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Warclaw feedback!


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Hey guys lets try to give proper feedback about the mount to anet, in order that they can quickly adjust whats underpowered/overpowered (hopefully)


I already got mine, and i already been running around vs others with it. I have to say as first suggestion, the CC imnunity is really strong, cant really stop the mount, many builds without burst wont be able to stop someone.

Without CC a lot of people just run away from fights, imo this need to be changed asap or the boredom will invade wvw, mostly the players who play it for the fights.


About the rest, seems pretty cool, the speed is arguably.


EDIT: After testing longer, i realized it have to be changed in a few ways, my suggestions:


1- Reduce speed movement to 33% (player with swftness) in enemy territory, and 50% (Below superspeed) in friendly territory.

2- Remove the damage of skill 1, if you want to keep the auto stomp factor thats ok, but shouldnt do dmg too.

3- Engage Skill since dismounts you, should be able to dismount an enemy too, if you use to engage your enemy you should be able to put them in the same conditions than you in order to fight.

4- The triple dodge is super powerfull, reduce to 2.

5- The HP pool isnt really that small like we thought, it can even survive a full revenant burst, also might be bugged, because a friend on ele was getting less hp on the mount, probs is scaling from some stats?

6- Almost forgot, ofc we need to add CC, we should be able to stun/inmob the mounts, they are unstopabble, no way to cut reinforcements now.


What you guys think?

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To copy paste my response in the other thread:


_I never saw them used in combat, nor did I even see them used while roaming, but the speed... oh man that speed. They are much faster than the 400 hardcap even in enemy territory and will easily outrun swiftness - at least for friendlies. Since I never engaged someone with a mount I dont know how fast they move in combat. But presumably the advantage is just as big when both of you are in combat. Those with poor ranged damage wont stand a chance at catching anyone on a mount._

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> @"shiri.4257" said:

> It's an awesome wvw update! I hope they add more mounts in the future! with a separate UD achievement for mounted stomps. Cavalary Ultimate Dominator, 250k mounted kills!


Untill everyone has a mount and we wont be having pirate ship battles any more but running around in endless circles with mounts. If you ask me, they should remove the combat abilities from the amount and only use it for movement and siege.


(not saying that pirate ship battles are good though)

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> They're too fast. But at least they're sorta fragile. Nerf the speed and make CC have more of an effect.


> I've had to get off my mount as herald so I can properly pulse swiftness to those without mounts. I see this to be a problem.


That is my biggest fear. If part of the mission here was re-vitalize WvW and bring in new players, all that will happen is the new players will be separated from the veterans, and either commanders will start kicking players who don't have mounts, zergs will consistently run with long exposed tails, or zergs will have to not use mounts at all.


And consider this: it will only get WORSE over time. Right now only a small portion of the player base has this mount. What happens in a few months when a new player enters the game mode and by then even the most casual of WvW players has this mount.


My wife who doesn't WvW at all, but is showing interest in the game mode, can only play a few hours per week, and is currently rank 10 or so. At that pace it might take her a full month to complete the reward track, and I have no idea how many skirmish tickets she has, since she rarely gets past Wood Tier 1. But from here on in, she will be at a considerable disadvantage without having the mount, making it hard for her to keep up with the zerg, which won't be fun for her or the commander.

You could argue that perhaps WvW isn't the right fit for her - that she is too casual - which is fair enough. But how do you get someone to shift from being too casual a player to a regular player if the time they spend at the onset is rife with challenges and disappointment?



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Several of us used the Warclaw to help take down the gate. We thought it was very effective. So far I am really enjoying the mount and cannot wait for the skins to arrive.


For those looking to finish the reward track you can get the potions of Mist Rewards from the Battle-Harden Kits which are in each Black Lion chest right now. I save any I get because I use them for the special reward tracks like SAB or festivals.

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Speed in friendly and hostile territory should be the same (i.e. just as slow in friendly). Should be CC'able. Skill which kills downs needs to be removed, it is overpowered - how about one that interrupts everyone rezzing. Remove one evade charge. Drop HP to 30% (around 4k HP).


The mount is a transport tool. Not a combat tool. Not a "I can escape any potential fight in a PvP gamemode" tool. It should be squishy. It should not tip the balence of fights. It should be catchtable by any class with a decent set of mobility skills.

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At some point, traps need to be added that would automatically dismount a person. This should be an alternative way to counter the use of a mount if not to chase it with your own. Haven't had a chance to play since the release. Beyond the queue numbers, reports are looking for more positive than first thought.

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The speed of the mount seems ok, i guess it depends on how you play, if your a roamer its game over really, if your a zerg player it seems to fit well,


I would say they need to make it that if you get attacked when mounted it slows you down, not to a crawl, but slow enough that a group of ppl hitting you could dismount you, i seen a mesmer tonight just run through the entire zerg, and kept on going, i would suggest the ( chain skill ) could be used to tether yourself to an enemy mount to slow them down aswell,


It probably seems way out of place at the moment as not everyone has it yet, i would hold fire on any nerfs for a couple of weeks so that we can really see how the balance works out on it.

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> @"Gallant Pigeon.5807" said:

> Speed in friendly and hostile territory should be the same.


Exactly my thought. It just creates more imbalance. Bad enough that one team can jump off cliffs at will in fights and glide away.

Futher I tested fall damage and you take much less when mounted. Shouln't be that way imho.



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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > They're too fast. But at least they're sorta fragile. Nerf the speed and make CC have more of an effect.

> >

> > I've had to get off my mount as herald so I can properly pulse swiftness to those without mounts. I see this to be a problem.


> That is my biggest fear. If part of the mission here was re-vitalize WvW and bring in new players, all that will happen is the new players will be separated from the veterans, and either commanders will start kicking players who don't have mounts, zergs will consistently run with long exposed tails, or zergs will have to not use mounts at all.




Any commander worth their salt will know they will lose if half their numbers are on them. It wasn't really too bad since I don't want to stick out anyways. You can't kick people from maps, so people will need to deal with it. This has been try even when gliding was around.


The only real bottleneck is capturing a keep and doing the reward track and that didn't seem too bad, but our server is losing and thus easy to retake a keep. :S

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> My wife who doesn't WvW at all, but is showing interest in the game mode, can only play a few hours per week, and is currently rank 10 or so. At that pace it might take her a full month to complete the reward track, and I have no idea how many skirmish tickets she has, since she rarely gets past Wood Tier 1. But from here on in, she will be at a considerable disadvantage without having the mount, making it hard for her to keep up with the zerg, which won't be fun for her or the commander.

I think you get some tickets from doing the collection and using the items that you got. I haven't done the math but should be close to be enough.



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