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Warrior dead meta once again ?


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Alright so i did read alot about the stealthed domes but actually lets talk about the skill value as in 90s cool down with a duration of 5s that can be interrupted by everything in the game

My guild kept trying it with all possible skills (balanced stance/berserk stance etc) to make a value of it but its just not thier like the skill more of visual distraction

The class itself had alot of damage nerf lately and extra cleanses for some reason and if we actually go with tactics you lose all the abilities to mele or getting the winds up

My suggestions is

-To make winds going on once it's casted however the caster can be interrupted while getting it up without going into 90s cooldown

- keep it the same way nerf the boon removal and 40s cooldown instead of 90s

Just saying because warriors atm is just good at running over small groups or making a fight look good .

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> @"Optimator.3589" said:

> Get better guards and use your cooldowns. Between SYG, aegis, your own shield block, and balanced stance, you should be able to channel it. Dome is fine and still quite powerful if used correctly.


Can't use Shield 5 when using Winds as it's a channeling skill... We pop it and can't use any weapon skills or it interrupts it and goes on a 90s CD. To be honest, Stability gets ripped off Warriors regardless of how good your Guards are and even our Balanced Stance is a 2s pulse so it gets stripped and then we get CC spammed anyway so another 90s CD.

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Warrior has been a waste of a slot for a while now. Even with the old winds, 90% of the time they are just following tag doing nothing useful in the pirate ship meta. A well placed winds might throw off a pug group but any organized guild will just cloud/reroute. Bringing a class because 1 good elite is pointless.

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I'm sorry but this is a massive L2P issue for both you and your group.... aka... Eye Dee Ten Tee

I run glassy, run ahead into enemy Melee pushes and drop Bubbles, often times can channel the whole skill and still manage to throw damage around enough to get among top 5 dps in the squad... and my people know that when a BIG YELLOW DOME POPS UP, it's where I should bomb. Know when to push and when to bomb...

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I think war bubble would be fine if they reverted all the nerfs, back to when it had the instant boon strip and just made the dome have a smaller radius. As powerful as the skill was before, i think it gave fights more space to work with, since pushing through a bubble was very risky. Now its just a question of how fast can your necros corrupt everything. Most fights these days just seem to be about baiting enemy corrupts then superspeed pushing everything.

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> @"Bort.8647" said:

> I think war bubble would be fine if they reverted all the nerfs, back to when it had the instant boon strip and just made the dome have a smaller radius. As powerful as the skill was before, i think it gave fights more space to work with, since pushing through a bubble was very risky. Now its just a question of how fast can your necros corrupt everything. Most fights these days just seem to be about baiting enemy corrupts then superspeed pushing everything.

They did reverted the nerfs thou, now it rips every half a second, the only thing it does not is to rip the first pulse.

The bubble is fine, your squad need to knwo when to bomb (i the big yellow bubble). Too many times ive seen a yolo warrior channeling the bubble with no support from his squad. That means he wont last long.


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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > @"Bort.8647" said:

> > I think war bubble would be fine if they reverted all the nerfs, back to when it had the instant boon strip and just made the dome have a smaller radius. As powerful as the skill was before, i think it gave fights more space to work with, since pushing through a bubble was very risky. Now its just a question of how fast can your necros corrupt everything. Most fights these days just seem to be about baiting enemy corrupts then superspeed pushing everything.

> They did reverted the nerfs thou, now it rips every half a second, the only thing it does not is to rip the first pulse.

> The bubble is fine, your squad need to knwo when to bomb (i the big yellow bubble). Too many times ive seen a yolo warrior channeling the bubble with no support from his squad. That means he wont last long.



I've been tagging on spb just for putting bubble where it's going to be needed and CC chaining so they dps have an easy place to stick their bombs, right on my tag lol

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> When i see a bubble i think " ok one enemy less i need to care about".

And yet yesterday, with a 40 man squad on TS all yelling to bring down that warrior... I still saw said warrior steam straight through the group, taking next to no damage due to blocks/invouln, pop his bubble, continue to be completely immortal and then when done run away while being at 50% hp steadily increasing.


This was exactly what they did prepatch as well, they dont seem to suffer.

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Any decent squad should be able to shut down a warrior bubble almost instantly. All it takes is one necro to use one corrupt skill, and any stab is corrupted to fear, interrupting the bubble. If warriors are able to use their bubble uncontested, its because the other side doesnt know how to corrupt, or the fight is already being won without the bubble.

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Warrior bubble is immensely strong right now, but you can't just use it leeroy Jenkins style. You have to use it with the support of your group as part of a coordinated attack. The fact that it's interruptible balances the fact that you can't just run away from it anymore because the warrior will chase you.

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