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New player-Istan nerf?

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ok, now that warclaw event had ended, i can say YES, Istan is pretty much a dead map now


last couple of days there were either no players at all or just a few, the last one I did was around 5 days ago, and the zerg barely finished Palawadan within the time limit


kinda sad to see the state of what it is now, gonna take me forever to craft the Astral and Stellar weapons, which the once a day Palawadan was the only Istan I do to get the Kralkatite Ores


really appreciate them increase the drop rate of Powdered Rose Quartz from home instance...


... but ... wonder if Anet had thought through the flow on effect of such nerf... 500 Kralkatite Ore per weapon, that's gonna take quite a while

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> ok, now that warclaw event had ended, i can say YES, Istan is pretty much a dead map now


> last couple of days there were either no players at all or just a few, the last one I did was around 5 days ago, and the zerg barely finished Palawadan within the time limit


> kinda sad to see the state of what it is now, gonna take me forever to craft the Astral and Stellar weapons, which the once a day Palawadan was the only Istan I do to get the Kralkatite Ores


> really appreciate them increase the drop rate of Powdered Rose Quartz from home instance...


> ... but ... wonder if Anet had thought through the flow on effect of such nerf... 500 Kralkatite Ore per weapon, that's gonna take quite a while


Do renowned hearts with multiple chars per day.

Do pvp /wvw reward track for 250 kralka.

It is meant to be a long term plan. And a hard to get "collection".

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > ok, now that warclaw event had ended, i can say YES, Istan is pretty much a dead map now

> >

> > last couple of days there were either no players at all or just a few, the last one I did was around 5 days ago, and the zerg barely finished Palawadan within the time limit

> >

> > kinda sad to see the state of what it is now, gonna take me forever to craft the Astral and Stellar weapons, which the once a day Palawadan was the only Istan I do to get the Kralkatite Ores

> >

> > really appreciate them increase the drop rate of Powdered Rose Quartz from home instance...

> >

> > ... but ... wonder if Anet had thought through the flow on effect of such nerf... 500 Kralkatite Ore per weapon, that's gonna take quite a while


> Do renowned hearts with multiple chars per day.

wish i could, don't have time, have 9to5 work :lol:

Palawadan was a quick 15min run for quite a lot of ores once per day and get out

Havent dont the hearts for ages, but i remember it took quite a while, nowhere as fast as Thunderhead Keep hearts, unless Anet changed them


> Do pvp /wvw reward track for 250 kralka.

currently working on unlocking all the Glorious armor skins, will do that after, but dont PvP that much

neither do WvW much either, working on unlocking Triumph armor skins

both PvP and WvW, I just go in do the dailies and get out


> It is meant to be a long term plan. And a hard to get "collection".

Yeah, before I had plenty of ores but not enough Powdered Rose Quartz from poor drop rate, now I have totally opposite issue :lol:


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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> A shame so many mmo players feel they must rush to the end game. What a waste.


I've been playing only since October. I have finished personal story and POF. I have not yet however reached instan, nor crafted a single item lol. I always look at it this way. I want to be able to enjoy the game for as long as I can. Which means there is always something to do. Someplace to go new achievement to build on. So i agree with your statement.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > ok, now that warclaw event had ended, i can say YES, Istan is pretty much a dead map now

> > >

> > > last couple of days there were either no players at all or just a few, the last one I did was around 5 days ago, and the zerg barely finished Palawadan within the time limit

> > >

> > > kinda sad to see the state of what it is now, gonna take me forever to craft the Astral and Stellar weapons, which the once a day Palawadan was the only Istan I do to get the Kralkatite Ores

> > >

> > > really appreciate them increase the drop rate of Powdered Rose Quartz from home instance...

> > >

> > > ... but ... wonder if Anet had thought through the flow on effect of such nerf... 500 Kralkatite Ore per weapon, that's gonna take quite a while

> >

> > Do renowned hearts with multiple chars per day.

> wish i could, don't have time, have 9to5 work :lol:

> Palawadan was a quick 15min run for quite a lot of ores once per day and get out

> Havent dont the hearts for ages, but i remember it took quite a while, nowhere as fast as Thunderhead Keep hearts, unless Anet changed them


> > Do pvp /wvw reward track for 250 kralka.

> currently working on unlocking all the Glorious armor skins, will do that after, but dont PvP that much

> neither do WvW much either, working on unlocking Triumph armor skins

> both PvP and WvW, I just go in do the dailies and get out


> > It is meant to be a long term plan. And a hard to get "collection".

> Yeah, before I had plenty of ores but not enough Powdered Rose Quartz from poor drop rate, now I have totally opposite issue :lol:



Why didnt you just buy rose quartz from tp?

And since your u had plenty of kralka, what did you with it?

I sense some poor decision making

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> @"Critical Lag.9075" said:

> Constantly nerfing Istan without buffing any other map is pretty stupid. It will be just another dead LS4 map.


> I think your best bet for similiar type of farming would be silverwastes RIBA. It's probably a bit less than Istan but it's something you can easily do over and over again.


Other way around. Stuff is already getting cheaper and cheaper which means rewards are worth less and less which is bad for the game. Nothing has any value, therefore nothing you get has value. This has made the game feel less rewarding for a lot of other people.


So people who want to farm the crap out of one super profitable zone and stay there and do nothing else, that ruins the game for people who actually want people all over the map.


If every map is filled with rewards like Istan, then there is NO reward worth anything, or conversely, inflation drives everything up so high that you're not making any money, you just have higher numbers. This game has done a pretty good job of keeping inflation at manageable levels. Buffing all the zones to have more? Terrible idea.


The nerf was the way to go to get people to the rest of the game and preserve the economy. It's not about any one player's personal convenience. It's about a long term sustainable economy.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > > ok, now that warclaw event had ended, i can say YES, Istan is pretty much a dead map now

> > > >

> > > > last couple of days there were either no players at all or just a few, the last one I did was around 5 days ago, and the zerg barely finished Palawadan within the time limit

> > > >

> > > > kinda sad to see the state of what it is now, gonna take me forever to craft the Astral and Stellar weapons, which the once a day Palawadan was the only Istan I do to get the Kralkatite Ores

> > > >

> > > > really appreciate them increase the drop rate of Powdered Rose Quartz from home instance...

> > > >

> > > > ... but ... wonder if Anet had thought through the flow on effect of such nerf... 500 Kralkatite Ore per weapon, that's gonna take quite a while

> > >

> > > Do renowned hearts with multiple chars per day.

> > wish i could, don't have time, have 9to5 work :lol:

> > Palawadan was a quick 15min run for quite a lot of ores once per day and get out

> > Havent dont the hearts for ages, but i remember it took quite a while, nowhere as fast as Thunderhead Keep hearts, unless Anet changed them

> >

> > > Do pvp /wvw reward track for 250 kralka.

> > currently working on unlocking all the Glorious armor skins, will do that after, but dont PvP that much

> > neither do WvW much either, working on unlocking Triumph armor skins

> > both PvP and WvW, I just go in do the dailies and get out

> >

> > > It is meant to be a long term plan. And a hard to get "collection".

> > Yeah, before I had plenty of ores but not enough Powdered Rose Quartz from poor drop rate, now I have totally opposite issue :lol:

> >


> Why didnt you just buy rose quartz from tp?

> And since your u had plenty of kralka, what did you with it?

> I sense some poor decision making


cos i'm a cheap ass refusing to buy mats off TP if i dont have to :lol:


turn them all into ingots of course, only spent 50 so far to unlock stellar

currently have 264 sitting in bank


majority of the ores came from daily palawadan on weekdays, dont do istan on weekends


not really a fan of spending hours farming the same map, and dont have time; dragonblood is bareable, since hearts are quick and meta are full of people


i'm not complaining about it's taking a long time to craft all the astrals and stellar, just bit concerned about devs may or may not have nerfed rewards too hard to remove player population to have any incentive to do the metas


can you imagine anet hard nerfs SW? :lol:

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > > > ok, now that warclaw event had ended, i can say YES, Istan is pretty much a dead map now

> > > > >

> > > > > last couple of days there were either no players at all or just a few, the last one I did was around 5 days ago, and the zerg barely finished Palawadan within the time limit

> > > > >

> > > > > kinda sad to see the state of what it is now, gonna take me forever to craft the Astral and Stellar weapons, which the once a day Palawadan was the only Istan I do to get the Kralkatite Ores

> > > > >

> > > > > really appreciate them increase the drop rate of Powdered Rose Quartz from home instance...

> > > > >

> > > > > ... but ... wonder if Anet had thought through the flow on effect of such nerf... 500 Kralkatite Ore per weapon, that's gonna take quite a while

> > > >

> > > > Do renowned hearts with multiple chars per day.

> > > wish i could, don't have time, have 9to5 work :lol:

> > > Palawadan was a quick 15min run for quite a lot of ores once per day and get out

> > > Havent dont the hearts for ages, but i remember it took quite a while, nowhere as fast as Thunderhead Keep hearts, unless Anet changed them

> > >

> > > > Do pvp /wvw reward track for 250 kralka.

> > > currently working on unlocking all the Glorious armor skins, will do that after, but dont PvP that much

> > > neither do WvW much either, working on unlocking Triumph armor skins

> > > both PvP and WvW, I just go in do the dailies and get out

> > >

> > > > It is meant to be a long term plan. And a hard to get "collection".

> > > Yeah, before I had plenty of ores but not enough Powdered Rose Quartz from poor drop rate, now I have totally opposite issue :lol:

> > >

> >

> > Why didnt you just buy rose quartz from tp?

> > And since your u had plenty of kralka, what did you with it?

> > I sense some poor decision making


> cos i'm a cheap kitten refusing to buy mats off TP if i dont have to :lol:


> turn them all into ingots of course, only spent 50 so far to unlock stellar

> currently have 264 sitting in bank


> majority of the ores came from daily palawadan on weekdays, dont do istan on weekends


> not really a fan of spending hours farming the same map, and dont have time; dragonblood is bareable, since hearts are quick and meta are full of people


> i'm not complaining about it's taking a long time to craft all the astrals and stellar, just bit concerned about devs may or may not have nerfed rewards too hard to remove player population to have any incentive to do the metas


> can you imagine anet hard nerfs SW? :lol:


Dunno, if Anet nerf sw they will do it cause of the gold/hour people make and not cause of bandit crest farming. Like it happened in Istan. Also, ambrite weapons collection (another hard to get collection) has remained the same throughout the years, which is easier doable via reward tracks (fossilized insect). I wouldnt count on Anet "fixing" kralkatite, cause ways exist to make plenty per day. Make em at your own pace. People leaving Istan had to do with the absurd amount of gold/hour they made. You can do the Astralarium heart (easiest and fastest of em all) with 2-8 chars per day (or as many as you like), and you will have much more kralka than you need in no time.

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For a new player to have access to that kind of gold and be making ascended stuff already is pretty ridiculous. Justifies the nerf even more. This is a game of long-term goals. If you're doing 'endgame' stuff a couple of weeks in, there's a problem. And if you're making that much gold, what are you going to do with yourself after a couple of more months. You'll already have everything you could possibly want by then.

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> Last three days I went to do that and only a couple people on map, no tags, no palawadan. Today a smaller group tried, failed. RIP Istan

Srsly? Seems like I finally may be interested to play there then. Finally, no atrocious zergs which kill all the fun. 5-10 ppl is all what you need for an event, imo.


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you could literally make a full set of endgame armor in 3 hours. It was nerfed because people like you were quitting in 2-3 months complaining of nothing to do after getting 3 ascended sets and clearing VG twice. Literally. It got nerfed because you cant just stop playing when bored, you noobs have to bitch about every little thing.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > @"Etria.3642" said:

> > Last three days I went to do that and only a couple people on map, no tags, no palawadan. Today a smaller group tried, failed. RIP Istan

> Srsly? Seems like I finally may be interested to play there then. Finally, no atrocious zergs which kill all the fun. 5-10 ppl is all what you need for an event, imo.



you will fail Palawadan with 5-10 players, the champions hit hard, and the pirate ships part takes forever without enough people


not uncommon to see 10+ players get taken down when Hierarch and Iberu does that red vortex aoe


last night's Palawadan, and the attempt (bout a week ago) before that, both time had bout 20+ people, barely finished within time limit

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> @"Recon.8754" said:

> Pretty disappointed that istan was nerfed within the first month I started playing. It was nice to make 30-35g an hour to fund ascended crafting, and to give me gold to level my crafting. But just like that, its gone. Map is empty, and from what I have heard from commanders, there is 0 reason to go there instead of RIBA now.


> Why the nerf? Is this a push for new players to just buy Gems to sell for gold? In light of the layoffs, all of this isn't giving me a great vision for the future. And as a new player, I think the future of the game kind of relies on new players joining and having a positive experience, and removing the best method for new players to earn gold and mats to build our new accounts seems like a kick below the belt.


id be happy if i make that much gold in 2 weeks i make ~28g in 2 weeks if i play everyday and feel like doing daily

then with all random bullshit non sense drop i get in WvW i might hit 30 to 35g (no i dont sell all crap i get).


so ye i dont see the problem lol.

and as people said here u dont really need ascended armor for WvW atleast no matter how much one is gonna try insist u do its bullcrap.

i have 2 sets 1 ascended the other exotic i switch around when i feel like its needed and honestly i still die when stuff get hot not even ascended would save me there.


for pve stuff i cant talk but taking the obvious that WvW has "npcs"(players obviously for the smart people among us) with brains i guess when u dont need it there u dont really need it in PvE at all.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > barely finished within time limit

> Seems like it's now engaging gameplay when you actually can lose, even more reasons to try it out. I'm tired of casual kitten almost everywhere else in OpenWorld.




it happens quite often with metas, mostly associated with insufficient players


common ones that fails

Thunderhead Keep Oil south-west point

Jahai Bluffs Shatterer

Vabbi Serpents' Ire

Desolation Maws

Desolation Junundu

Tangled Depth Nuhoc Lane

Auric Basin South Lane, mostly because people dont know how to use armor to

Dragon Stand

Core World Bosses Tequatl and Shatterer


and now you can add Istan Great Hall and Palawadan to the list

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> @"Recon.8754" said:

> Well im super interested in fractals and WvW, but for me to be effective it seems like it would be good to have ascended gear. For me to have ascended gear I need gold. And istan was an efficient way for me to get gold in the 90min a day I can play. Now its gonna take me 3-6-9? months for me to craft ascended before I can play fractals and WvW effectively? Am I playing wrong or something?


I think as a new player, you need to ask people in the know if your perception is correct.


You benefit from Ascended and it's true AS YOU PROGRESS in higher end fractals, you will need more Ascended to pop in infusions to achieve necessary AR. The part you may not be aware of is that Ascended trinkets are a simple matter and have many ways to obtain them ... NONE of which are crafting. That's enough to get your more than started in fractals ... the crafting will come.


Generally, you will find that the idea of 'grinding' to earn gold in GW2 is 'hard' or at least 'unpleasureable' ... and the reason is because you don't need to 'grind' anything in particular to get gold.

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