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What is your least favourite sound in the game?

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I've said this before, but the level up "whoosh".


It's fine played once on its own as part of normal levelling, but every time I go to a bank some inconsiderate Skritt-brain is spamming their way from 1 to 80. It's so obnoxious and offensive to the ears (and eyes.. ) that I just have to leave and go do something else.


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> @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> Female Norn’s grunting when she gets knocked down.


Oh I HATE that groaning.

The only thing worse is the repeated blaring noise of someone using level-ups over and over near the bank. I've literally walked away for a while to avoid it.


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There's some buff that someone can throw on people, I think (I guess?) and it's either a pulsing thing they have no control over, or, they realize the sound is super annoying, so they keep buffing everyone. You hear it a lot loitering around waiting for world bosses.








But really, any noise that someone can make that is annoying, and they realize it's annoying, and that's why they are doing it. I guess in a game where a lot of the core design is to "not be unhappy to see another player" (shared loot, individual resource nodes, shared xp, no monster tagging, etc), for some people, getting their hands on a mechanic like this really brightens their day. :disappointed:

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Literally anything and everything SAB related.

Whenever I hear that cringy (poor attempt at) 16bit music.. i just feel my eardrums having insanity symptoms..

Nothing brings me suffering as much as when people are using the Glider, some Super weapons, or the minis. Worse yet, the Super Boombox of Hell

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The sound I hate the most? It's actually a glitch and I'm happy it doesn't happen too often.

It's a skill from Engi, med kit skill 1. If that SSSHHHHH sound gets glitched on an Engi, it sticks to them forever and it's really loud and constant. I'd prefer HoHo Tron Mini or The Dream sounds over that glitch any day.

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When people spam Tomes near bank (I also hate the flashing light that comes from it). And Queen Bee infusion, especially when people stack them... I don't know if it was nerfed or not, I've been playing with sound off for months because I prefer listening to metal while gaming.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Lucky Dog Harvesting Tool... -_-


I wish they used a whistle. Love the dog, but it's painfully embarrassing to hear my Asura main going 'Myeaaahh...waaah' like a whiny three-year-old who can't be bothered to verbalize. :/


It also bothers me, the grunts and stuff that female Charr make, because they sound...male. The voice is too deep and growly, and it's kind of off-putting to have it sound so different from the speaking voice. As if they mixed up the sfx attached to the character.

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