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Even After the Balance Update, Warrior Still Struggles with Mesmer


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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > if i may add

> >

> > Mesmer -Dlowana-

> >

> > **The only solution to repairing Mesmer is to rework/redesign them**

> >

> > ![](https://diaryofanearlythirtyyearold.files.wordpress.com/2017/10/therapy123.jpg "")

> >

> >


> What should mesmer be capable of as a class?





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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > if i may add

> > >

> > > Mesmer -Dlowana-

> > >

> > > **The only solution to repairing Mesmer is to rework/redesign them**

> > >

> > > ![](https://diaryofanearlythirtyyearold.files.wordpress.com/2017/10/therapy123.jpg "")

> > >

> > >

> >

> > What should mesmer be capable of as a class?


> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Mesmer


> http://www.toptiertactics.com/14669/guild-wars-2-how-arenanet-ruined-the-mesmer/#axzz4zdIHMl8V


So they should have under 800 health and do like 100ish damage max? Got it. Good balance.


From the article


Precisely interrupting enemy actions

Punishing enemies for attacking

Punishing enemies for casting spells

~~Punishing enemies for doing nothing~~

Slowing enemies to a crawl

Stealing/draining resources from enemies

Disabling enemy skills

Casting spells and signets at increased speed

Slowing or delaying enemy spell casting

Dealing huge amounts of damage over time (DOT)

~~Gaining temporary buffs that later became debuffs~~

~~Wielding illusory weapons to deal enhanced damage~~

~~Copying enemy abilities, including elite abilities~~


Attack and spells are one and the same in GW2 so that distinction doesn't matter. Mimic used to copy enemy abilities but it was basically never used and was changed to something more workable. Most of the key fundamentals of GW1 mesmer are intact.



Read the full article: http://www.toptiertactics.com/14669/guild-wars-2-how-arenanet-ruined-the-mesmer/#ixzz5hy90Pr9n

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > if i may add

> > >

> > > Mesmer -Dlowana-

> > >

> > > **The only solution to repairing Mesmer is to rework/redesign them**

> > >

> > > ![](https://diaryofanearlythirtyyearold.files.wordpress.com/2017/10/therapy123.jpg "")

> > >

> > >

> >

> > What should mesmer be capable of as a class?


> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Mesmer


> http://www.toptiertactics.com/14669/guild-wars-2-how-arenanet-ruined-the-mesmer/#axzz4zdIHMl8V



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Wvw videos are deceitful, I've faced some popular wvw youtubers and they were a disappointment.

Wars are good on wvw since some nerfs were pvp only.


As for gw2 mesmer being pale in comparison to gw1 counterpart I agree.

But some people like gw2 mes so only a new spec or profession would be a solution, a rework would kitten off some players.

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Well, even if you stow weapon and stand still, it's unlikely the enemy mesmer will patiently wait for you to be cleansed. Problem is the power pressure isn't negligible either and you still need to counterpressure or you'll just eventually die like a sad golem. Not complaining, I cure cancer with every fart, but that's just how it is.

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> @"Luna.6203" said:

> My my main since PoF release is warrior I have even received recently my 1 year birthday gift on her. BUT! recently i was playing some other classes.. guardian, deadeye, revenant, My vanilla main ranger etc.. and also mesmer just lvl 1 in lobby for pvp.


> And i learned this:


> Now mostly from playing guardian i realized mesmer aren't that hard to kill.. in case that you have aoe skills teleport you can melt them up with with clones pretty quickly just by pushing two buttons. You can start with one hand sword to lure tham out of CD a bit and than burst by swap to GS. it really simple tactic and its works.

> you can also use blocks/aegis to avoid some deadly attacks without precisely timing.. look aegis boon or one-hard sword shield. Its just stay for quite time. not like counter witch require perfect timing and you can't do that before you get some adrenaline... so you can't use it against initial stealth->insta delete combo.


> But let's begin from scratch.


> if you fight mesmer you have to deal with:

> 1) detargeting

> 2) high mobility

> 3) immune states

> 4) and block insane burst dmg that coming to you all time with interrupts/dazes.


> And there is how warrior have to fight:


> keep target at 180/melee range with slow animation skills.

> keep target locked... you can't waste burst skills. you dagger skills must hit you shield super slow stun must land (btw it's ridiculous how is shield bash slow.).. you can't just aoe or auto target ON because of dash gs5 skill that require detargeting and it would be impossible to use it otherwise.

> mesmer is practically untouchable until you successfully land CC on them so you can use GS for some burst dmg.. Because dagger damage is nothing..seriously nothing! counter damage = nothing at all. These are only tools that help you to lock target/survive for GS swap. its shame that for example warrior's offhand dagger is so trash.. it could be great aoe dmg weapon. there is also projectile reflect on that dagger aoe skill by default i wish i could its it as shield alternative. but it's trash damage on high cd.. useless really.

> Even if you somehow finally get them lockdown they can use dodge and becomes immune while CCed and you are kitty Up. Completely!

> On other hand mesmer can randomly run around you and spam kitty amount of condition and dmg overall while you trying to chase them. BTW 19k hp warrior can be instantly deleted from start through stealth combo and your only hope is perfect block.

> But i would like to talk more about targeting. Because this one hello-kitty me a lot.

> 1) targeting in gw2 isn't really good i don't know why but on other tab targeting games i never had such issue. You simply targeting a lot of trash before you get target you want.

> again you can't randomly pushing aoe skills/ ground skills like some toher classes. You have to target mesmer get to melee and watch mirage immunity and watch blind.. it's near impossible really. Call me noob but just try it yourself before you judge me. While you fight mesmer you are actually fight against bad targeting.

> warrior do not have aoe skill except greatsword which is on edge to call it aoe but yeah and counter which was nerfed so hard it no longer can be called dmg.. it's just improved block.

> and what happens when you face two mesmers ? tab-tab-tab-tab-tab-tab-tab-tab-tab... ohh kitty this.


> Least talk about mobility..


> Warrior dashes have stupidly slow initial-animation that practically prevents them from use it properly in right time.

> Than after that initial animation u are stuck with running animation that is slow but most importantly bugged. yes! bugged do you know what happens when you running towards mesmer and he uses teleport ? Well if you are lucky and it's not case of average scenario thats why i call it lucky than direction of you running animation will change direction to new mesmer location. MOST OF TIME! your animation gets crazy! and you will start to run completely random and even completely opposite direction then mesmer is. And i dont even talk about situation when mesmer use stealth so you run nowhere and best way is swap weapon to stop that madness and interrupt animation.(because this is obviously intended so okay i get this one.)

> And now they can port to higher ground unreachable with warrior. Come on! There is nothing you can do about it.


> And there is my conclusion:

> Well some of you might say problem is not mesmer but warrior but i don't have problem with other classes. I thing warrior is still in decent position when it comes to pvp just these mesmers are still problem.

> You can also say problem is me. Look im 100% aware of hate that will comes upon me after posting this. Maybe i'm not top player but trust me or not i have a lot of experience with gw2 pvp. If you want contact me and you can duel me in lobby arena. or just call me noob. whatever i thing I made some good points in that thread. I understand all of you are focused on scrappers right now. and BTW i have no issues with scrappers as warrior.


> But let's end it here. i think i said everything i wanted to in hope its gets better in future patches. I'm glad that warrior survived last patch without nerfs which makes him a bit stronger and it's just something that wasn't happen a long time. .. i'm really used to that every patch warrior gets some major hits in balance.


> So.. go on! mesmers hate me .. cry how mesmers were nerfed already but it's not enough.




















Try core warrior

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Koen.1327" said:

> > i hardly notice a difference after the patch, i still use axe and IA

> > IA is still the best for escaping, it's random but combined with blink you can cover a massive distance - cd is only 5 secs longer so they should be up both when you need them. I wouldn't just use it randomly use it like a 20 sec cd skill would do so i guess this is a little less obnoxious. Remember, IA wasn't even used until portal was trashed so an extra utility was a big + in fights

> >

> > as for the axe nerfs, i find them very minor considering the passive dmg has not changed and a bulk of the dmg comes from direct dmg as well which hasn't changed either. Another thing is that clones now aim axe ambush towards your enemy, so far it seems much faster and it hits more often than before.

> >

> > the time reduction of mirage cloak is noticeable in team fights i would say but in 1v1 i don't notice a difference. If you have the endurance you can now generate clones a little faster should you need them for a distortion res/stomp. Projectile defense is completely untouched btw

> >

> > arcane thievery, evasive mirror and deceptive evasion are very overpowered on mirage but they are core skills so i wouldn't like to see them gone.

> >

> > last but not least, even though the meta hasn't really changed, other side-noders got nerfed as well and games come with a little bit more sustain due to the rise of scrapper. For games without rev or holo you can easily run illusions instead chaos for a sweet dmg buff and aoe cc

> >


> IA got a 15sec nerf, not 5 and the only reason some people run this is because all competing mesmer utilities are trash.

> Axe ambush which was the biggest threat of torment got 66% nerf, confusion got hard nerfed as well.

> MC was a huge nerf considering that all ambush cast times and axe 2 which demands a mc cover were left intact.


>**As for the last sentence... Turns out the mc cut was actually a buff...**


Wait, how? Inquiring minds would like to know!

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > @"Koen.1327" said:

> > > i hardly notice a difference after the patch, i still use axe and IA

> > > IA is still the best for escaping, it's random but combined with blink you can cover a massive distance - cd is only 5 secs longer so they should be up both when you need them. I wouldn't just use it randomly use it like a 20 sec cd skill would do so i guess this is a little less obnoxious. Remember, IA wasn't even used until portal was trashed so an extra utility was a big + in fights

> > >

> > > as for the axe nerfs, i find them very minor considering the passive dmg has not changed and a bulk of the dmg comes from direct dmg as well which hasn't changed either. Another thing is that clones now aim axe ambush towards your enemy, so far it seems much faster and it hits more often than before.

> > >

> > > the time reduction of mirage cloak is noticeable in team fights i would say but in 1v1 i don't notice a difference. If you have the endurance you can now generate clones a little faster should you need them for a distortion res/stomp. Projectile defense is completely untouched btw

> > >

> > > arcane thievery, evasive mirror and deceptive evasion are very overpowered on mirage but they are core skills so i wouldn't like to see them gone.

> > >

> > > last but not least, even though the meta hasn't really changed, other side-noders got nerfed as well and games come with a little bit more sustain due to the rise of scrapper. For games without rev or holo you can easily run illusions instead chaos for a sweet dmg buff and aoe cc

> > >

> >

> > IA got a 15sec nerf, not 5 and the only reason some people run this is because all competing mesmer utilities are trash.

> > Axe ambush which was the biggest threat of torment got 66% nerf, confusion got hard nerfed as well.

> > MC was a huge nerf considering that all ambush cast times and axe 2 which demands a mc cover were left intact.

> >

> >**As for the last sentence... Turns out the mc cut was actually a buff...**


> Wait, how? Inquiring minds would like to know!


Read his sentence, not the last, I was on phone and it seem the last one.

Quoting him:

" If you have the endurance you can now generate clones a little faster should you need them for a distortion res/stomp. "

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > > @"Koen.1327" said:

> > > > i hardly notice a difference after the patch, i still use axe and IA

> > > > IA is still the best for escaping, it's random but combined with blink you can cover a massive distance - cd is only 5 secs longer so they should be up both when you need them. I wouldn't just use it randomly use it like a 20 sec cd skill would do so i guess this is a little less obnoxious. Remember, IA wasn't even used until portal was trashed so an extra utility was a big + in fights

> > > >

> > > > as for the axe nerfs, i find them very minor considering the passive dmg has not changed and a bulk of the dmg comes from direct dmg as well which hasn't changed either. Another thing is that clones now aim axe ambush towards your enemy, so far it seems much faster and it hits more often than before.

> > > >

> > > > the time reduction of mirage cloak is noticeable in team fights i would say but in 1v1 i don't notice a difference. If you have the endurance you can now generate clones a little faster should you need them for a distortion res/stomp. Projectile defense is completely untouched btw

> > > >

> > > > arcane thievery, evasive mirror and deceptive evasion are very overpowered on mirage but they are core skills so i wouldn't like to see them gone.

> > > >

> > > > last but not least, even though the meta hasn't really changed, other side-noders got nerfed as well and games come with a little bit more sustain due to the rise of scrapper. For games without rev or holo you can easily run illusions instead chaos for a sweet dmg buff and aoe cc

> > > >

> > >

> > > IA got a 15sec nerf, not 5 and the only reason some people run this is because all competing mesmer utilities are trash.

> > > Axe ambush which was the biggest threat of torment got 66% nerf, confusion got hard nerfed as well.

> > > MC was a huge nerf considering that all ambush cast times and axe 2 which demands a mc cover were left intact.

> > >

> > >**As for the last sentence... Turns out the mc cut was actually a buff...**

> >

> > Wait, how? Inquiring minds would like to know!


> Read his sentence, not the last, I was on phone and it seem the last one.

> Quoting him:

> " If you have the endurance you can now generate clones a little faster should you need them for a distortion res/stomp. "


Sorry, I still don't follow. How does reduced MC duration result in generating clones a little faster? Feel like I'm going to have a big "lightbulb" moment once I get it.

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > > > @"Koen.1327" said:

> > > > > i hardly notice a difference after the patch, i still use axe and IA

> > > > > IA is still the best for escaping, it's random but combined with blink you can cover a massive distance - cd is only 5 secs longer so they should be up both when you need them. I wouldn't just use it randomly use it like a 20 sec cd skill would do so i guess this is a little less obnoxious. Remember, IA wasn't even used until portal was trashed so an extra utility was a big + in fights

> > > > >

> > > > > as for the axe nerfs, i find them very minor considering the passive dmg has not changed and a bulk of the dmg comes from direct dmg as well which hasn't changed either. Another thing is that clones now aim axe ambush towards your enemy, so far it seems much faster and it hits more often than before.

> > > > >

> > > > > the time reduction of mirage cloak is noticeable in team fights i would say but in 1v1 i don't notice a difference. If you have the endurance you can now generate clones a little faster should you need them for a distortion res/stomp. Projectile defense is completely untouched btw

> > > > >

> > > > > arcane thievery, evasive mirror and deceptive evasion are very overpowered on mirage but they are core skills so i wouldn't like to see them gone.

> > > > >

> > > > > last but not least, even though the meta hasn't really changed, other side-noders got nerfed as well and games come with a little bit more sustain due to the rise of scrapper. For games without rev or holo you can easily run illusions instead chaos for a sweet dmg buff and aoe cc

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > IA got a 15sec nerf, not 5 and the only reason some people run this is because all competing mesmer utilities are trash.

> > > > Axe ambush which was the biggest threat of torment got 66% nerf, confusion got hard nerfed as well.

> > > > MC was a huge nerf considering that all ambush cast times and axe 2 which demands a mc cover were left intact.

> > > >

> > > >**As for the last sentence... Turns out the mc cut was actually a buff...**

> > >

> > > Wait, how? Inquiring minds would like to know!

> >

> > Read his sentence, not the last, I was on phone and it seem the last one.

> > Quoting him:

> > " If you have the endurance you can now generate clones a little faster should you need them for a distortion res/stomp. "


> Sorry, I still don't follow. How does reduced MC duration result in generating clones a little faster? Feel like I'm going to have a big "lightbulb" moment once I get it.


You have to ask him, not me.

I was being sarcastic at the buff thing.

But I think his logic is: since dodge only lasts .75, you can dodge twice faster thus producing more clones.

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > > > @"Koen.1327" said:

> > > > > i hardly notice a difference after the patch, i still use axe and IA

> > > > > IA is still the best for escaping, it's random but combined with blink you can cover a massive distance - cd is only 5 secs longer so they should be up both when you need them. I wouldn't just use it randomly use it like a 20 sec cd skill would do so i guess this is a little less obnoxious. Remember, IA wasn't even used until portal was trashed so an extra utility was a big + in fights

> > > > >

> > > > > as for the axe nerfs, i find them very minor considering the passive dmg has not changed and a bulk of the dmg comes from direct dmg as well which hasn't changed either. Another thing is that clones now aim axe ambush towards your enemy, so far it seems much faster and it hits more often than before.

> > > > >

> > > > > the time reduction of mirage cloak is noticeable in team fights i would say but in 1v1 i don't notice a difference. If you have the endurance you can now generate clones a little faster should you need them for a distortion res/stomp. Projectile defense is completely untouched btw

> > > > >

> > > > > arcane thievery, evasive mirror and deceptive evasion are very overpowered on mirage but they are core skills so i wouldn't like to see them gone.

> > > > >

> > > > > last but not least, even though the meta hasn't really changed, other side-noders got nerfed as well and games come with a little bit more sustain due to the rise of scrapper. For games without rev or holo you can easily run illusions instead chaos for a sweet dmg buff and aoe cc

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > IA got a 15sec nerf, not 5 and the only reason some people run this is because all competing mesmer utilities are trash.

> > > > Axe ambush which was the biggest threat of torment got 66% nerf, confusion got hard nerfed as well.

> > > > MC was a huge nerf considering that all ambush cast times and axe 2 which demands a mc cover were left intact.

> > > >

> > > >**As for the last sentence... Turns out the mc cut was actually a buff...**

> > >

> > > Wait, how? Inquiring minds would like to know!

> >

> > Read his sentence, not the last, I was on phone and it seem the last one.

> > Quoting him:

> > " If you have the endurance you can now generate clones a little faster should you need them for a distortion res/stomp. "


> Sorry, I still don't follow. How does reduced MC duration result in generating clones a little faster? Feel like I'm going to have a big "lightbulb" moment once I get it.


My guess: You can dodge in 1.5s now instead of 2s and create two clones in less time.


Needs nerfs. ICD inc!

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" nailed it with:

> > The problem was the combination of torment and confusion shutting you down if you make a mistake as well as imaginary axes applying so much **the latter was addressed**.


> Wait, so if @"apharma.3741" "nailed it" regarding what was wrong and how it was nerfed, do we take you seriously when you also say:


> > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > Condi Mirage is still the most notably noob friendly garbage. Nerf it please. Remove at least another 50% of condition application.


> and


> > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > @"everyman.4375" said:

> > > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > > Condi Mirage is still the most notably noob friendly garbage. Nerf it please. Remove at least another 50% of condition application.

> > >

> > > It was already done last patch.

> >

> > No. Wasn't. Need it done properly.


> ?


> Food for thought.


> Honestly, if you aren't new to PvP and still struggle with average condi-Mirages after March 5, 2019, I don't know what to tell you.


All statements are accurate representation of what's needed. Noob mirage opinion does not matter.

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > @"apharma.3741" nailed it with:

> > > The problem was the combination of torment and confusion shutting you down if you make a mistake as well as imaginary axes applying so much **the latter was addressed**.

> >

> > Wait, so if @"apharma.3741" "nailed it" regarding what was wrong and how it was nerfed, do we take you seriously when you also say:

> >

> > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > Condi Mirage is still the most notably noob friendly garbage. Nerf it please. Remove at least another 50% of condition application.

> >

> > and

> >

> > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > > @"everyman.4375" said:

> > > > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > > > Condi Mirage is still the most notably noob friendly garbage. Nerf it please. Remove at least another 50% of condition application.

> > > >

> > > > It was already done last patch.

> > >

> > > No. Wasn't. Need it done properly.

> >

> > ?

> >

> > Food for thought.

> >

> > Honestly, if you aren't new to PvP and still struggle with average condi-Mirages after March 5, 2019, I don't know what to tell you.


> All statements are accurate representation of what's needed. Noob mirage opinion does not matter.


Apparently you don't see how you directly contradicted yourself, but that's okay. Wasn't expecting a reasoned discussion from someone whose post history can pretty much be summed up as "Mirage OP, nerf NOW!" I think you once even said something like you won't be satisfied until Mirage is deleted. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Also there have been plenty of good points and suggestions from non-noob Mesmers/Mirages on here but that doesn't seem to matter to you either.


One thing's for sure: You will gripe about Mesmer/Mirage as long as it exists in the game.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> if i may add


> Mesmer -Dlowana-


> **The only solution to repairing Mesmer is to rework/redesign them**


> ![](https://diaryofanearlythirtyyearold.files.wordpress.com/2017/10/therapy123.jpg "")




Even more memes ,its pre nerfs and farming tr*ash from wvw isnt really shows what is op. Since relaese of that dog/cat/whatevermount, me and other dud won 2x8. Probably DH too op :joy:

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > @"Luna.6203" said:

> > > > 1) detargeting

> > >

> > > For those not in the know, there is a keybind you can set in menu called "Previous Target."

> > >

> > > Bind it to something.

> > >

> > > It's pretty simple. If you detarget something manually, or are forced a detarget by a mesmer, or target something else it will retarget your previous target for you. A mesmer uses detarget? You can retarget them with 100% guarantee with the push of a button immediately. No tab targeting through clones.

> > >

> > > Mesmer thief or anything else stealths? You can retarget them once they've left with with 100% effectiveness. No tabbing through clones or other enemy team members. Always just get your previous target 100% of the time.

> > >

> > > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > > > um...that's a weird analogy because spellbreakers counter mirage

> > >

> > > Condi mirage eats spellbreakers alive unless heavily outskilled in my experience. The only normal skill I find seriously threatening I feel is Whirlwind Blade because of how fast it comes out and how much damage it can do if they've ramped 20+ might stacks. Rampage can be threatening if caught off guard but even then chances are you have stun breaks, stealth, Phase Retreat, Blink, and if they managed to CC you you can still dodge while stunned. Frankly more often than not rampage is more an opportunity to counter pressure them and win the fight because they abandon access to condition cleanses and resistance. Like there have been so many times where the Spellbreaker is sustaining really well or landed a good hit on me and had me worried I might lose and then threw the fight because they rampaged and gave me an opportunity to dump all my damage into them for free. Doubly so because Warriors in rampage are usually in such a rush to dump out damage in Rampage form that they frequently don't bother to dodge..

> > >

> > > Like the only Spellbreakers I lose to are guys who hang out in the top 25 really consistently.

> >

> > Where is the Previous Target? I'm looking through the Targeting in the key bindings, and the closest to it is Previous Enemy, which doesn't do what you mentioned.


> Apologies! This was a good catch of a mistake of mine. It's "Previous Enemy" specifically that I'm talking about.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/AdwjmS5.jpg?2 "")


> Previous enemy will do what I mentioned provided the mirage was the previous target.


Previous enemy cycles through targets in the reverse order as tab targeting. And that order changes as enemies move around on your screen. It does not do what you think it does.

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > > @"apharma.3741" nailed it with:

> > > > The problem was the combination of torment and confusion shutting you down if you make a mistake as well as imaginary axes applying so much **the latter was addressed**.

> > >

> > > Wait, so if @"apharma.3741" "nailed it" regarding what was wrong and how it was nerfed, do we take you seriously when you also say:

> > >

> > > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > > Condi Mirage is still the most notably noob friendly garbage. Nerf it please. Remove at least another 50% of condition application.

> > >

> > > and

> > >

> > > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > > > @"everyman.4375" said:

> > > > > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > > > > Condi Mirage is still the most notably noob friendly garbage. Nerf it please. Remove at least another 50% of condition application.

> > > > >

> > > > > It was already done last patch.

> > > >

> > > > No. Wasn't. Need it done properly.

> > >

> > > ?

> > >

> > > Food for thought.

> > >

> > > Honestly, if you aren't new to PvP and still struggle with average condi-Mirages after March 5, 2019, I don't know what to tell you.

> >

> > All statements are accurate representation of what's needed. Noob mirage opinion does not matter.


> Apparently you don't see how you directly contradicted yourself, but that's okay. Wasn't expecting a reasoned discussion from someone whose post history can pretty much be summed up as "Mirage OP, nerf NOW!" I think you once even said something like you won't be satisfied until Mirage is deleted. Correct me if I'm wrong.


> Also there have been plenty of good points and suggestions from non-noob Mesmers/Mirages on here but that doesn't seem to matter to you either.


> One thing's for sure: You will gripe about Mesmer/Mirage as long as it exists in the game.


I didn't realise I had such a fan following. Thank you!


With regards to your comments, yes I did say Mirage should be deleted and I still stand by it. I have every right to my opinion that mirage is the most disgusting elite spec ever introduced. I hope you are able to understand my point there. Also, don't stress over me agreeing with other comments. I might 100% agree with statements but the there is more to my opinion.


Lastly, Mirage nerfs are still NOT enough. Neft them by 50% and we can revisit it then. If unresolved, delete Mirage altogether.

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> @"Luna.6203" said:

> You can also say problem is me. Look im 100% aware of hate that will comes upon me after posting this. Maybe i'm not top player but trust me or not i have a lot of experience with gw2 pvp.


Glad you are aware of this, but sometimes it's not just about experience and it is your mindset in combat. Many of us have no problem with mesmer's regardless of class since release. Yes many of those people have mained it prior (although in reality there are many who have not) and are attuned to typical habits and what a mesmer can do or what resources they have spent.


But the fact is you can do it too, one of the biggest tips I ever give anyone fighting a mesmer 1v1 is to not let them land anything that will kill you, and if you know what to look for and how to avoid it the mesmer will either eventually messup, get greedy, or get bored with an endless stalemate because they wont be able to kill you. This has only gotten easier and easier every patch, with warrior especially it's not hard to make them run just from a little pressure. Also another tip: if you get frustrated and start blowing cooldowns to chase you are only playing into their hands.

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> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> > @"Luna.6203" said:

> > You can also say problem is me. Look im 100% aware of hate that will comes upon me after posting this. Maybe i'm not top player but trust me or not i have a lot of experience with gw2 pvp.


> Glad you are aware of this, but sometimes it's not just about experience and it is your mindset in combat. Many of us have no problem with mesmer's regardless of class since release. Yes many of those people have mained it prior (although in reality there are many who have not) and are attuned to typical habits and what a mesmer can do or what resources they have spent.


> But the fact is you can do it too, one of the biggest tips I ever give anyone fighting a mesmer 1v1 is to not let them land anything that will kill you, and if you know what to look for and how to avoid it the mesmer will either eventually messup, get greedy, or get bored with an endless stalemate because they wont be able to kill you. This has only gotten easier and easier every patch, with warrior especially it's not hard to make them run just from a little pressure. Also another tip: if you get frustrated and start blowing cooldowns to chase you are only playing into their hands.


Sorrry you are absolutely not pointing anything specific. It's just misty arguing that i'm probably just noob. I suppose... ? I'm not sure.. and it's okay i'm not offended. I wouldn't even react on this post but this one really catch my attention:

"one of the biggest tips I ever give anyone fighting a mesmer 1v1 is to not let them land anything that will kill you" - This is your biggest tip?! I'm laugh crying now. That's protip. thanks for help.. I appreciate it. You just made my day during morning coffee.

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> @"Luna.6203" said:

>Luna.6203 said:

>Now mostly from playing guardian i realized mesmer aren't that hard to kill..

But decided to create a whine-thread with a name "Mesmers are still op!" ... because you :

>"because I ~~play~~suck at warrior."

A legit reason to nerf something that alrdy not good. May be you should create a thread saying renegade crazy OP because they kill your warrior too ?

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"Luna.6203" said:

> >Luna.6203 said:

> >Now mostly from playing guardian i realized mesmer aren't that hard to kill..

> But decided to create a whine-thread with a name "Mesmers are still op!" ... because you :

> >"because I ~~play~~suck at warrior."

> A legit reason to nerf something that alrdy not good. May be you should create a thread saying renegade crazy OP because they kill your warrior too ?


And there we go.

Not pointing anything that i mention as problem. Mesmer is already bad (for some reason).. even though it's still same as before patch.

Quoting text cut from context.

Putting words to my mouth.

Telling me what should i "maybe" do and some stupid reason why should i do it .. becouse I'm stupid right ? i get point. ;)

This is plain insult and flame.


There was thousands of comments about mesmer and it's still same. It has to be spoken. They should be aware of problem. I think it's feedback. i tried to be constructive. Any warrior will confirm this. Stop lying! Stop pretend its okay. Its not its far from competitive fight. I'm done... As i said just try it. Really take warrior take mesmer and try it! and be done with this never ending denial.


I seriously tried to cover all problems. Gameplay and technical as well.. There are there. They are real. and they deserve to be addressed for further patches.


There is plenty of other classes ranger thief guard revenant engi.. you name it.. But all of these fight are enjoyable! Even if you loose! The balance by my personal opinion isn't really that bad as people saying. But chance beat mesmer with warrior is near >>> zero <<< really. Its completely out off of line. It's just no chance fight.. leave or die.. that's it. enjoy.


Just try it yourself. Thanks!

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