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[Suggestion] New lounges

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What new lounge pass would you like to see and where in Tyria? The global look, ambient dialogues, features..... ?

I was simply thinking why not adding one customizable instance within those lounges like a place where you can have your nodes but also have access to decorations?

Accessing it simply by using an asuran gate within the lounge?


Imo, I would like to have an Underground Asuran Lab Lounge, like mistlock but underground so more like CoE. Also a labyrinthine cliffs themed one , at the south-west maybe between the cliffs and Mount maelstrom on the coast. A paradisaical archipelago at the south-east of Domain of Istan... A charr one under plains of Ashford...

Can even be a special release of 4 of them simultaneously , and allowing players to purchase 1 at 50% so for 500 gems. Mwelp maybe 700 dunno.


What's about yours? -(EDIT) see the lounge I want in my third comment within that topic.

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For me the location is only important in that it offers a free teleport to that area of the world, that's one reason I like the Lily of the Elon pass - it acts as a free, instant way to get any character into the Crystal Desert. I'm not too worried about what it looks like because GW2 has lots of beautiful environments. Although I did find the Captain's Airship a bit too cramped, I was glad I only had a 2 week pass for that one.


It would be nice if they had a bit more ambient dialogue and maybe a unique activity in each one. Nothing that anyone needs of course, just something fun like the battles in the WvW lounge or flying around the Fractals one.

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They could just add teleport items to the gem store that would let you mark and return to any spot on Tyria (with some exceptions due to jumping puzzles, etc.) with several teleport slots to switch between. That way you could set your own lounge spot to any city/service hub you like and even return to your last location after you're done.

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Personally, I'd love to see a "RP Lounge", though it's only a lounge in mechanics terms only. Just a remote/removed zone accessed by a click item, with several different areas in it and a few NPCs for atmosphere.


Armistice Bastion actually comes close to what I would want for this, and convinces me that they could do it and get it right. Copy that zone, remove all the crafting and WvW stuff (including the fighting, yes). Add a few small structures around in the snowy area, such as a gazebo and maybe a couple of small cabins/homes you can enter, and some NPCs that own/run the area so people don't argue over who "owns" the area. You'd have an incredible RP space that's removed enough from everywhere else that random bystanders don't have to worry about getting hit by a ton of emotes out of nowhere.


I'll also add to what Jake said. We need a "Book" for our lounge items.

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I, for one, miss the Black Lion Trading Company from old new new old new old... from Lion's Arch. The fancy chairs, the auction stage, the luxurious velour accouterments... the perfect "fancy lounge" (if you ignore the rotting, hole-ridden hull that formed its outer shell).


Oh you meant the premium convenience-store areas? Hm... Actually, a gateway to earlier Lion's Arch has been highly requested, though I suspect there are better options. I'd like a personal ship. Boat, airship, tunnelboat... whatever. It's all good.

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A lounge pass book, to make me marginally interested in any ever since getting the Airship Captain's Pass years ago.


Without that, the only lounge pass I might buy is an Old Lion's Arch pass.


Armistice Bastion sounds nice, but honestly, I'd have preferred it to be like Hearts of the Mists - a lobby for everyone to access, with a small VIP area with all the widespread merchants and crafting tables, which has a permanent pass in gemstore and a temporary one available to some new reward system in WvW.

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I'd also like a lounge pass book. Or maybe even a lounge "wardrobe" system akin to the novelty system we got recently, where you could unlock lounge passes for your account and then set a favorite for each character that you could then access through a hotkey.


I think it would be a really good idea for Anet to do as well, since people would likely be more interested in buying multiple lounge passes if their storage would be more convenient. I know I'd be.

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I rarely use the Lily one so was with your thinking, but I got the Mists one for Christmas and LOVE the fact I can zip right back to where I was. Everything is close.


Since that meant I stuck the Lily back in my bank I also agree. A book for passes would get me to try some of the other ones! Otherwise I'm just sticking with my Mists.

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The Mistlock Sanctuary is kind of my 'real' home instance, since it allows you to go back where you came from, has many more services than the home instance, and if I log out there, I am still there when I come back (as opposed to the actual home instance.) Apart from that, more lounge passes would be no more to me than free teleports to certain regions, which is what I use my Lily of Elon pass for.


~~That being said, there is no HoT lounge or shortcut item. (Apart from the guild halls, if you haven't changed over to a PoF location. Okay, and that stone that takes you to an instance to play fetch with Aurene.) ~~ (refuted) A Tarir-themed and Tarir-located lounge might be worth having.


I agree, if we are going to be encouraged to collect more than one or two lounge passes, a passbook would be ideal. Not gonna buy ten shared slots for semi-redundant passes.

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Some more lounge suggestions.


**Existing lounge changes**


A. Unmoor the Captain's Airship from Gendarran Fields and set it in its own instance, flying above the clouds with day/night cycles. If you fall off the ship you get teleported back to the ship.


B. Put a portal in Crystal Oasis to access Lily of Elon and put Lily of Elon in its own instance. As it stands, when you use this lounge the loading times are unbearable due to map size and Casino Blitz event.


C. Noble's Folly is ugly, take out the dull wooden structures and just use natural rock formations as landings for the various NPCs and services. Be nice if you could throw in a nice little waterfall with a pool as well.




**New lounge ideas**


D. Unending Ocean Lounge: Use Asuran architecture and set it as it's own instance. The lounge is encased by glass where you can view outside sea life, feel free to throw in a nearby Quaggan city with the occasional quaggan swimming around the lounge. Don't make the roof of the lounge too low, it will look better with a high roof.


E. New Kodash Bazaar: Yes yes, the old Kodash Bazaar is a Branded cesspool. I remember GW1 Kodash Bazaar as my favorite city in all of GW, a bustling town with beautiful architecture and vibrant colors (especially the bright blues!). Surely Elonians would be eager to resurrect the magic of such a great city, let this new lounge be their attempt to reclaim a former glory, a beautiful place unburdened by the depressing taint of Joko and the Awakened or the Branded. Elona needs a place that foreshadows a happier future! Note: Those floating gardens + waterfalls must make a comeback in New Kodash Bazaar.




Finally, as was already mentioned by previous posters, make a passbook / portal tome to store all your lounges. It is sorely needed.

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I'd like an instanced lounge, that I can take a party to, setup like a dinning hall, or a classic mansion interior room with bookshelves and a fireplace, kind of looking like caudecus' manor. It would have sittable chairs like the club chairs and benches in a similar look. Services would be handled by maids and buttlers. The bar would dispense drinks with short time buffs (10 mins maybe, or less if the impact on gameplay would be too strong). A bard would play different type of songs (not background musics, but actual music, kind of the music groups in Amnoon's casino, or the Itzel scout playing the lute). All services would obviously call the player "Sir" or "Madam" when using their features. They'd also all bow when you approach them when you enter the lounge. Comes with a hound pet that can play fetch, and a cat pet you can pet.


I'd call it "The Gentleman's Repose".


So in a way, not a conventional lounge, since it would be instanced (it's not too realistic if 40 people you dont know are in with you). But I think that would be pretty neat to have.

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Most important to me is to add a tome to collect lounge passes into one item, but give it a right-click menu option to select a lounge to go to, and an option to select a lounge as your "default" lounge that reacts to double-clicking the pass. That way we can still quickly double-click to get to our default lounge, but right-click to get to any of them. (Don't make it a pop-up menu like the living world tomes.)


As for a new lounge, things I'd like to see include:


* Instanced so we can return to previous location

* A movement mechanic like Mistlock Sanctuary and Armistice Bastion have to get quickly around the area

* Ability to access world map to waypoint out as needed

* Add home instance, Amnoon, and Tarir to the list of quick access cities

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Here is the lounge I would like to see that come directly from my dreams: A flying fortress mixing Asuran and Charr arcitectures/ technologies, kinda like the pact airships!





The main theme of that lounge would be ACCESSIBILITY/ DUNGEONS, 8 gates leading each to one dungeon, and the fortress captain offering to you the possibility to launch you in a main city/ where you was before (boat icon). Any service accessible, even a cultural vendor (golem) not caring of your race and selling them at the regular prices of main cities. (btw if it easier to code, you can set the lounge within the mists, with a mist culutal armor vendor). Everything is concentrated as the middle, including mystic forge. If possible under it a giant blurred projection (kinda like when you see when looking through some asuran gates) but horizontally, with a changing picture swapping between several map. (again if too complicated, simple layers of clouds/ fogs are okay).


(The huge blue cube at upper floor is simply a shield generator, to protect the whole fortress. 4 fort-trinity like mega cannons near it too, whereas only 3 mega-lasers under the fortress protecting the reactors, the two blue arcs at lower level are staircases)





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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:


> That being said, there is no HoT lounge or shortcut item. (Apart from the guild halls, if you haven't changed over to a PoF location. Okay, and that stone that takes you to an instance to play fetch with Aurene.) A Tarir-themed and Tarir-located lounge might be worth having.


I'm pretty sure there is one on the south side of Verdant Brink and you can walk out its portal to be in VB. I never bought it because of budget reasons and not really wanting to clog up my inventory with another pass. The DR pass is all I need for actual lounges except for not having an Activity npc -- it's got room for my camera, everything is nice and close together without the claustrophobia of the airship, and it's open world so I'm not cut off from stuff going on.


If there were a passbook for lounges, I might buy some more, but right now I don't want to spend my money on things I don't vitally need that waste my bag space.


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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:


> > That being said, there is no HoT lounge or shortcut item. (Apart from the guild halls, if you haven't changed over to a PoF location. Okay, and that stone that takes you to an instance to play fetch with Aurene.) A Tarir-themed and Tarir-located lounge might be worth having.


> I'm pretty sure there is one on the south side of Verdant Brink and you can walk out its portal to be in VB. I never bought it because of budget reasons and not really wanting to clog up my inventory with another pass. The DR pass is all I need for actual lounges except for not having an Activity npc -- it's got room for my camera, everything is nice and close together without the claustrophobia of the airship, and it's open world so I'm not cut off from stuff going on.


Yeah, @hugo.4705 said so above, but thanks to both of you--I was not aware of that one. ^^



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I think any new area should offer something for players that makes it unique. We now have 8 lounges.

2 are tied to the original game

2 are tied to the two expansions

1 is tied to the living world

1 is tied to Fractals

1 is tied to sPvP

1 is tied to WvW


One could argue that a good next is a lounge for raids, but most related services are in the aerodrome and as it is not my format I leave it to raiders to comment if it would be welcomed.


I would like to see two lounges.

1: A dresserroom. The mirror of Lyss. This lounge is themed around the goddess Lyssa. It has themes from different environments in corners, as well as an underwater environment (e.g. like a fishtank). There are several statues and murals of the godess. It has a special wardrobe NPC, it functions as a normal wardrobe, but changes appear directly on your character without using a transmution charge. Once you leave the lounge (while having changed anything), a pop-up window will show asking you if you want to make the change permanent (and spent x charges) or want to discard them.


2: Kormir's library. This lounge is designed like the instance from the PoF story. It has all base functions, but also all books. tablets, inscriptions, etc, that are in game, ready to read in a convinient place.

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A different thread gave me an idea:


The **Super Adventure Lounge!**

* It should have all the usual merchants and services, along with SAB merchants.

* Naturally, it should have a jumping puzzle players could do for fun, with some quirky temporary effect as a reward at the end (like the ball puzzle in Mistlock Sanctuary).

* It should also have a train of SAB characters waltzing through periodically, like the one in the SAB lobby.

* I'd also really like it to give access to play SAB all-year-round. Of course, the dailies and the achievements would only be available during the festival, but at least us SAB enthusiasts would have the option to play it whenever we like (if we're willing to pay the gems for it). If necessary, they could even disable the bauble rewards in the off-time too, as I only want it to be available to play for fun, not necessarily for any rewards.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> For me the location is only important in that it offers a free teleport to that area of the world, that's one reason I like the Lily of the Elon pass - it acts as a free, instant way to get any character into the Crystal Desert. I'm not too worried about what it looks like because GW2 has lots of beautiful environments. Although I did find the Captain's Airship a bit too cramped, I was glad I only had a 2 week pass for that one.


> It would be nice if they had a bit more ambient dialogue and maybe a unique activity in each one. Nothing that anyone needs of course, just something fun like the battles in the WvW lounge or flying around the Fractals one.


I use the Captain's Airship the most. It's right above the gate to take you to Fort Trinity. Free travel to Orr, Sparkfly Fen and Mount Maelstrom.

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