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Astralaria underwhelming Gen 2 problem?

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Wow i just crafted Astralaria and i'm very disappointed


* shafted the axe is boring, non existing

* fewer footsteps then Sunrise. only 3-4 instead of 8-9, problem of every 2nd gen legendary?

* no really special effects for Firebrand or Mirage. Yes some sound tweaks. btw is that the Gears of War jingle?


overall, after spending so much gold to craft the weapon, im really disappointed

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> @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> Wow i just crafted Astralaria and i'm very disappointed


> * shafted the axe is boring, non existing

> * fewer footsteps then Sunrise. only 3-4 instead of 8-9, problem of every 2nd gen legendary?

> * no really special effects for Firebrand or Mirage. Yes some sound tweaks. btw is that the Gears of War jingle?


> overall, after spending so much gold to craft the weapon, im really disappointed


Astralaria on Mirage has the Astralaria model complete with it's star trail whenever you use Imaginary Axes. In addition, with the Mirrored Axes trait, the Phantasmal Seeking Axes that spawn when you use Lingering Thoughts, Axes of Symmetry Imaginary Axes or complete the Auto Attack Chain are Astralarias as well.


Also the mirage skills just have lots of fun twirls in general including the auto attack chain which just looks great with Astralaria. Zero regreats making it for my mirage.

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> @"Drecien.4508" said:

> Should look them up on YouTube first. The gen 2 are very nice ones.

i did. but the most only stand around and did not move. Wiki just shows the textures.


> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Astralaria on Mirage has the Astralaria model complete with it's star trail whenever you use Imaginary Axes. In addition, with the Mirrored Axes trait, the Phantasmal Seeking Axes that spawn when you use Lingering Thoughts, Axes of Symmetry Imaginary Axes or complete the Auto Attack Chain are Astralarias as well.


> Also the mirage skills just have lots of fun twirls in general including the auto attack chain which just looks great with Astralaria. Zero regreats making it for my mirage.


maybe my Asura Mirage is just to small. looks underwhelming.

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> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > Astralaria on Mirage has the Astralaria model complete with it's star trail whenever you use Imaginary Axes. In addition, with the Mirrored Axes trait, the Phantasmal Seeking Axes that spawn when you use Lingering Thoughts, Axes of Symmetry Imaginary Axes or complete the Auto Attack Chain are Astralarias as well.

> >

> > Also the mirage skills just have lots of fun twirls in general including the auto attack chain which just looks great with Astralaria. Zero regreats making it for my mirage.


> maybe my **Asura** Mirage is just to small. looks underwhelming.


There's your problem.


![](https://i.imgur.com/LvlDNnG.jpg "")


![](https://i.imgur.com/8utz8EX.jpg "")


Weapons are _very teeny tiny_ on asura. Especially when sheathed. Keep in mind, my asura doesn't even reach the height of my warrior's butt.

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> @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> Wow i just crafted Astralaria and i'm very disappointed


> * shafted the axe is boring, non existing

> * fewer footsteps then Sunrise. only 3-4 instead of 8-9, problem of every 2nd gen legendary?

> * no really special effects for Firebrand or Mirage. Yes some sound tweaks. btw is that the Gears of War jingle?


> overall, after spending so much gold to craft the weapon, im really disappointed


To each their own, I suppose. Astralaria is my favorite legendary. I think it looks awesome with and without the animation. Also, I use it on my mirage and it changes the imaginary/phantasmal axe animation. As these occur on every axe attack when using the axe trait, with multiples spawned during an ambush with infinite horizons traited, mirage is generally surrounded by a little cloud of Astralarias in combat. What more do you want?

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Even not having crafted Astralaria yet, all of these responses make me want to log on and start actually learning how to craft for the weapon. I've been aiming for Astralaria for a while, but it's nice that Mirage skills also change, as the character I was aiming to use it on is a Mirage Sylvari - if I ever craft it.


And as mortrialus said, you're also on an Asura. Unfortunately, they are very small, so it could be dampening the effects.

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Astralaria is one of my favorite legendaries. I don't agree that it needs any changes.



As I've said in other threads: **do not** forge a legendary, do not spend time or resources... unless you are 100% sure that it's something you want and that you know _exactly_ what you're getting. It's just too much effort to leave as a surprise til the end.

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Me too, I did Astralaria. I did find it so good that it is the only one leg. weap. I did, from the ones requiring to go via collections (I personally hate that method and have done otherwise only those for which I was able to buy precursor... lazy me). I did never regret it. If find it beautiful.


And for legendaries, before to start any, don't forget that there are videos for each of them allowing to see exactly how it "works" and appears, nicely showing all details. They are very welcome to decide if we really go for one or not. :)

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The footsteps for Astralaria are so gorgeous you would THINK they would get to be viewed but no they vanish before you can see the universe in them. My one wish for the weapon would be that they lasted longer. It was my first second gen crafted.


Chuka also has extremely short lived steps. Also a shame. Yet Shining blade has nice long ones so it is weird.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:


> As I've said in other threads: **do not** forge a legendary, do not spend time or resources... unless you are 100% sure that it's something you want and that you know _exactly_ what you're getting. It's just too much effort to leave as a surprise til the end.


THIS!! My first legendary is quite frankly somewhat of a regret - it's too muted and a weapon type I was already drifting away from when I made it.


I have since both made a legendary I really love, and completed collections I liked but not finished the legendary!


Research your planned legendaries before comitting - preferably seeing them on the same race/class combo you expect to use it most! Race and class can make a much bigger difference than expected!

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> @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> it is my third. Sunrise, Aurora and now Astralaria.

> i can use it for my Firebrand and Mirage. So it is not useless


I didn't mean to single the OP out, but I hope they agree that "not useless" is an undesirable result for an item costing 2200 gold in resources and oodles of time.


> Wow i just crafted Astralaria and i'm very disappointed


That is why I urge everyone to take time, take a lot of time to make sure it's something they really want.



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Regarding changing astralaria sound effect to default mirage flying axe sound effect - HELL NO IF THIS IS CHANGED TO THAT HORRIFIC AWFUL DEFAULT RATTLING NONSENSE I WILL RIOT. Anet, DO NOT for the love of god change this sound effect. :angry:


Forget game balance, the **single best** thing about astralaria on mirage, and probably the only reason I'm able to enjoy playing is because not having to listen to that horrific earache inducing rattling sound effect of phantasmal flying axes/imagjnary axes... I LOVE the normal "whoosh" sound of flying axes that astralaria provides. This had better stay exactly as it is.


Astralaria is an almost perfect legendary, easily my favourite in the game, with the only thing I don't like being the ticking sound of the counterweight moving on the sextant when the weapon is drawn - so I turn legendary sound effects off to not have to put up with it. But clones still have the normal weapon draw sound effect which I like - wish there was a way do turn off the counterweight sound effect but leave the weapon draw sound effect on.


As you an see, sound effects make/break game enjoyment for me. Visuals also but I'm pretty sensitive if I like or don't like a particular sound how it affects my enjoyment of any game.


Regarding visuals - I love astralaria precisely because it is so subtle, not excessively flashy like twilight/sunrise or similar light shows...

Sure maybe footsteps could last 0.5s longer, but I am perfectly happy with how it is now.


Edit: For the record my character is also an asura (max height).

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> @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> Wow i just crafted Astralaria and i'm very disappointed


You literally have a preview to see how it looks stowed and wielded. So really, it's totally your fault that you are disappointed, you knew what it looked like and still went for it anyway. Plus there're many videos you can look up and see what it looks like while using skills.

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