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Are you a Roamer and do you look down on a Zergling?

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I have been mostly a Roamer for the past 5 years and always felt superior against Zerglings as they usually aren't able to put up much fight when they are away from the blob.

Be it their builds or the skills they showed, they felt inferior in every way.

They were like skill-less walking bags.

Even top GvG guild members when caught alone, go down easily.

During my later years of roaming, knowing that they can't put up much fight, I stopped engaging them because there was no challenge.


I thought that given my skills as a roamer, running on tag in a blob was going to be easy.

If those skill-less Zerglings/GvG guys could do it, then so could I.

So recently I did a job change to being a Zergling main and realized that being a Zergling is not as easy as I thought!

It takes skill to survive and do well in a blob!

Those old-time Zerglings did it better than me.

Their movements, timing, rotations etc. etc. were way better than mine.

There was this EA guild driver who particularly impressed me with his stutter-step kiting movements where he literally walks past the enemy blob's charging spearhead within touching distance. The composure, timing and movement he showed was OMGOSH good.

And I applaud them for their skills.


Just like I've had 5 years of roaming experience, Zerglings also had 5-6 years of Zergling experience!

Zerglings are not skill-less.

They are just skilled in other areas!

So don't look down on Zerglings anymore!


P.S. Sorry if I'm actually the only Roamer who looked down on Zerglings.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > I think what some people miss is that there are smart ways to play in the zerg ... but probably many people don't.

> what do you mean by this.



It's really easy to get lazy or complacent in the zerg, especially if you keep winning and steamrolling everything. It's not only about skill, though if you aren't skilled, you will never play smart.

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of course zerg players arnt gonna win a 1v1 vs a messer, soulbeast, or thief when they are playing a hammer rev, boon corrupt scourge, minstrel firebrand, or minstrel chrono


it has nothing to do with skill and everything to do with build...


zerg builds:

1) emphasize aoe damage and cc, almost never single target

2) emphasize doing a single role better than anything else and brings a couple of side roles to the table, while leaving other major and important roles to other classes on their team. as example, the minstrel firebrand forms the backbone of any raid group currently, but has virtually no offense whatsoever.

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A lot of it comes down to the build, you have a very specific build with a very specific role in larger groups. As a roamer you have to bring everything with you, sustain, DPS, disengage. so when you are caught in your larger scale build you have usually no sustain as that comes from the FB/Scrapper/Tempest. Or vice versa you have no dmg but have all the sustain in the world.


But tbh WvW 1v1 balance is hot garbage, nothing has ever really been done about it. Can you still virtually perma stealth on DE? Is condi mirage still total cancer? Even in PvP it isnt great, it's a lot better mind you.

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> @"Tammuz.7361" said:

> of course zerg players arnt gonna win a 1v1 vs a messer, soulbeast, or thief when they are playing a hammer rev, boon corrupt scourge, minstrel firebrand, or minstrel chrono


> it has nothing to do with skill and everything to do with build...


> zerg builds:

> 1) emphasize aoe damage and cc, almost never single target

> 2) emphasize doing a single role better than anything else and brings a couple of side roles to the table, while leaving other major and important roles to other classes on their team. as example, the minstrel firebrand forms the backbone of any raid group currently, but has virtually no offense whatsoever.


Exactly this, and I often wonder if roamers feel superior beating people (after jumping them), whom clearly don't have builds capable of dealing with a straight on PvP build.


Furthermore, I wonder how roamers feel when they jump a zergling and still lose anyway. I can't begin to tell you how many roamers that have tried to gank me while I've carried a banner and end up killing them. From my experience, roamers have far less skill than your average zergling. I even whispered someone playing a boon beast who jumped me and ended up dying. I told them under no circumstance should I have ever beaten them while carrying a dragon banner; you have to be a special kind of bad to lose that. Especially someone like me who sucks at 1v1.

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I'm a roamer or small havoc squad player. While I do zerg every once in awhile, I can only take about 2 hours of it before I want to go back to roaming. I don't look down on the Zergling.....if that's what they enjoy, then more power to them. It's just not my preferred way to play in wvw. :)

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > @"Tammuz.7361" said:

> > of course zerg players arnt gonna win a 1v1 vs a messer, soulbeast, or thief when they are playing a hammer rev, boon corrupt scourge, minstrel firebrand, or minstrel chrono

> >

> > it has nothing to do with skill and everything to do with build...

> >

> > zerg builds:

> > 1) emphasize aoe damage and cc, almost never single target

> > 2) emphasize doing a single role better than anything else and brings a couple of side roles to the table, while leaving other major and important roles to other classes on their team. as example, the minstrel firebrand forms the backbone of any raid group currently, but has virtually no offense whatsoever.


> Exactly this, and I often wonder if roamers feel superior beating people (after jumping them), whom clearly don't have builds capable of dealing with a straight on PvP build.


> Furthermore, I wonder how roamers feel when they jump a zergling and still lose anyway. I can't begin to tell you how many roamers that have tried to gank me while I've carried a banner and end up killing them. From my experience, roamers have far less skill than your average zergling. I even whispered someone playing a boon beast who jumped me and ended up dying. I told them under no circumstance should I have ever beaten them while carrying a dragon banner; you have to be a special kind of bad to lose that. Especially someone like me who sucks at 1v1.


You sound like me. When I beat someone 1v1, I usually think, good grief, you must be really new, or really bad.....because I suck at WvW. (Part of the reason I continue to roam, as I want to play better....a never ending quest for me....lol) Although I have had some fights where I do everything right, and its a super close battle.....and I smile no matter the outcome. Because it was a good fight. I just smile more when I actually win.....lol. (Unless like I feel that I just got lucky)


And I will normally bow or salute(if still alive) at the end of such battles.


Then again, my bar is not set real high out there, as I am 60, and my reaction time is nothing like it used to be....lol. No excuse....just a fact. I sure wish GW2 had been around when I was in my late 20s/early 30s. Man, that would have been a blast to have this type of game back then.


But yea, I too, suck at WvW. :)


(But I keep coming back)

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> @"Teon.5168" said:

> I'm a roamer or small havoc squad player. While I do zerg every once in awhile, I can only take about 2 hours of it before I want to go back to roaming. I don't look down on the Zergling.....if that's what they enjoy, then more power to them. It's just not my preferred way to play in wvw. :)


This, pretty much.

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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > @"Teon.5168" said:

> > I'm a roamer or small havoc squad player. While I do zerg every once in awhile, I can only take about 2 hours of it before I want to go back to roaming. I don't look down on the Zergling.....if that's what they enjoy, then more power to them. It's just not my preferred way to play in wvw. :)


> This, pretty much.


Roaming and small havoc is a lot of fun, huh? :)

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I dont necessarily look down on them but I wont say it takes nearly the amount of focus or class knowledge as roaming.

You stay on tag and bomb when commander says while your firebrand gives you stab and cleanse. Dont stand in red circles. Its pretty simple.

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> @"Tammuz.7361" said:

> of course zerg players arnt gonna win a 1v1 vs a messer, soulbeast, or thief when they are playing a hammer rev, boon corrupt scourge, minstrel firebrand, or minstrel chrono


Many aren't gonna win a 1vs1 against anything on mirage, soulbeast or thief either. Players who double dodge as soon they see an enemy, and waste all their skills or don't use them at all won't turn into a decent roamer if you put them on roaming builds and this behaviour is very common among players who exclusively play in zergs. It is possible to tell whether someone loses a fight because their build isn't suited for 1vs1 or because they have no clue what they are doing.

I don't look down on other players though, no matter if the are good or bad, zerglings or not.


The most difficult part for me about zerging is to not die out of boredom.

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I instantly neglected to read your post when you claim to be a roamer after you last 40 posts have been calling all roamers 1 shot builds and ended with something like 'hehehehehehe'.


Example: No more Mesmer 1-shot shatter combo from invis for you hehehehe <-- in a thread where OP didnt say anything about shatter mesmer. Imagine that. Now you're here to defend zerg player and Idek what you're defending them from. Weird flex but ok.

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