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Fun Things to Do With Warclaw


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> @"Deaeira.2651" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > [...]

> > The dumbest thing that happened out of this though was there was an engagement where a group just chased me on mounts and we ran in circles with no one dismounting at all, sort of felt like a circus show.


> This happens often to me - and it's clear why: whover dismounts first is at a disadvantage. In the long run, people will only engage when they feel confident to kill you despite this - that usually means when they are in superior numbers.




Zerk/assassins soulbeast with rapidfire gets people off their mounts real fast ?

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> > @"Deaeira.2651" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > [...]

> > > The dumbest thing that happened out of this though was there was an engagement where a group just chased me on mounts and we ran in circles with no one dismounting at all, sort of felt like a circus show.

> >

> > This happens often to me - and it's clear why: whover dismounts first is at a disadvantage. In the long run, people will only engage when they feel confident to kill you despite this - that usually means when they are in superior numbers.

> >

> >


> Zerk/assassins soulbeast with rapidfire gets people off their mounts real fast ?


Hit leap/dodge if possible and engage immediately while rapid fire is on cd.

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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > @"Deaeira.2651" said:

> > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > [...]

> > > > The dumbest thing that happened out of this though was there was an engagement where a group just chased me on mounts and we ran in circles with no one dismounting at all, sort of felt like a circus show.

> > >

> > > This happens often to me - and it's clear why: whover dismounts first is at a disadvantage. In the long run, people will only engage when they feel confident to kill you despite this - that usually means when they are in superior numbers.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Zerk/assassins soulbeast with rapidfire gets people off their mounts real fast ?


> Hit leap/dodge if possible and engage immediately while rapid fire is on cd.


If you're any good, you can easily get by. You still have PBS, stealth, pet swaps, all utilities. Missing one dps rotation is nothing compared to getting a free 1 sec knockdown after the mount dies. That's like 1-2 AA dmg.

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> > @"Deaeira.2651" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > [...]

> > > The dumbest thing that happened out of this though was there was an engagement where a group just chased me on mounts and we ran in circles with no one dismounting at all, sort of felt like a circus show.

> >

> > This happens often to me - and it's clear why: whover dismounts first is at a disadvantage. In the long run, people will only engage when they feel confident to kill you despite this - that usually means when they are in superior numbers.

> >

> >


> Zerk/assassins soulbeast with rapidfire gets people off their mounts real fast ?


Sure, it always depends on the exact builds. I was chasing a thief lately with my mesmer, got them down the mount three times, they disengaged every time and remounted. At some point they just WPed... it's nothing bad, but it's far from an interesting confrontation...

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I found a new hobby.

Stand among duelers pretending to watch the duels.

Then when the enemy goes down, mount up immediately and spike him with maul.

Then re-mount and try to escape the other duelers who are now trying to get you.

If I escape successfully, I go back to the dueling spot and hide in a corner to wait for the enemy downed icon to show on the map.

Then I remount and charge back in to spike with maul.

Then I try to run again.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> I found a new hobby.

> Stand among duelers pretending to watch the duels.

> Then when the enemy goes down, mount up immediately and spike him with maul.

> Then re-mount and try to escape the other duelers who are now trying to get you.

> If I escape successfully, I go back to the dueling spot and hide in a corner to wait for the enemy downed icon to show on the map.

> Then I remount and charge back in to spike with maul.

> Then I try to run again.


So, I would consider that tanking and toxic, but you do you.


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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> > You can choose to enjoy the game, or you can choose to cry over spilled milk, this here is not going to go away. I am just trying to show you the fun sides of thing. Its not going away. Unless one choose another game, which I don't plan on doing. I will be here until they announce the server is permanently closed.


> Since warclaw was released I reduced my time in wvw by about 90%. No more solo roaming cuz 10ish of ppl on mounts just patrol between camps. Nah, I think I'm done with that


You mean it's changed the dynamics of the game and you might have to alter your approach? Err mer gerrd!


To me the most fun thing is that everyone who used to complain that WvW needs revitalization now complains that it hasn't remained the same.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> > > You can choose to enjoy the game, or you can choose to cry over spilled milk, this here is not going to go away. I am just trying to show you the fun sides of thing. Its not going away. Unless one choose another game, which I don't plan on doing. I will be here until they announce the server is permanently closed.

> >

> > Since warclaw was released I reduced my time in wvw by about 90%. No more solo roaming cuz 10ish of ppl on mounts just patrol between camps. Nah, I think I'm done with that


> You mean it's changed the dynamics of the game and you might have to alter your approach? Err mer gerrd!


> To me the most fun thing is that everyone who used to complain that WvW needs revitalization now complains that it hasn't remained the same.


People were not asking for change or revitalization. They were asking for balance - both skill and server levels. They are asking for bug fixes. They were asking for a meaningful position for the towers on the DBL and a host of other things. What we got was the warclaw and now we're supposed to be all placated because there was a 'change'? Err mer gerrd! Lets totally misrepresent what the bulk of the WvW community was asking for so we can berate them!

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> I found a new hobby.

> Stand among duelers pretending to watch the duels.

> Then when the enemy goes down, mount up immediately and spike him with maul.

> Then re-mount and try to escape the other duelers who are now trying to get you.

> If I escape successfully, I go back to the dueling spot and hide in a corner to wait for the enemy downed icon to show on the map.

> Then I remount and charge back in to spike with maul.

> Then I try to run again.


You are painting a clearer picture to everyone what kind of player you are by saying this - you have issues with roamers [or "gankers"] but clearly do not have a problem with this kind of behaviour?

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > I found a new hobby.

> > Stand among duelers pretending to watch the duels.

> > Then when the enemy goes down, mount up immediately and spike him with maul.

> > Then re-mount and try to escape the other duelers who are now trying to get you.

> > If I escape successfully, I go back to the dueling spot and hide in a corner to wait for the enemy downed icon to show on the map.

> > Then I remount and charge back in to spike with maul.

> > Then I try to run again.


> You are painting a clearer picture to everyone what kind of player you are by saying this - you have issues with roamers [or "gankers"] but clearly do not have a problem with this kind of behaviour?


As a Zergling, I am a firm believer that if its red its dead.

I just find the best time to land the killing blow since I can't win if I barge in mid-fight and my ally retreats and leaves me to fight the enemy alone.


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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> As a Zergling, I am a firm believer that if its red its dead.

> I just find the best time to land the killing blow since I can't win if I barge in mid-fight and my ally retreats and leaves me to fight the enemy alone.

> *shrugs*


I mean if you can't fight on your own, you shouldn't engage with players dueling. At least you're unabashed by your own behavior as rude as it may come across to others.


But honestly, why are you wasting your time and theirs by doing this? Just mount up and watch a zerg battle. You'll see a lot more downs there and can often get a lot more tags or a full three stomps. Then escape the fight and repeat. Not only are you getting loot and finishing players, you're helping your server by killing opponents, securing rallies and gaining PPK. It's much more rewarding than ruining duels.

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> @"fuzzyp.6295" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > As a Zergling, I am a firm believer that if its red its dead.

> > I just find the best time to land the killing blow since I can't win if I barge in mid-fight and my ally retreats and leaves me to fight the enemy alone.

> > *shrugs*


> I mean if you can't fight on your own, you shouldn't engage with players dueling. At least you're unabashed by your own behavior as rude as it may come across to others.


> But honestly, why are you wasting your time and theirs by doing this? Just mount up and watch a zerg battle. You'll see a lot more downs there and can often get a lot more tags or a full three stomps. Then escape the fight and repeat. Not only are you getting loot and finishing players, you're helping your server by killing opponents, securing rallies and gaining PPK. It's much more rewarding than ruining duels.


Okay I will respect their duels and leave them alone...

And later when they are done dueling they come after Zerglings like me and stop me from reaching the Zerg...


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> @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> People were not asking for change or revitalization. They were asking for balance - both skill and server levels. They are asking for bug fixes. They were asking for a meaningful position for the towers on the DBL and a host of other things. What we got was the warclaw and now we're supposed to be all placated because there was a 'change'? Err mer gerrd! Lets totally misrepresent what the bulk of the WvW community was asking for so we can berate them!

Uh... have you even *seen* the forums? People are rarely asking for just "fixes", instead they want to totally change WvW and impose their version of what they think WvW should be.


In fact most people seem to go out of their way to make the most complicated and obtuse suggestions imagineable - and often the suggestion can be replaced by something incredibly simple. Just look at the latest Anet mount changes and how people respond... should we do minor and easy fixes for the mount that solves 95% of the issues? **No here is a 500 word post on how to change the mounts!**


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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> > > You can choose to enjoy the game, or you can choose to cry over spilled milk, this here is not going to go away. I am just trying to show you the fun sides of thing. Its not going away. Unless one choose another game, which I don't plan on doing. I will be here until they announce the server is permanently closed.

> >

> > Since warclaw was released I reduced my time in wvw by about 90%. No more solo roaming cuz 10ish of ppl on mounts just patrol between camps. Nah, I think I'm done with that


> You mean it's changed the dynamics of the game and you might have to alter your approach? Err mer gerrd!


> To me the most fun thing is that everyone who used to complain that WvW needs revitalization now complains that it hasn't remained the same.


if you dont know what people have asked for then dont come in and act like u do.

no1 ever asked for mounts in WvW 90% of changes in WvW where made by bunch of people who in my eyes never set a foot in WvW.

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Fun thing to do with warclaw? Running around literally any meele (and sometimes ranged) class player in circles without getting dismounted showing how badly designed it is. So, when do we at last get griffons in WvW so we wont have to use siege anymore and just braindeadly farm karma?

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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> Fun thing to do with warclaw? Running around literally any meele (and sometimes ranged) class player in circles without getting dismounted showing how badly designed it is. So, when do we at last get griffons in WvW so we wont have to use siege anymore and just braindeadly farm karma?


I was running circles around a gs chrono earlier, it was stupid and I felt terrible for being able to do so. I did not even need terrain for help. As soon as I saw the purple "No mount" icon on their bar I just wanted to dismount and let them kill me.

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I like using spectral walk, running in the middle of a zerg, make them waste their skills on the warclaw and maybe pounce one or three downed enemies in the zerg, then return with the Spectral Return after the pounce or after being dismounted by damage.


> @"reddie.5861" said:

> if you dont know what people have asked for then dont come in and act like u do.

> no1 ever asked for mounts in WvW 90% of changes in WvW where made by bunch of people who in my eyes never set a foot in WvW.


This is widely know. The first recorded instance of someone asking for mounts for WvW was Angry Joe in his review. That is at least one person, and that alone is enough to make "No one ever asked for mounts in WvW" a lie beyond hyperbole.

Then we got the Blessings of Elements and the jump pads in the Desert Borderlands, which also were received positively, since "running to get to the fun" was always the most boring part of WvW.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> This is widely know. The first recorded instance of someone asking for mounts for WvW was Angry Joe in his review. That is at least one person, and that alone is enough to make "No one ever asked for mounts in WvW" a lie beyond hyperbole.

> Then we got the Blessings of Elements and the jump pads in the Desert Borderlands, which also were received positively, since "running to get to the fun" was always the most boring part of WvW.

Of course its a lie. You only need a simple google to see that. 13th october 2017... a poll with "mounts in WvW?". 40% said yes, 59% said no. 1% presumably vanished in the ether from being infracted.


So there you go. If representative of the community, **almost half of it wanted mounts in WvW**.


Edit: and going back further there was *another poll* 22nd september, 2017 with twice as many voters. "Do you want mounts added to WvW?". 43% said yes. 45% said no. 11% wanted blueberry muffin.


So let me reiterate the previous statement: **Almost half of the community wanted mounts in WvW**.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> [...]

> So let me reiterate the previous statement: **Almost half of the community wanted mounts in WvW**.


Well, the thing about polls in official community sites is that hardly anyone visits official community sites, or unnof9icial ones for that matter.


The only real way to know what most of the active playerbase wants is an in-game polling with a rewards that encourages people to do the poll. Like [the NPCs in Side Stories](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Achelle "the NPCs in Side Stories") that ask a question and gives an achievement in exchange.


Even within the forums the difference is huge. There could be a poll in the PvP forums about a feature to encourage more non-PvP players to try and stay in PvP, that would proabably be liked a lot by non-PvP players but not as much by PvP players, and it'll probably get more votes from PvP players, so it would not get its intended demographic.


If there isn't even an in-game link to the poll, the difference between the players that frequent the sites and those who only play the game is just too huge to rely on the poll alone.

And of course there's in-game metrics. People can lie in polls, but the the server records won't lie.

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Hmmm, most fun I've had with Warclaw so far in WvW might not sound like fun to some of you. I was trying out my new scourge, and jumped an enemy in my territory. I was downed during the duel, but of course Necro can keep sucking life after downing (sometimes I suspect I do more damage down than up.) The enemy ran away, and it looked like I would be able to recover. I was just about back on my feet again, when it appeared...a warclaw wreathed in flames. The enemy had managed to get out of combat range and get mounted. As I desperately tried to get up, a FLAMING BEAST bounded toward me. In slow motion, with a soundtrack of doom. The fiery warclaw pounced and all hope was lost. It was like a great movie scene.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> People can lie in polls, but the the server records won't lie.

Server records will say that probably ~95% of people in any given WvW instance now have a mount and use it constantly. *What does that even mean?*


Also when polls are lining up with what posters want themselves they seem more than happy to use them as evidence for what the community in general wants.

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