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Warclaw has improved the Quality of Roaming


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What does roaming mean to you?


* Scouting Keeps and Towers?

* Flipping and Defending Supply camps?

* Shadowing enemy Zergs?

* Walking or killing Dolyaks?

* Refreshing Siege?

* Repairing walls and gates?

* Ninja-ing enemy Towers and Keeps?

* Picking on the tails of enemy Zergs?

* Tapping Keeps to contest Waypoints?

* Trolling?

* +1 a fight?

* More diverse builds because MS traits/runes are now not mandatory?

* Testing your skills against other Roamers who want to fight?

* Stomping Zerglings who don't want to fight?


All of this has been improved with the Warclaw!

Be it the increased movement, to the extra HP, or the anti-downstate.

**Increased efficiency in everything!**

All improved!


Except the last one.

You can't catch and stomp on Zerglings who don't want to fight that easily anymore!

And I say that is a GOOD thing!


Where is the honor in stomping a Zergling who isn't able to fight back!?

Where is the glory in jumping on someone who isn't built for roaming!?

Pick on someone your size!


Gone are the days when roamers get to gank Zerglings easily and chest thump and howl in victory.

**The quantity of cheap easy ganks has decreased but the quality of roaming overall has improved!**


3 cheers for Warclaw!

A toast to Warclaw!


*In the distance, a Necro Zergling can be seen riding on a big cat and running off into the sunset howling in glee as a few enemy roamers chase futilely behind.*

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Can you please stop making the same/similar discussions when you're a zerg player talking about being a roamer. Yet your post history shows that you are just glad you can run away from any fight at will now. Yet you continue to flood the board with this. You did the same thing here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/70752/warclaw-has-revolutioned-roaming

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Its actually made roaming somewhat worse. Zerglings roam with a large group, aka a zerg therefore they have the protection of tons of teammates. Roamers however are either solo up to maybe 5 people. You clearly only zerg because youre too afraid to engage into a fight alone even 1v1 because you clearly can't fight without being carried. How is it fun or fair when a roamer is doing a 1v3, kills them all and then the enemies chase you down with a mount because you can't get out of combat fast enough to get on your mount. You wanna talk about picking on someone your own size, well how about these cowards stop chasing down a single player or a few when you outnumber them hardcore and then act like you're all high and mighty. Roamers engage into outnumbered fights such as 1v2, 1v3, even higher at times because they are skilled to fight multiple people but when you need to disengage, kite a bit and reset yourself because you are alone vs many and then here comes guys chasing you down on a mount and you die? That's not cool, that shows how cowardly people are and its ruining roamers all together. The only people I see talking about adjustments and giving their ignorant ideas anymore are a bunch of pve'ers that don't know that game mode good enough to even speak about wvw and youre probably worse than that. Have a nice night and keep running on your kitty.

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Two or slightly more random players enging each other is now either a mutual agreement to fight between builds that probably cant dismount due to class/skill choices or "gankers" being able to catch up to players and burst them - more than likely when outnumbering them because that secures the dismount.


But heres the thing; the amount of players totally skew any perception of what the actual effect of this is.


Does this mean the type of solo roaming we love is dead and buried? I would say... yes. But there are so, so many players now its hard to tell. I'm not at a loss for fights, I just see it as not being viable to roam around alone anymore, you need a small party to force a fight. And tbh I *want* to see more havocs and smallscale fights. Thats IMO where GW2 WvW shines. But I am also seeing the WvW culture work against it like a stubborn child that doesnt want to clean his room, everyone is still pushing for border zergs because they dont want fights, they want wins. Maybe it'll change, maybe it wont.


And also using a necro zergling as a base for how roaming has changed is like saying Fallout 76 is the best MMO ever and then suddenly be impressed by other games.

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As primarily a solo roamer I didn't expect to actually like the Warclaw at all. There are aspects of it that I dislike and that I still believe need fine tuning, but I actually find myself enjoying it more than not. Aside from Desert BL, it makes maps feel too small, but it is definitely a refreshing change of pace. It's interesting to see tactics change and playstyles adapt. Maybe it's just the sadist in me that gets an absolute kick out of pouncing downed players, but I don't really mind it when it happens to me. Usually the scenarios that I die in via Warclaw herd are scenarios I would have died in regardless, and it is kinda fun to fish for people on it.


I dunno...I don't absolutely love that we have mounts in WvW now, but they are pretty fun and I don't mind them. ANet needs to continue to tune them a bit more, but they did a much better job at implementing them than I expected them to.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> What does roaming mean to you?


> * Scouting Keeps and Towers?

How is this improved? Sure IT is for the northern Towers, but in defense i Just see urges to respond quicker. Basicly because i have An xpoint of gap to close while the enemy has to Travel An y amount of distance and a z amount of time to flip the camp/tower

I think it's more up-the-point whether it's easier

> * Flipping and Defending Supply camps?

Nope, IT actual became harder

> * Shadowing enemy Zergs?

Just a matter of who has the same buff in movement speed

> * Walking or killing Dolyaks?

How? You wont provide Them swiftness

> * Refreshing Siege?

Can you be on a mount while on siege? I cant recall...concerning the server you on, it's too much siege to tap to be useless on the mount OR useless to tap the siege anyway

> * Repairing walls and gates?

Because as roamer i do this all Day?

> * Ninja-ing enemy Towers and Keeps?

Yeah like i said before, southern Towers on enemy bl are much easier which didn't require alot of ninja'n and the northern Towers are actual harder because the 'z' timeslot is the same while the movement speed of respons force increased

> * Picking on the tails of enemy Zergs?

Nope, they Just dit on their shit and go back to the zergs, unless you burn cooldowns

> * Tapping Keeps to contest Waypoints?

Doing this on a mount is actual a bad idea

> * Trolling?

Autorun and typing actual became harder..

> * +1 a fight?

Why would i roam And do this?

> * More diverse builds because MS traits/runes are now not mandatory?

I only see increased amount of spellbreaker/holo/deadeye combo

> * Testing your skills against other Roamers who want to fight?

How is this improved? Getting fucked +1 (either side) by random pve players who barely are able to respect 1v1's?

> * Stomping Zerglings who don't want to fight?

Sounds like you trying to say something?


or the anti-downstate.

> **Increased efficiency in everything!**

> All improved!


> Except the last one.

> You can't catch and stomp on Zerglings who don't want to fight that easily anymore!



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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> What does roaming mean to you?


> * Scouting Keeps and Towers?

> * Flipping and Defending Supply camps?

> * Shadowing enemy Zergs?

> * Walking or killing Dolyaks?

> * Refreshing Siege?

> * Repairing walls and gates?

> * Ninja-ing enemy Towers and Keeps?

> * Picking on the tails of enemy Zergs?

> * Tapping Keeps to contest Waypoints?

> * Trolling?

> * +1 a fight?

> * More diverse builds because MS traits/runes are now not mandatory?

> * Testing your skills against other Roamers who want to fight?

> * Stomping Zerglings who don't want to fight?


> All of this has been improved with the Warclaw!

> Be it the increased movement, to the extra HP, or the anti-downstate.

> **Increased efficiency in everything!**

> All improved!


> Except the last one.

> You can't catch and stomp on Zerglings who don't want to fight that easily anymore!

> And I say that is a GOOD thing!


> Where is the honor in stomping a Zergling who isn't able to fight back!?

> Where is the glory in jumping on someone who isn't built for roaming!?

> Pick on someone your size!


> Gone are the days when roamers get to gank Zerglings easily and chest thump and howl in victory.

> **The quantity of cheap easy ganks has decreased but the quality of roaming overall has improved!**


> 3 cheers for Warclaw!

> A toast to Warclaw!


> *In the distance, a Necro Zergling can be seen riding on a big cat and running off into the sunset howling in glee as a few enemy roamers chase futilely behind.*


What you're talking about is not roaming but havoc, scouting and ganking.


Just to give a few examples that what u are talking about isn't roaming at all but more about havoc, scouting, ganking

- Repairing a gate isn't roaming

- Scouting isn't roaming that's literally just scouting

- Tapping keeps to contest isn't roaming either and if u tap it to get some fights from spawn side that's havoc not roaming

- picking tail of an enemy zerg that's not roaming but ganking


When u roam you are going solo and not in a duo or 3+ pt/suqad. Your main point is looking for fights and if u can't find them u just flip the camps, as that used to gather people around don't know if it still does, as I haven't really roamed in a while.


Roaming isn't really a thing anymore, as it has been dying playstyle for years now and getting worse by the year.


> *In the distance, a Necro Zergling can be seen riding on a big cat and running off into the sunset howling in glee as a few enemy roamers chase futilely behind.*

You seem to be a bit bias about the mount towards certain classes. THAT is not how balance work, the mount has to work well and be balanced toward most classes/playstyles/smallscale/largescale.


With my personal experience with the mount so far, I can say with experience it has brought a lot more of a fiesta to the wvw mode and made the mode a lot less competitive than it already was (AND no it is not because of the pve players influx into the mode). Fights in wvw used to be fun imho, be it smallscale or largescale. I can even guess that roaming is actually even more dead as u will find a lot less players wanting to mount off and fight and as a solo u can't really dismount players unless u burn through your cd's.


I personally hope anet gives a solution to the current dismount problem in wvw and make it so players can be dismounted A LOT faster. You got 3 dodges u should NOT still have 11k hp while u have 3 dodges that's not balance, imo lower hp and let players survive the dmg by using their 3 dodges. Let people L2P you should not balance a mode around players that can't L2P and just want to facetank dmg on the mount and if u are tailing behind a commander that's also just a L2P issue.


@"Raymond Lukes.6305"

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Just my personal thoughts as a dirty casual checking out WvW again after a long time; I see both the benefits and the negatives of the WvW mount, it seems to be more of an addition aimed at the casual WvW player, and act as a possible blob-catch-up mechanic as well (which is where most casual WvW players are). More experienced blobs mostly do not use the mount in fights in favor of being more capable of responding to what other blobs are doing. But here are my personal issues, dirty casual point of view:


* I do find it weird why they decided to gate it behind a ~4-6h reward track that forces new players to frustratingly follow a blob on foot and get killed for falling behind over and over again. If WvW was frustrating to some people before, this process only made this worse. Not having a mount in WvW right now, is a serious mobility disadvantage. I get that the collection achievement is a way to introduce PvE players to a few WvW mechanics, but that reward track does not need to be the same time-length as regular reward tracks for them to learn how this works, it can do that job even at 25% the current participation requirement.

* A lot of classes end up having to unload their main ability salvo on mounted players just to dismount them, only for the real fight to begin there and then, but the player whom you just dismounted will still have all ability cooldowns available, creating an unfair advantage. Either mounts need to use player health pools - meaning being downed from a mount would down the player as well - or the stun from being dismounted by health bar depletion needs to be longer and uninterruptible.

* Some special CC types that logically make sense that they should dismount a player, should... Dismount a player. The main CC type that comes to mind here is the "Pull" type, as you logically expect that to pull a driver off his mount. Other CC types that should apply for this effect are "Push", Immobilize, Stun, and Fear. Conditions such as Slow, Chilled or Crippled should also affect mount movement speed. Torment and Weakness should be especially effective against mounts as niche conditions.

* Mount ability #3, the chains on gates, lacks a purpose beyond targeting gates. My suggestion is that while targeting a mounted player (600 range), you throw those chains at that mounted player to act like a "Pull" CC - successfully doing so would dismount that player and apply a 2 second stun (enough time for the other player to also dismount and initiate a fair fight).

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Roamers have always gone after zerglings if given the chance while zergs hardly ever cared about enemy size. Neither side has been angels and why should they be? A red name is a dead name. Poiting fingers is just silly.

However, the mount clearly puts one side at an advantage here. Their basic design protects those zerglings trying to get back to their squad while allowing the actual zerg to easily chase down any roamers, especially on their own grounds. Sacrafices people make to include mobility in their builds are also made meaningless to a degree. In short, mounts clearly favour one side of the argument.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > Don't you share the same hp pool as golems? Shame they can't do the same to mounts

> You dont though.



That's weird. Got ganked by 2 mesmers on my warrior once, got to below half health so I got out and was at the same health as what golem was. (Very rarely do I use golems)

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> @"Duckota.4769" said:

> Can you please stop making the same/similar discussions when you're a zerg player talking about being a roamer. Yet your post history shows that you are just glad you can run away from any fight at will now. Yet you continue to flood the board with this. You did the same thing here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/70752/warclaw-has-revolutioned-roaming


The guy is just a troll. Dont take anything he says seriously.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:


> Except the last one.

> You can't catch and stomp on Zerglings who don't want to fight that easily anymore!

> And I say that is a GOOD thing!


Alright, but where do you draw the line here though?


Imagine the following scenario: Zerglings are traveling from the front of their keep in ebg to smc (which they own). It's a considerable distance to cover, especially if green keep to smc. There is a group of 5 havoc/roamers killing zerglings en-route here to tactically prevent reinforcements. A zergling should not be able to just muscle through this group (whereas they wouldn't even be able to cover a distance of 1200 before without being killed).


I think we can all agree though that the scenario in which a zergling sees a group of roamers in the distance closing in, and then mounts up to successfully escape in the opposite direction is a good thing though. THAT's ganking and I say good riddance to that playstyle.


I don't think mounts should allow you to just plow through groups of players that before would have easily killed you though.

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> @"Henry.5713" said:

>In short, mounts clearly favour one side of the argument.


Of course it does, but when you favour one side of the argument when previously the other side was being favoured, you hit.......balance.


Speaking in generalities, zerg (DPS) players are geared for max damage, while support players max healing/ boon uptime and survivability. This includes gear, traits, utilities, runes and sigils. Roamers for the most part choose more defensive choices, including mobility, while some can get away with running full glass with the strategy of 'blow up your enemy before they can sneeze you to death'.


Roamers are skilled at 1v1 and 1vX.

Zerg players are skilled at positioning/movement and bomb placement / support rotations.


There is crossover of course, as some players are skilled at both (and skill actually does matter in WvW), and a full zerk zerg player can certainly win a 1v1 against a roamer.


But again **generally speaking**, up until now, Roamers had all the advantages for a 1v1:

Mobility (including stealth) allowed them to control whether a fight would take place, and allowed them to disengage.

Build/gear gave them an advantage in 1v1


Mounts change that, because now zerg players have greater mobility allowing them to escape an unwanted/unfavourable 1v1 encounter.


So roamers are basically upset that things are now balanced, and no longer tilted their way? You'll find my sympathy card in your in-game mailbox.


I do acknowledge that in enemy territory the mount screws over a roamer, because it moves slower than their opponent's mounts, and their own mobility abilities cannot overcome the speed difference a player gets from mounting in friendly territory. I do maintain though that a properly led zerg isn't going to squirrel after 1 roaming player trying to evade them, unless they are acting as a scout, in which case fair game.


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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > Don't you share the same hp pool as golems? Shame they can't do the same to mounts

> > You dont though.

> >


> That's weird. Got ganked by 2 mesmers on my warrior once, got to below half health so I got out and was at the same health as what golem was. (Very rarely do I use golems)


Did you have the full mastery for the golem at the time?

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