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Global Unidentified Gear Incoming, March 26th!

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> Well, opened 112 blue bags, received 101 blue items, 11 green, nothing higher.

112 bags isn't a very big sample; I'm not surprised at the ratio. (There's some [decent modeling of what to expect from Testifye](https://sites.google.com/view/gw2-tipm/home).)


> Sold my greens after that. Opened my 8 rares, received 8 rares.

Greens were probably always better to sell, unless you boosted. 8 isn't anything close to a sample that tells us anything.


> Completed 1 Palawadan(yes, it completed today) received 0 exotics from any source.

That's still not a very useful sample for comparison.


> The amount of regular drops HAS been changed, it's almost all unids now. I did receive 1 rare and 1 green drop from bosses. Hard nerf.

Yes, it was intended to reduce the huge faucet of rares and exotics that people were getting by boosting MF to 900% and above.

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> @"Kiza.5630" said:

> > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> > What we DO know though is that this change will kill, the already scarcely populated, PoF and LS4 maps. Which is baffling to me since usually MMO devs WANT their latest maps to be the most active. Are there any plans to keep these maps alive?


> Why would it kill those maps? The great majority of players is not even aware of MF affecting identifying or doesn't care. Players only on the maps to farm unid items are already "contained" on the farm crazy maps and ignore most of the others.


Maybe they weren't but they were aware of the prices on UnIDs on TP for sure, now its gone to drain.

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Sold the Unids I picked up today, at a fraction of the usual coin.

Same time investment.

The previous coin wasn't alot for most but, for a new-kid-on-the-block I was happy.

Now? Disheartened. Guessing, if I didn't know the difference, I wouldn't know would I?

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Hey all,

Looked through most of this post and not sure if this q has been asked yet ( I didn't see it but..!)


Opened some of my unid'd drops from low level areas tonight, and all of the mats are Level 80 - shouldn't the level of the gear be remaining the same as the zone it dropped in, if it is under level 80?? :/

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> @"Flapcat.2890" said:

> Hey all,

> Looked through most of this post and not sure if this q has been asked yet ( I didn't see it but..!)


> Opened some of my unid'd drops from low level areas tonight, and all of the mats are Level 80 - shouldn't the level of the gear be remaining the same as the zone it dropped in, if it is under level 80?? :/


If you got unid gear then you already got it on a level 80. You have to open your bags on characters that are not level 80 yet. Also, mob drops have always scaled this way. To keep level 80 players from simply farming low level maps and flooding the market with low level materials.

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> @"Genuinetheo.6591" said:

> > @"Flapcat.2890" said:

> > Hey all,

> > Looked through most of this post and not sure if this q has been asked yet ( I didn't see it but..!)

> >

> > Opened some of my unid'd drops from low level areas tonight, and all of the mats are Level 80 - shouldn't the level of the gear be remaining the same as the zone it dropped in, if it is under level 80?? :/


> If you got unid gear then you already got it on a level 80. You have to open your bags on characters that are not level 80 yet.


But if you did meta events on low level maps on a Level 80 character before the patch, you would get


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Ok, I still don't get it and I went through many posts explaining how it works.... Could a dev explain the changes with Magic Find again, very clearly, PLEASE?


I thought the point of MF was to have somewhat advantage among other players! It pisses me off now how it all looks like nerfing any chance of getting cool gear. I clearly noticed when I stopped getting as many exotics as I used to, after about 2 years of playing, and I've been playing a lot! Much too much of this game.


If there is not much point to MF anymore, give us some refund! :s :s :'(



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> @"Avelione.6075" said:

> Ok, I still don't get it and I went through many posts explaining how it works.... Could a dev explain the changes with Magic Find again, very clearly, PLEASE?

> :'(

> I thought the point of MF was to have somewhat advantage among other players! It pisses me off now how it all looks like nerfing any chance of getting cool gear. I clearly noticed when I stopped getting as many exotics as I used to, after about 2 years of playing, and I've been playing a lot! Much too much of this game.


> If there is not much point to MF anymore, give us some refund! :s :s :'(




I answered it in your other thread. The unid bag rarity is affected by magic find as is the chance for an additional exotic drop.


tdlr drops are still affected by magic find as they always were. The only difference is that in PoF onwards, magic find no longer affects the contents of the unids as well

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Well... this certainly makes MF less valuable and is a slap in the face to veterans or people who have spent loads of time/money maxing out their MF. Sure, it's not completely useless and players with high MF still have an advantage but that advantage is much much less.


I think this change will hurt the farming population and economy.

Why not make the UnID change global but allow their contents to all be affected by MF? That would be the fun route and would help everybody feel more motivated to play in more regions/maps of Tyria and profit.


ALSO, let's not forget the importance and value of having blues/greens to salvage to increase your MF. Now the reason to acquire them will diminish and their value will drop.


I'm all for getting UniDs all across Tyria, but I don't like this MF change one bit.

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> @"wetwillyhip.7254" said:

> Well... this certainly makes MF less valuable and is a slap in the face to veterans or people who have spent loads of time/money maxing out their MF. Sure, it's not completely useless and players with high MF still have an advantage but that advantage is much much less.


> I think this change will hurt the farming population and economy.

> Why not make the UnID change global but allow their contents to all be affected by MF? That would be the fun route and would help everybody feel more motivated to play in more regions/maps of Tyria and profit.


> ALSO, let's not forget the importance and value of having blues/greens to salvage to increase your MF. Now the reason to acquire them will diminish and their value will drop.


> I'm all for getting UniDs all across Tyria, but I don't like this MF change one bit.


Basically Anet said: "We do not care about veteran players, we just want new players." I don't understand the logic behind removing MF from it. If someone puts effort, preparation and time into collecting, opening and sorting 10000+ of unid gears, why punish that effort by removing it all together? Already unid gears on TP are getting closer and closer to Vendor price. We already have Bloodstone dust, Dragonite ore and other shitty ascended crap that we can only feed a few per day into certain items. Apparently unid gear is gonna become the same value as those, just with a vendor value, so it will become more efficient to just vendor the bunch of them instead of opening/salvaging them. Honestly, Blizzard did the same thing with destroying Twinks, exactly the same, punish players effort and time invested into something with removing it completely, i have never heard or cannot imagine a new player complaining "omg this guy playing for years has higher magic find than me and gets exotics more often" -> IT IS HOW ITS SUPPOSED TO BE, Veteran player, should be rewarded for being loyal and kept playing the game for as long as it has. No idea which direction you're going with this Anet...

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> @"wetwillyhip.7254" said:

> Well... this certainly makes MF less valuable and is a slap in the face to veterans or people who have spent loads of time/money maxing out their MF. Sure, it's not completely useless and players with high MF still have an advantage but that advantage is much much less.


> I think this change will hurt the farming population and economy.

> Why not make the UnID change global but allow their contents to all be affected by MF? That would be the fun route and would help everybody feel more motivated to play in more regions/maps of Tyria and profit.


> ALSO, let's not forget the importance and value of having blues/greens to salvage to increase your MF. Now the reason to acquire them will diminish and their value will drop.


> I'm all for getting UniDs all across Tyria, but I don't like this MF change one bit.


See I don't see MF as creating advantage or disadvantage over other players.

MF is there for all to work on maxing out as they play. Some chose early on to go hard and max out as quick as possible, others chose to amble and new players have to start at the same place we all did.

Buffing MF is there for all to utilise if a player chooses to invest in obtaining such buffs.. food, enrichments, guild buffs, etc etc.. If the system is to be seen as gaining advantage then why incorporate the buffs or MF in the first place.. everyone would of simply been on a level playing field.

This change is just a nerf to cull player wealth in a variety of ways and it feels like the pinch is really being applied to the game. I mean the reward structure was for the most part unrewarding to me anyways and worse some events are just not balanced in line with others.. AB, SW, DS all offer reward but require time and effort to get to the end fights and loot... whilst others have just as much time /effort but offer very little in return.. SI, 3HW.

The we get a 10minute Teq that offers just as much but with a smidge of the efforts.

Let's be honest the reward structure is shot to pieces and has been for a long time, many maps and map events are simply ignored and this change will not help one bit with that.

Simply put this does nothing to put life back into the game, to me it makes it feel even less rewarding and does nothing to incentivise.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:> Greetings, Tyrians!> > We’ve been working on a few major changes to loot drops at level 80 which will provide both quality of life improvements and help with the long-term health of the economy. These will go into effect on March 26.> > **• Core Tyria and the Heart of Maguuma regions will now drop Unidentified Gear rather than individual fine, masterwork, and rare items.**> > **• Magic find will no longer affect the results of identifying Unidentified Gear.**> > **• Unidentified Gear reward tables are being changed to account for their availability across Tyria, including:**> > o Setting the frequency of rare item drops in the Crystal Desert region to the same frequency as rare items from the rest of Tyria> o Removal of Eyes of Kormir, Congealed Putrescence, and Pulsing Brandsparks from salvaging Unidentified Gear—they’ll now drop from the Crystal Desert region loot tables> o Addition of fine and masterwork Reclaimed Weapons from the Heart of Maguuma region to Unidentified Gear loot tables>

> This means Unidentified Gear has the same value to everyone once it has dropped, regardless of your current magic find.> > If you’ve been playing in areas that dropped Unidentified Gear, and you were identifying those items, your overall chances to receive exotic gear and legendary precursors will decrease. If you’ve been playing in core Tyria or Heart of Thorns maps, your chances for exotic and precursor drops will increase if you choose to identify the Unidentified Gear you find. This equalizes your chances of getting those drops across any part of Tyria you like to play in.> > To summarize the changes:> > Before the 3/26 change> • Unidentified Gear drops are influenced by magic find twice—once when received as a drop and once when identified.> • Fine, masterwork, and rare equipment drops are influenced by magic find once, when received as a drop.> > After the 3/26 change> • Unidentifed Gear drops are influenced by Magic Find once, when received as a drop. Exotic equipment still has the same chance it currently does to drop directly in addition to the rare chance to obtain it from identifying gear.>

> > ---> >

> _Overall, you’ll get the same amount of loot and won’t have to play inventory wars as much._> > We look forward to getting these changes out to you soon! > We’ll localize this information as soon as possible for our global community. +1Healthy changes. Good Job!! Anet

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Removing MF bonus from identifying gears seems like a nerf for everyone, including those with low MF. Before, players with low MF could sell unided gears for good profit. Now, we have to open them for poor rewards.


EDIT - While I haven’t played around with this much, as of now, this seems worse for inventory management than before.


Before, I just opened my bag once in a while to salvage all.


Now, I must open my bag, look for blue, green, and rare unided gears (I often have trouble finding them), id them all, then salvage all (since, AFAIK, just salvaging the unided will prevent me from getting exotics and such). Not only that, if I have too many unided gears in a stack, iding them all will fill up my bag. So, I must split the unided stacks, then id them, then salvage them, split another unided stack, id them, salvage, repeat...

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> @"Lord Alfred.6541" said:

> > @"Sir Shreder.4206" said:

> > Now players will have to buy bag slots to salvage unids loot or skip events to salvage loot.


> The opposite is the case, players will buy less bag slots since more of the unids are dropped(instead of the equipment) which can be stack. For the identifying process you will need just a single char with maxed out inventory and not multiple. The need for the slots will shift from 'during farming and salvaging' to 'after farming and indentifying/salvaging' which is a good change. If you are playing with only one character nothing will change regarding the need of bag slots. Also nothing will change, if you are using your chars to deposit items. I also would like to comment that you don't need the slots at all.




On the one hand, you are right. When players participate in events they should think of how many cells their bag has.

But on the other hand, when player what to identify what exactly they got... they have to open that unids bags. And at that moment they realized that they need to have a bigger bag to open loot bags for that. Or they should salvage unids loot that won't be a convenient way for the most players.


You should understand there was not a word that unids loot won't be salvaged. So it causes another problem too because you can't use the command "salvage all".


Of course, I wouldn't say about nerfing MF what others say a lot.



Thanks ANet for making their game so weird.

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> @"mljinki.4670" said:

> Basically Anet said: "We do not care about veteran players, we just want new players." I don't understand the logic behind removing MF from it.

Actually I think what Anet really says is: "We never intended magic find to have that much of an impact on who gets better loot, so we are going back to how we intended magic find to work".


Magic find still applies the way it applied since the original change from a gear stat to an account stat way back in the early years of the game. The more magic find you have, the better your chance at better quality loot. It is applied every time you drop a piece of loot while playing the game. What it no longer does is apply in artificially inflated numbers (as in numbers you can't maintain while playing for hours around the world) to skew the aquisition of high quality loot heavily towards the minority of players that are willing and able to reach those numbers.


> @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> Removing MF bonus from identifying gears seems like a nerf for everyone, including those with low MF. Before, players with low MF could sell unided gears for good profit. Now, we have to open them for poor rewards.

Actually there is only so much wealth to go around. With the chance to get good gear from unidentified gear spread more evenly across everyone, regardless of their chance to stack magic find, price for unidentified compared to the average value you get from identifying will settle to be comparable again once the markets calm down. There's a good chance exotics and ectos will rise in value, which will be a gain for everyone except the few that got a generous supply of them by opening rare unidentified gear before the change.


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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Kiza.5630" said:


> > Why would it kill those maps? The great majority of players is not even aware of MF affecting identifying or doesn't care. Players only on the maps to farm unid items are already "contained" on the farm crazy maps and ignore most of the others.


> Maybe they weren't but they were aware of the prices on UnIDs on TP for sure, now its gone to drain.


If you exclusively play this game for loot and rewards, yeah then I guess there is less incentive to go to those maps now. Which I find kinda hilarious because loot in this game have always been, well trash. I don't really understand why everyone is so fixated on getting rewards from events and mobs when you just can craft everything needed in a fraction of the time and enjoy the game for something else than a hardcore farming rpg. The majority will just shrug and continue to sell, open or outright salvage the unid stuff, because it was never very profitable unless you specifically "farmed" it.

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> @"Kiza.5630" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > @"Kiza.5630" said:


> > > Why would it kill those maps? The great majority of players is not even aware of MF affecting identifying or doesn't care. Players only on the maps to farm unid items are already "contained" on the farm crazy maps and ignore most of the others.

> >

> > Maybe they weren't but they were aware of the prices on UnIDs on TP for sure, now its gone to drain.


> If you exclusively play this game for loot and rewards, yeah then I guess there is less incentive to go to those maps now. Which I find kinda hilarious because loot in this game have always been, well trash. I don't really understand why everyone is so fixated on getting rewards from events and mobs when you just can craft everything needed in a fraction of the time and enjoy the game for something else than a hardcore farming rpg. The majority will just shrug and continue to sell, open or outright salvage the unid stuff, because it was never very profitable unless you specifically "farmed" it.


Please now tell me that it isn't the loot that keep HoT and LW3 maps alive for so long. And that isn't the lack of loot that Elona is deserted.

And what exactly wrong with playing to get some loot in RPG?

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* _Updated level-80 rewards in most areas of the game to drop unidentified gear instead of common, masterwork, or rare items. Some items that are only available in certain areas or tied to specific content will still drop directly._

This is, without a doubt, a huge QoL improvement since I don't have to salvage and clean up my inventory nearly as frequently as before. Thanks, ANET!


* _Removed the chance to acquire Eyes of Kormir, Congealed Putrescence, and Pulsing Brandsparks when salvaging unidentified gear. These will now drop occasionally as loot from creatures in the Crystal Desert instead._

Oh, thank the Deities for that! Having Eyes of Kormir and Congealed Putrescence litter my inventory was hugely annoying, especially since you couldn't vendor the stuff and couldn't usefully TP it, seeing as it was stuck at huge stacks of 2 copper each. I'm not so sure about the Brandsparks, but it makes sense to be consistent, I guess. The price of those is already back up to a point where you *can* sell them on the TP now, too.


* _Magic find no longer affects the identification of unidentified gear._

Good! I never understood why it should, or would. High MF is difficult and expensive to maintain for long periods of time. Applying a very high, short term boosted magic find to the drops accumulated from hours and hours of game play never struck me as particularly healthy or desirable.


* _Significantly reduced the chances of acquiring rare Sunspear weapons from pieces of rare unidentified gear._

OK, makes sense now that unidentified gear is so much more widely available. Have you also put the ecto drop rate from salvaging those back to normal?


* _Added fine and masterwork Reclaimed weapons to the pool of items available from fine and masterwork unidentified gear._

This I don't get. In fact, it strikes me as entirely inconsistent with your goal of separating region drops: Shouldn't Reclaimed weapons fall into the category of region-specific gear and drop directly in HoT maps only?


Now, what we need is a few more options when right clicking on salvaging kits and salvage-o-matics. Each salvage fine/masterwork/rare... option should also have a similar option excepting unidentified gear. Alternatively, please make it so that unidentified gear is preferentially sorted into invisible bags in the inventory.

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Worst update ever...

Even if i appreciate the effort to the qol the hard nerf is simply too much.

Unid gears prices have drown to nearly nothing so you can't sell them anymore for "quick profit", and what you could do in one click before (sell loots) now requires more clicks...

So to resume, less gold for players, more actions to do the exact same thing than before (not to mention the huge slap in the face to vets players whose mf is now more than useless) = worst update ever as stated earlier.

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> @"phs.6089" said:


> Please now tell me that it isn't the loot that keep HoT and LW3 maps alive for so long. And that isn't the lack of loot that Elona is deserted.

> And what exactly wrong with playing to get some loot in RPG?


Nothing, but it's sad if that's the only thing. Also RPGs were never about loot (for me). Diablo clones are.

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> * _Magic find no longer affects the identification of unidentified gear._

> **Good! I never understood why it should, or would.** High MF is difficult and expensive to maintain for long periods of time. Applying a very high, short term boosted magic find to the drops accumulated from hours and hours of game play never struck me as particularly healthy or desirable.


I will try to answer your question. Before the PoF launch, in the test period, the players asked ANet why they introduced a new item as reward (the unidentified gear) because we already have a reward system. The answer was that the Unidentified gear is a **feature** of PoF, with unidentified gear being affected by MF at the moment you identify the gear. The identification of the Un ID gear was not free - it had a cost. And was possible only by unlocking a heart vendor. Because of the reset that means you had to complete a heart vendor every day (or in every map you played) to have access to identify the Un ID gear.


The players reaction was very strong **against** those aspects and ANet canceled the price for identifying the gear.


So, if ANet was not able to diminish the income by taking our silvers/un id gear, now it takes the effect of MF in order to achieve the same goal: reduced income. But, this time they took something from PoF, lowering its value but only **after** selling it and receiving the full demanded price.


I wonder if ANet are really serious with the campaign of bringing back the old players. They just completed a change working **against** the veterans. They severely diminished the incomes from Istan (the other farming map like Silverwastes). They also made the max MF non beneficial in almost all the moments. Is ANet thinking that these changes can make a player who left GW2 from various reasons so happy that he will return?

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