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Celestial stats new meta

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > I know quite some good gvg guilds and 90%of them are running cele scourge in wvw.


> But that was true before the patch, right?



heal power for barrier

vitality for the life force pool

toughness to not die from hammer rev

power to make use of weapon skills

condi to make use of corrupts

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Scourge play grieving or berserker/marauder; and scourge has insane dps in zerg. Of course rev and ele should be on top, but shade + shroud skills are instant dps and corrupt, and often the first aoe you take; that why it's really important scourge can do some damage. Ele ? Cast time cast time cast time. Rev, some delay too.

And please, stop "hybrid" scourge with blood magic "I will tag ennemies for lootbags, but I will also teleport all my downed friends in middle of the enemies cause I'm not smart". Chose your role.

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For guilds it's been:


HoT meta: cele shout reaper

PoF meta: cele scourge


Why do good builds not play grieving or pure power necro?

Grieving is way too much of a class cannon. And the main reason you take necros for, is corrupts and dmg at the same time. But most important is corrupts.

Pure power, sure has better spike. But the sustain dmg of a pure power scourge is very bad also the corrupts aren't as good. Plus pure power necro offers almost no barrier support, because it doesn't have any healing power.


In big public zergs, you sure can play power scourge, but as soon as the group gets smaller (guildgroups) it's better to play cele.

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i have many scourge builds...

Power scourge ( Nash build mixed with some cavalier) - best dps in big group play, dependant on boons

Griev scourge - almost same like full power ... but its more glass

Cele scourge - good for lesser group vs group ... some power dps , corrupts and nice survivability... cant be focused so easily like power or grieving

Trailblazer condi tank scourge - with parasitic its easy to play, good for newbies starting build for wvw


and also tried condi+heal build (shaman stats i think) .... thats mediocre build

and budget variant .... dire terrormancer .... focused on pumping fear (could be scourge, or vanilla necro)



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Cele/Grieving works because Scourges fart out Torment like breathing air. It's extra free damage every time you corrupt boons, and corrupting boons is your primary job anyway. If you watch ArcDPS when using this build, you'll see Torment up on your top 2 most damaging skills list.


It also tanks you up a bit when you're in smaller scale combat or GvG where you get hit harder and focused more than in any average ZvZ situation. Cele/Grieving excels in longer sustained fights. The longer a fight goes, the more you'll take over a power scourge on the dps meter.


In ZvZ or any pug situation, power zerker/marauder will do fine and the spike on the power scourge builds are just insane and fun.

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