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How much do we earn on average in an hour of active WvW?


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I tracked it a year or so ago for 3 nights because I was curious. My sample time was longer than an hour (probably about 4 hours), but counting dailies I pulled in between 4-8 gold those 3 nights.


Now, luck and certain reward tracks grant more money and daily gold shouldn't really be counted in there, but with the bit of coin included in rank up chests as well, I'd expect the average wvwer to be pulling in over a gold an hour.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> How much do we earn on average in an hour of active WvW?

> I've heard many people say that WvW is a poor place compared to PvE.

> If we include all the reward tracks and pip chests and loot bags and WvW badges and leveling ups and everything that can imaginably be earned in an hour of active WvW, how much do we earn on average?


The question **cannot** be answered as phrased, not in any accurate or meaningful way.


First, hardly anyone has any idea how much they 'earn' in any game mode. Humans are generally bad at keeping mental records and hardly anyone has patience to keep other records. There are some tools out there that attempt to measure, but they require some extra effort and hardly anyone uses any of them.


Second, while some people think they have some idea of how much they earn from specific farms (see above for why they are probably inaccurate estimates), those form only a narrow element of PvE. Not everyone farms and those who do have very different techniques, even at the same farm. At one point, for a Silverwastes/RIBA estimate, I saw people (who were each trying to pay careful attention) estimate values that were off by a factor of two, just by using different strategies.


Third, like PvE, there are all sorts of ways to play WvW and different people will earn differently.


So before I'd trust anyone's answer on the topic, I'd want to see their actual numbers using a farming tracker tool, using different strategies, over a variety of trial periods. And even then, at best, the answer we'd get would be "how much does @"EremiteAngel.9765" earn from active WvW versus from typical PvE or from PvE farming."


tl;dr there are too many variables and too little high-quality data to answer the question meaningfully



Tools for tracking your farming:

* [GW2 Efficiency's Farming Tracker](https://gw2efficiency.com/account/farming-tracker)

* @"Silveress.5197"'s [Transaction Tracker](https://gw2.silveress.ie/login)


Both these have their own issues at estimating value, due to the sorts of assumptions and approximations required to assign value to things like currency. Still, these are better than nothing.

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Unless you had a super nice drop like an ascended weapon or armor chest...WvW is not a gold maker. If you were just to sell the regular drops, you might average 2g at most after several hours. And tell the truth, I havn't seen nearly any more exotic drops any more in the past year. And the drop rate for ascended rings and armor/weapon boxes seem to be less than I remember also...not that you could sell any of the ascended. Still...WvW is not a gold maker.

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you don't really even need to count difference is so obvious, if you want any gold go pve.


this is something you need to figure out asap. wvw is not something you should do as your main activity. pvp in there is unbalanced and not very rewarding. it's something you can do if you just want to fool around but don't expect it to be fun on long term.


if you like pvp go spvp, it's actually more rewarding in any way.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > earn? you make it sound like were getting payed.


> I was wondering if I should spend one hour of my time farming in PvE (assuming WvW is much less) or use one hour of my pay to buy gems.


I would say, going for the latter is the best way in this case.

Some ppl might say, that buying instead of grinding is not the purpose of this game, but buying gems and converting them is completely okay, if grinding is really something that you do not like to do and want to avoid at all costs.


Playing a game is a hobby after all that comes with some costs like any hobby does.



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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> I was wondering if I should spend one hour of my time farming in PvE (assuming WvW is much less) or use one hour of my pay to buy gems.

That's a different question than asked in your original post. Here's my different answer:


If you have the choice of how to spend your hour, working RL overtime is by far the most efficient 'farm' available. Even as little pay as US$10/hour or €10/hour yields 800 gems, generating a minimum of 190 gold... and there's nothing in the game that will yield even 50g/hour consistently.


After that, dedicated PvE farming (of which there are all sorts) is all-but-guaranteed to generate more value for your account than any other form of gameplay available. As mentioned above, I can't say how much _you_ will earn or which farm will be best for _you_, because there are too many variables for which we can't account without more information. However, all else being equal, focusing on adding to the account value is always going to be more lucrative than using the same techniques to actually play the game.


In that context, WvW cannot be as lucrative, because you cannot choose to focus on adding value to the account. Even if you're lucky enough to be able to successfully defend your garrison for 3-4 hours (about the most remunerative WvW activity around), you don't get to choose when that happens or for how long. That's partly up to your commanders and those of your enemies.



* RL overtime, even at its worst, is far more rewarding in gold... if you can choose to work that extra hour whenever you want.

* Dedicated farming of any sort is worth more than simply playing the game. How much more depends on factors beyond the scope of the thread.

* There is no dedicated farming of any sort in WvW. There are no consistent, long term methods that are solely about wealth accumulation.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > earn? you make it sound like were getting payed.


> I was wondering if I should spend one hour of my time farming in PvE (assuming WvW is much less) or use one hour of my pay to buy gems.


Cash is the fastest, then trading post **_only if_** you are already established with it, then PVE grind. Anything outside of those three is severely diminished.

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i think current WvW is only suitable for players that have certain goal for WvW exclusive items, like myself is target for Sublime Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Breastplate, or you will need to be really in love with contents. otherwise if you're looking for gold/ ascended equipment you're really going to the wrong place. and i think that's also the true reason that kills WvW :\

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I used 1 set of VM Inf tools and mutiple characters this weekend and managed to gather my way through 7k VM that I needed for the last S4 home node. It took about 8 hours (and a couple of times presented a choice of defense over gathering), but none the less I got that node, a bunch of pips, 1 reward track completion and a ton of mats I didn't necessarily need.

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