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I have never been so disgusted in the GW2 community before!

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I decide to go into WvW to try and get the newest mount for myself, and I am having a surprisingly good time. However, the WvW community is extremely toxic, there are so many new players either actually trying out WvW or having PvE players come in for the mount, and when they ask for help, the WvW community is so rude towards them and it's disgusting.


To me, Anet introduced the mount so that people would have a reason to try out WvW, and that is what I am doing, I am actually going to be in WvW more often.

These WvW players are chasing potential new players to either hate WvW or hate the entire game.


I am always afraid to ask for help in any mode now because I am afraid of getting attacked for not knowing something, these people don't realize that they also at one point knew nothing about these things, and now verbally attacking new players and calling them idiots.


I know there is no way to change these things about the people, I just wanted to express my major concern about one of the games biggest communities.


WvW is really fun and I do not want people to get chased away, I am going to be doing WvW more often but going to just avoid talking to the people in there.

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I'm not experiencing that on Fort Aspenwood. Many of the longtime players are very helpful, posting tips for unlocking the cat in team chat, tips to avoid the helmet bug and answering any questions they can.




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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Just like there are elitist and toxic PvE raiders, there are also the same in WvW and PvP.

> Just like there are helpful saints in PvE, there are also the same in WvW and PvP.

> Let's not over generalise the community.


Couldn't agree more with this.


There's one general rule when it comes to anything online..

If you see people acting all elitist then just block them.

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Elitests are everywhere in every game mode throughout GW2. I made a sarcastic post about the situation that you've described happening and it got removed i was warned for making an 'unconstructive' post/comments.


But it generally depends on the server you're on/linked with. If you're stuck with a 'fight server' then good luck and simply block the people that're horrid or 'toxic' sorry, i hate the term. Enjoy! :+1:

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1) Na is usually toxic

2) ppl are frustrated with the ques

3) people want to play the game not deal with swarms of new players

4)every zerg has ppl trolling siege and just utter chaos


i mean if we went in to pve raids and just swarmed it somehow ppl would be annoyed give it a few days it will chill

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My server will like to make fun of the PVEers a little bit but nothing to the point of toxicity. Some player will complain, and there are a few that are toxic but it’s really not that bad.


It only gets bad if ur Zerg keeps wiping to the other zergs, and has almost everything to do with the skill level of the said Zergs. If you have a bunch of noobies getting rofl stomped by a guild train, then it’s bound to get a little nasty.

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What do you expect. WvW players want to play WvW.

Instead we have PvE players queuing up all the maps, to get their mount then leave.

Only a handful will be attracted to WvW, the rest just want a mount.

PvE players have been pandered to since day 1.

WvW players have been ignored and neglected since day 1.

So what do you expect to happen when entitled PvE players are preventing WvW players from playing the only game mode they play in this game!

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Toxic people are toxic regardless of whether or not there's a large group of new people coming in or not, they were there yesterday, they'll be there tomorrow and they're not bound to just one server, trust me on this, as a guest server member who's experienced most hosts in the now 3 year linking system, some are more tame than others, but each has obstacles and some of those obstacles are very likely on your server, so there's no "free escape". But, stick around long enough and you'll notice who is apart of the feeding group and you can block them all or just ignore them like a large majority of the rest of the server already does and when relinks happen again in April you get to do it all again.

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If people do not want PvE players in WvW start screaming to get Gift of Battle removed from WvW too. If they don't want the unwashed PvE masses, then try to remove every reason a PvEr has to go there. It's sad to think this way but if WvWers want their elite space, fine.


Oddly enough, in the early days WvW players actually fought to try to keep WvW in Map Completion and shot down anyone who suggested removing it. They wanted PvErs to have to go to WvW. Go figure.

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OP reeks of the kind of the entitlement I detest in multiplayer video games.


Because when we reduce your post to it's essential message what you are saying is your time is more valuable than ours.


In WvW players are not waiting for the game to spawn the next event. A commander and their lieutenants don't have the same kind of slack time PvE organizers do to explain the fights. As soon as I pop my pin to pugmand on a WvW map I'm moving to or already at an objective or a fight. It's not unheard of for pins to go hard for hours without so much as a pee break. You are expected to clear your bags on the run.


Whenever I feel my squad is underperforming and I stop to explain things that's time spent NOT doing things that are actually fun for everyone. This effect is magnified when inexperienced players won't even get on comms to make explaining things easier.


You can't be bothered to do a few minutes of research on the web or get on coms and would rather demand experienced players stop what they are doing to explain how things work in a game mode where the basic mechanics haven't changed in YEARS.


Even in terms of the new content, Dulfy had all the details about how Warclaw was supposed to work and be earned before the patch went live. The forums covered the bugs.


It's 2019. The internet is a thing. Use it. Respect your fellow players' game time and come as prepared as you can be.


But no. Clearly you think the inexperienced and willfully ignorant player's time and ease of play is far more valuable than than a seasoned players'. That we shouldn't mock the willfully stupid for being rude jerks. But here's a hint, WvW is an agressive and competitive game mode. Its regulars are aggressive and competitive people. If an enemy player is being a jerk we hunt them down and kill them. We are being exceedingly KIND if we're only mocking you.

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Yea, I have to agree with some of the comments. Juts use your 'block' feature, OP. There are toxic players out there, no matter the game. Fortunately, at least in my experience, GW2 seems to have the most helpful, friendly, and least toxic community out there.


Use the 'block' feature, and the game will become more fun. :)

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I am an avid WvW player and yes, I play PVE as well. But honestly, what I read in Team chat today was disgusting. The WvW community is the first to complain about dead maps and lack of coverage at certain times of the day. Yet, rather than use an opportunity where we have bloated queues and an influx of interested players, the core WvW community decides to tear the mickey out of new players in Team and map chat. It did nothing but make the WvW community look like elitist snobs who can't handle change. *passes mount haters a tissue* After playing WvW since launch, I have never been so disappointed in the community like I was today. It takes 2 seconds to help a new person, and that new person you help could become a pretty strong ally and bring a lot to the game mode.


In short, the OP has a point and perhaps some of the core WvW players need to take a step away from the computer and think before typing in team chat.

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> @"Aerlen.5326" said:

> If people do not want PvE players in WvW start screaming to get Gift of Battle removed from WvW too. If they don't want the unwashed PvE masses, then try to remove every reason a PvEr has to go there. It's sad to think this way but if WvWers want their elite space, fine.


> Oddly enough, in the early days WvW players actually fought to try to keep WvW in Map Completion and shot down anyone who suggested removing it. They wanted PvErs to have to go to WvW. Go figure.


Because you need the cattle that gets herded into the Lion's cage, so to say.

The Queues are why we got EotM. Its lack of Pips there is what keeps the 'real' players (warning, sarcasm) away from it. Can't get your shiny chests there, only reward tracks and lootbags, oh no.

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> @"tom.4051" said:

> What do you expect. WvW players want to play WvW.

> Instead we have PvE players queuing up all the maps, to get their mount then leave.

> Only a handful will be attracted to WvW, the rest just want a mount.

> PvE players have been pandered to since day 1.

> WvW players have been ignored and neglected since day 1.

> So what do you expect to happen when entitled PvE players are preventing WvW players from playing the only game mode they play in this game!


This excuse for the gatekeeping that is currently going on is getting really tired.

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I'm sorry you're having that experience, truly. Try to find people who will be helpful and run with them. If I knew you - or anyone else who's having to deal with this - were on my server I'd do the best I could to show you the ropes, as it were.




Don't let the toxic people ruin the game mode for you.

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> @"Zushada.6108" said:

> I am an avid WvW player and yes, I play PVE as well. But honestly, what I read in Team chat today was disgusting. The WvW community is the first to complain about dead maps and lack of coverage at certain times of the day. Yet, rather than use an opportunity where we have bloated queues and an influx of interested players, the core WvW community decides to tear the mickey out of new players in Team and map chat. It did nothing but make the WvW community look like elitist snobs who can't handle change. *passes mount haters a tissue* After playing WvW since launch, I have never been so disappointed in the community like I was today. It takes 2 seconds to help a new person, and that new person you help could become a pretty strong ally and bring a lot to the game mode.


> In short, the OP has a point and perhaps some of the core WvW players need to take a step away from the computer and think before typing in team chat.


The PvErs flocking to WvW are not "interested" players- they are collection farmers there to unlock a mount. They have had access to the game mode since its inception. This change is not significant enough to rope them into playing. Can we please just move beyond this threadbare talking point.

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> I'm not experiencing that on Fort Aspenwood. Many of the longtime players are very helpful, posting tips for unlocking the cat in team chat, tips to avoid the helmet bug and answering any questions they can.


> _#JoinFortAspenwoodToday_

> _#TheQueueIsOnlyTwoHours_


Yea I gotta wonder how many people having a bad experience are on servers that are losing fights. It can be extremely stressful and not fun when you are on the losing end and easy to blame new players/toxic elitists.

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