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GW2 should focus on:

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my top 3

* more frequent WvW and PvP rebalancing, destroy toxic meta builds

* turn all existing and future outfits into armor skins, and import more GW1 armor arts into GW2, i'll happily pay for gems using real cash

* and something really long shot in relation to the game engine, figure out how to overcome the cpu bottleneck

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As someone who's played every mode of play available in the game.... Relatively in order of importance to me.


0. An expansion that addresses the following (and yeah it'll probably have a good story so I'm less worried about that):

1. Rethinking what post level 80 progression means, namely rethinking masteries. Masteries do not adequately fit the bill for the explicit purpose of feeling more capable in a purely combat perspective. They are largely a movement/QoL/Region Specific stopgap to temporarily curtail progress, after which the mastery is either completely inconsequential or otherwise relegated to something you interact with once in a while depending on region. For example, the fact that no masteries have interacted with raids for example, since HoT is indicative that it was not as successful/impactful as they would have liked. The mobility masteries, gliding/mounts, don't really feel like progression in the sense that your character is more capable. They're fun, and of course I'm happy that they're in the game, but to call them vertical progression would be inaccurate at best.

2. Guild Interfacing: having more meaning/interfacing/impact. WvW is a *good* example of how the guild system succeeded in impacting a game mode with all its bonuses to capturable objectives/siege/active and passive tactics/ improvements. PvP, by nature seems the most difficult to add things that can interface well, but Adding a GvG feature (LOOKING AT YOU HERO'S ASCENT) could be significant just as a firsthand idea off the top of my head. I'd like to see more Guild Mission varieties and a bigger reason to want to be in one. Also, this way GvG kitten can move off of WvW maps and dedicate it to its own space where it won't interfere with the goings on of a particular WvW map. I think everybody wins in that respect.

3. All things Competitive getting a super rebalance, serious attentions paid to increasing the number of PvP modes. WvW changes to make Points Per Tick relevant again.

a. Conquest is basically all we've gotten since launch.

b. Based off a, Stronghold needs a severe rework. If I wanted to play a 3rd person moba I'd play smite. I don't care if they need to rip Fort Aspenwood directly from GW1, use that instead, but modernize the things that obviously won't translate well into GW2 can feel like they fit just fine in this game as well.

c. Concerning WvW… I know people like to have big old fights, but the reason is mostly bc there's no point to being in Tier 1. IF being in a higher tier meant more rewards, WAYYYY faster reward track progression, I would HOPE that PPT would be at least a bit more meaningful. I'd need more imput from people who WvW more than I do (about 1/4th of my play goes to that mode)

4. Give matchups relevance again. Actual incentives to have a stake in the game mode. The proposed alliance changes are good for restructuring, but rewards in WvW are a joke.

d. Incentivize defense. WvW is basically a circular pancake flipping simulator. We all go in a circle and flip stuff, rarely do people defend an objective for any significant length of time, and the rewards for defense are purely XP, when if they threw in an item, it would go a long way to helping WvW feel a *bit* more rewarding.

e. Please god meaningful balance. Not all professions are created equal and over time it shows.

6. Overworld content that's actually challenging. Elite zones, thinking like GW1's Underworld, Fissure of Woe, Domain of Anguish, but a map with a hub and the rest of the map has actually tough mobs. Raid-lite/Fractal-lite mechanics that tie into events and story similar to Dragons Stand, but perhaps with a bit more variance. Just brainstorming.

7. Ideally, getting over the cpu bottleneck would be fantastic, as mentioned by @"crepuscular.9047" and others, though I don't know about how likely this is. Not holding my breath, but it's a dream at this point.

8. Playable Tengu. Or something. Throw us a bone here dangit :tongue:


With love,



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I vote on WWW , because think that content more can attract new players.

ofc if fishing will be added - will be cool.


also I am SCARED:

scared if old map will be changed - why we need broke what works ?

scared if dungeons will be changed. This is warm content, without big toxication from intsabilites, of etc. And perfect place go wiht mates without any hardcore. Also this is perfect place to newbie touch some content ..

scared if fractal will be changed, because all last changes mostly make from good friendly run some challenge and kick after five fails on last boss ...

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