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Warrior overhaul on the horizon?


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This last balance patch was lackluster for warriors to say the least.

We saw nothing touched on Warriors except for a small rework on how banners function in the game, as well as a rework for how Winds of Disenchantment work.

It was the only class to not have major changes in stats or weapon abilities.

Are we about to see an complete warrior rework and overhaul?

Obviously this is just speculation, however I have been maining warrior since release and it has been the only class not to have a major rework done to it yet. Correct me if I’m wrong or forgetting.


We have had:

-Weaver and now Tempest buffs and reworks

- Scrapper and Gyro reworks and grenades too i believe?

- A complete Mirage overhaul a few patches ago

- large changes to Reaper as well as buffs and reworks to Desert Shroud (now Harbinger shroud)

- Buffs to spirits, nerfs to stances and a pet overhaul a few patches ago

- An overhaul of Renegade

- Overhaul to major functions of Deadeye


What has warrior gotten? We have had no major reworks or core class design changes since the game was released years ago. Only nerfs, buffs and removals of various stats and trait lines.


Could the next patch be the patch of the Berserker? It’s definitely what the warrior community has been asking for since HoT release, it is probably the most clunky and underused specilization in the game.

Warrior has multiple categories of utilities, traitlines and weapons that also go largely unused and We have been pigeon-holed into taking fast hands for the majority of specs in every game mode just to be viable.

Not to mention that greatsword is so unbelievablly superior to every other weapon in the game, that it’s almost unreasonable not to take.


Maybe I’m just getting myself hyped up, but we will probably only see 1 more balance patch before they announce and then release the next expansion later this year. Out of all the specs left, Berserker is the one I look at that needs the help so, hurray?

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> probably not, warr doesn't really have any major design issues. (couple of balance ones perhaps)


> also there won't be an xpac this year

Maybe it has issues when the weapon master class camps axe/axe in pve and the other set is mace/mace cause no one likes to do breackbars for some reason.You can get cheeky and get gs instead but we are back at that special blue bar that everyone ignores. PvE PVP the elite specs do the same thing that core does(except berserker cause you know it brings nothing to the table after the nerfs).


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Hi, I think I saw you, OP, in ranked. I got my minty Warrior butt handed to me.


Now that we have had PoF specs in place I'd be happy to see Power Berzerker back in some form.

Someone in the PvP section systematized all the adjustments and explained his theory that ANet made it so that each Elite/Core spec was tweaked to have 1 function unique to them, within the class. One can be condition based, one is power, one may be support.

But with the new changes to Scrapper, perhaps these aren't the rules we expected.

Power Berzerker even in its best form might not be a match for some of the PoF specs however, and Condi Zerker could be interesting to see.


From what few hours I have on the Warrior in sPvP I can already see how GS is dominating weapon selection, and perhaps a revival of the Berzerker could come from weapon tweaks. From how power hungry Berzerker is, maybe we can change specific weapon Adrenaline gains. We have seen how amazing the Mesmer Scepter has become so that is one way to do things.

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> @"Ralkuth.1456" said:

> Hi, I think I saw you, OP, in ranked. I got my minty Warrior butt handed to me.


> Now that we have had PoF specs in place I'd be happy to see Power Berzerker back in some form.

> Someone in the PvP section systematized all the adjustments and explained his theory that ANet made it so that each Elite/Core spec was tweaked to have 1 function unique to them, within the class. One can be condition based, one is power, one may be support.

> But with the new changes to Scrapper, perhaps these aren't the rules we expected.

> Power Berzerker even in its best form might not be a match for some of the PoF specs however, and Condi Zerker could be interesting to see.


> From what few hours I have on the Warrior in sPvP I can already see how GS is dominating weapon selection, and perhaps a revival of the Berzerker could come from weapon tweaks. From how power hungry Berzerker is, maybe we can change specific weapon Adrenaline gains. We have seen how amazing the Mesmer Scepter has become so that is one way to do things.


All anet needs to do is identify what each spec should be good at and streamline it in that direction.

They did good in PoF by saying for Spellbreaker: ‘This is what Spellbreaker does and should excel at’ which is stripping boons from enemies, as well as doing damage and disruption.

They didn’t do that in HoT with those specializations, which is fine because it was the first expac and first time doing it. But I remember that berserker didn’t really have any actual gameplay direction or design choices. The way it was pitched to warrior players was that warriors smash things and are super offensive glass dmg types, so we made a bunch of cool abilities that we think players will enjoy just because its new and exciting....Which was fine for a while because it was cool to play with new weapons and traitlines, but after anet realized that it was too strong in PvP with condition dmg/warrior sustain and nerfed it into the ground (this was before resistance was a thing), no one wants to even touch it in any game mode.

I understand why they put off changing berserker. With so much powercreep in the game they probably have no idea what to do with it. They can’t just increase the dmg because it would be way too OP. They thought that condition changes and buffing the fire dmg duration it does would help, but it didn’t.

They have tried things with warriors to make utilities other than stances in PvP and Banners in PvE the meta, but it has failed time and time again.


-Signets are still obsolete after they buffed them

-Physical abilities are still clunky and lackluster, bullscharge is taken in PvP but a good portion of the time if an enemy is mid air and it hit, it bugs out.

-Shouts are still largely unused after buffs.

-Banners are still not being taken in anything other than raids.


They need to streamline berserker into a certain direction (like buff the dmg output in PvE only) and then they need to rework some key traits in arms and tactics to make them more viable and flexable.

Fast hands really pigeon holes warriors into taking discipline, which is a shame. Hopefully they make 5 sec weapon swap baseline for all warriors (supposed to be the master of all weapons), but i dont think that will ever happen. I understand why they havnt done that either, for fear of it being too strong.



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> @"Interpretor.3091" said:

> What has warrior gotten? We have had no major reworks or core class design changes since the game was released years ago. Only nerfs, buffs and removals of various stats and trait lines.


This is untrue. You can see the tweeks on how a lot of traits works as a rework of the core class design.

- _Berserker power_ or _adrenal health_ for example don't work the same way that they used to be.

- Sharing a part of the strength of the weapon specific traits might be seen in this way as well, especially since it's the "weaponmaster class" (thought a few weapon traits are still untouched: _sundering mace_, _burning arrow_, _quick breathing_ and _crack shot_)

- Banners have seen a "rework" in the last patch (not giving any opinion on this but it might not be far from what a lot of warriors used to ask)

- The signet trait and the physical skill trait have both been reworked a few time.

- ... etc.


The current core warrior is totally different from it's vanilla self.

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> They have tried things with warriors to make utilities other than stances in PvP and Banners in PvE the meta, but it has failed time and time again.


> -Signets are still obsolete after they buffed them

> -Physical abilities are still clunky and lackluster, bullscharge is taken in PvP but a good portion of the time if an enemy is mid air and it hit, it bugs out.

> -Shouts are still largely unused after buffs.

> -Banners are still not being taken in anything other than raids.


I'm not a great player, but I do enjoy reading up and trying out builds. From 2012 onwards I've been hoping for brave revamps to skills, but alas ANet is too careful with old skills.


Lack sleep so I'm going to ramble.


Signet of Might had a very niche use in its unblockable hard buff before PoF, Signet of Fury had even more niche use in meme Killshot builds or old Core builds using Cleansing Ire, Dolyak Signet was basically Balanced Stance.

None of the actives/passives make enough of a difference in most situations.


Physical skills embody the cons of the Warrior class as a whole, slow, predictable, short-ranged... the evade on Bulls Charge was definitely a nice addition, and other Physical skills may need better mechanisms to make sure they have any impact as offensive skills (e.g. QoL for easier time landing them).

Hoping to see Kick as a top choice someday, if we can't get new Physical skills.


Warrior Shouts do very little for the slot they take up. Shake it Off! had such a massive buff to make it useful, it tells you how useless it was before. We *can* talk about the time when we had Shoutbow, but I don't know if anyone wants to discuss that.

On My Mark! was meme for Killshot but not much else. If it gave guaranteed crit in an area and immunity to blindness and crank it up to 20 stacks of vuln it would still be a big maybe (Sight Beyond Sight: “Wait a minute...”), because it's still a hard choice between this and Bull's Charge/Stam Sig.

For Great Justice! only has relevance in Core builds with Might Makes Right and even then it's only because there's not many options for much else. And it's not as if Warriors lack access to Fury and Might. Adding Vigor and Retaliation perhaps, anything to make it worth using over what is meta right now. Pure boon-giving utilities don’t have that much utility especially with the inevitable power creep since launch.

Fear Me! is rather sad. I have never seen it used in any capacity ever. That 60 second CD has to go (it used to be a preposterous 90), or it needs to have some amazing functions to it that warrants its super long CD. The shout could have guaranteed Stability rip, cripple, and removal of the fear range restrictions. Even then the Fear doesn't really mix with Warrior's completely melee toolkit.


Banners... For when Banner Bunkers were a thing you'd have another player bring a banner to another node so everyone can have permanent regeneration. You'd even see the occasional player use the banner skills (swiftness, CCing stomps).

I don't know where ANet is headed with Banners, it looks like change for change's sake and it's rather strange.

If you could just summon a Banner briefly and wear it on your person, gaining an additional skill while it's active (like the old Spirit Weapons) and useful boosts like team unblockable, team unable to be crit, team condi convert, team superspeed it could make Banners fun to use. This can be done through trait reworks dedicated to banner.


I can dream though, since so many classes already have hilariously underpowered skills waiting for their turn to shine.

Utilities usually are viable for consideration once they can be an alternative to traits.

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I have been using Banner in WvW for ranged stomps in small scale, I feel its a bit safer than the Daredevil thief stomp skill(which i like a lot). It helps a lot as now I dont have to blow my Balanced Stance just to secure an important stomp. The only real problem with it is it seems to be affected by terrain bugs and it will not proc even though it landed directly on your target. It seems to happen in areas that get a lot of issues with ranged attacks not working properly. (obstructed target) I still think it could cast faster or not be effected by blinds, right now it feels okay but it bugs out too much.


With so much boon rip and corruption flying around now Signet of Rage was not really getting much mileage for me so I tried Banner recently. Nothing worse than making sure you can cast SoR during a fight just before a planned burst (opponent has used his dodges), and then just have the boons stripped or corrupted. It does not even feel like an elite anymore.

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> @"Regh.8649" said:

> What if… banners were similar to engi tool belt?

> 3 diferent banners depending on your trait lines.


> ***Jumps out the window**


Banners should have some kind of additional activation skill on utility bar when placed that would "detonate" them and provide some cool immediate short lasting buffs. The idea behind this would be to "detonate" banners at right moment, gaining high advantage for short amount of time, giving feel of reward and satisfaction when used properly (and then some banner downtime to compensate).

There are plenty of ideas how it could have been done better, but star system team decided to go with dull and uninteresting way...

This happens when you are out of touch with your playerbase, not communicating at all about those changes and where things head for the future. What Anet even expect? That things will miraculously get better if they will keep being silent? Jesus...

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One buff the berserker healing skill so it replaces signet, second make Berserker burn himself when it spreads burning, third change dead or alive to at X amount of stacks burning on you now heals in Berserk mode. Also the rage skills need to be looked up, cause they were useless even when berserker was new only headbutt was used but that's because it was part of a combo and it wasn't that shitty compared to the rest elites, there was Outrage but it does too little to be considered to be put into those precious utility slots. And to top it i don't know some rollbacks on nerfs to some primal burst skills hmm, hmmm, hmmmmm.

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> @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/71606/why-does-warrior-hit-for-5-10k-a-chop-while-having-3k-armor-stats-and-1k-regen-from-adren-and-sig#latest


> When you get threads like this, it's really hard to get any sort of QoL fixes or any changes


Well, if anet balances things based on these threads, then no wonder we have currently terrible balance.

Sometimes it feels like the balance is not done properly on purpose to please certain groups...

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I remember SO MANY people asking for the quickness nerf, but Warrior needed 100% quickness back in the day. Really stupid, ANET nerfed Quickness and didn't compensate Warrior. Obviously Warrior was gutted for a while because of people having absolute garbage things to say and blindly listening to people who are just flat out lacking.


ANET does listen to people, but most of the time they listen to the wrong ones.

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It's also triggering to hear people saying that warrior is OP in PvE when the only meta builds are 2 banner builds, one is basically condi dps build with banner utilities and power build deals reasonable dps for buffs it provides (semi-support and semi-dps). But according to people, this is OP and it needs nerfs, completely ignoring the fact that warrior does not have any other builds worth taking in raids/fractals, no competetive power dps build, no competetive defensive support builds, only banners. But let's nerf banners so there is "greater role flexibility in group settings"...


Warrior's utility kit is average at best compared to other classes. People only see stances, full counter, healing signet, adrenal health, high hp pool... but ignore fact that warrior can't boonspam themselves with 2384092480942 boons so easily like other classes. Warrior class is so shallow compared to other classes, that includes synergies with runes, traits, being able to do "cool stuff". There is not much to theorycraft with warrior class at all. People would expect some in-depth reworks and changes, something that would make things interesting... oh well.


My latest posts are pretty much rant, but it seems that very few people here are complaining about things being stuck, not moving forward at all or moving too slowly.

I don't know if people are fine with lack of useful builds or they just accepted the fate that Anet doesn't have that inner feel, urge anymore to make players know things are heading right direction, by just saying something on current issues... disheartening.

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> @"Ferus.3165" said:

> first of all... the cast time to summon a banner (except the elite one) has to be reduced by 50% to 75%. It's kitten obnoxious that the banners last for an even shorter duration now and still have the same cast time as before (especially in raids).


Agree ! Last night i had this encounter with 3 guys,i finished off one and immediatly when he was down i popped my banner,but theres a guy right next to him able to press F at the time i popped my banner,who won ? The rezzer ! The guy got up right before my banner got thrown on him. Same goes for finishing btw,it seems like finishing is about just as fast as throwing banner. Reduce this casttime to 1 sec atleast.


@BlackTruth.6813 We already have quickness to our disposal.

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