoy?

> > >

> > > Probably a better idea is offering a "hard mode" of LS episodes for gems. Unlock it and you can replay the stories as often as you want with insane amounts of difficulty and visual noise everywhere :P

> > >

> >

> > But the fights haven't been hard? Unless you were meant to lose them.



> Try having a disability and dealing with 50 million flashing lights, knock back, and red circles you cannot see due to flashing visual noise along with bugs that make the NPCs suddenly stop helping you. Then try stealth missions that rely on reflexes you do not have, tedious things like The Departing's opening Balthazar fight, and garbage like Hearts and Minds which is a Hot Mess to solo if you just can't be perfect and avoid things you can barely see through thick visual filters or get into the air fast enough. It was upsetting enough this stuff was in paid expansions and not fixed, why would I want to pay money for it in LW too? There are sections of the story I will never replay, not even on alt toons, because they were so insufferably awful in mechanics.


> Before I get "bUt YoU sHoUlD hAvE kNoWn BeTtEr", the core story has none of this kitten. I've replayed the core story about six times now on different classes. This is a LW S2 and up issue. It's not just me either. There are some chapters even mentioning the name of gets a "Oh no, not that one" reaction.




Yes, you are right, the core story didn't have that because the core story hardly had many fight mechanics at all. They were all boring fights that you could get away with doing next to nothing to succeed them.

These new fights are more engaging.


I don't have a disability so I can't say I understand or relate to having one, but with better technology and advancements in their systems, of course they would change their fights to make them look more engaging and exciting. They should have better support and settings for people and offer easier encounters for people who need them (IE: Optional boosts to make the encounters easier such as LWS5 the last encounter)


Essentially making encounters ridiculously easy for a smaller portion of the community who need it that way compared to the majority who have no issue, it doesn't make sense. Like if the whole point is that you are a hero in the story then you should be facing challenges, so there is no issue in that regard.


If flashing lights are a problem, then having settings that help disable flashiness would be good.

Abilities having tells is necessary, but maybe there could be graphics settings or they could allow mods that change the visibility for such a thing.

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> @"patton the great.7126" said:

> I feel like in light of the recent news that has re-surfaced about no Ex-packs being planned, and shifting focus to LW from now on that we should for sure be charged at least 12$-15$ per episode. Anet deserves to get paid for their work. I know that the vocal minority won't like this, but those of us who love GW2, would be more then happy to pay for content we want. No matter if it's for WvW or even new PvE releases, I'm sure raiders would be happy to pay for regular releases.


> One thing I've noticed is this thread shows an extreme lack of respect for Anet and what they do. Anet take notice, these PvE folks are who you have been showering with content over the years while WvW and sPvP have starved. Through it all, we are still here, but look how fast people would be willing to jump ship if you started getting paid for your hard work. I will grant that I would hope the content would greatly increase with more communication on what's planned, but Anet some free business advice from someone who has a lot of real world business experience, don't be afraid to charge for your work, you will be surprised, the clients may moan and groan, but they will pay, your work deserves compensation! Kick the idea around, i'm sure your boss's will love it. Be aggressive, don't be afraid to ruffle feathers. You are not a charity. You do enough free and honestly good work on the side. Time to get paid for your PvE efforts!


They make tons of money off gem store purchases which are optional.

They made living world content free for a small amount of time because they had the luxury to do so and it was a way to bring the community back in for a few hours story wise and more with map exploration and activities.

They could stop living world altogether and just release expansions which some people would prefer.

I appreciate the set up for the important stories via the use of LW but that doesn't mean I would be able to pay for them for every bloody release. That is something that attracted people to it, you had rather small story updates that set things up for future events that were free if you logged in and they offered special deals on the gem store around the same time to promote sales during that period of influx in players. They have a perfectly fine system that results in them getting paid for their work, in fact, they probably get more money from putting new items on the gem store at the same time as releasing a story than they would for people buying the stories.


I would likely never buy another thing of the gem store with my own money if they started charging for LW stories because I couldn't afford to have the amazing multitude of skins and also buy LW content and also buy expansions as they come. You also have to realise that releasing a skin at the same time as story serves them better in regards to there are people who NEVER play the stories except to get to the maps for their new items so they can leave for their raids, fractals, PvP and WvW. Those people likely wouldn't buy stories if they weren't relevant to them. EG. The new living world maps hardly had any items for WvW'ers to earn for their game mode, so they likely wouldn't buy it unless they desperately wanted a skin from it and even then that would still feel a waste at the end of the day.


Their current monetisation system works better in attracting money from all their game modes.

It's not people not paying Anet for their hard work, it is Anet making a smarter move in knowing how to get money from all modes to pay for their releases.

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Honestly I wouldn't Pay for LS as is. Most of the time when its released its bugged, the current story discouraged players from working together in it by forcing them to do the story over and over to get all the story achieves at first (not sure if they changed that) for each single player. It's lacking in content and besides they'd nerf the maps anyways if we take to much of a liking to one. (aka istan) So No I wouldn't fork up extra money for something they'd just tear apart and ruin if it isn't buggy upon release to begin with.

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I don't get it. If you want to give them money and "reward them" just buy $7 worth of gems on LW release day? ... or if you're also the supporter of monthly sub, just give them $10 a month with gems. They already get the money for LWs that people missed, if they choose to buy them with real money.

I never understood these kinds of posts. Just buy loads of gems if you want to support them. That way not only do they get money but you also get to buy something for yourself and if you don't know what to get with gems or you just don't like anything, you can see my acc-name right above, I LOVE keys, so you can always get ME something.

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> @"Aerlen.5326" said:

> > @"hellsqueen.3045" said:

> > > @"Aerlen.5326" said:

> > > If I have to pay, I want the BS flashy kitten kitten gone from LS and the difficulty set low enough that absolutely everyone (even very casual players) can complete it solo on every class. If they don't do that latter one, they won't have repeat customers. Why buy the new episode if you couldn't finish the last one? Why buy the new one if the last one was full of garbage you didn't enjoy?

> > >

> > > Probably a better idea is offering a "hard mode" of LS episodes for gems. Unlock it and you can replay the stories as often as you want with insane amounts of difficulty and visual noise everywhere :P

> > >

> >

> > But the fights haven't been hard? Unless you were meant to lose them.



> Try having a disability and dealing with 50 million flashing lights, knock back, and red circles you cannot see due to flashing visual noise along with bugs that make the NPCs suddenly stop helping you. Then try stealth missions that rely on reflexes you do not have, tedious things like The Departing's opening Balthazar fight, and garbage like Hearts and Minds which is a Hot Mess to solo if you just can't be perfect and avoid things you can barely see through thick visual filters or get into the air fast enough. It was upsetting enough this stuff was in paid expansions and not fixed, why would I want to pay money for it in LW too? There are sections of the story I will never replay, not even on alt toons, because they were so insufferably awful in mechanics.


> Before I get "bUt YoU sHoUlD hAvE kNoWn BeTtEr", the core story has none of this kitten. I've replayed the core story about six times now on different classes. This is a LW S2 and up issue. It's not just me either. There are some chapters even mentioning the name of gets a "Oh no, not that one" reaction.




And this is the issue, you find it difficult because you have a disability that makes it difficult, but what about your average Joe? If that content is tuned for you, it might become uninteresting content for the average Joe. Are there more people in your boat or are there more Joe's?


This is an issue that game developers have and always will. Who do you design the game for? Go too far in one direction you get wildstar, go too far in the other you get wow.

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what you suggest to very bad, making content exclusive to the more fortunate ones

the layoffers are a result of greed - the people who decided the layoffs are extremely rich and have no connection with the game whatsoever


the quality of the game depends on the distribution of resources, so it doesn't matter if you add another $7 which will go directly in the pocket of the boss


then there's people in this topic who claim Anet's business model is good - which is basically more revenue every year even if it means firing people (like we see now) - how can firing people and then charging players more money make this game any better? I understand that more money will flow in the pocket of even fewer people but how does this impact the game in a positive way?

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No. Given the quality and issues involved with most LW episodes that come out, it's not worth that. Besides, this is already the case for those that miss the period around a chapter's release, and they often release new shiny stuff on the Gem Store with each chapter anyways.

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LW has always been an economic carrot to get people to show up, stick around, return to the game, invite their friends. The truth is most people don't pay, and if asked to they'll just leave or not engage the paid content. But Anet needs them around anyway.


Your very existence in game, whether you personally pay them a cent or not, is a selling point. That's one of the reasons they don't have a subscription, and also one of the reasons why they went FTP. More people playing for more time = better experience for those who will pay = more money. A lot more than trying to charge people $7 every few months.


If what they're doing now works, and by all available evidence it does, they'd be insane to jeopardize their revenue stream. Putting new episodes up at any price isn't a carrot anymore, especially when we're used to that juicy carrot. If anything they should consider making the older staler episodes cheaper/free so that more people know what's going on and are engaged story-wise. (It's a tragedy that Season 1 isn't playable anymore, but apparently it is too time-consuming to remedy.)


I just noticed they're on sale for 20% off right now so they definitely know their audience. I would've cut LW S2 a bit deeper considering its age but that's definitely the right approach!

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> @"Deimos.4263" said:

> LW has always been an economic carrot to get people to show up, stick around, return to the game, invite their friends. The truth is most people don't pay, and if asked to they'll just leave or not engage the paid content. But Anet needs them around anyway.


> Your very existence in game, whether you personally pay them a cent or not, is a selling point. That's one of the reasons they don't have a subscription, and also one of the reasons why they went FTP. More people playing for more time = better experience for those who will pay = more money. A lot more than trying to charge people $7 every few months.


> If what they're doing now works, and by all available evidence it does, they'd be insane to jeopardize their revenue stream. Putting new episodes up at any price isn't a carrot anymore, especially when we're used to that juicy carrot. If anything they should consider making the older staler episodes cheaper/free so that more people know what's going on and are engaged story-wise. (It's a tragedy that Season 1 isn't playable anymore, but apparently it is too time-consuming to remedy.)


> I just noticed they're on sale for 20% off right now so they definitely know their audience. I would've cut LW S2 a bit deeper considering its age but that's definitely the right approach!


I have seen a fair few redditors complain about the set up as new players...


You pay 35 quid for the two expansions, then discover there is about £40 needed to unlock the story.


Totally understand no sub etc, and full core game for free is very generous, but ill say one more time, this really does put new players off.

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> @"trev.1045" said:

> > @"Deimos.4263" said:

> > LW has always been an economic carrot to get people to show up, stick around, return to the game, invite their friends. The truth is most people don't pay, and if asked to they'll just leave or not engage the paid content. But Anet needs them around anyway.

> >

> > Your very existence in game, whether you personally pay them a cent or not, is a selling point. That's one of the reasons they don't have a subscription, and also one of the reasons why they went FTP. More people playing for more time = better experience for those who will pay = more money. A lot more than trying to charge people $7 every few months.

> >

> > If what they're doing now works, and by all available evidence it does, they'd be insane to jeopardize their revenue stream. Putting new episodes up at any price isn't a carrot anymore, especially when we're used to that juicy carrot. If anything they should consider making the older staler episodes cheaper/free so that more people know what's going on and are engaged story-wise. (It's a tragedy that Season 1 isn't playable anymore, but apparently it is too time-consuming to remedy.)

> >

> > I just noticed they're on sale for 20% off right now so they definitely know their audience. I would've cut LW S2 a bit deeper considering its age but that's definitely the right approach!


> I have seen a fair few redditors complain about the set up as new players...


> You pay 35 quid for the two expansions, then discover there is about £40 needed to unlock the story.


> Totally understand no sub etc, and full core game for free is very generous, but ill say one more time, this really does put new players off.


sell them in a bundel with the xpacs. these things are just a matter of how you present it

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"trev.1045" said:

> > > @"Deimos.4263" said:

> > > LW has always been an economic carrot to get people to show up, stick around, return to the game, invite their friends. The truth is most people don't pay, and if asked to they'll just leave or not engage the paid content. But Anet needs them around anyway.

> > >

> > > Your very existence in game, whether you personally pay them a cent or not, is a selling point. That's one of the reasons they don't have a subscription, and also one of the reasons why they went FTP. More people playing for more time = better experience for those who will pay = more money. A lot more than trying to charge people $7 every few months.

> > >

> > > If what they're doing now works, and by all available evidence it does, they'd be insane to jeopardize their revenue stream. Putting new episodes up at any price isn't a carrot anymore, especially when we're used to that juicy carrot. If anything they should consider making the older staler episodes cheaper/free so that more people know what's going on and are engaged story-wise. (It's a tragedy that Season 1 isn't playable anymore, but apparently it is too time-consuming to remedy.)

> > >

> > > I just noticed they're on sale for 20% off right now so they definitely know their audience. I would've cut LW S2 a bit deeper considering its age but that's definitely the right approach!

> >

> > I have seen a fair few redditors complain about the set up as new players...

> >

> > You pay 35 quid for the two expansions, then discover there is about £40 needed to unlock the story.

> >

> > Totally understand no sub etc, and full core game for free is very generous, but ill say one more time, this really does put new players off.


> sell them in a bundel with the xpacs. these things are just a matter of how you present it


That would work, it is the 'gotcha' at finding you still need to buy more stuff that is annoying.

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> @"trev.1045" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"trev.1045" said:

> > > > @"Deimos.4263" said:

> > > > LW has always been an economic carrot to get people to show up, stick around, return to the game, invite their friends. The truth is most people don't pay, and if asked to they'll just leave or not engage the paid content. But Anet needs them around anyway.

> > > >

> > > > Your very existence in game, whether you personally pay them a cent or not, is a selling point. That's one of the reasons they don't have a subscription, and also one of the reasons why they went FTP. More people playing for more time = better experience for those who will pay = more money. A lot more than trying to charge people $7 every few months.

> > > >

> > > > If what they're doing now works, and by all available evidence it does, they'd be insane to jeopardize their revenue stream. Putting new episodes up at any price isn't a carrot anymore, especially when we're used to that juicy carrot. If anything they should consider making the older staler episodes cheaper/free so that more people know what's going on and are engaged story-wise. (It's a tragedy that Season 1 isn't playable anymore, but apparently it is too time-consuming to remedy.)

> > > >

> > > > I just noticed they're on sale for 20% off right now so they definitely know their audience. I would've cut LW S2 a bit deeper considering its age but that's definitely the right approach!

> > >

> > > I have seen a fair few redditors complain about the set up as new players...

> > >

> > > You pay 35 quid for the two expansions, then discover there is about £40 needed to unlock the story.

> > >

> > > Totally understand no sub etc, and full core game for free is very generous, but ill say one more time, this really does put new players off.

> >

> > sell them in a bundel with the xpacs. these things are just a matter of how you present it


> That would work, it is the 'gotcha' at finding you still need to buy more stuff that is annoying.


like i said: presentation. if they still want to sell the xpac without the seasons included then they could call it the discount version or something

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I try my best to support this game, but didn't go to crazy with all the mount skins. I do buy black lion keys in bulk when they do go on sale.


But with new WarClaw mount, finally a mount skin that I can show off In WvW. I play mainly PvP and WvW these days, so this may be one of the first times I will buy the next set of mount skins.

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> @"trev.1045" said:

> > @"Deimos.4263" said:

> > LW has always been an economic carrot to get people to show up, stick around, return to the game, invite their friends. The truth is most people don't pay, and if asked to they'll just leave or not engage the paid content. But Anet needs them around anyway.

> >

> > Your very existence in game, whether you personally pay them a cent or not, is a selling point. That's one of the reasons they don't have a subscription, and also one of the reasons why they went FTP. More people playing for more time = better experience for those who will pay = more money. A lot more than trying to charge people $7 every few months.

> >

> > If what they're doing now works, and by all available evidence it does, they'd be insane to jeopardize their revenue stream. Putting new episodes up at any price isn't a carrot anymore, especially when we're used to that juicy carrot. If anything they should consider making the older staler episodes cheaper/free so that more people know what's going on and are engaged story-wise. (It's a tragedy that Season 1 isn't playable anymore, but apparently it is too time-consuming to remedy.)

> >

> > I just noticed they're on sale for 20% off right now so they definitely know their audience. I would've cut LW S2 a bit deeper considering its age but that's definitely the right approach!


> I have seen a fair few redditors complain about the set up as new players...


> You pay 35 quid for the two expansions, then discover there is about £40 needed to unlock the story.


> Totally understand no sub etc, and full core game for free is very generous, but ill say one more time, this really does put new players off.


I mean, that is still pretty reasonable.

And they can easily wait until they can afford it to get it eventually.

That is the good thing about LW, you don't need them to keep going but they are a nice addition that you can purchase at your own pace if you don't have them yet.

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The wow community had a meltdown when they found that Blizzard was removing many convenient portals i can't image what will happen here, but i think they should ad the option for bundles with the old living world seasons and some disclaimers about that you can buy them in game with gems.

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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> ..., but i think they should ad the option for bundles with the old living world seasons and some disclaimers about that you can buy them in game with gems.


You can already purchase chapters for gems and they're not terribly expensive if you aren't looking to buy them all at once?

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Also, wouldn't an influx of gems drive prices up for those who don't have this proposed subscription? If so, then such a model hardly becomes optional?


I am not in favor of a sub. I could perhaps live with a small gem discount package which offered nothing else. That said, I don't see how people buying more gems could raise prices on gem store items.


It's not like there is some cap on gems that such a package would bypass. ANet can (and has) raise(d) prices on gem store items whenever they think the market will bear such a move (see 2000 gem mount skins and large package deal prices). So, we've already seen an increase in gem store item prices. This was more likely due not to players buying _more_ gems, but to players buying _fewer_ gems as the game aged. Fewer people needed to bear the cost of upkeep, so cosmetic prices went up.


If you're worried about those gems going into the exchange, a big inflow of gems to the exchange lowers the conversion rate for gold-->gems. Refer back to the dramatic reduction in gold-gems price when a bunch of players bought the PoF Ultimate Package and needed gold for their griffon.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > the whole reason why i even return at all is because they are free the first 2 weeks, if i had to pay for every single episode it would be a bubye GW2 for me.


> Just an FYI: Living World Episodes are free to acquire until the next Episode is released, anywhere from 2 to 4 _months_.


just an FYI, i am playing this since April 6 years ago, i know.

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