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Scrapper invisibility and mounts are silly (nerfs needed ASAP)


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- Stack a stupid amount of stealth with 0 effort

- hop on a mount and still be invisible(the fact that mounts can stealth, have 3 dodges and not be CC'd is laughable)

- mount leap to the enemy

- kill them with ease


- 0 skill required



This stuff needs to be nerfed ASAP! What were the devs thinking? Are we still playing a beta and testing all this out? I guess so lol

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Scrapper gyros are finally as they should've been from the start. Playing one I agree, that the stealth duration coming from the elite seems over the top and I have a feeling preparations for a nerf are in place as we speak. I've watched people streaming and commenting on it too. Some suggest a reduction in overall stealth by 5s. I remember @"Chaith.8256" saying smth about max stealth duration being 10s, which may be good. He's an experienced Engi, so I would listen to him. Perhaps ANet should too.


On my build when I run +50% endurance regen from traits, +40% endurance regen from food and elite recharge from trait on dodge roll I get to be nearly constantly invisible, which is funny as it renders me immune to pretty much anything. Currently though, until other nerfs are in place (DE stealth, Mesmer and other stealth) the present stealth duration may be necessary. Nerfing all stealth at once (not just Scrapper's) would introduce a more challenging game play, but then again people have been asking for this for ages.


ANet, however, have proven to us PvE is their main focus, not competitive game modes. Furthermore, they don't offer a PTS where we could pitch in to help them improve game balance. It's the "we know best" approach that never works.


In my line of work we know, that involving users in the development process of a product is crucial. Getting their feedback is a must. ANet seem to avoid this and attempt to develop everything in house. It almost seems like they are afraid of disclosing some secrets. Perhaps someone from the management believes they have something to offer that others do not, but the strong ones never have anything to fear :smirk:

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> @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> Is there a reason why enemies can't see the giant smoke field moving around with stealth gyro?


the only thing you yourself as an ally see is the combofield and a mini gyro. opponents do not see your combo fields and that gyro is also stealthed.

now if that field did some pulsing effect to the enemies, then it would be visible. for example if it did pulse blinds like many other smoke fields or block projectiles.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > Is there a reason why enemies can't see the giant smoke field moving around with stealth gyro?


> the only thing you yourself as an ally see is the combofield and a mini gyro. opponents do not see your combo fields and that gyro is also stealthed.

> now if that field did some pulsing effect to the enemies, then it would be visible. for example if it did pulse blinds like many other smoke fields or block projectiles.


But outside of game logic, how is a giant cloud of smoke invisible and obstructing vision at the same time?

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> @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > > Is there a reason why enemies can't see the giant smoke field moving around with stealth gyro?

> >

> > the only thing you yourself as an ally see is the combofield and a mini gyro. opponents do not see your combo fields and that gyro is also stealthed.

> > now if that field did some pulsing effect to the enemies, then it would be visible. for example if it did pulse blinds like many other smoke fields or block projectiles.


> But outside of game logic, how is a giant cloud of smoke invisible and obstructing vision at the same time?


how can a sentry or a balloon mark a someone who is invisible?

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > > > Is there a reason why enemies can't see the giant smoke field moving around with stealth gyro?

> > >

> > > the only thing you yourself as an ally see is the combofield and a mini gyro. opponents do not see your combo fields and that gyro is also stealthed.

> > > now if that field did some pulsing effect to the enemies, then it would be visible. for example if it did pulse blinds like many other smoke fields or block projectiles.

> >

> > But outside of game logic, how is a giant cloud of smoke invisible and obstructing vision at the same time?


> how can a sentry or a balloon mark a someone who is invisible?


I don't know how marking works since I've never seen anyone marked outside the game.

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> @"Straegen.2938" said:

> If the engi mauls, they pop up a reveal making the stealth gyro mostly moot. Die to this "trick" while fully healthy and a player needs to reconsider their build especially when any number of classes have enough burst to drop a player in a second.


When the whole blob pops on top of you from stealth using that and other skills good luck surviving that m8. There's no counter play and it's bad.

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I wrote this same things to devs 2 weeks before they released mounts. All I got was avoidance. The ability to stealth farther than your current view, the ability to have 3 dodges that travel you farther than the longest attack, and the immunity to CC creates a garbage meta. Stacking stealth before was tempered by the distance you could travel on foot and the ability to be CC'd. Why doesn't anet do quality testing before releases?

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > This never gets old for me XD


> Like I said in another thread, they should add a trick/trap that dismounts a player and disables mount use for a good moment. Gives gankers a bone and encourages strategy. Not that the wankers would use it, but they'd be without excuse.

Yes because it worked *sooooooooo* well for stealth disablers or scouting traps, they're literally everywhere because everyone use them and have a major gameplay impact.


Seriously, why are people even wasting their breath on this suggestion. Traps get used like... 1, maybe 2 days after they are implemented and then they are rarely seen again because its a stupid solution for a stupid problem. People dont bother with traps. Its not effective. What am I suppose to do, put down a trap and then just... wait? Hope that some schmuck runs over it before I fall asleep from boredom? Ignore the other 10 people running by that just missed the trap?


May as well suggest we get fishing implemented in WvW. At least then I can sit and relax on a bridge catching some bass.


Or we could get an action solution for an action MMO, such as mounts being able to dismount mounts.

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Well, supply traps are used commonly...

And we actually had one time, where we ran through a stealth-trap while being stealthed as a zerg (before the patch) since the reveal-traps were released. Was no enemy there, but the principle works. ^^


Maybe the stealth time of gyro is a bit too high, but for dueling, roaming, guild-zerging, and publics it's not OP.

Many classes can reset the fight (or run away) at dueling already. Sorry for necros and guardians. And for opening the fight you get one cheap shot in before getting revealed. Last time I checked, the worst you can do is start a stunlock-chain or do something around 4k dmg. It's similar at roaming.


In guild zergs you can get invisible and plop up somewhere again. Great to dismantle publics etc. Other guilds will likely know this already since engi/thief smoke fields have been used for years to get ~15s invis. Now it's just easier, but unless 1/5 of your zerg is made of scrappers, you still need 4 blasts per non-scrapper group.

Aside from that, people can "sniff" now. During the last week enemy guilds targeted us despite stealth pretty accurately, so sniffing is a valid counter-play in organized groups. Also, if randoms stay in your organized group, this tactic gets kinda pointless. Rezzing people are nicer, but usually, you get only 1-2 people during 1 gyro and only, if enemies didn't notice. There is enough reveal around to get countered there, too.

In publisc it's pretty useless since people there don't pay attention if they are stealthed. Downed players attack, mist/port away etc.


So, in my opinion, and from my experience, the only "OP" thing is, that you can run away or sneak past zergs now.

Stealth, while mounted, is the real problem there, though.

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