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Upcoming Warclaw bug fixes/changes

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> @"Astrolicus.3716" said:

> **I only ask for few simple things:**

> - You need to fix Keep's tactics, it is annoying to know that there are people who pull it just to waste it and there is nothing the players can do to avoid it.


you are aware that we can already set it to be private. ppl just don't want to restrict access, it is not that we can't.


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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> * Working on a new mounted skill to dismount other mounted players. This may also dismount yourself. We're still debating that. Feedback welcome.

A skill to dismount someone? Might as well just remove the mount. I would appreciate some way of having less situations where people are just staring at each other on their mounts instead of doing something engaging, but this is not it. Having to damage the mount to dismount someone seems fair, but the mount has too much health currently for that to be viable to any but high-damage ranged builds or a thief doing steal+backstab


> @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> Mount hp is 12,096.

Except it's not. It may depends on class, but I'm not entirely confident of that. My necro, engie, guard, ele have mount health of 10972. My rev has 12069.


> @"C Cspace Cowboy.5903" said:

> Ya'll need to remove the ability to be stealthed on mount. It may not be a problem in pve, but in wvw its absolutely broken. When a 50 man zerg can stealth out of render distance and then just bomb on people who had no idea.

This really needs to be dealt with. Easy way to fix it is to give the person reveal on mounting up, then have the same kind of debuff watchtower gives where one can only be in stealth for 2-3 seconds before being forced out whilst mounted. So it wouldn't really affect groups that would mount up and take a veil for stealth, but would deal with those super-coordinated groups that will blast smoke fields far away then mount up with their 12+ seconds of stealth to go obscene distances to engage.

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> @"Kaatora.3186" said:

> > @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> > Mount hp is 12,096.

> Except it's not. It may depends on class, but I'm not entirely confident of that. My necro, engie, guard, ele have mount health of 10972. My rev has 12069.

My Scourge has 12069(96? idr). Every other stream I've watched on Twitch had the same as me. Did you have all masteries unlocked on all those classes?

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> Trap is fine but the dismount skill is a bad idea imho.


You haven't even bothered to give an opinion? I wish people would give constructive feedback on why they think dismount skill is a bad idea.


Players are doing either the following regarding mounts which is why there needs to be an opportunity to dismount players, especially if you're on a mount:


- running past each other entirely since who ever dismounts first is at a dis-advantage

- heavily favors ranged classes since if you engage on a melee class your enemy who is most likely still mounted will either troll you with mount evades or just run away laughing

- hanging around like vultures not engaging in fights (literally being useless) because they want to _fancy finish_ someone letting others do all the work for them prior


Hands down we need an appropriate way to dismount a player on a mount and as long as it dismounts both then combat can proceed as normal. I hope you understand this view point and reconsider why you think dismount skill is a 'bad idea'.


edit: fixed wording.

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> @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> > @"Kaatora.3186" said:

> > > @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> > > Mount hp is 12,096.

> > Except it's not. It may depends on class, but I'm not entirely confident of that. My necro, engie, guard, ele have mount health of 10972. My rev has 12069.

> My Scourge has 12069(96? idr). Every other stream I've watched on Twitch had the same as me. Did you have all masteries unlocked on all those classes?

Everything is maxed. I have over 8k points left doing nothing.

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> @"Kaatora.3186" said:

> Except it's not. It may depends on class, but I'm not entirely confident of that. My necro, engie, guard, ele have mount health of 10972. My rev has 12069.

Its your 10% rune buff affecting the mount hp.


Anyway, someone mentioned the trap would be good for "mass dismount".


Yeah, no.


As we have seen over the last weeks, the mounts cause little to no problem with larger groups and zerging. Even smallscale, once you go over 5 peeps you can *easily* force a dismount by focus fire and thus the enemy has to engage or loose people. Most zergs now choose to fully dismount before battle, as do guild groups.


**A trap is pointless. No one will use it.** Why? Because it cost supplies. No one will spend supplies to dismount people that will dismount anyway. This is as redundant as putting a reveal trap inside a ballooned tower.


The dismounting is only an issue in very small scale and random 1v1 encounters.


So Anet... save yourself time. Dont make a stupid trap no one will use 2 days after the novelty wears off.

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I think breakbars are a good idea (lol would be funny if they made them scale with the number of enemies around trololol)


I think it would be fair for warclaw skills to require supply to execute.


Sniff would be more useful if it revealed enemies to your allies when you used the skill....I can't really say I use the skill often in the first place, it might feel more attention worthy if it did a little more (ie. allies can see the enemies as well).


RIP little jump dismounts - I use it to feel stylish - please replace it with something fab <3

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As a primarily PvE player who got back into WvW only because of Warclaw's speed and safety of traversal, I dislike the idea of a dismount skill. It will just bring back the ganking and have the trolls - oh, pardon me, "roamers" - rejoice, while encouraging the new WvW players to return back to their previous activities. Traps - I can understand; they require planning and cost time and supply, but not a ranged mount skill.


If it still happens, I would hope that other limitations are considered extra to "**dismounts both players**", such as:


* being a **fairly long channel that roots you in place** (so that you can dismount someone who's trying to get into a tower by timing the skill, but not just gank anyone catching up to the zerg from afar),

* **requires supply** so that it's not spammable without resupplying,

* has a **minimum number of players required to trigger** - like, you can dismount a group of, say, 3 roamers in a terrifying AoE roar, but not a single scrub catching up to their tag,

* or if that's a ranged attack like a thrown lance, that should at least be **evadable**,

* **knockdowns** the player who used the dismount skill.


Otherwise the new mount's usefulness will be hampered even more - and it already feels anemic after the nerfs.

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> @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> > > > @"Hadi.6025" said:

> > > > Reduce the mount health from 10k to 5000-4000

> > >

> > > Mount hp is 12,096.

> > >

> >

> > mine is 10.8k?


> Full masteries?


yup.. I got a few thousand points spare actually.



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> @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> > > > @"Hadi.6025" said:

> > > > Reduce the mount health from 10k to 5000-4000

> > >

> > > Mount hp is 12,096.

> > >

> >

> > mine is 10.8k?


> Full masteries?


Yup, few thousand spare points too.


I read somewhere it varies on class although I cant seem to find that comment at the moment

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> @"Lishtenbird.2814" said:

> As a primarily PvE player who got back into WvW only because of Warclaw's speed and safety of traversal, I dislike the idea of a dismount skill. It will just bring back the ganking and have the trolls - oh, pardon me, "roamers" - rejoice, while encouraging the new WvW players to return back to their previous activities. Traps - I can understand; they require planning and cost time and supply, but not a ranged mount skill.


> If it still happens, I would hope that other limitations are considered extra to "**dismounts both players**", such as:


> * being a **fairly long channel that roots you in place** (so that you can dismount someone who's trying to get into a tower by timing the skill, but not just gank anyone catching up to the zerg from afar),

> * **requires supply** so that it's not spammable without resupplying,

> * has a **minimum number of players required to trigger** - like, you can dismount a group of, say, 3 roamers in a terrifying AoE roar, but not a single scrub catching up to their tag,

> * or if that's a ranged attack like a thrown lance, that should at least be **evadable**,

> * **knockdowns** the player who used the dismount skill.


> Otherwise the new mount's usefulness will be hampered even more - and it already feels anemic after the nerfs.


I don't know if you're trolling or not, but in case you aren't - have you considered that wvw is just not the gamemode for you ? Wvw for many people including myself is the only reason we play gw2 the last pve thing I've done was get to 450 weaponsmithing only to have a certain sigil on my weapons for wvw, I had not left the shiverpeaks for around 6 months now I only connect to either join wvw immediately or kill some ice wyrms while waiting in the queue.


WvW is not ment for people who want to get dank skins dyes or what ever it is you are trying to get by grinding camp guards, wvw is based around a concept of being a deadly battlefield in which the players who play in the most organised and strategic manner prevail - yes that includes "roaming" and "ganking" it's not supposed to be risk free to travel from point a to point b thus why so many oppose the mounts current state, as an un cc able armored race car with 3 evades which makes it impossible to roam or ambush anyone and that doesn't only hinder with small scale play it makes it absolutely impossible to intercept zergs, use mass stealth and combined with the glider makes it very easy to form an endless stream of reinforcement to objectives under attack causing the attacking side to be punished much less by poor organisation and tactics.


This gamemode is not about grinding up pieces of rocks safely so you could get your chest plate trimmed or god knows what it is you need safe passage for in wvw

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Just bake the dismount skill right into the chain pull (when used on players).

Pull them right off their high hor-- cat. (And you.)


I don't know why but I subconsciously feel the 3 skill should be a pull when used on players/NPCs. I suppose I'll blame Mortal Combat.


~ Kovu


edit- Ah, I see that was already suggested but is difficult to implement. Shame.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Hey all, just wanted to put out a quick note about some upcoming Warclaw changes.


> Short-term

> * We're working on a fix for the issue where people can get stuck on their mount, and still have their 3 evades and such. There may be more than one bug that causes this, but we think we're getting the most egregious one.

> * We're going to remove the jump on dismount. It's one of the biggest things used to bypass walls/gates and it was faster to remove the jump rather than try to fix each of those individually.

> * Fix to the sitting in box achievement areas so you can mount up in them.


> Medium to Long-term

> * Working on a dismount trap

> * Working on a new mounted skill to dismount other mounted players. This may also dismount yourself. We're still debating that. Feedback welcome.


> Even Longer term

> * We're considering adding break-bars to the WvW Mount. It's still a big if, as this will also require UI considerations.


> Edit: Added cat box achievement fix.


All these ideas sound great.


The break bar idea, I believe should be limited to only showing up to a person attached to a door because being instantly dismounted by another player while dedicating time to using the warclaw as siege, it should have time to react like one in a sense.


Otherwise a skill to dismount other players would be a big and much needed thing.

(At the end of the day, if a person doesn't want to face an encounter and fight, they are going to run. Look at Mesmers and Thieves, they can literally teleport away forever and thats fine? So why is running on a mount that bad?)


Also, Mounts should be able to help your team mates without a mount and promote various strategies.

Having a mount and escorting a golem or a transformation/banner skills is such a slow process or people still without mounts are hugely disadvantaged. Having each mount perhaps be able to attach a skill onto a nearby player on foot to speed them up could be a nice addition. Helping fellow players while also creating strategies like having small warclaw squadrons to attach speed on to players to rush themselves into an enemy zerg quicker, etc.

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Any way we can pick up seige weapon with a mount so siege doesn't just sit there idle when not used. 1(one) sick weapon can be picked up and dropped to deploy. With every use while mounted, lose portable seige hp. To compensate, mounts carrying siege can't dodge/dash or will travel slower as they are holding a bundle. Something along these lines.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Toolbox.9375" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > @"Mechanix.9315" said:

> > > > Thx BenP,

> > > >

> > > > **Working on a new mounted skill to dismount other mounted players. This may also dismount yourself. We're still debating that. Feedback welcome.**

> > > >

> > > > If you guys thinking in a new skill, rather than adding the behaviour to skill 1, then should be a dismount with range, so you can actually dismount from lets say 1200 range, like a chain, its the only thing that i can think right now in order to not be forced to play longbow soulbeast.

> > > >

> > > > This is the most important change imo, maybe i can get back into game with this change.

> > >

> > > Ranged attack is the current plan. Exact range tbd.

> >

> > Could dismount functionality be added to the current gate-chain skill? Seems like it'd be pretty fitting.


> That was the original plan. But that skill turned out so bloated in terms of how it needed to be implemented that I really didn't want to put anything else on it.


How about just copying the Engage skill, just make it so if it misses it doesn't dismount the user? Or give it some bigger AoE to compensate the leap range.

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> @"Hadi.6025" said:

> Hey please dont infracture my post... But why wasn't this thought of before the release of Warclaw mounts? No one in the studio thought " how will other players engage each other in smaller groups? " if everyone is on mounts it's just cat and mouse and no one can dismount unless they want to engage. This ruins the WvW experience for both sides because.. 1. Theres no risk you can just Run from people you dont want to fight, theres no challenge in it. 2. Mount has too much health so even if i use maul to engage , i cant deal enough damage to get the other player off mount as im trying to catch up to them. Players always going to complain about getting ganked thats a natural occurrence in WvW . That's like saying oh man im getting outnumbered constantly. That's just the part of WvW , sometimes you will get outnumbered. Don't make it easier for that small group of players who never want to play and just Karma train for dailies and log out.



> Reduce the mount health from 10k to 5000-4000 and make BOTH players dismount when using engage target. That's how you balance war claw.


> Thought's on defiance bar?

> If it's anything like the War banner tactivators, i'm going to have to say no to that idea. Give them skills that can make them immune to CC but still give counter play like a skill that gives mount stability, instead of the current 100% immunity to all CC's. That is just ridiculous.


As if people weren't already running from combat before the Warclaw? People were and there wasn't a risk of running away then either. Look at the thief and mesmer, they literally have builds for running.

Just because it's harder to bully someone who wants to avoid combat, people are complaining.

I think it's better that people who would have run away anyway get to run, it's not fun being pummeled by an encounter you were already trying to run from.


At the end of the day, there was always people running away from combat and we shouldn't act like the Warclaw changed that, it hasn't. It just means people who have no mercy for someone who had no intention of fighting in the first place, don't always get their kill. Good.


I run with a small group of players and we still run from encounters that we know better than to take on. Running isn't new, don't act like Anet has royally messed up by not thinking of adding this stuff sooner.

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> @"Hadi.6025" said:

> > @"Drastic.8920" said:

> > Please consider an ICD if a player was forced to dismount.


> I second this, no player who is dismounted and can OOC (OUT OF COMBAT) really quickly like a dash thief or a Mirage with ports, should be able to mount up instantly. Please put a CD on it if the mount was killed or player was forcefully dismounted. Like 20 seconds or something.


Like that matters, Mesmers still have the capacity to out run people on mounts because they can stealth, teleport and move quickly. It won't matter mount or not, that mesmer will disappear and wait out the cooldown if they wanted to run.

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