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[Observation] Warrior is the least played class in GW2


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Based on the fact that [professions](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/professions) show warrior is the second least discussed and has the least comments.

Also, based on the fact that people identify themselves with their profile picture, it is safe to assume that warrior is the least played class in GW2.


Now I know why lots of people cry for warrior's nerfs every time a patch comes in. These are the people who play their necros, mesmers, rangers, thieves,...

And these are the people, who thanks to their whining, have anet convinced that warrior is OP; no wonder warrior is the worst DPS class in GW2.


Now you know fellow warriors why your class sucks at DPS



To all those that say warrior is not the least played class, [here is the evidence](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/13758/poll-what-class-do-you-play-the-most/p1)


Not only that, but my assertion that "people identify themselves with their profile picture" is also correct!


* revenant was ranked the least played class, but keep in mind that revenant was added latter to the game so that is the reason why they are the least played in this poll.

* Engineer and warrior are the least played classes in GW2 just like it is predicted by the least amount of comments and discussions in the forums.


The poll only had 298 votes and it corroborated my hypothesis that "the amount of comments and discussions tell which classes are the most played and the least played, not only that, but that people also identify their main characters with their profile pictures."


So, what do you have to say now warrior haters?

Now I know why lots of people cry for warrior's nerfs every time a patch comes in. These are the people who play their necros, mesmers, rangers, thieves,...

And these are the people, who thanks to their whining, have anet convinced that warrior is OP; no wonder warrior is the worst DPS class in GW2.


Now you know fellow warriors why your class sucks at DPS.

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> @Opopanax.1803 said:

> Didn't they just release an infomatic saying warrior was in fact the most played class? I love my longbow warrior, nothing else is as fun for me :D


Yeah right, perhaps in gw1, not in gw2. You can even see it in WvW that is infested with necros, mesmers, rangers, and thieves.

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> Based on the fact that [professions](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/professions) show warrior is the second least discussed and has the least comments.

> Also, based on the fact that people identify themselves with their profile picture, it is safe to assume that warrior is the least played class in GW2.


That assumption is a pretty big leap. Having the fewest discussions and comments over this short a term (since the new forums have been up) could simply mean that Warriors as a group currently have the least to complain about. I mean, your assertion isn't the MOST baseless thing I've ever heard, but calling it "safe to assume" is a bit of a stretch, imo.

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> @"Ludus Rex.1562" said:

> > @Hitman.5829 said:

> > Based on the fact that [professions](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/professions) show warrior is the second least discussed and has the least comments.

> > Also, based on the fact that people identify themselves with their profile picture, it is safe to assume that warrior is the least played class in GW2.


> That assumption is a pretty big leap. Having the fewest discussions and comments over this short a term (since the new forums have been up) could simply mean that Warriors as a group currently have the least to complain about. I mean, your assertion isn't the MOST baseless thing I've ever heard, but calling it "safe to assume" is a bit of a stretch, imo.


Like I said, "Also, based on the fact that people identify themselves with their profile picture, it is safe to assume that warrior is the least played class in GW2."

Do you bother to read or just comment without reading?


Just go and check the necro forum or the mesmer forum, or any other forum, all of the people posting have necro profile pics, and the same is with every profession, you see their profile pictures. So, based on this and the fact that people only post in warrior forum to complain, it is safe to assume that warrior is the least played class!

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > @SWI.4127 said:

> > That infographic they released said male human warrior was the most _created_ class, but not necessarily the most played. I don't think anyone really knows except a-net themselves.


> coughcoughKEYFARMcoughcough.


Ahh yeah you're probably right actually. They are probably counting deleted characters as well.

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> Based on the fact that [professions](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/professions) show warrior is the second least discussed and has the least comments.

> Also, based on the fact that people identify themselves with their profile picture, it is safe to assume that warrior is the least played class in GW2.


> Now I know why lots of people cry for warrior's nerfs every time a patch comes in. These are the people who play their necros, mesmers, rangers, thieves,...

> And these are the people, who thanks to their whining, have anet convinced that warrior is OP; no wonder warrior is the worst DPS class in GW2.


> Now you know fellow warriors why your class sucks at DPS


I guess there is something to be said for bad correlations then.

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> Like I said, "Also, based on the fact that people identify themselves with their profile picture, it is safe to assume that warrior is the least played class in GW2."

> Do you bother to read or just comment without reading?


Lol. No, I read that part. I originally neglected to comment on that, since it's somehow even more baseless than the previous metric. At least the first thing you tried to tie to number of warrior players had numbers affixed to it. I thought it went without saying that you _feeling_ like you see more pictures of non-warrior things was a nonsense measurement, though I do appreciate you bringing it back around for a second time as though it somehow made a point or lent credibility to your argument. Comedy gold.


Here's a fun comic that seems relevant:



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> @Opopanax.1803 said:

> Didn't they just release an infomatic saying warrior was in fact the most played class? I love my longbow warrior, nothing else is as fun for me :D


It's wrong.


Because people who make key farmers make warriors, skewing the results really hard.

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> @SWI.4127 said:

> That infographic they released said male human warrior was the most _created_ class, but not necessarily the most played. I don't think anyone really knows except a-net themselves.


More created and less played, because the warrior of GW2 is a deception, for who played warriors in other games(like Titan Quest, Dragon Age, Champions Return to Arms, Neverwinter.).


As the main warrior since I started playing, I was forced to have a spare necro for "impossible situations".


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> @ugrakarma.9416 said:

> > @SWI.4127 said:

> > That infographic they released said male human warrior was the most _created_ class, but not necessarily the most played. I don't think anyone really knows except a-net themselves.


> More created and less played, because the warrior of GW2 is a deception, for who played warriors in other games(like Titan Quest, Dragon Age, Champions Return to Arms, **Neverwinter**.)





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  • 4 weeks later...

I dont feel that warrior is less played... after scourge nerf i switched to SB in wvw.. and its beast... FC is op af in 1vx situations... dps, mobility, resistance. I like that fast style of gameplay with him... and i see a lot warriors running around in wvw, its meta in pvp... and condi PS war is base for every group. Im also using him now for pumkin carving, coz of that mobility and resistance... nothing will stop him.. :)

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I recently switched sides, used to be a Reaper how ever from what I can tell Power Warriors use GSs, they provide mandatory buffs, and they are almost as durable as Power Reapers.


Yeah yeah I know Condi PS Power is dead blah blah, I bet you anything I'd have a lot less trouble getting a Raid Spot on a Power Warrior than a Power Reaper.


So where do I pick up my Worlds Greatest Profession T Shirt and Coffee mug?

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What? PvP and WvW in my experience is INFESTED with warriors. I myself became a warrior main because it's so good and, un-coincidentally, I was on the forums less and less. This is due to how little I have to complain about the class. It's so strong that no commentary is needed on it. I wouldn't know a lot about pve because pve is so vast and immeasurable in terms of class frequency, but I've never noticed a lack of warriors. Never ever.

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> @SWI.4127 said:

> That infographic they released said male human warrior was the most _created_ class, but not necessarily the most played. I don't think anyone really knows except a-net themselves.


not only keyfarm, but almost all my friends have a lv 80 warrior, no matter what class they main. even they don't play it they just have one and never touch it

also pretty sure every pve player who takes the game bit more seriously has a spare warrior/ele for switch, more warrior because mightbot takes less time to learn then glasscanon dps rotation.

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> no wonder warrior is the worst DPS class in GW2.


Warrior is

1) The best duelist in sPvP, with literally 0 losing matchups and is found on every tournament team.

2) Is the backbone of WvW frontlines. (Spellbreaker's elite skill pretty much singlehandedly forced the pirateship meta)

3) Is a mandatory pick for all upper level pve.


Can confirm warrior is the worst.

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