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Super Adventure Box Preparation

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If you haven't played in the [super Adventure Box](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Super_Adventure_Box) yet, give it a shot when the festival begins on Thursday. Those who like it... they can't get enough. You never know if you're among that group until you spend a little time there. (Full disclosure: I'm in the 'other' group, that gets dragged in kicking and screaming by friends who are in the first.)


If you've SAB'd already, you'll probably have forgotten the things most of us forget every year:

* Achievements are, as always, Account Bound.

* Buffs and unlocks, however, are character bound, so you'll likely want to take your "most experienced" character in, unless you want to start over.

* Consider bringing some (but not too many) baubles, so you can spend at the shops. (Experienced players can collect enough early on.)

* Also bring your continue coins.

* Inside the SAB, you don't have access to any gizmos, which means: no bank access until you exit.


**Other Tips** (added)

For first timers: profession and race are irrelevant; all characters are resized _inside the box_ and use identical skills.


>! * Master the "[dodge jump](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dodge#Notes)" (FYI ANet has explicitly allowed this to be done via macro, for those who have trouble managing the timing)

>! * The "infinite continue coin" is a big relief for some. Since it's 600 gems, many veterans recommended holding off until you're ready for Tribulation Mode or pursuing achievements.

>! * Favorite "upgrades" include the [bauble Purse](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bauble_Purse) (250 baubles from shops in World 1's third zone) and later the [bauble Tote Bag](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bauble Tote Bag) (500 baubles, in a secret shop in W2Z3). These upgrade your 'wallet' to hold 500 baubles and 750 baubles respectively, well worth the costs.


**Useful Links**

Remind yourself which character has unlocked what at [GW2 Efficiency](https://gw2efficiency.com/account/sab) or at [GW2 Timer](http://gw2timer.com/?page=Account&section=SAB)

>! * [Dulfy's Guides](http://dulfy.net/2018/03/29/gw2-super-adventure-box-2018-event-guide/)

>! * Tekkit's Guide (via GW2 TACO, an [ANet Tweeted Overlay](


>! * [TACO Plug-in 2018](http://www.tekkitsworkshop.net/index.php/gw2-taco/download/send/2-taco-marker-packs/35-super-adventure-box-pack-new)

>! * [Videos](http://www.tekkitsworkshop.net/index.php/festivals/super-adventure-box) and [here](http://www.tekkitsworkshop.net/index.php/festivals/super-adventure-box/124-super-adventure-box-tribulation-guides-taco-routes)



>! * Added note above Dodge-Jump, thanks to @"Haleydawn.3764"

>! * Added note about purses, also thanks to @"Haleydawn.3764"

>! * Modified note about baubles, per @"Rasimir.6239"

>! * Added note about "infinite continue coin" per many, starting with @"Voltekka.2375"

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One more tip, it's not neccessary, but does come in handy, is mastering how to Jump-Dodge.

On first play-though of both worlds, I'd also first recommend buying the [bauble Purse](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bauble_Purse "Bauble Purse"), found in shops in w1z3 (costs 250 Baubles, increases maximum bauble carry from 250 to 500) and as soon as possible the [bauble Tote Bag](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bauble_Tote_Bag "Bauble Tote Bag"), found in secret shop in w2z3 (costs 500 Baubles, increases maximum bauble carry from 500 to 750 baubles). This makes accumulating baubles for other things much easier.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> * Make sure to bring some (but not too many) baubles, so you can spend at the shops.

Most upgrades can be bought from shops at the start of zones (the wallet upgrades are the notable exception), so bringing baubles with you into the box often isn't necessary or can even hinder you if you fill your allowed stack of baubles early. Instead of bringing baubles into the box, I'd suggest storing them in your bank (or converting them to bauble bubbles if you have full stacks) and only bring them into the box if you know what upgrade you want to buy and where to get it. My experience is that it's easier figuring out where the shop is and how much the upgrade costs, then grab the necessary amount of baubles from the bank and head straight for the shop.


It's even easier if you are in a party (normal or infantile mode) as you wil automatically zone into the last unlocked checkpoint as long as one person stays inside the box. You can also use this in case you cap your stack(s) of baubles while inside the box and don't want to lose progress: ask a friend to come in and hold the checkpoint for you while you leave the box to convert baubles or store them in your bank (again normal and infantile mode only, as you can't rejoin a tribulation run).

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> You only need one thing: infinite coin. Makes the "i wanna punch the screen" moments are a bit more bearable.


I love having the infinite continue coin, but I'd recommend anyone new to SAB holds off on buying it until they know how much they like playing SAB and how they feel using normal continue coins. If you only want to complete each world in normal mode (and especially if you're happy doing it in infantile mode) the infinite continue coin isn't really needed. And of course if you don't like SAB and don't play it then it's completely pointless.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > You only need one thing: infinite coin. Makes the "i wanna punch the screen" moments are a bit more bearable.


> I love having the infinite continue coin, but I'd recommend anyone new to SAB holds off on buying it until they know how much they like playing SAB and how they feel using normal continue coins. If you only want to complete each world in normal mode (and especially if you're happy doing it in infantile mode) the infinite continue coin isn't really needed. And of course if you don't like SAB and don't play it then it's completely pointless.


I'd also add that the infinte coin is beyond priceless if you ever plan on doing tribulation mode without guides/add-ons.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > You only need one thing: infinite coin. Makes the "i wanna punch the screen" moments are a bit more bearable.

> >

> > I love having the infinite continue coin, but I'd recommend anyone new to SAB holds off on buying it until they know how much they like playing SAB and how they feel using normal continue coins. If you only want to complete each world in normal mode (and especially if you're happy doing it in infantile mode) the infinite continue coin isn't really needed. And of course if you don't like SAB and don't play it then it's completely pointless.


> I'd also add that the infinte coin is beyond priceless if you ever plan on doing tribulation mode without guides/add-ons.


Oh yeah definitely. When I finally started doing tribulation mode I was very glad I had it and I think for me it's been well worth the money. But I also know people who bought it as soon as it was available and then lost interest in SAB and now regret having it because they could do everything they want in the box without it.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> First time SAB came around for me I was still leveling my main character, so didn't bother, but this year I think ill give it a go. Any recommendations or professions / elites that have advantages in the zone?


Your profession is irrelevant since you wont utilise anything from your class at all. The only difference maker potentially is race due to character size

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > First time SAB came around for me I was still leveling my main character, so didn't bother, but this year I think ill give it a go. Any recommendations or professions / elites that have advantages in the zone?


> Your profession is irrelevant since you wont utilise anything from your class at all. The only difference maker potentially is race due to character size

Actually not even character size is a problem, as characters are all resized to roughly the same height. Just take the character you are most comfortable with when trying for precision jumping.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > First time SAB came around for me I was still leveling my main character, so didn't bother, but this year I think ill give it a go. Any recommendations or professions / elites that have advantages in the zone?

> >

> > Your profession is irrelevant since you wont utilise anything from your class at all. The only difference maker potentially is race due to character size

> Actually not even character size is a problem, as characters are all resized to roughly the same height. Just take the character you are most comfortable with when trying for precision jumping.


Huh, I hadn't noticed that.

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Three things I would suggest to players like me...


1) Play with friends who are memers, not players. Misery loves company, and sometimes there comes a certain joy when everyone is lost or can't make a jump.


2) Don't use taco. You're a yolo trailblazer who don't need no walkthrough.


3) Don't give up. Sure, a few ragequits are expected... but that's half of the experience!


4) Infinite continue coins could be initially useful, but after doing the zones a few times you'll be running Trib mode in 5 minutes no death speedruns. Just having 50 continue coins on hand is good enough (and you can refund them later).

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> Three things I would suggest to players like me...


> 1) Play with friends who are memers, not players. Misery loves company, and sometimes there comes a certain joy when everyone is lost or can't make a jump.


> 2) Don't use taco. You're a yolo trailblazer who don't need no walkthrough.


> 3) Don't give up. Sure, a few ragequits are expected... but that's half of the experience!


> 4) Infinite continue coins could be initially useful, but after doing the zones a few times you'll be running Trib mode in 5 minutes no death speedruns. Just having 50 continue coins on hand is good enough (and you can refund them later).


That sums up exactly why some people love, love, love SAB... and others hate it with extreme prejudice.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> I have no idea what you are saying but ill give it a go for sure.

As a new player, you can pretty much just show up and see what's up.

This is one of the few occasions in which veterans can be at an accidental disadvantage (since SAB works like old platform games, and not so much like the rest of GW2).


> Im going to bumble my way through it

Perfect approach. Go with a friend, if possible (more fun, I think). Or even with a stranger who is equally new (I spent most of my first SAB 'festival' doing that.)


> And im doing it on my asura because she makes me happy.

Sure. For a change, you will be 6' tall. (Well, at least, all the characters are identical heights, so you're in the same boat with Norn.)



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > I have no idea what you are saying but ill give it a go for sure.

> As a new player, you can pretty much just show up and see what's up.

> This is one of the few occasions in which veterans can be at an accidental disadvantage (since SAB works like old platform games, and not so much like the rest of GW2).


> > Im going to bumble my way through it

> Perfect approach. Go with a friend, if possible (more fun, I think). Or even with a stranger who is equally new (I spent most of my first SAB 'festival' doing that.)


> > And im doing it on my asura because she makes me happy.

> Sure. For a change, you will be 6' tall. (Well, at least, all the characters are identical heights, so you're in the same boat with Norn.)




Good because im hoping an asura has the same jumping ability as a norn lol

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> Good because im hoping an asura has the same jumping ability as a norn lol

Identical, in the Super Adventure Box.

(Technically identical in the rest of the game, too, except that in practice, sometimes it's easier when you can see where you're going... which makes asura better in caves, norn better on cliffsides.)


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> except that in practice, sometimes it's easier when you can see where you're going...


There is also the fact that when your characters collision doesn't match the visuals your eyes tell you to jump sooner/later than is optimal (which is also addressed by the scaling in SAB). Though inside SAB the terrain collision is also very different from the open world (my favorite example are the crocodiles inside SAB, their actual collision box is gigantic compared to the model, same for most ledges though it is less pronounced and harder to tell since you can use the whip to check the croc's actual size but doing it for ledges is much harder since you don't have a tool/change in state to help).


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Would love to get my multi key function for Dodge Jump to actually work in game... apparently GW2 just wont see it.

Logitech G213 Prodigy , using latest Logitech gaming software, multi-key set on F9 for dodge/jump.. key profile tested to work but GW2 just wont play ball so I am destined to eternally fail some SAB trickeries :(

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> Would love to get my multi key function for Dodge Jump to actually work in game... apparently GW2 just wont see it.

> Logitech G213 Prodigy , using latest Logitech gaming software, multi-key set on F9 for dodge/jump.. key profile tested to work but GW2 just wont play ball so I am destined to eternally fail some SAB trickeries :(


What is the precise order you have it programmed to? Macros are finicky.

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The dodge-jump thingy is very annoying in tribulation especially with those giant jumping rocks (thwomp..? to avoid spoiling too much)

I can only recommend to jump forward on the trap, and then very fast turn your camera 180° to jump a second time aiming your original position. Maybe easier than the dodge jump in lava forest world (tribulation) (jumping on a small rock then on a big trap rock).


Also second tip, essentially for newbies: Firstly, do world in Infantile mode: That way you have cloud and arrows showing you the way to take.

Once you memorized the path, do it in normal mode. Tribulation if you are courageous (surely many many frustrating deaths since traps are hidden everywhere)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > Would love to get my multi key function for Dodge Jump to actually work in game... apparently GW2 just wont see it.

> > Logitech G213 Prodigy , using latest Logitech gaming software, multi-key set on F9 for dodge/jump.. key profile tested to work but GW2 just wont play ball so I am destined to eternally fail some SAB trickeries :(


> What is the precise order you have it programmed to? Macros are finicky.


I use C for Dodge .. and Space for Jump

So multi key for F9... C (PRESS), C (RELEASE), SPACE (PRESS), SPACE (RELEASE) nothing overly complicated. Though not being a macro user for games I may indeed be doing something ultimately wrong.


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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> So multi key for F9... C (PRESS), C (RELEASE), SPACE (PRESS), SPACE (RELEASE) nothing overly complicated. Though not being a macro user for games I may indeed be doing something ultimately wrong.


Try instead:






"Dodge Jump" is a misnomer as it's more domp or jodge, a portmanteau, not a compound word.

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Did Anet not say that keybinding dodge jump was ok, if this is the case, why dont they put it into the user control options, instead of forcing us to keybind it, trying to do this jump without a keybind is horrible, and it sometimes just does not register, and Trib mode without it is near impossible.

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