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Been There Done That 98/100 - 98% with all achievements at 100%??

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Hi Guys


What am I missing? Been there Done that is sitting at 98/100, but I have achieved 100% for all of the areas and cities.


This is what it says I need:


All six cities.

The 25 explorable zones of Central Tyria, excluding Southsun Cove and zones in the Maguuma Wastes (Dry Top and The Silverwastes).

The Chantry of Secrets.


And I have 100% for all of those including the achievements for them.


What am I missing?? This is really frustrating as I would like to get the title :(


Hoping someone can help :)

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Sorry bit of extra info


Though every area says its 100% complete and I have the achievements for them, the world map itself says I'm missing:


1 heart - 302/303

7 Waypoints - 479/486

5 Vistas - 221/226

16 points of interest - 637/653

skillpoints are all done


Is there another area that isn't part of the world explorations that needs to be done? It sure seems that way, but I can't find anything obvious :(


I have checked every map on http://gw2.mmorpg-life.com/interactive-maps/ and have all the items in the areas needed for this achievement.


Its got to be something obvious that I'm just not seeing LOL


Hoping you can help :)



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When I got to that point (98 of 100) , it turned out that I needed to get some PoIs in the Grove (sylvari starter area) and The Citadel. Maybe check the starter areas just to be sure. Good luck! :) Also in each map if you bring up the map with M and hover over each map item in the list in the top left (vista, PoI, heart), any that you haven't got to yet will glow on the map so you can tell what you still need to do/locate.


I think if you haven't reached an entire area in a map they might not glow, in that case use the wiki to compare their list against what you have unlocked. That's what helped me complete the world.

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If you mouse over the completion list, any items of that category you have not completed will flash. This does work at maximum-out zoom, but will be difficult to see.

Similarly, if you suspend your current story objective, the indicator will turn blue and lead you towards the nearest incomplete map.

If this is your first map completion, you can narrow down your search by checking which Explorer achievements are not completed.

Other than that... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Map_completion or fill out a Support Ticket.

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The one heart could be in southwest Caledon, very near the entry wp. That one was added after the interactive maps you linked were created. Beyond that, yeah. You'll need to check which maps don't say you have 100%, then scroll around on them while mousing over the map legend icons to make missing ones flash.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Be aware: Map Achievements and Map Completion are two different things. You can have all the map achievements without completing the map.


> Good luck.


To expand on this, as it's a common confusion:

**The Explorer achievements** track if *any* character has *unfogged* each section of the map. You can get this spread out over several characters even if each never visit another race's starter areas!


**World Completion** tracks *per character* if all Hearts, Vistas, PoIs and WPs are completed/discovered. The achievement **"Been there, Done that"** is awarded when the first character reaches 100%.

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> @"Kaliwenda.3428" said:

> When I got to that point (98 of 100) , it turned out that I needed to get some PoIs in the Grove (sylvari starter area) and The Citadel. Maybe check the starter areas just to be sure. Good luck! :) Also in each map if you bring up the map with M and hover over each map item in the list in the top left (vista, PoI, heart), any that you haven't got to yet will glow on the map so you can tell what you still need to do/locate.


> I think if you haven't reached an entire area in a map they might not glow, in that case use the wiki to compare their list against what you have unlocked. That's what helped me complete the world.


Thanks - unfortunately every map says 100% complete already. Will check again for the glowing, but all of them are already complete according to the maps and the interactive offline map. I'm thinking your right about there being another area thats just not linked to the original areas - just need to find it :)

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Your world map should show you the progress. Something must be missing still. Potentially a PoI that was added in the recent past. Most recently that would be the office of Ellen Kiel in Lion's Arch, which was added with the introduction of Path of Fire.


Thanks Blocki - I doubt one office will have all the stuff it says its missing - but at least it will be one more point of interest done :)

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> @"Kaliwenda.3428" said:

> When I got to that point (98 of 100) , it turned out that I needed to get some PoIs in the Grove (sylvari starter area) and The Citadel. Maybe check the starter areas just to be sure. Good luck! :) Also in each map if you bring up the map with M and hover over each map item in the list in the top left (vista, PoI, heart), any that you haven't got to yet will glow on the map so you can tell what you still need to do/locate.


> I think if you haven't reached an entire area in a map they might not glow, in that case use the wiki to compare their list against what you have unlocked. That's what helped me complete the world.


Thanks Kaliwenda - have already done all five starting cities and Lions Arch to 100%

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> Those missing things looks like you have a half completed map. You can just open the map and hover each map's name to see how much you have completed.


Thanks - but nope - all maps are fully completed and I have the achievements for them. Shame I can't post the images to prove it :(

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> If you mouse over the completion list, any items of that category you have not completed will flash. This does work at maximum-out zoom, but will be difficult to see.

> Similarly, if you suspend your current story objective, the indicator will turn blue and lead you towards the nearest incomplete map.

> If this is your first map completion, you can narrow down your search by checking which Explorer achievements are not completed.

> Other than that... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Map_completion or fill out a Support Ticket.


Thanks Trise - Never thought of stopping my storyline to check :) Much appreciated :) I will also check out the link you provided :)

Do you need to complete every Explorer Achievement? When I looked it up Been There Done That was only the 5 Tyria areas, the 6 Cities and the Chantry of Secrets all of which are completed to 100%.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> The one heart could be in southwest Caledon, very near the entry wp. That one was added after the interactive maps you linked were created. Beyond that, yeah. You'll need to check which maps don't say you have 100%, then scroll around on them while mousing over the map legend icons to make missing ones flash.


Thanks Donari - Unfortunately that is the problem every Tyria Map is 100% complete including getting the achievement for them. I'll definitely check out southwest Calendon though :)

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Be aware: Map Achievements and Map Completion are two different things. You can have all the map achievements without completing the map.


> Good luck.


Thanks - but in what way? Map says all activities are completed - ie. all hearts are done, all skillpoints are done, all points of interest are done, all vistas are done, and all waypoints are done for that area. I have the achievements for the areas as well. Unless the map doesn't show or list some points then they are all done. And this is my question, is there an area of Tyria that isn't marked like the rest of them?? Because yes, it is almost like there's an entire area i haven't touched yet. It doesnt make sense.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Be aware: Map Achievements and Map Completion are two different things. You can have all the map achievements without completing the map.

> >

> > Good luck.


> To expand on this, as it's a common confusion:

> **The Explorer achievements** track if *any* character has *unfogged* each section of the map. You can get this spread out over several characters even if each never visit another race's starter areas!


> **World Completion** tracks *per character* if all Hearts, Vistas, PoIs and WPs are completed/discovered. The achievement **"Been there, Done that"** is awarded when the first character reaches 100%.


Ahhhhhhh now that makes sense! So another Character could have visited some of the spots, but they show up on this character as being completed? Wow thats going to make it hard for me to check as I have another 4 characters - one of them level 57 so shes gotten round everywhere LOL Though, I do remember as I entered each area on this character it was 0 for everything and I had to go everywhere.... hmmm maybe I should just give up on it altogther

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I just checked out the link provided and it states the following:


The following areas do not count towards world completion:



Hall of Monuments.

Any of the original World vs. World maps.

Edge of the Mists and Obsidian Sanctum.

Heart of the Mists and any Structured PvP areas.

Explorable zones that were added after the release of the game, such as Southsun Cove, and the zones in the Maguuma Wastes.

All maps in the Heart of Maguuma region, added with the Heart of Thorns expansion.

Claw Island, as it is a story instance only.

All maps added with Living World Season 3.

All maps added with the Path of Fire expansion.

All maps added with Living World Season 4.


It doesn't mention Living World Season 1 which is now only a quick video thing rather than a complete run through like the others - could this be the missing content now? I'm working through season 2 at the moment, so unsure if that will affect the outcome.

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> @"Waratah.7206" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > Be aware: Map Achievements and Map Completion are two different things. You can have all the map achievements without completing the map.

> > >

> > > Good luck.

> >

> > To expand on this, as it's a common confusion:

> > **The Explorer achievements** track if *any* character has *unfogged* each section of the map. You can get this spread out over several characters even if each never visit another race's starter areas!

> >

> > **World Completion** tracks *per character* if all Hearts, Vistas, PoIs and WPs are completed/discovered. The achievement **"Been there, Done that"** is awarded when the first character reaches 100%.


> Ahhhhhhh now that makes sense! So another Character could have visited some of the spots, but they show up on this character as being completed? Wow thats going to make it hard for me to check as I have another 4 characters - one of them level 57 so shes gotten round everywhere LOL Though, I do remember as I entered each area on this character it was 0 for everything and I had to go everywhere.... hmmm maybe I should just give up on it altogether


One characters progression in map will not affect anothers.


If you are missing hearts and wayponts, then it def means you havent finished a core map somewhere. It will likely be starter ones due to the changes they made a few years back.



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> @"Waratah.7206" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > Those missing things looks like you have a half completed map. You can just open the map and hover each map's name to see how much you have completed.


> Thanks - but nope - all maps are fully completed and I have the achievements for them. Shame I can't post the images to prove it :(


This is a direct contradiction of your second post. So either your information in that post is wrong or your claim here is wrong.



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> One characters progression in map will not affect anothers.


> If you are missing hearts and wayponts, then it def means you havent finished a core map somewhere. It will likely be starter ones due to the changes they made a few years back.



Ok that sounds great - however all starter maps have been completed to 100% - I have double and triple checked them all - they are all sitting at 100% completed on the one character :( Hence my issue in the first place LOL


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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Waratah.7206" said:

> > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > Those missing things looks like you have a half completed map. You can just open the map and hover each map's name to see how much you have completed.

> >

> > Thanks - but nope - all maps are fully completed and I have the achievements for them. Shame I can't post the images to prove it :(


> This is a direct contradiction of your second post. So either your information in that post is wrong or your claim here is wrong.



My second post says, and is not in contradiction of every other post I have placed here:....


Though every area says its 100% complete and I have the achievements for them, the world map itself says I'm missing:


1 heart - 302/303

7 Waypoints - 479/486

5 Vistas - 221/226

16 points of interest - 637/653

skillpoints are all done


Is there another area that isn't part of the world explorations that needs to be done? It sure seems that way, but I can't find anything obvious



As with every other post, this one says EVERY TYRIA area says its 100% complete - this is my issue! I have completed every map to 100% and yet the achievement Been Thee Done That says I haven't! This is what I am asking - what content is missing that IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE TYRIA MAPS because they are all 100% COMPLETE! **Frustrated**


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