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Been There Done That 98/100 - 98% with all achievements at 100%??

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> @"Waratah.7206" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > @"Waratah.7206" said:

> > > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > > Those missing things looks like you have a half completed map. You can just open the map and hover each map's name to see how much you have completed.

> > >

> > > Thanks - but nope - all maps are fully completed and I have the achievements for them. Shame I can't post the images to prove it :(

> >

> > This is a direct contradiction of your second post. So either your information in that post is wrong or your claim here is wrong.

> >

> >

> My second post says, and is not in contradiction of every other post I have placed here:....

> ----------

> Though every area says its 100% complete and I have the achievements for them, the world map itself says I'm missing:


> 1 heart - 302/303

> 7 Waypoints - 479/486

> 5 Vistas - 221/226

> 16 points of interest - 637/653

> skillpoints are all done


> Is there another area that isn't part of the world explorations that needs to be done? It sure seems that way, but I can't find anything obvious

> -----------


> As with every other post, this one says EVERY TYRIA area says its 100% complete - this is my issue! I have completed every map to 100% and yet the achievement Been Thee Done That says I haven't! This is what I am asking - what content is missing that IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE TYRIA MAPS because they are all 100% COMPLETE! **Frustrated**



Nothing. There is no content for world map that is outside those zones. I know you have said it, but i cannot thnk of a single possibility beyond you having missed out a map in your checks. You cannot be 100% on mapos and be missing hearts, vistas and wps.


Edit. The only possibility is you completed them years ago before they added hearts and waypoints, but they still should show as incomplete when you go into the map itself

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> @"Waratah.7206" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > @"Waratah.7206" said:

> > > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > > Those missing things looks like you have a half completed map. You can just open the map and hover each map's name to see how much you have completed.

> > >

> > > Thanks - but nope - all maps are fully completed and I have the achievements for them. Shame I can't post the images to prove it :(

> >

> > This is a direct contradiction of your second post. So either your information in that post is wrong or your claim here is wrong.

> >

> >

> My second post says, and is not in contradiction of every other post I have placed here:....

> ----------

> Though every area says its 100% complete and I have the achievements for them, the world map itself says I'm missing:


> 1 heart - 302/303

> 7 Waypoints - 479/486

> 5 Vistas - 221/226

> 16 points of interest - 637/653

> skillpoints are all done


> Is there another area that isn't part of the world explorations that needs to be done? It sure seems that way, but I can't find anything obvious

> -----------


> As with every other post, this one says EVERY TYRIA area says its 100% complete - this is my issue! I have completed every map to 100% and yet the achievement Been Thee Done That says I haven't! This is what I am asking - what content is missing that IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE TYRIA MAPS because they are all 100% COMPLETE! **Frustrated**



Yeah, this sounds like one map somewhere isn't quite finished. It's not enough to be a full map. Start waypointing into different maps, checking them one at a time.

Remember - no zone added after launch counts toward World Completion, so Southsun, Dry Top and Silverwastes are out.

Also, as I said above, the Explorer achievements have *nothing* to do with map completion, that's *only* about simply unfogging areas. You can unfog all of a map and only get a handful total PoIs and WPs!

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You keep referring to Map Achievements. There really aren't any Map Achievements connected with World Map Completion.

If you are looking at the Achievement Panel and it says something like "All Shiverpeaks Achievements Completed", again, that has nothing to do with World Completion.

You must mouse-over each individual map area shown on the World Map to see the total completed for that map area, or visit each and every map and check the legend in the upper left.


Good luck.

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Check [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Widget:World_map](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Widget:World_map "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Widget:World_map") if you have things you miss visually.. Search for your missing heart (this is not in a city) , waypoints and vista's first as they should be easiest to spot.


World completion requires completing all the following maps (on 1 character):


All six cities.

The 25 explorable zones of Central Tyria, excluding Southsun Cove and zones in the Maguuma Wastes (Dry Top and The Silverwastes).

The Chantry of Secrets.


Zone Level Renown Hearts Hero Challenges Waypoints Vistas Points of Interest

Black Citadel (city)- - - 12 5 17

Divinity's Reach (city)- - - 13 6 21

Hoelbrak (city) - - - 14 5 24

Rata Sum (city) - - - 9 5 19

The Grove (city) - - - 4 6 19

Lion's Arch (city) - - - 13 11 26

Chantry of Secrets - - - - - 1

Plains of Ashford 1-15 18 6 18 10 17

Queensdale 1-15 17 7 16 9 21

Caledon Forest 1-15 19 7 18 8 20

Metrica Province 1-15 16 8 16 9 23

Wayfarer Foothills 1-15 15 8 17 10 20

Diessa Plateau 15-25 15 8 19 10 17

Kessex Hills 15-25 14 5 16 9 20

Brisban Wildlands 15-25 16 8 13 7 20

Snowden Drifts 15-25 13 6 19 6 11

Gendarran Fields 25-35 11 7 22 8 17

Lornar's Pass 25-40 15 9 17 10 43

Fields of Ruin 30-40 13 5 17 6 20

Harathi Hinterlands 35-45 11 6 15 8 15

Blazeridge Steppes 40-50 15 5 18 5 10

Dredgehaunt Cliffs 40-50 11 6 18 8 24

Bloodtide Coast 45-55 13 6 15 7 18

Iron Marches 50-60 13 6 14 8 14

Timberline Falls 50-60 11 5 19 6 13

Sparkfly Fen 55-65 13 6 17 5 20

Fireheart Rise 60-70 12 7 18 8 16

Mount Maelstrom 60-70 11 7 17 7 32

Straits of Devastation 70-75 - 12 20 6 30

Frostgorge Sound 70-80 11 7 16 8 20

Malchor's Leap 75-80 - 15 13 5 37

Cursed Shore 80 - 17 13 5 28


You may miss some underwater (sea) locations for both waypoints and heart in in example Orr regions and in maps like Bloodtide Coast. The vista just before jumping puzzle in Cursed Shore is also easy to miss. When you are on a map, you will see map completion overview (and what you miss with a direction to undiscovered territory or closest poi/vista/wp). Just check the locations mentioned above map per map and tick off what you have.


Good luck!

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southsun have some vistas poi and wps and dont count for world completion.

the heart as someone else have said is probabely the heart added just at start of caledonforest.

cantry of secrets in bloodtide cost is a easy poi to miss aswell.


about completed exploring achiv are you sure you have not done it on another character since they dont get undone when making a new one.

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World completion doesn't need to unfog everything though, it just needs all the things shown on the map legend. I know that on my first world completion I was also missing a chunk I couldn't explain. Then I discovered that Fireheart Rise existed ... Ah to be new to the game again! ;) So yes, do check zone by zone by zone, on the alt you're trying to complete on. And write down the names of the completed zones, ie the ones with all hp, wp, vistas, pois, anything else I'm forgetting from the map legend. Then see if you have one showing missing things, or if you are missing an entire map.

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Most often “forgotten” hearts/poi’s etc are usually the ones added after initial launch, these commonly are in each starter zone and Lions Arch.


Commonly overlooked maps when checking what you’re missing are Fields of Ruin, Fireheart Rise, Frostgorge Sound, Iron Marches, Mount Maelstrom. Most of the “outskirts” maps really. I always overlooked Snowden Drifts though in my 10 world completes.


You can hover over all map Names in World Map to get a breakdown of the Map legend to see if it’s 100% complete.


Maps that don’t count towards Been There, Done That are;



Southsun Cove


Explorer achievements are not a representation of Been There, Done That. You can unfog maps and get Explorer achievements and not get Been There, Done That. And vice versa


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Lions arch areadome, this map is a hidden extension of lions arch. With 1 Waypoint.


Some maps have also changed. So you need to load into every map to update it. Go with your character into every map and make sure it is updated. Due to living story 1 some new parts are created or added.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> World completion doesn't need to unfog everything though, it just needs all the things shown on the map legend. I know that on my first world completion I was also missing a chunk I couldn't explain. Then I discovered that Fireheart Rise existed ... Ah to be new to the game again! ;) So yes, **do check zone by zone by zone, on the alt you're trying to complete on. And write down the names of the completed zones, ie the ones with all hp, wp, vistas, pois, anything else I'm forgetting from the map legend. Then see if you have one showing missing things, or if you are missing an entire map.**


Today's daily jumping puzzle Tribulation Rift is a perfect example. There is a PoI called Morlag's Tomb that is not on the Shiverpeaks Explorer completion list, but is required for World Completion. That PoI is an easy to miss spot a little further on from where the jumping puzzle chest is..


It was one of the ones I had missed and needed to find for world completion. I remember now that I ended up looking at the wiki for each map and comparing their list of hearts, PoIs, and Vistas with what I had showing on my map in game. I wrote down what was shown on the wiki and compared it to my map in game, crossing off everything I had completed and seeing what was left.


(I also remembered that it broke my heart to know that I had to do that jumping puzzle again to get up there - I'm not very good at them and the complicated ones can take me a very long time to complete). But it felt really really good to get that World Completion deed done. :)



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It's very easy to miss something.. if you don't have completion then it's very likely you have missed something somewhere as other have said.


The only thing you can do is go from map to map and carefully double check, look for the telescope icon on the map.. if there is one then what you're missing will likely be somewhere around it (they disappear once you have completion).. there is also markers to point you towards unexplored areas if you still have some map fog.

Sometimes WP's and POI's are hidden in those areas.. a good example being the WP for the Guild mission in Plains of Ashford which was added a while after the game was released.

There's also a vista at the very North end of Malcho's Leap which is a very common thing people miss, often leading to some funny Map chat moments.

Whenever someone asks about map completion that's always the first one people say it's probably what they are missing.. and most of the time they are right xD

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> @"Waratah.7206" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > If you mouse over the completion list, any items of that category you have not completed will flash. This does work at maximum-out zoom, but will be difficult to see.

> > Similarly, if you suspend your current story objective, the indicator will turn blue and lead you towards the nearest incomplete map.

> > If this is your first map completion, you can narrow down your search by checking which Explorer achievements are not completed.

> > Other than that... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Map_completion or fill out a Support Ticket.


> Thanks Trise - Never thought of stopping my storyline to check :) Much appreciated :) I will also check out the link you provided :)

> Do you need to complete every Explorer Achievement? When I looked it up Been There Done That was only the 5 Tyria areas, the 6 Cities and the Chantry of Secrets all of which are completed to 100%.


You do not need the Explorer achievements for map completion, but they can give you clues and hints about areas you might not have uncovered/visited (and by extension, the map-complete objectives contained within). If you already have them for "Core Tyria", then I'm afraid they won't be very helpful.


The major difficulty is identifying which map(s) are counting as incomplete (even if they're reading as "100%", for whatever reason). The only way to do that with certainty is to methodically check each map total against the wiki page I linked for you. It may help to write them down and check them off manually. It's a potentially frustrating and time-consuming method, but it is more or less foolproof.


The good news is, once you've identified the incomplete maps, the indicator "trick" I described will point you toward uncompleted objectives and potentially hidden areas. It will direct you to where they are, but won't tell you how to get them, such as certain jumping puzzles or underground areas. You can get hints on those from nearby Scout NPC's, as @"Teratus.2859" mentioned. If an objective is part of the map, but not on the map itself, the indicator should lead you to a Scout or suggest you to "Talk to Scouts in the area" (as opposed to "Find more adventures in [another map]!" and pointing to a portal).

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Have you done the core personal story all the way? It has been a while since I did it, but they can put them along the way. Fields of Ruin always gets me when I start a new character because I forget about the bottom of it. If you are bent on getting it, map hop to each map and check each maps data.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> I haven't read all the comments, but when I found myself in a similar boat I realised I'd never been to Sothsun Cove, which you can't access by porting from an adjacent map but have to use the Asura port in LA. You have that one?


Southsun is not required for World Completion. (Not part of the original launch maps.)

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World completion (Been there done that) consists of only core maps (No HOT, No PoF and No LS maps including SS Cove, SW and DT). You'll want to explore each map thoroughly and this can be done quite simply.


From any Core Map (Divinity Reach for example), hit M, zoom out and hover over each core map "Name", this will tell you details about the map (# of POIs, Vistas, Hearts and HPs), it'll also tell you what you have from those maps and what (if anything is missing. It may take a few minutes to investigate, but I bet you'll find the missing stuff quite quickly doing this, just don't get caught up on a non core maps.


Note: If you're in a non core map (Auric Basin for example), hitting M will (or did at one time) give you different details about map and /or world completion which throw some people off, so be sure you're in a core map if you're interested in Been there Done That.

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> @"Waratah.7206" said:

> 1 heart - 302/303

> 7 Waypoints - 479/486

> 5 Vistas - 221/226

> 16 points of interest - 637/653

> skillpoints are all done


There you go! Just hover over all areas and you will see which ones have things missing.


> I have checked every map on http://gw2.mmorpg-life.com/interactive-maps/ and have all the items in the areas needed for this achievement.


That has not been updates since 2015, so it isn't 100% accurate.

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