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Global Unidentified Gear Incoming, March 26th!

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FIRSTLY, even after re-reading the comments of the devs - I am still not sure I even correctly UNDERSTAND what they are saying they are doing. Especially concerning the Exotics.

It is definitely not written clearly enough or we would not be having all this confusion in the comments.

SO , assuming I understand things correctly then :

Do not like this change. Maybe even HATE this change.

For about 2 years now , I have been busy identifying, salvaging INSTEAD of selling so I could get the Luck , chasing achieves, and generally working hard to elevate my Magic Find so I could get nice drops like my friends who are "day 1" players. This change really disappoints me as now all the hours salvaging and consuming luck - all that clicking ( as I never had room in my bags { cause 32 slot bags are way overpriced to craft or buy! } to do a "salvage all" on a stack) are wasted .

ALL those hours spent in my inventory and all that clicking doing what I thought would , _**eventually **_(since it takes SO LONG to elevate MF),

HELP me get nicer loot - will now have been for nothing ? ........ definitely does not make me a happy player. What is the point left in Magic Find then ???

Keep in mind that I say this -- not even having gotten mine raised super high yet- as raising it is difficult and time consuming.

ALSO -- Why are these changes being made in relation to WHERE you want to play ? Are you trying to get more activity into lesser played maps ??

Are not there OTHER QoL issues that needed attention more than this ?

Lastly - My friends and I "thought" we noticed , a week or 2 ago that certain bags (some were un-identified gear types ), were NO LONGER saying affected by MF in their description. We even debated if we should report it as possible bug...

--SO another question is : Did you sneak this change in early ?? Or were there some bags with wrong descriptors that you changed and conveniently didn't tell us about and just lumped it under World Polish ? Anyone else notice this ?

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> @"killermanjaro.5670" said:

> Jusk to ask, because I've never been sure, will/do exotics/precursors have a chance to drop from blue and green unidentified gear? Or do/will they only have a chance to drop from yellow unidentified gear?


precursor have a chance to drop from almost anything in the game including blue and green Unids

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"killermanjaro.5670" said:

> > Jusk to ask, because I've never been sure, will/do exotics/precursors have a chance to drop from blue and green unidentified gear? Or do/will they only have a chance to drop from yellow unidentified gear?


> Yes they do drop from blue and green unids. The bag colour donates min drop rarity and the most common type inside


Thanks for the confirmation.

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> @"Twyn.7320" said:

> '**Unidentified Gear drops are influenced by Magic Find once** when received as a **drop**. **Exotic equipment still has the same chance** it currently does to drop directly **in addition to the rare chance to obtain it from identifying gear**.'


> This is where people are getting stuck. Because the wording for exotics makes it seem like we're getting two chances at loot, whilst the 'Before Change' stated that we had two chances, being reduced in the 'After Change' to one. How it sounds to me:


> If I kill a monster, my MF determines whether that bag is Fine/Masterwork/Rare Unidentified Gear.

> If I open the Gear of a rarity, it'll give me an item of that rarity, or will be upgraded at the same % chance as everyone else in the game. So if the flat rate is 30%, everyone in the game will have a 30% chance of getting an upgrade whilst identifying a piece of gear, as MF doesn't affect this and the flat rate takes over.

> In the case of Exotic Items, this isn't affected by Magic Find at all. Everyone in the game gets a 30% chance of directly dropping an Exotic Item from a monster, and that 30% is used again whilst identifying from Unidentified Gear.


> In summary, it sounds as if Magic Find will never be used for Exotic drops. Because if it had the same chance it currently does to drop directly in addition to the rare chance from identifying gear, you wouldn't have a flat rate for everyone. If my Magic Find was 200%, it'd imply that the subsequent chance of getting an Exotic Item from identification would also be 200%. However, because Magic Find isn't used through Identification, there's a flat rate that ANet decides for us making MF obsolete.


That's inaccurate as phrased.

* When you kill a foe, MF affects whether you get unID gear (and if so, which rarity) or an exotic. This is true today; it will be true next week, too.

* If you open unID gear today, your MF affects the chance that you'll get an exotic. If you open next Wednesday, it won't.


MF is still going to matter, a lot. It just won't matter twice anymore. It's bad for people like me who are willing to take time to open and good for the majority who don't do that. (It's especially bad for those who buy unID gear from others just to open with high MF; they'll need to find another way to extract value from the TP... and fortunately, there will be some new ones.)


Here's what the change is going to mean:

* Today: it's worth 20-40 gold extra for stacks of rare unID gear, **if** you're market savvy **and** have plenty of time to visit Silverwastes to process your inventory **and** the means to up your boosts to 1000%. It's better to sell if you're missing any of that.

* Next week: unID gear will drop in price, as the supply will spike (faucets spread to all zones) and the demand drops (the above minority no longer interested in buying)

* 5 months or so: unID gear will increase in price, because people will realize it's the primary source of ecto and of various mats, because the supply of ecto will drop (now that min-maxers aren't getting "extra" rares from it); the price of exotics will also go up


Or in brief, it's a redistribution of that excess 20-40 gold for stacks of rare unID gear... _from_ the high MF/patient openers _to_ the rest of the community.

It's unclear if it will result in a net increase in the value of the affected markets or a net decrease, although I doubt it's going to be all that far apart in the long run.

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Does this mean that we can now salvage stacks of UNID gear directly without having to open them first? Or will it still be better from a loot perspective to open them and then salvage? It would be nice if when you salvage a stack it would open the box, salvage the contents, open the next box, salvage, etc (or have the same effect as that). The exotics can be set aside.

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I would like to see when we do a salvage all of a particular rarity that it opens it up and salvages each item one at a time. Sure it may take a bit longer but I would be ok with that. Since exotics no longer drop within them we do not have to worry about accidently salvaging something we may want.

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> @"Will.9785" said:

> Does this mean that we can now salvage stacks of UNID gear directly without having to open them first? Or will it still be better from a loot perspective to open them and then salvage? It would be nice if when you salvage a stack it would open the box, salvage the contents, open the next box, salvage, etc (or have the same effect as that). The exotics can be set aside.


You should still open.

If you salvage rare unID directly, you'll be getting mats & ecto as if all were rares. If you open, you still have a chance for exotics (a decent one, just no longer boosted by MF). It's even worse for blues & greens, at least as long as they aren't making other changes.


Three big caveats:

* This change will disrupt markets. At any given moment, the "best" alternative might alter due to the rapidly evolving attitudes.

* It will take months before we have a new equilibrium.

* I would still want to see the "after" data before being 100% sure (and when I have it, I'll post in the forums, too)



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I don't understand why some people are saying this will make inventory management WORSE. How?

Let's take DS meta as an example, during the whole thing you get lots of bags + lots of equipments drops. With the change you'll get the same loot bags, but instead of getting all the avulse equipment you'll be getting 3 types of unidentified gear.

Instead of salvaging everything along the way, you'll have to open and salvage it later. It's not a bad thing.

If you're the type of person who loves salvage things during the meta, all you need to do is open the UnID as you get them.


Now for the MF situation, we still DON'T KNOW how the loot tables will be. There will be adjustments, maybe those with max MF will get more of rare UnID gear type than they get now. The only nerf in this are that exotic gear will be overall harder to get and its price will increase.

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> @"merili.2908" said:

> I don't understand why some people are saying this will make inventory management WORSE. How?

> Let's take DS meta as an example, during the whole thing you get lots of bags + lots of equipments drops. With the change you'll get the same loot bags, but instead of getting all the avulse equipment you'll be getting 3 types of unidentified gear.

> Instead of salvaging everything along the way, you'll have to open and salvage it later. It's not a bad thing.

> If you're the type of person who loves salvage things during the meta, all you need to do is open the UnID as you get them.


> Now for the MF situation, we still DON'T KNOW how the loot tables will be. There will be adjustments, maybe those with max MF will get more of rare UnID gear type than they get now. The only nerf in this are that exotic gear will be overall harder to get and its price will increase.


Part of the objection is that you can have more to manage. If the salvage all had a filter then it wouldn’t be necessary to sort bags out into invisible each time. If you end up with a stack you are inevitably going to end up with a mix and if you always open to improve loot chances, then under this system you risk accidentally salvaging your unids if you don’t carefully manage your inventory. Plus these will be on top of other bags meaning hot will now drop bags with unid bags inside which then need opening again.


There are other concerns too, some of which I don’t agree on mind you.


In short it both improves and worsens the issue depending on various things. It’s not an OMG issue, but it feels more of a sideways step than a full solution

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> Oh hell I juts realized, now I can open inventory and click salve for blues and greens after patch I have to stand there and click on UniDs to open then salve.

> *flipstable*

> Thanks for another bag in the bag Anet.


I don't get that attitude at all. First, there's no change for PoF/LS4 maps; it already works this way. Second, currently have to deal with more inventory management as you have to clear out your bags when they get full... and this will reduce the frequency of that happening to next to nothing. It takes very little time to "open all" and you can choose when/where. In contrast, right now, you have no choice when your inventory gets full.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > Oh hell I juts realized, now I can open inventory and click salve for blues and greens after patch I have to stand there and click on UniDs to open then salve.

> > *flipstable*

> > Thanks for another bag in the bag Anet.


> I don't get that attitude at all. First, there's no change for PoF/LS4 maps; it already works this way. Second, currently have to deal with more inventory management as you have to clear out your bags when they get full... and this will reduce the frequency of that happening to next to nothing. It takes very little time to "open all" and you can choose when/where. In contrast, right now, you have no choice when your inventory gets full.



I think it's possible that what phs meant was, if you want to open all your unID gear before salvaging, and you open enough to fill your bag, you can't use 'salvage all' to clear the bag because it will eat your remaining stack of unID gear.


Or at least, that's something I see as a minor concern...I already accidentally salvage unID stacks I meant to sell.


BTW, noticed last night that the price seems to be going up a bit on unID...people buying for one last MF gambling session? :)

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> I think it's possible that what phs meant was, if you want to open all your unID gear before salvaging, and you open enough to fill your bag, you can't use 'salvage all' to clear the bag because it will eat your remaining stack of unID gear.


> Or at least, that's something I see as a minor concern...I already accidentally salvage unID stacks I meant to sell.

There are several ways to deal with that, that are, again, less onerous than the current situation.

* Choose when to open unID gear, don't do it "on the go." That way you'll always have space & time (since you can be near a bank). That's not currently an option.

* Put the unID gear in shared inventory. It will stack and won't salvage. There's always time to find a bank before you have a full stack. Also not an option with ordinary gear.

* Invisible bags for unID gear are a decent alternative to shared inventory.

* (added) Or sell them; it's even easier to sell stacks of unID gear than to open.




> BTW, noticed last night that the price seems to be going up a bit on unID...people buying for one last MF gambling session? :)

The markets are volatile. Some people are buying now for exactly that. Some are selling to those willing to pay extra today. Some are buying in anticipation of people selling. Some are selling in anticipation of people buying.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > Oh hell I juts realized, now I can open inventory and click salve for blues and greens after patch I have to stand there and click on UniDs to open then salve.

> > *flipstable*

> > Thanks for another bag in the bag Anet.


> I don't get that attitude at all. First, there's no change for PoF/LS4 maps; it already works this way. Second, currently have to deal with more inventory management as you have to clear out your bags when they get full... and this will reduce the frequency of that happening to next to nothing. It takes very little time to "open all" and you can choose when/where. In contrast, right now, you have no choice when your inventory gets full.



I don't open PoF Unids for long now, after the patch it will be worthless to sell blues and greens. So yeah click-click-click-click-click to open uninds like HoT metas don't have enough bags to open.

My inventory management is simple, stop after event and click on salve-matic, salve all trash gear, carry on. Now I have to find time to open all that then salve.


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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > At this point, why not remove MF from the game.


> This is what im thinking, and im someone who has 319% account bound MF.


That's high, i applaud that as a fellow veteran.

As for your question/remark, magic find will still affect how many unidentified pieces you get, as well as their inherent quality.

For example, you will 5 rares from a big event, I'll get 3-4, and a nooby will get 0-1

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > I think it's possible that what phs meant was, if you want to open all your unID gear before salvaging, and you open enough to fill your bag, you can't use 'salvage all' to clear the bag because it will eat your remaining stack of unID gear.

> >

> > Or at least, that's something I see as a minor concern...I already accidentally salvage unID stacks I meant to sell.

> There are several ways to deal with that, that are, again, less onerous than the current situation.

> * Choose when to open unID gear, don't do it "on the go." That way you'll always have space & time (since you can be near a bank). That's not currently an option.

> * Put the unID gear in shared inventory. It will stack and won't salvage. There's always time to find a bank before you have a full stack. Also not an option with ordinary gear.

> * Invisible bags for unID gear are a decent alternative to shared inventory.



> >

> > BTW, noticed last night that the price seems to be going up a bit on unID...people buying for one last MF gambling session? :)

> The markets are volatile. Some people are buying now for exactly that. Some are selling to those willing to pay extra today. Some are buying in anticipation of people selling. Some are selling in anticipation of people buying.



I disagree with it being less onerous at least in such a blanket way. Moving things around to ensure unids go to a specific bag then rearranging after, then opening in drips, salvage, open, salvage, open - is at best the same, but for some of us it’s more inventory management.


A salvage filter would pretty much put that issue to bed, but I’ve never liked the unid situation for pof and ls4. I get why many see it as better totally, but it equally can be more to manage.



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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > > I think it's possible that what phs meant was, if you want to open all your unID gear before salvaging, and you open enough to fill your bag, you can't use 'salvage all' to clear the bag because it will eat your remaining stack of unID gear.

> > >

> > > Or at least, that's something I see as a minor concern...I already accidentally salvage unID stacks I meant to sell.

> > There are several ways to deal with that, that are, again, less onerous than the current situation.

> > * Choose when to open unID gear, don't do it "on the go." That way you'll always have space & time (since you can be near a bank). That's not currently an option.

> > * Put the unID gear in shared inventory. It will stack and won't salvage. There's always time to find a bank before you have a full stack. Also not an option with ordinary gear.

> > * Invisible bags for unID gear are a decent alternative to shared inventory.

> >

> >

> > >

> > > BTW, noticed last night that the price seems to be going up a bit on unID...people buying for one last MF gambling session? :)

> > The markets are volatile. Some people are buying now for exactly that. Some are selling to those willing to pay extra today. Some are buying in anticipation of people selling. Some are selling in anticipation of people buying.

> >


> I disagree with it being less onerous at least in such a blanket way. Moving things around to ensure unids go to a specific bag then rearranging after, then opening in drips, salvage, open, salvage, open - is at best the same, but for some of us it’s more inventory management.


> A salvage filter would pretty much put that issue to bed, but I’ve never liked the unid situation for pof and ls4. I get why many see it as better totally, but it equally can be more to manage.




Let me rephrase: currently, we for core/HoT maps there are 0 options to change how we manage gear from drops. None at all. You must salvage when you're full or be unable to collect all forms of loot. You cannot choose when or where.

With unID gear, we get options.


I understand if you don't enjoy those options, if you feel that other options would be better. But it isn't objectively _worse_ than before.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > Oh hell I juts realized, now I can open inventory and click salve for blues and greens after patch I have to stand there and click on UniDs to open then salve.

> > > *flipstable*

> > > Thanks for another bag in the bag Anet.

> >

> > I don't get that attitude at all. First, there's no change for PoF/LS4 maps; it already works this way. Second, currently have to deal with more inventory management as you have to clear out your bags when they get full... and this will reduce the frequency of that happening to next to nothing. It takes very little time to "open all" and you can choose when/where. In contrast, right now, you have no choice when your inventory gets full.

> >


> I don't open PoF Unids for long now,

Then continue to sell them.


> after the patch it will be worthless to sell blues and greens.

How so?



> My inventory management is simple, stop after event and click on salve-matic, salve all trash gear, carry on. Now I have to find time to open all that then salve.

You won't need to stop after the event at all, because your inventory won't be filling up.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > > Oh hell I juts realized, now I can open inventory and click salve for blues and greens after patch I have to stand there and click on UniDs to open then salve.

> > > > *flipstable*

> > > > Thanks for another bag in the bag Anet.

> > >

> > > I don't get that attitude at all. First, there's no change for PoF/LS4 maps; it already works this way. Second, currently have to deal with more inventory management as you have to clear out your bags when they get full... and this will reduce the frequency of that happening to next to nothing. It takes very little time to "open all" and you can choose when/where. In contrast, right now, you have no choice when your inventory gets full.

> > >

> >

> > I don't open PoF Unids for long now,

> Then continue to sell them.


> > after the patch it will be worthless to sell blues and greens.

> How so?



> > My inventory management is simple, stop after event and click on salve-matic, salve all trash gear, carry on. Now I have to find time to open all that then salve.

> You won't need to stop after the event at all, because your inventory won't be filling up.



Because it won't be worth the deal to sell blues and greens, they will drop to the price of blue and green gear.

Yeah I wont need to stop, I will need to stop after the metas/events done and click till my fingers get blue.

Nice way to extend my gameplay hours.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > > > I think it's possible that what phs meant was, if you want to open all your unID gear before salvaging, and you open enough to fill your bag, you can't use 'salvage all' to clear the bag because it will eat your remaining stack of unID gear.

> > > >

> > > > Or at least, that's something I see as a minor concern...I already accidentally salvage unID stacks I meant to sell.

> > > There are several ways to deal with that, that are, again, less onerous than the current situation.

> > > * Choose when to open unID gear, don't do it "on the go." That way you'll always have space & time (since you can be near a bank). That's not currently an option.

> > > * Put the unID gear in shared inventory. It will stack and won't salvage. There's always time to find a bank before you have a full stack. Also not an option with ordinary gear.

> > > * Invisible bags for unID gear are a decent alternative to shared inventory.

> > >

> > >

> > > >

> > > > BTW, noticed last night that the price seems to be going up a bit on unID...people buying for one last MF gambling session? :)

> > > The markets are volatile. Some people are buying now for exactly that. Some are selling to those willing to pay extra today. Some are buying in anticipation of people selling. Some are selling in anticipation of people buying.

> > >

> >

> > I disagree with it being less onerous at least in such a blanket way. Moving things around to ensure unids go to a specific bag then rearranging after, then opening in drips, salvage, open, salvage, open - is at best the same, but for some of us it’s more inventory management.

> >

> > A salvage filter would pretty much put that issue to bed, but I’ve never liked the unid situation for pof and ls4. I get why many see it as better totally, but it equally can be more to manage.

> >

> >


> Let me rephrase: currently, we for core/HoT maps there are 0 options to change how we manage gear from drops. None at all. You must salvage when you're full or be unable to collect all forms of loot. You cannot choose when or where.

> With unID gear, we get options.


> I understand if you don't enjoy those options, if you feel that other options would be better. But it isn't objectively _worse_ than before.


I wholeheartedly disagree, but I don’t want to bog the thread down with a circular discussion so I won’t press it further

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The only annoying issue I have with Unid Gear is the "salvage all" option. I either have to salvage direct drops one by one, or manually slot my unid gear stacks in invisible bags to avoid this, which is not convenient at all.


It would be interesting if Salvage All ignored stacks of unid gear or, alternatively, if salvaging unid gear had some sort of benefit, which it doesn't seems to have.

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> @"anninke.7469" said:

> > @"NazzyDragon.9127" said:

> > Hey, throwing my voice into the pile of "exclude them from salvage all" -- especially since there's a salvage stack option! (my tendinitis thanks you for that!)


> Put them in an Invisible Bag, nothing gets auto-salvaged from there.


Yeah I'm aware, but that would require me buying more bag slots, meh.


Maybe just an option to filter these from salvage all, instead of default off would be nice.

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