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Anet please take QOL improvments more seriously

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remember how long it took them before there was an salvage all button? or an consum all button ... my fingers do remember the pain of clicking an 250 stack of something.


with the Dragon Festival and the fireworks anet ignored sadly didnt bothered to add an consum all button


thats just one example.


I hope Anet can serious consider to roll out a huge QOL patch thats more important to me than a 3 hours play time LWS...

I will not list all the QOL improvments i would love to see they been asked since years over and over so Anet knows them


so please please I humble request u do me and my sanity that favor

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > @"Puma.3645" said:

> > when their attention was split to that other thing they were developing, i dont think they were taking anything seriously


> Exactly. It's not like they tossed QoL away, more like everything was reduced to the bare minimum.


I'm not sure why people think that 200+ working on GW2 counts as "reduced to the bare minimum." Of course top people got moved around to where they were needed, which is why the writers feel they didn't get enough animation resources ... but that doesn't mean that those resources would even have been at ANet without these other projects being part of the mix.


We don't know much, but little we know is that NCSOFT cut the budget for the non-GW2 projects, which means that the budget for GW2 remains the same as before, not counting accounting tricks.

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From the update about the layoffs, the one and only current sticky in this forum:

> Our long-term plans for the game like World Restructuring and **large-scale improvements to quality of life** are still in the works.


Sounds like they were set to meet your request before you posted, OP.

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I have been under the impression that many of the QOL changes were side projects that some programmer managed to sneak into their daily time at ANet.


I would totally like it if there were a small team dedicated to game polish, it would include not just QOL changed but also improvements / fixes up to previously released content (like, for example, changing the bitterfrost frontier dailies to something that takes more of the map content into account).

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I suspect there's a number of factors that prevent them focusing on just QoL improvements. As much as some people say their personal list of desired changes is more important to them than new content it just doesn't attract the same kind of attention. QoL changes aren't going to get even MMO fan sites talking about the game, they're highly unlikely to get former/lapsed players to return to the game (if only because they're unlikely to hear about it) and it doesn't hold current players attention in the same way.


Which isn't to say they're not worth doing, but committing to nothing but QoL changes until everything players want and Anet is willing/able to do is in the game is impractical. Instead they're likely to keep doing what they already do - bringing out a few new things alongside new additions. For example the All or Nothing release also included changes to Mistlock Instabilities in Fractals, the addition of a tooltip to tell you if an item is in your bank and how many you have (which I find extremely useful), the Wintersday release introduced the festivals category to LFG and made more items stackable, and every update includes some bug fixes, including ones for older content.


It's possible we'll get a 'feature pack' update between season 4 and 5, like they did between season 1 and 2 and a few times since then. But they haven't actually said that, so the 'large scale improvements' mentioned in the announcement might also come out alongside Season 5.


> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> GW2's QoL features are still much better than other MMOs


> just cut them some slack, working on things that can generate future revenue is more important than working on QoL that cause slight inconvenience


My other MMO recently announced this amazing QoL improvement where you can now search by name for the thing you want to buy instead of filtering for all raw crafting materials and then scrolling through the list hoping to spot the one you want. And that's actually a newer game than GW2.


Having said that I think it might also be that opinions will differ widely on what's a desirable QoL feature, so different studios will prioritise different things. I remember how worked up some people used to get insisting that the 'compact' inventory button needed to be moved away from the 'deposit materials' button, but apparently Anet and about 1/2 the players had never even noticed it could be a problem until a well known streamer accidentally pushed compact and was yelling about how annoying it is during a stream. It turned out to be a really simple fix, it's just that the people who knew how to do it had never thought it needed to be done because it didn't bother them at all.

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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > GW2's QoL features are still much better than other MMOs


> Not really, I mean 6 years in and this game still does not have fundamental QoL features like build templates, whilst plenty of other MMORPGs do.


I thought I read somewhere (a long time back) that this wasn't implemented because of the possibly unfair advantages in competitive play where players could quickly switch builds on the fly during battles or some-such?

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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > GW2's QoL features are still much better than other MMOs


> Not really, I mean 6 years in and this game still does not have fundamental QoL features like build templates, whilst plenty of other MMORPGs do.


This and moveable/sizeable UI elements. for example buffs, sizeable enemy health bar.

window handling is really bad. some windows are always in the background.

No bars for consumables and other stuff

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > GW2's QoL features are still much better than other MMOs

> >

> > Not really, I mean 6 years in and this game still does not have fundamental QoL features like build templates, whilst plenty of other MMORPGs do.


> I thought I read somewhere (a long time back) that this wasn't implemented because of the possibly unfair advantages in competitive play where players could quickly switch builds on the fly during battles or some-such?


That is not an issue, if you want to stop people switching on the fly in say WvW then there are plenty of ways to prevent that such as making it so you need to go to a vendor to switch builds.

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> @"zinkz.7045" said:> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:> > GW2's QoL features are still much better than other MMOs> > Not really, I mean 6 years in and this game still does not have fundamental QoL features like build templates, whilst plenty of other MMORPGs do.

> @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:> > @"zinkz.7045" said:> > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:> > > GW2's QoL features are still much better than other MMOs> > > > Not really, I mean 6 years in and this game still does not have fundamental QoL features like build templates, whilst plenty of other MMORPGs do.> > This and moveable/sizeable UI elements. for example buffs, sizeable enemy health bar.> window handling is really bad. some windows are always in the background.> No bars for consumables and other stuffboth of these GW1 had it, GW2 was built on a modified engine of GW1, so there's really no technical reason why it cannot be done, it may have been a design decision made early on during play testing?i mean, build template, hell yeah i'm all for itfor freely arrangement of GUI elements, I would like to see it go a step further like what BDO had done if possible, UI elements can be popped out from the main game window and move onto a secondary display, but it is a technical challenge

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> GW2's QoL features are still much better than other MMOs

I don't think so. Could you give me some examples of what's done better than other MMOs in the QoL department? I'd be interested to find out if you can actually back that statement up you see.


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > GW2's QoL features are still much better than other MMOs

> >

> > Not really, I mean 6 years in and this game still does not have fundamental QoL features like build templates, whilst plenty of other MMORPGs do.


> I thought I read somewhere (a long time back) that this wasn't implemented because of the possibly unfair advantages in competitive play where players could quickly switch builds on the fly during battles or some-such?


its not an issue to switch ur build on the fly since u cant switch builds while in combat. In PVP u cant even switch weapons after the game start and in wvw u can always get away from a fight and switch manual ur build. So a faster way to switch build will not impact any fight except we measure who is more skilled on how fast person A can switch builds manual

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > GW2's QoL features are still much better than other MMOs

> I don't think so. Could you give me some examples of what's done better than other MMOs in the QoL department? I'd be interested to find out if you can actually back that statement up you see.



most basic thing GW2 got right from day 1 material storage


none of the ones i played before had provided this, always constantly having to run back to bank and empty my bag


in fact, game developer like BDO made (not so) micro transaction out of this, probably one of the worst offender, you are basically limited to how long you can farm due to both inventory space and weight limit, and the gold you carry also count towards weight (sure they give character slots for free, but to get a toon to be farmable for hours state? da f?!)

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > GW2's QoL features are still much better than other MMOs

> I don't think so. Could you give me some examples of what's done better than other MMOs in the QoL department? I'd be interested to find out if you can actually back that statement up you see.



I don't know that's it's done better than every other game out there, because I haven't played them, but the Trading Post is pretty great for me. I love that I can not only sell my stuff to other players from anywhere in the world but also search every listing of any item, see the best prices and buy it immediately if I want to and I just need to go to an NPC trader (or use a Trading Post Express) to collect it. Oh, and there's no time limit on that, so I don't have to worry about a sale going through while I'm away and then expiring before I can get back and claim it.


Shared inventory slots are pretty nice too, and not something I've seen in a game before. They're expensive (I only ever buy them when they're on sale) but really useful to have for all those things I otherwise have to divide between all my characters or never seem to remember to pick up from the bank when I need them.


Then there's all the things you can't lose because they're part of your account and accessible from anywhere, at any moment, like skins, dyes, outfits, minis, mount skins, novelties...and the fact that all of that (except dyes) used to take up space in our inventory and Anet moved it out of there in spite of the fact that whenever it was suggested people said they'd never do that because they make a profit selling inventory space.


That's not a complete list by any means, just some of the things which came to mind while reading this topic.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > GW2's QoL features are still much better than other MMOs

> > I don't think so. Could you give me some examples of what's done better than other MMOs in the QoL department? I'd be interested to find out if you can actually back that statement up you see.

> >


> most basic thing GW2 got right from day 1 material storage


> none of the ones i played before had provided this, always constantly having to run back to bank and empty my bag


Because non of the other games throws hundred of items into your bags.

Yes it is a nice feature, but the system wouldnt work without it.


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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > GW2's QoL features are still much better than other MMOs

> > I don't think so. Could you give me some examples of what's done better than other MMOs in the QoL department? I'd be interested to find out if you can actually back that statement up you see.

> >


> most basic thing GW2 got right from day 1 material storage


Which is something they took over from GW1 so this is something that they copied over so technically this is a GW1 feature originally. Of course, you could still say it's an ArenaNet thing but GW2 has a ridiculous amount of materials when it comes to crafting to begin with. So there are other MMOs who don't have nearly as many crafting materials and therefore these games do not actually need this feature to begin with.


So I won't say you have no point with this one but it's a weak one and I think there's little more that you could offer that would actually be stronger QoL features.



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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > GW2's QoL features are still much better than other MMOs

> I don't think so. Could you give me some examples of what's done better than other MMOs in the QoL department? I'd be interested to find out if you can actually back that statement up you see.



- Wardrobe. Better saying, UNLIMITED wardrobe.

- The whole dye system page

- Automatic unlock of skins. Item are more than often, not entirely useless after unlocking skins.

- Despite still being around, majority of our items are account bound and not soulbound.

- You can see how many item in bank by highlighting and item

- you can link almost any item on chat

- you can PREVIEW items on chat links

- You can /Wiki any item or mechanic of the game.

- Gw2 inventory lets you "Search" items by item name, rarity and item type.

- Compact inventory

- Separation by bags or not, rarity highlighted by color.

- Free bag upgrades

- Salvage All.

- Consume All

- The wallet. (originally every item in the wallet used inv and bank space)

- We can access and sell item on market from anywhere in the world. We can also access any other service by obtaining the permanent market/bank/etc item

- Our Black Lion Trading Company is miles away better than 99% of the crap you will find on eastern MMos. We sell item fast, easier, do not have to worry about scam and while big merchants moves on the TC are still possible they are greatly reduced compared to MMos that you need to individually post item for auction.

- Our whole company is a big web of items and gamemodes. Gw2 will never have a bad economy, regardless of how many gems people are buying. Our market also doesn't suffer from "holes" on prices. Like say, games that the "item you have cost crap, item you need cost too much".

- You can open an NPC, inventory, bank, trading company, all at the same time and organize the UI accordingly. (Try that on other games and see if it works)

- The whole UI of the shops is designed to sell item faster. On other games you need to drag item by item to sell anything.

- Gem to gold and gold to gem ingame. And not in a broken way, like, say, certain mobile games.

- You can buy gems ingame.

- You can change traits freely at any point outside of combat. Used to be NPC.

- Legendary item let you change Stats freely.

- Legendary item let you swap SIGILS freely. That one was QoL added recently.

- The whole waypoint system and unlock. On Black Desert you are free to walk from the sun to the moon on foot.

- We had a full rune re-balance just recently. Yes this is QoL, as most games don't give a crap to old content and just keep adding new stuff.

- Talking about it, GW2 doesn't suffer from "Old Content" issue that much. The content is designer to have uses that last.

- You can fully equip and grind an character on GW2 on any game mode.

- You can virtually make legendary itens and other endgame content on any game mode. You can even farm dungeons and LW currency on WvW and SpvP. All games modes are self sufficient to a certain degree,

- Our Personal Story and LW and free for active players. You get the new LW simple by playing the game

- Our Story is NOT FORCED. You can start, restart and end any chapter at any given moment, losing only progress for that chapter. You can also ignore the story completely without any major consequences. This is not QoL ? Play FFXIV and you will understand why this is QoL.

- You can unlock map access to LW maps by purchasing portal scrolls, no need to do the story for alt characters.

- Account Wide Mastery system, the more you play the game, the more your alt experience improves.

- It's very easy to grind alts to 80 thanks to the way tomes and anniversary scrolls works. Other games you need to play Story skips and Level Boosters.

- We have barely any limitation regarding skins outside the Heavy, Mediun and Light armor. That said, Outfits ignore character weight completely and are account wide.

- Crafting actually levels up your character

- The craft station gives you free access to your whole banks, automatically picks itens on your bank and material storage.

- Cascade recipe system lets you quickly identify what itens are need for your current craft.

- "Purchase Item on Trading Company" Global button that also works on Craft station, buy exactly you need exactly where you need it.

- Anet has already made countless adaptations to WvW to accommodate community wishes, like removing crafting and moving NPC to the Obsidian Sanctum. Most of the NPCs that sell equipment and item were also added as QoL changes over the years.

- You can queue to WvW maps from anywhere in teh world

- You can queue to PvP from anywhere in the world.

- The game DOESN'T have build templates outside the unoficial Addon, that do exists. But the game does separates your PvE, WvW and Spvp build setup. At SPvP you can also used the premade build's for quick swap, as long as you know what to change to continue being meta.

- Despite all complaints about Lag by some people on peak hours, GW2 has some of the best Netcodes as far as PvE and PvP combat goes. The game feels smooth regardless if you are playing with 20, 60 or 200ms. And yes it could be worse, a lot worse.

- Actiom cam is in itself, a QoL added to the game. (albeit hard to find for those who are not searching for it)

- Zoom sensitivity and Camera controls are also QoL's added to the game over time.

- Ground targeting options, same as above

- Standard Enemy models, QoL added later in the game (albeit it took a bit longer than the community needed it)

- The whole Novelty System

- Our world bosses are all organized so that we can jump from one event to another. We don't have RNG and RNG spawn time windows for bosses that majority of players will miss because no one wants to sit on a map for 10 hours until said boss spawn just to die in 10 seconds due to lack of auto-scalling.

- The whole API system. Thanks to that we have fully interactive online timers, inventory management, gw2 efficiency, etc. And I am not even gonna mention projects like Gw2 Taco or the DirectX12 adaptation, as well as build templates addon.



And a lot more stuff that Gw2 does "right" and players just take it for granted.

Perhaps you guy could *actually* play other games for comparison?

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> @"SoulSin.5682" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > GW2's QoL features are still much better than other MMOs

> > I don't think so. Could you give me some examples of what's done better than other MMOs in the QoL department? I'd be interested to find out if you can actually back that statement up you see.

> >


> - Wardrobe. Better saying, UNLIMITED wardrobe.

> - The whole dye system page

> - Automatic unlock of skins. Item are more than often, not entirely useless after unlocking skins.

> - Despite still being around, majority of our items are account bound and not soulbound.

> - You can see how many item in bank by highlighting and item

> - you can link almost any item on chat

> - you can PREVIEW items on chat links

> - You can /Wiki any item or mechanic of the game.

> - Gw2 inventory lets you "Search" items by item name, rarity and item type.

> - Compact inventory

> - Separation by bags or not, rarity highlighted by color.

> - Free bag upgrades

> - Salvage All.

> - Consume All

> - The wallet. (originally every item in the wallet used inv and bank space)

> - We can access and sell item on market from anywhere in the world. We can also access any other service by obtaining the permanent market/bank/etc item

> - Our Black Lion Trading Company is miles away better than 99% of the kitten you will find on eastern MMos. We sell item fast, easier, do not have to worry about scam and while big merchants moves on the TC are still possible they are greatly reduced compared to MMos that you need to individually post item for auction.

> - Our whole company is a big web of items and gamemodes. Gw2 will never have a bad economy, regardless of how many gems people are buying. Our market also doesn't suffer from "holes" on prices. Like say, games that the "item you have cost kitten, item you need cost too much".

> - You can open an NPC, inventory, bank, trading company, all at the same time and organize the UI accordingly. (Try that on other games and see if it works)

> - The whole UI of the shops is designed to sell item faster. On other games you need to drag item by item to sell anything.

> - Gem to gold and gold to gem ingame. And not in a broken way, like, say, certain mobile games.

> - You can buy gems ingame.

> - You can change traits freely at any point outside of combat. Used to be NPC.

> - Legendary item let you change Stats freely.

> - Legendary item let you swap SIGILS freely. That one was QoL added recently.

> - The whole waypoint system and unlock. On Black Desert you are free to walk from the sun to the moon on foot.

> - We had a full rune re-balance just recently. Yes this is QoL, as most games don't give a kitten to old content and just keep adding new stuff.

> - Talking about it, GW2 doesn't suffer from "Old Content" issue that much. The content is designer to have uses that last.

> - You can fully equip and grind an character on GW2 on any game mode.

> - You can virtually make legendary itens and other endgame content on any game mode. You can even farm dungeons and LW currency on WvW and SpvP. All games modes are self sufficient to a certain degree,

> - Our Personal Story and LW and free for active players. You get the new LW simple by playing the game

> - Our Story is NOT FORCED. You can start, restart and end any chapter at any given moment, losing only progress for that chapter. You can also ignore the story completely without any major consequences. This is not QoL ? Play FFXIV and you will understand why this is QoL.

> - You can unlock map access to LW maps by purchasing portal scrolls, no need to do the story for alt characters.

> - Account Wide Mastery system, the more you play the game, the more your alt experience improves.

> - It's very easy to grind alts to 80 thanks to the way tomes and anniversary scrolls works. Other games you need to play Story skips and Level Boosters.

> - We have barely any limitation regarding skins outside the Heavy, Mediun and Light armor. That said, Outfits ignore character weight completely and are account wide.

> - Crafting actually levels up your character

> - The craft station gives you free access to your whole banks, automatically picks itens on your bank and material storage.

> - Cascade recipe system lets you quickly identify what itens are need for your current craft.

> - "Purchase Item on Trading Company" Global button that also works on Craft station, buy exactly you need exactly where you need it.

> - Anet has already made countless adaptations to WvW to accommodate community wishes, like removing crafting and moving NPC to the Obsidian Sanctum. Most of the NPCs that sell equipment and item were also added as QoL changes over the years.

> - You can queue to WvW maps from anywhere in teh world

> - You can queue to PvP from anywhere in the world.

> - The game DOESN'T have build templates outside the unoficial Addon, that do exists. But the game does separates your PvE, WvW and Spvp build setup. At SPvP you can also used the premade build's for quick swap, as long as you know what to change to continue being meta.

> - Despite all complaints about Lag by some people on peak hours, GW2 has some of the best Netcodes as far as PvE and PvP combat goes. The game feels smooth regardless if you are playing with 20, 60 or 200ms. And yes it could be worse, a lot worse.

> - Actiom cam is in itself, a QoL added to the game. (albeit hard to find for those who are not searching for it)

> - Zoom sensitivity and Camera controls are also QoL's added to the game over time.

> - Ground targeting options, same as above

> - Standard Enemy models, QoL added later in the game (albeit it took a bit longer than the community needed it)

> - The whole Novelty System

> - Our world bosses are all organized so that we can jump from one event to another. We don't have RNG and RNG spawn time windows for bosses that majority of players will miss because no one wants to sit on a map for 10 hours until said boss spawn just to die in 10 seconds due to lack of auto-scalling.

> - The whole API system. Thanks to that we have fully interactive online timers, inventory management, gw2 efficiency, etc. And I am not even gonna mention projects like Gw2 Taco or the DirectX12 adaptation, as well as build templates addon.



> And a lot more stuff that Gw2 does "right" and players just take it for granted.

> Perhaps you guy could *actually* play other games for comparison?


ur list is useless.......


I can critisize the game and state Combat is not good enough and u give me a list of 1000 skills?


Who care whats good already we need more it will improve the game expierence U can bla bla we dont need any changes is ok so u dont use them, I say The game need QOL updates to Improve MY game enjoyment.


I made this post to highlight that QOL for me is more important than LW its simple as that.



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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"SoulSin.5682" said:

> > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > > GW2's QoL features are still much better than other MMOs

> > > I don't think so. Could you give me some examples of what's done better than other MMOs in the QoL department? I'd be interested to find out if you can actually back that statement up you see.

> > >

> >

> > - Wardrobe. Better saying, UNLIMITED wardrobe.

> > - The whole dye system page

> > - Automatic unlock of skins. Item are more than often, not entirely useless after unlocking skins.

> > - Despite still being around, majority of our items are account bound and not soulbound.

> > - You can see how many item in bank by highlighting and item

> > - you can link almost any item on chat

> > - you can PREVIEW items on chat links

> > - You can /Wiki any item or mechanic of the game.

> > - Gw2 inventory lets you "Search" items by item name, rarity and item type.

> > - Compact inventory

> > - Separation by bags or not, rarity highlighted by color.

> > - Free bag upgrades

> > - Salvage All.

> > - Consume All

> > - The wallet. (originally every item in the wallet used inv and bank space)

> > - We can access and sell item on market from anywhere in the world. We can also access any other service by obtaining the permanent market/bank/etc item

> > - Our Black Lion Trading Company is miles away better than 99% of the kitten you will find on eastern MMos. We sell item fast, easier, do not have to worry about scam and while big merchants moves on the TC are still possible they are greatly reduced compared to MMos that you need to individually post item for auction.

> > - Our whole company is a big web of items and gamemodes. Gw2 will never have a bad economy, regardless of how many gems people are buying. Our market also doesn't suffer from "holes" on prices. Like say, games that the "item you have cost kitten, item you need cost too much".

> > - You can open an NPC, inventory, bank, trading company, all at the same time and organize the UI accordingly. (Try that on other games and see if it works)

> > - The whole UI of the shops is designed to sell item faster. On other games you need to drag item by item to sell anything.

> > - Gem to gold and gold to gem ingame. And not in a broken way, like, say, certain mobile games.

> > - You can buy gems ingame.

> > - You can change traits freely at any point outside of combat. Used to be NPC.

> > - Legendary item let you change Stats freely.

> > - Legendary item let you swap SIGILS freely. That one was QoL added recently.

> > - The whole waypoint system and unlock. On Black Desert you are free to walk from the sun to the moon on foot.

> > - We had a full rune re-balance just recently. Yes this is QoL, as most games don't give a kitten to old content and just keep adding new stuff.

> > - Talking about it, GW2 doesn't suffer from "Old Content" issue that much. The content is designer to have uses that last.

> > - You can fully equip and grind an character on GW2 on any game mode.

> > - You can virtually make legendary itens and other endgame content on any game mode. You can even farm dungeons and LW currency on WvW and SpvP. All games modes are self sufficient to a certain degree,

> > - Our Personal Story and LW and free for active players. You get the new LW simple by playing the game

> > - Our Story is NOT FORCED. You can start, restart and end any chapter at any given moment, losing only progress for that chapter. You can also ignore the story completely without any major consequences. This is not QoL ? Play FFXIV and you will understand why this is QoL.

> > - You can unlock map access to LW maps by purchasing portal scrolls, no need to do the story for alt characters.

> > - Account Wide Mastery system, the more you play the game, the more your alt experience improves.

> > - It's very easy to grind alts to 80 thanks to the way tomes and anniversary scrolls works. Other games you need to play Story skips and Level Boosters.

> > - We have barely any limitation regarding skins outside the Heavy, Mediun and Light armor. That said, Outfits ignore character weight completely and are account wide.

> > - Crafting actually levels up your character

> > - The craft station gives you free access to your whole banks, automatically picks itens on your bank and material storage.

> > - Cascade recipe system lets you quickly identify what itens are need for your current craft.

> > - "Purchase Item on Trading Company" Global button that also works on Craft station, buy exactly you need exactly where you need it.

> > - Anet has already made countless adaptations to WvW to accommodate community wishes, like removing crafting and moving NPC to the Obsidian Sanctum. Most of the NPCs that sell equipment and item were also added as QoL changes over the years.

> > - You can queue to WvW maps from anywhere in teh world

> > - You can queue to PvP from anywhere in the world.

> > - The game DOESN'T have build templates outside the unoficial Addon, that do exists. But the game does separates your PvE, WvW and Spvp build setup. At SPvP you can also used the premade build's for quick swap, as long as you know what to change to continue being meta.

> > - Despite all complaints about Lag by some people on peak hours, GW2 has some of the best Netcodes as far as PvE and PvP combat goes. The game feels smooth regardless if you are playing with 20, 60 or 200ms. And yes it could be worse, a lot worse.

> > - Actiom cam is in itself, a QoL added to the game. (albeit hard to find for those who are not searching for it)

> > - Zoom sensitivity and Camera controls are also QoL's added to the game over time.

> > - Ground targeting options, same as above

> > - Standard Enemy models, QoL added later in the game (albeit it took a bit longer than the community needed it)

> > - The whole Novelty System

> > - Our world bosses are all organized so that we can jump from one event to another. We don't have RNG and RNG spawn time windows for bosses that majority of players will miss because no one wants to sit on a map for 10 hours until said boss spawn just to die in 10 seconds due to lack of auto-scalling.

> > - The whole API system. Thanks to that we have fully interactive online timers, inventory management, gw2 efficiency, etc. And I am not even gonna mention projects like Gw2 Taco or the DirectX12 adaptation, as well as build templates addon.

> >

> >

> > And a lot more stuff that Gw2 does "right" and players just take it for granted.

> > Perhaps you guy could *actually* play other games for comparison?


> ur list is useless.......


> I can critisize the game and state Combat is not good enough and u give me a list of 1000 skills?


> Who care whats good already we need more it will improve the game expierence U can bla bla we dont need any changes is ok so u dont use them, I say The game need QOL updates to Improve MY game enjoyment.


> I made this post to highlight that QOL for me is more important than LW its simple as that.




Idk, his list shows that the game already has many good QOL upgates and is likely getting many, many more.

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> @"SoulSin.5682" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > GW2's QoL features are still much better than other MMOs

> > I don't think so. Could you give me some examples of what's done better than other MMOs in the QoL department? I'd be interested to find out if you can actually back that statement up you see.

> >


> - Wardrobe. Better saying, UNLIMITED wardrobe.

> - The whole dye system page

> - Automatic unlock of skins. Item are more than often, not entirely useless after unlocking skins.

> - Despite still being around, majority of our items are account bound and not soulbound.

> - You can see how many item in bank by highlighting and item

> - you can link almost any item on chat

> - you can PREVIEW items on chat links

> - You can /Wiki any item or mechanic of the game.

> - Gw2 inventory lets you "Search" items by item name, rarity and item type.

> - Compact inventory

> - Separation by bags or not, rarity highlighted by color.

> - Free bag upgrades

> - Salvage All.

> - Consume All

> - The wallet. (originally every item in the wallet used inv and bank space)

> - We can access and sell item on market from anywhere in the world. We can also access any other service by obtaining the permanent market/bank/etc item

> - Our Black Lion Trading Company is miles away better than 99% of the kitten you will find on eastern MMos. We sell item fast, easier, do not have to worry about scam and while big merchants moves on the TC are still possible they are greatly reduced compared to MMos that you need to individually post item for auction.

> - Our whole company is a big web of items and gamemodes. Gw2 will never have a bad economy, regardless of how many gems people are buying. Our market also doesn't suffer from "holes" on prices. Like say, games that the "item you have cost kitten, item you need cost too much".

> - You can open an NPC, inventory, bank, trading company, all at the same time and organize the UI accordingly. (Try that on other games and see if it works)

> - The whole UI of the shops is designed to sell item faster. On other games you need to drag item by item to sell anything.

> - Gem to gold and gold to gem ingame. And not in a broken way, like, say, certain mobile games.

> - You can buy gems ingame.

> - You can change traits freely at any point outside of combat. Used to be NPC.

> - Legendary item let you change Stats freely.

> - Legendary item let you swap SIGILS freely. That one was QoL added recently.

> - The whole waypoint system and unlock. On Black Desert you are free to walk from the sun to the moon on foot.

> - We had a full rune re-balance just recently. Yes this is QoL, as most games don't give a kitten to old content and just keep adding new stuff.

> - Talking about it, GW2 doesn't suffer from "Old Content" issue that much. The content is designer to have uses that last.

> - You can fully equip and grind an character on GW2 on any game mode.

> - You can virtually make legendary itens and other endgame content on any game mode. You can even farm dungeons and LW currency on WvW and SpvP. All games modes are self sufficient to a certain degree,

> - Our Personal Story and LW and free for active players. You get the new LW simple by playing the game

> - Our Story is NOT FORCED. You can start, restart and end any chapter at any given moment, losing only progress for that chapter. You can also ignore the story completely without any major consequences. This is not QoL ? Play FFXIV and you will understand why this is QoL.

> - You can unlock map access to LW maps by purchasing portal scrolls, no need to do the story for alt characters.

> - Account Wide Mastery system, the more you play the game, the more your alt experience improves.

> - It's very easy to grind alts to 80 thanks to the way tomes and anniversary scrolls works. Other games you need to play Story skips and Level Boosters.

> - We have barely any limitation regarding skins outside the Heavy, Mediun and Light armor. That said, Outfits ignore character weight completely and are account wide.

> - Crafting actually levels up your character

> - The craft station gives you free access to your whole banks, automatically picks itens on your bank and material storage.

> - Cascade recipe system lets you quickly identify what itens are need for your current craft.

> - "Purchase Item on Trading Company" Global button that also works on Craft station, buy exactly you need exactly where you need it.

> - Anet has already made countless adaptations to WvW to accommodate community wishes, like removing crafting and moving NPC to the Obsidian Sanctum. Most of the NPCs that sell equipment and item were also added as QoL changes over the years.

> - You can queue to WvW maps from anywhere in teh world

> - You can queue to PvP from anywhere in the world.

> - The game DOESN'T have build templates outside the unoficial Addon, that do exists. But the game does separates your PvE, WvW and Spvp build setup. At SPvP you can also used the premade build's for quick swap, as long as you know what to change to continue being meta.

> - Despite all complaints about Lag by some people on peak hours, GW2 has some of the best Netcodes as far as PvE and PvP combat goes. The game feels smooth regardless if you are playing with 20, 60 or 200ms. And yes it could be worse, a lot worse.

> - Actiom cam is in itself, a QoL added to the game. (albeit hard to find for those who are not searching for it)

> - Zoom sensitivity and Camera controls are also QoL's added to the game over time.

> - Ground targeting options, same as above

> - Standard Enemy models, QoL added later in the game (albeit it took a bit longer than the community needed it)

> - The whole Novelty System

> - Our world bosses are all organized so that we can jump from one event to another. We don't have RNG and RNG spawn time windows for bosses that majority of players will miss because no one wants to sit on a map for 10 hours until said boss spawn just to die in 10 seconds due to lack of auto-scalling.

> - The whole API system. Thanks to that we have fully interactive online timers, inventory management, gw2 efficiency, etc. And I am not even gonna mention projects like Gw2 Taco or the DirectX12 adaptation, as well as build templates addon.



> And a lot more stuff that Gw2 does "right" and players just take it for granted.

> Perhaps you guy could *actually* play other games for comparison?

Perhaps you could actually play other games because by this list you clearly haven't. Do mind that my reply was to someone who said that GW2 does it better than other games. Most of these listed items are done just the same in other games and some of them are done better in other games.


SWTOR for example, which I did play for 6 years, has the possibility to queue for PvP from anywhere AND also queue AT THE SAME TIME for other things like dungeons and raids. I find their wardrobe system better as well because you can have up to 16 tabs with different looks that you can just switch between. Cascade recipe system is not needed there because they don't have such a convoluted cascade system which is actually something that I find a negative to begin with. So don't put things on this list that are QoL improvements when it's just a design choice that created the issue to begin with. I mean when people have to make a site like gw2efficiency to deal with a bunch of that convoluted stuff you know the game isn't doing you any favors in the QoL department.


So please, don't just make a list if you can't back it up. You need to play more games if you think that no games do this and do at least some of it better. And really, you are right, this game doesn't have the option to save builds like GW1 has. So don't act like what we got instead is better. GW1 still wins that one.


I'm not saying GW2 isn't doing anything but to claim it's the best and does things better than other games is just a total and utter bs story.


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