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Warclaw feedback!


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> @"Nidome.1365" said:

> > @"Mechanix.9315" said:

> > There are multiple videos about it, you can check in reddit for example


> Yes but you aren't meant to tell people how to carry out exploits on the forums, or tell them where to find instructions.


> It still needs fixing. The easiest way to stop the exploit is to disable mounts temporarily until they can come up with a long term fix.




Yea i understand i didnt neither, just pointed out that in reddit there is many videos about it, which is strange due to those "moderators" are against exploits too, and those posts had over 400 upvotes, but i guess its because reddit is mainly a pve community and they dont really understand about how wvw works, nor the people who actually care by the gamemode.


Anyway the exploits/abuse is just another proof that:

a) anet dosent have a proper testing team

b) anet rushed the release of this mount in a desperate attempt to make money and get a (temporary) influx of players into wvw

c) anet just dosent care about the players who mainly plays wvw, which 90% of the players were against this, even before the announcement, when we all knew was a mount, because were easy to guess.


They wont disable it just right away, i only hope Ben and Raymond listen us for once and start to make the nerfs as soon of possible, because in the worst scenario, they will lose all, i mean, the pve players who are already leaving back to pveland with the mount unlocked, and the wvw players who feel that the mount ruined the gamemode.

And i really dont want to see wvw dead, i keep playing the game for this, after 6yrs.

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After day 2, I'm feeling less optimistic.


I play as scout/havoc and never bought PoF so I've been on foot the whole time. To date, I've focused my build around mobility to facilitate tracking enemies, slipping away to check on objectives when necessary and being able to dart about doing whatever needs doing. Going in, I expected that my niche would be severely trampled upon, but I figured I could adjust.


However, as more cats show up, it's become clear that there is no escaping them. Even in territory I own. Even if I drop out of sight, they can mark me with the press of a button. In addition, every enemy is much, much faster which means I have a smaller window to work in even while I have to be extra careful not to get chased down by a roaming group. Just like with Elite Specs, I'd have to make _another_ purchase to continue _sort of_ enjoying the game. I still have no clue what direction Anet is moving in (besides random bait content for spikes of people who'll never come back), so I can't justify opening my wallet to sort of regain the status quo.


On top of that, though this isn't directly related to Warclaw, the method for obtaining it has made the gamemode virtually unplayable--and I don't mean the queues. Whereas before there would be large enemy zergs that you could sort of deal with, now they have a full blob of pugs. Meanwhile, your pugs are also chiefly interested in getting Warclaw and often don't understand why WvW players don't K-Train for maximum reward efficiency. It doesn't help that, to date, **there is still no tutorial NPC on DBL.** This would have been a good time to make some effort toward actually introducing people to WvW instead of dropping them in unawares and causing a rough time for both PvE and WvW focused players.


**High player volume + Low player investment = A bad time all around**


The speediest way to get the Warclaw has very little overlap with actual WvW gameplay. Defending anything is just slowing you down. Fighting other players as well, for the most part.

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Soooo after now about 20 hours of playing time with the claw my additional feedback. I think the hotflix of the attack jump is a pity, but yes, it was very powerful with a lot of players at once - imho good fix. The exploits will also be closed, there is no doubt about that and to be honest - everyone knew that there will be! :)


The possible uses in zerg fights are damn interesting and enriching. But how exactly they will get their way we probably won't see until two or three weeks after the "easy loot" has disappeared from the WvW. Because let's not kid ourselves, what is currently taking place in zerg fighting is pure fiesta. And it clearly stands out that fight strong servers can simply get more out of the claw than weak ones. Which is good in so far as non fighting server might learn it that way.


Sniff is outstandingly good, especially if you have taken something and want to clean up quickly.


The speed, dodge and the lack of CC vulnerability are still positive in my opinion - because it makes the claw something concrete and does not soften it. This is the only way to create the fun new game. Just the possibility to get behind the enemy in a larger group and then attack it from two sides not only feels fantastic, but also offers new strategies. The pirate ship imho sank :)


Of course I understand the whole outcry of the individualists and small group players that their being is less noticed and less opposed by this new, faster and at the same time in my eyes more aggressive gameplay. But I take the view that GW2 and the WVW can unfortunately only have continued to exist through more interaction on a larger scale. The advantages are obvious.


I'm already looking forward to two weeks from now when we can explore the use of the claw a bit more advanced.


In my eyes the claw is definitely a good enrichment - thanks again. Well, then, enjoy exciting battles!


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The only change I would recommend is to normalize the speed so there isn’t a territory bonus. I’m worried that the speed bonus could favor the more populated server when you are outnumbered and trying take back your objectives. I also don’t see any reason to give defenders an advantage when roaming.

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I am struggling to even find 1 thing I like about the mount. Without knowing what problem Anet was trying to fix with this change, its hard to suggest a better one, but the number of problems created by the mount far outweighs the benefits that I can see.


In regards to balancing the mount since its here to stay, I would even go a little further than the OP.


Reduce evades to 1


Remove cc immunity


Or reduce hp to 2k


I love the idea of adding a dismount to the engage skill. This would at least add in some engaging counterplay. Right now things are too slanted in a defensive direction.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > Cosmetic feedback - would like to know if jackal model/skins couls work with warclaw? Or are the animations different, not easy to do? Would love to use jackal skin instead of kitten. :)


> I think the Warclaw actually use the griphon model so Jackal skins aren't going to fit on it.


Ah damn, thanks that's a shame.


Anyway I guess there will end up plenty of gemstore skins over the coming months.

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Finishing downed needs to be removed. Speed can stay and CC immunity can stay as long as there is a way to dismount your opponent without using cooldowns/profession resources. IE introduce a skill that dismounts both the caster and the target (s).

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Thoroughly enjoyed my soirée into WvW this week. Been enjoyable enough to potentially play more, although I;d like to use it in EOTM too. The Warclaw itself is fun and acts as a nice basic runaround to use in pve as well - I like the look and animations it has, although it is very under-sized on a Norn. It doesn't look right at all on those toons.


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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> Finishing downed needs to be removed. Speed can stay and CC immunity can stay as long as there is a way to dismount your opponent without using cooldowns/profession resources. IE introduce a skill that dismounts both the caster and the target (s).


Or at least if you are dismounted by an enemy attack you are dazed/stunned/crippled, whatever, otherwise you have the advantage of full cooldowns/resources while the player who attacked you does not.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> Finishing downed needs to be removed. Speed can stay and CC immunity can stay as long as there is a way to dismount your opponent **without using cooldowns/profession resources**. IE introduce a skill that dismounts both the caster and the target (s).


That's largely the point I'm still hung up on before anything else.

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> @"Limodriver.4106" said:

> 1. every 1k rank u get 1 extra dodge

> 2. every 1k rank u gain extra % speed

> 3. every 1k rank u can maul 1 extra person


that dosent make sense, i think already 3 dodge is currently broken, with your logic at my rank ill have 5-6 dodges.


Dodges should be 1 and 2 if mastery point spent.

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Warclaw favors too much disengagement allowing people who do not want to fight to escape quickly, this destroys small-scale fighting.

Reduce the number of dodges to 2 and reduce its HP that are currently too high, "should" allow people to move faster, not turn all wvw in a mode of only blob fight and karma train.

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I am actually liking the mount. What I'd suggest looking into is the amount of dodges it can do, and somehow render structures inaccessible so players cannot leap into them. About the stomp I'm not entirely sure. So far it's not the worst idea, but it requires more field testing to see if it's detrimental to the health of the game mode or the opposite.


The ability to traverse huge landscapes is definitely a plus.


Overall rating so far: nice, but needs tweaking. It requires more leaping into it ;)

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> @"Mechanix.9315" said:

> > @"Limodriver.4106" said:

> > 1. every 1k rank u get 1 extra dodge

> > 2. every 1k rank u gain extra % speed

> > 3. every 1k rank u can maul 1 extra person


> that dosent make sense, i think already 3 dodge is currently broken, with your logic at my rank ill have 5-6 dodges.


> Dodges should be 1 and 2 if mastery point spent.


The mount's endurance bar is kind of broken atm. After getting the 3rd mastery for an extra stamina bar, the mount could literally leap every 2-3 seconds.

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It was really fun before they nerfed the leap distance. Now it's more like a hop, and mount feels sluggish, less fun, and less fluid.

Still more fun compared to being mountless for months I've been playing, but definitely less fun than it was yesterday.

It was great fun while it lasted the less than 2 days it did. If Anet continues to listen to the "warclaw is too fast complainers", the mount may just become purely cosmetic eventually. Oh well. There goes the possible increase in WvW population by making WvW more fun and fast paced. Adjust the attacks, the CC, the HP or whatever, but not what was already spot on with the mount, which was the fun the speed brought.

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> @"Alver Lyko.4693" said:

> It was really fun before they nerfed the leap distance. Now it's more like a hop, and mount feels sluggish, less fun, and less fluid.

> Still more fun compared to being mountless for months I've been playing, but definitely less fun than it was yesterday.

> It was great fun while it lasted the less than 2 days it did. If Anet continues to listen to the "warclaw is too fast complainers", the mount may just become purely cosmetic eventually. Oh well. There goes the possible increase in WvW population by making WvW more fun and fast paced. Adjust the attacks, the CC, the HP or whatever, but not what was already spot on with the mount, which was the fun the speed brought.


While I haven't seen the changes yet in game if it stops people from leaping into objectives unintended with the mount then good change. So your definition of fun is supporting this exploitative behaviour. Good to know. This mount should've just been borderline speed increase (25%) to bring it in line with trading out dmg for speed/utility. Literally nothing else. You're truly delusional if you believe Warclaw would bring and keep players interested in WvW. It's a temporary boost to numbers, a marketing tactic. Plain and simple cash grab. Plenty of crying PvE players still saying they have to do "PvP" to get the mount implying they would never even want to stay in WvW anyway. Same thing with GoB. You don't see players staying in WvW, they get their shiny then gtfo. The only thing I agree with you is making further adjustments to attack, HP etc. One of which is successful engage skill on another mount = both players dismounted.

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> @"Queen Anastasia.7103" said:

> While I haven't seen the changes yet in game if it stops people from leaping into objectives unintended with the mount then good change. So your definition of fun is supporting this exploitative behaviour.


Nope. They should definitely fix any exploits and anything that is unintended. If the leap allows people to leap walls or whatever, they should fix it in those particular areas.



> @"Queen Anastasia.7103" said:

>You're truly delusional if you believe Warclaw would bring and keep players interested in WvW.


Delutional maybe, but I prefer to be hopeful since I love WvW. Even if just 5% of PvE Warclaw acquirers become interested in WvW to pop in regularly, that would be nice.


And I agree with you, the mounts are definitely a way for anet to make money.




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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"Zaoda.1653" said:

> > • While I don't exactly like the -1 supply required with every tug, I get that, without this, it would render rams kinda useless, so I get that.


> Considering their extremely slow speed and being limited to 3 per gate, I think the -1 supply per pull is overkill in the terms of limiting siege capabilities. There is absolutely no reason to even pull a gate with a Warclaw, as 3 Warclaws with 20 supply each won't even take a T0 gate below half HP.




I'm thinking that they either need to 1) Increase the damage to around 5K to gates per pull or 2) remove the supply cost if keeping that damage.


> @"Dagger.2035" said:

> The only change I would recommend is to normalize the speed so there isn’t a territory bonus. I’m worried that the speed bonus could favor the more populated server when you are outnumbered and trying take back your objectives. I also don’t see any reason to give defenders an advantage when roaming.


I agree with that. Instead the base HP should be lowered to 5K, and that mastery should move it up to 10K.


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Warclaw has killed the tired pirateship meta. Group vs Group and Zerg vs Zerg are a lot more fun now because engagements are more close, in your face combat.


And we all hate arrow carts and the silliness such as chilling fog. The mount negates a lot of this and makes sieging keeps much more enjoyable.


These are pretty big improvements to the overall WvW game that is triggering more fights and less downtime. I just wish they would get rid of the stomp aspect of the mount, it's not needed and it negatively affects smaller scale combat. Make skill 1 knock people off mounts rather than stomp. The mount should be used for mobility and should have less effect when it comes to combat.

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I know we're still early on in the life of Warclaw, but some feedback from last night that reinforced my major concern for the mount, that being the effect it has on a player who doesn't have one when seemingly everyone else does.


My wife, who is just starting to explore WvW, doesn't have the mount yet, but she and I joined a pug commander last night to farm out some XP, reward track, and maybe get the last drop she needed from capturing a keep.


I'd say of the 40 people in the squad, at least 30 of them had the mount (myself included). Things are getting closer to normal now, with less PvE specs/geared players running about, and squads actually defending objectives, and getting them to T2/T3, so it wasn't a cakewalk PPT train like it was on Tuesday/Wednesday.


I stayed dismounted to keep pace with my wife's character, and while there were some players pumping out swiftness, the majority of the squad was far ahead of us, leaving a long and exposed tail. This became more acute as we found ourselves unable to reach an objective in time to engage the NPCs or even to get into the circle before it capped. It didn't happen a lot, but it did happen (mostly with sentries), and it was a little frustrating.


Now I realize that the commander needs to be aware of the squad's tail, etc, but I ask again, what happens in a month or so when a player brand new to WvW enters the mode, and has to run on foot to catch up with a squad of players who all have the mount? Will the pug commander slow his open squad's movement to accommodate a single player? Likely not.


I fear the mount is likely to become a barrier to entry for anyone wanting to zerg or roam with other players. I don't think it will impact solo roaming to the same degree, but I know when I first started playing WvW, I didn't want to go out alone and would immediately search for another player to shadow. Ironically if one of the goals of the mount was to help bring new blood into the game mode, I fear it might actually have the opposite effect.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> I know we're still early on in the life of Warclaw, but some feedback from last night that reinforced my major concern for the mount, that being the effect it has on a player who doesn't have one when seemingly everyone else does.


> My wife, who is just starting to explore WvW, doesn't have the mount yet, but she and I joined a pug commander last night to farm out some XP, reward track, and maybe get the last drop she needed from capturing a keep.


> I'd say of the 40 people in the squad, at least 30 of them had the mount (myself included). Things are getting closer to normal now, with less PvE specs/geared players running about, and squads actually defending objectives, and getting them to T2/T3, so it wasn't a cakewalk PPT train like it was on Tuesday/Wednesday.


> I stayed dismounted to keep pace with my wife's character, and while there were some players pumping out swiftness, the majority of the squad was far ahead of us, leaving a long and exposed tail. This became more acute as we found ourselves unable to reach an objective in time to engage the NPCs or even to get into the circle before it capped. It didn't happen a lot, but it did happen (mostly with sentries), and it was a little frustrating.


> Now I realize that the commander needs to be aware of the squad's tail, etc, but I ask again, what happens in a month or so when a player brand new to WvW enters the mode, and has to run on foot to catch up with a squad of players who all have the mount? Will the pug commander slow his open squad's movement to accommodate a single player? Likely not.


> I fear the mount is likely to become a barrier to entry for anyone wanting to zerg or roam with other players. I don't think it will impact solo roaming to the same degree, but I know when I first started playing WvW, I didn't want to go out alone and would immediately search for another player to shadow. Ironically if one of the goals of the mount was to help bring new blood into the game mode, I fear it might actually have the opposite effect.


This morning i was with An allied guildgroup South of An enemy Bay, we were killing the Guards and someone called out wurmgate was down, i was the only ony in combat (gate Archer) and was kept in combat by the archer half way the wall and on southeast corner wall of Bay. By the time i reached the water(i had no Swiftness) they were at wurmgate

Im not gonna say 'this opened my eyes' but IT opened my eyes

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I think the mount and certain aspect of it's "perks" should only be allowed for players under a certain rank to get them acquainted to the game mode/maps. After passing the threshold of that rank, all crutches should be removed and the mount only retain speedy aspect of travel and nothing else. This way, newer players get to be part of the game mode and be able to reach commanders and groups safely, and long time players get speedy travel. I would prefer all combat related skills be removed.

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> @"Sviel.7493" said:

> After day 2, I'm feeling less optimistic.


> I play as scout/havoc and never bought PoF so I've been on foot the whole time. To date, I've focused my build around mobility to facilitate tracking enemies, slipping away to check on objectives when necessary and being able to dart about doing whatever needs doing. Going in, I expected that my niche would be severely trampled upon, but I figured I could adjust.


> However, as more cats show up, it's become clear that there is no escaping them. Even in territory I own. Even if I drop out of sight, they can mark me with the press of a button. In addition, every enemy is much, much faster which means I have a smaller window to work in even while I have to be extra careful not to get chased down by a roaming group. Just like with Elite Specs, I'd have to make _another_ purchase to continue _sort of_ enjoying the game. I still have no clue what direction Anet is moving in (besides random bait content for spikes of people who'll never come back), so I can't justify opening my wallet to sort of regain the status quo.


> On top of that, though this isn't directly related to Warclaw, the method for obtaining it has made the gamemode virtually unplayable--and I don't mean the queues. Whereas before there would be large enemy zergs that you could sort of deal with, now they have a full blob of pugs. Meanwhile, your pugs are also chiefly interested in getting Warclaw and often don't understand why WvW players don't K-Train for maximum reward efficiency. It doesn't help that, to date, **there is still no tutorial NPC on DBL.** This would have been a good time to make some effort toward actually introducing people to WvW instead of dropping them in unawares and causing a rough time for both PvE and WvW focused players.


> **High player volume + Low player investment = A bad time all around**


> The speediest way to get the Warclaw has very little overlap with actual WvW gameplay. Defending anything is just slowing you down. Fighting other players as well, for the most part.


Just throwing out some ideas here, because these seem like valid concerns.


- Change the warclaw unlock achievement to remove objectives that cannot be obtained outside of EotM

- Players below bronze rank cannot make progress toward warclaw unlock outside of EotM

- The warclaw may be unlocked by players who don't own PoF, but is only available for these players inside WvW/EotM and skills 2-6 are unavailable to unlock


My thinking is that this would put some players back into EotM while keeping players who only want to unlock the warclaw from getting in the way of WvW objectives. It would also level the playing field a bit for players without PoF, while still providing incentives for those players to purchase PoF in order to upgrade the warclaw. It should also resolve most of the issues with players joining squads, but being unable to keep up.

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