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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Hey folks!

> Medium to Long-term

> * Working on a dismount trap - Rough prototype is done internally. Still experimenting with costs, area size, fx, etc.

> * Considering a dismount trick. Something that can be used with less planning and by players who don't have the mount. The user experience of using consumables during conflict is not the greatest, but it still may be useful for players to have.

> * Working on a new mounted skill to dismount other mounted players. This will also dismount yourself and put both players into combat briefly. - Rough prototype is done internally. Going to need fx and we're determining how to unlock it. Currently leaning towards a new mastery. Determining if it should have a cost, outside of burning the cooldown on use.


Maybe instead of a trap, we could get something like a **dismounting net**, like what WoW has.

The net should probably have the equivalent of a longbow's range, instant cast, with a 30 second CD or longer and requires supply to use (2-5 supply per use?).


Just ideas.



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No traps, no skills to dismount, get hit once, and you are dismounted and in combat. No work needed on new skills or effects or UI. Yeah, see someone trolling or running on a mount, let me get in front of them to place a trap....Oh wait..


Well, new skill added to dismount people, let me chase them down to get in range.....Oh wait...


All of these new skills or traps assumes someone is going to walk into the trap they saw you place, or stands still for you to get in range to use your dismount skill. As it's not like player builds where you can spec mobility, mounts are the same for everyone and as such, you will never "chase" someone down to use a dismount skill.


Again, people say the mount is for covering ground, ok, fine. it should not be for avoiding fights, even with a skill or trap all they have to do is not run into the trap and/or stay out of range of your mounts skills, so they will still just stand there mounted up scouting/trolling and as soon as you move towards them, run away, nothing will change.


Even with a trap or dismount skill SOMETHING needs to be done about remounting a killed mount. Example of fight I had with a mes, he would run at me and would use mount attack, when it landed it would hit for 5-6k, the mount gives a large advantage to anyone mounted vs unmounted. I would then fight him and get him to 30% and he would stealth and blink OOC and remount and start over with free 11k HP and 3 dodges. I would attack and burn ALL my CD's to kill it assuming he didn't' dodge them, and when I killed the mount he would stealth, blink OOC and remount, because even if you KILL the mount, you can remount again after the 5second CD if you are OOC. This is totally broken. It's mount wars, not guild wars. So every 5 seconds you can have a free 11kHP and 3 dodges by using stealth and ports to get OOC to remount and come right back. The Nike warriors were bad enough, now we have this resetting to deal with?


Just answer me this anet....ANYONE from anet. Do you want this to be a open world PvP like it started as, or do you want this to be a casual ktrain? Because right now it seems like the latter. And if it is, let me know, so I can give up now and find something else to play.

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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> It's mount wars, not guild wars.

Its not guild wars since 2012 m8, they should've renamed game into PvE-familyfriendlycontent few years ago.

> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> Just answer me this anet....ANYONE from anet. Do you want this to be a open world PvP like it started as, or do you want this to be a casual ktrain? Because right now it seems like the latter. And if it is, let me know, so I can give up now and find something else to play.

I think we already know the answer, sunday players are amused and delusionals will keep saying things like "just adapt, its game mechanic now, lol".

Sad but true



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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > Just answer me this anet....ANYONE from anet. Do you want this to be a open world PvP like it started as, or do you want this to be a casual ktrain? Because right now it seems like the latter. And if it is, let me know, so I can give up now and find something else to play.

> I think we already know the answer, sunday players are amused and delusionals will keep saying things like "just adapt, its game mechanic now, lol".

> Sad but true






> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> Sounds like you guys just need to adapt to the new Mount and get over it.



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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> Don't add any dismount skill but if you do then 300-600 rng or only can be used in territories you own. If you don't you will just cater to the 10 dudes who spam these forums with rare situations that affected them and must be immediatly be addressed. Complainers are more likely to create threads then someone who enjoys the mount. We don't need a dismount because gankers miss out on kills between spawn and keep which they have done for years pre mounts and desperately want that back. Boo Hoo a player on his mount got away. I want wvw to be a series of 1v1s and ignore all objectives. That's who you will be catering to which is a minority part of the player base but a major voice here on the forums.


This is the biggest "what" I've read today...


You know a zerg can dismount a solo player right?

You know people want a dismount skill to allow build diversity again right? (Celestial builds for example, takes a while to make a full set)

Youre aware that this dismount skill has absolutely nothing to do with "gankers" right?

You're aware that a dismount skill would heavily favour zergs over "gankers" right?

You do realise that people are giving legitimate feedback right?


Because it doesnt feel like youre aware of these things, if anything it comes off as fear that you may have to engage something other than a tower lord.

Either that or I have you pegged all wrong and youre a "ganker" and aware that a dismount skill would ultimately make life harder for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Kilamanjaro.2705" said:

> Please no more traps. Especially ones that will be stocked up on by the one-shot snipers who I am happy to see kittened right now as I ride by and laugh. Maybe they'll go to pvP where they belong :)


You have traps/tricks to deal with them too, as well as sentries, watchtowers. They are hardly a threat with marked debuff.

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> @"Taobella.6597" said:

> simple change that will fix mounts. make them cost 5 supply to mount up. you should not be rewarded for using a mount in first place.


Or for using any helpful skill in the game for that matter. 5 supplies for every shot fired at an enemy. That should slow down the killing.. ooooyaaaa

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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > @"Taobella.6597" said:

> > simple change that will fix mounts. make them cost 5 supply to mount up. you should not be rewarded for using a mount in first place.


> Or for using any helpful skill in the game for that matter. 5 supplies for every shot fired at an enemy. That should slow down the killing.. ooooyaaaa


10 for AOE's...

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Kilamanjaro.2705" said:

> > Maybe they'll go to pvP where they belong :)


> WvW isnt a place to PvP anymore?

> your comment makes me sad.


> @"Cal Cohen.3527" @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"

> Guys, is this how you want WvW to be?



If people want to duel, they dismount and duel. If they would rather get into bigger fights they ignore you (unless you have "sic em").

win win win imho, I've always viewed the permastealth, clone fest, one-shot people as a problem.

I have been on servers in the past where seperation from a group on most builds meant sitting in camp and waiting for 4 or 5 to travel with because of the number of gankers haunting the spawns. I personally find the current setup much more enjoyable than _surprise- burst burst burst- oh chit he's alive- stealth run run evade evade evade stealth hide in camp-


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> @"Kilamanjaro.2705" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Kilamanjaro.2705" said:

> > > Maybe they'll go to pvP where they belong :)

> >

> > WvW isnt a place to PvP anymore?

> > your comment makes me sad.

> >

> > @"Cal Cohen.3527" @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"

> > Guys, is this how you want WvW to be?

> >


> If people want to duel, they dismount and duel. If they would rather get into bigger fights they ignore you (unless you have "sic em").

> win win win imho, I've always viewed the permastealth, clone fest, one-shot people as a problem.

> I have been on servers in the past where seperation from a group on most builds meant sitting in camp and waiting for 4 or 5 to travel with because of the number of gankers haunting the spawns. I personally find the current setup much more enjoyable than _surprise- burst burst burst- oh chit he's alive- stealth run run evade evade evade stealth hide in camp-



That's apart of open world pvp.

There should be dangers like that. There should be incentive to pvp above all else.


I love Battlefield for the same reasons, at any moment I can die.


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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Kilamanjaro.2705" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > @"Kilamanjaro.2705" said:

> > > > Maybe they'll go to pvP where they belong :)

> > >

> > > WvW isnt a place to PvP anymore?

> > > your comment makes me sad.

> > >

> > > @"Cal Cohen.3527" @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"

> > > Guys, is this how you want WvW to be?

> > >

> >

> > If people want to duel, they dismount and duel. If they would rather get into bigger fights they ignore you (unless you have "sic em").

> > win win win imho, I've always viewed the permastealth, clone fest, one-shot people as a problem.

> > I have been on servers in the past where seperation from a group on most builds meant sitting in camp and waiting for 4 or 5 to travel with because of the number of gankers haunting the spawns. I personally find the current setup much more enjoyable than _surprise- burst burst burst- oh chit he's alive- stealth run run evade evade evade stealth hide in camp-

> >


> That's apart of open world pvp.

> There should be dangers like that. There should be incentive to pvp above all else.


> I love Battlefield for the same reasons, at any moment I can die.



This ^ feels like a huge percentage of the excitement of playing in wvw, a non structured pvp mode is gone. Reaoers my fav wvw spec so I appreciate the mount for mobility out of combat but I should be leery of any enemy close of which as it stands I am not and that sucks. Dismount should happen when players on opposing sides are in a combat range like just slightly larger than melee range as a example. The mounts have 3 dodges and a maw skill, its should share players hp or not have any imo.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Kilamanjaro.2705" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > @"Kilamanjaro.2705" said:

> > > > Maybe they'll go to pvP where they belong :)

> > >

> > > WvW isnt a place to PvP anymore?

> > > your comment makes me sad.

> > >

> > > @"Cal Cohen.3527" @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"

> > > Guys, is this how you want WvW to be?

> > >

> >

> > If people want to duel, they dismount and duel. If they would rather get into bigger fights they ignore you (unless you have "sic em").

> > win win win imho, I've always viewed the permastealth, clone fest, one-shot people as a problem.

> > I have been on servers in the past where seperation from a group on most builds meant sitting in camp and waiting for 4 or 5 to travel with because of the number of gankers haunting the spawns. I personally find the current setup much more enjoyable than _surprise- burst burst burst- oh chit he's alive- stealth run run evade evade evade stealth hide in camp-

> >


> That's apart of open world pvp.

> There should be dangers like that. There should be incentive to pvp above all else.


> I love Battlefield for the same reasons, at any moment I can die.



Just to be clear, I'm not saying anyone's opinion is better, I definitely see your point, but, stand by my own as well. Perhaps the "dismount trap" will be a happy middle ground making the "gank" cost something more than time.

The added load to supplies may be interesting too as it will make the gankers need supply for their traps, which will add a whole new element to them of having to take the occasional camp for resuppy or risk generating salt by leeching off the garri.

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> @"Kilamanjaro.2705" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Kilamanjaro.2705" said:

> > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > > @"Kilamanjaro.2705" said:

> > > > > Maybe they'll go to pvP where they belong :)

> > > >

> > > > WvW isnt a place to PvP anymore?

> > > > your comment makes me sad.

> > > >

> > > > @"Cal Cohen.3527" @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"

> > > > Guys, is this how you want WvW to be?

> > > >

> > >

> > > If people want to duel, they dismount and duel. If they would rather get into bigger fights they ignore you (unless you have "sic em").

> > > win win win imho, I've always viewed the permastealth, clone fest, one-shot people as a problem.

> > > I have been on servers in the past where seperation from a group on most builds meant sitting in camp and waiting for 4 or 5 to travel with because of the number of gankers haunting the spawns. I personally find the current setup much more enjoyable than _surprise- burst burst burst- oh chit he's alive- stealth run run evade evade evade stealth hide in camp-

> > >

> >

> > That's apart of open world pvp.

> > There should be dangers like that. There should be incentive to pvp above all else.

> >

> > I love Battlefield for the same reasons, at any moment I can die.

> >


> Just to be clear, I'm not saying anyone's opinion is better, I definitely see your point, but, stand by my own as well. Perhaps the "dismount trap" will be a happy middle ground making the "gank" cost something more than time.

> The added load to supplies may be interesting too as it will make the gankers need supply for their traps, which will add a whole new element to them of having to take the occasional camp for resuppy or risk generating salt by leeching off the garri.


What does ganking have to do with dismounting?

Dismount mechanics would heavily favor zergers than anything.. then small man roaming teams.. Gankers would be at the bottom of the food chain.


The main reason we need dismounting abilities is simply due to balance.


Take Celestial gear as an example, extremely time gated to make, has no real use for PvE which means the gear is probably best suited for WvW and yet due to the CC immunity, 3 dodges and extra movement available its literally impossible for a person in Celestial gear to dismount someone.

Now what if that person had 30 odd characters and several sets of Celestial gear dedicated to WvW AND missed out on the gear reset due to celestial being a core stat?

Theres not even a chance to adapt.

Its like 6 years worth of building up characters was just rendered moot and a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge waste of time.


I understand we can both like different things too.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Kilamanjaro.2705" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > @"Kilamanjaro.2705" said:

> > > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > > > @"Kilamanjaro.2705" said:

> > > > > > Maybe they'll go to pvP where they belong :)

> > > > >

> > > > > WvW isnt a place to PvP anymore?

> > > > > your comment makes me sad.

> > > > >

> > > > > @"Cal Cohen.3527" @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"

> > > > > Guys, is this how you want WvW to be?

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > If people want to duel, they dismount and duel. If they would rather get into bigger fights they ignore you (unless you have "sic em").

> > > > win win win imho, I've always viewed the permastealth, clone fest, one-shot people as a problem.

> > > > I have been on servers in the past where seperation from a group on most builds meant sitting in camp and waiting for 4 or 5 to travel with because of the number of gankers haunting the spawns. I personally find the current setup much more enjoyable than _surprise- burst burst burst- oh chit he's alive- stealth run run evade evade evade stealth hide in camp-

> > > >

> > >

> > > That's apart of open world pvp.

> > > There should be dangers like that. There should be incentive to pvp above all else.

> > >

> > > I love Battlefield for the same reasons, at any moment I can die.

> > >

> >

> > Just to be clear, I'm not saying anyone's opinion is better, I definitely see your point, but, stand by my own as well. Perhaps the "dismount trap" will be a happy middle ground making the "gank" cost something more than time.

> > The added load to supplies may be interesting too as it will make the gankers need supply for their traps, which will add a whole new element to them of having to take the occasional camp for resuppy or risk generating salt by leeching off the garri.


> What does ganking have to do with dismounting?

> Dismount mechanics would heavily favor zergers than anything.. then small man roaming teams.. Gankers would be at the bottom of the food chain.


> The main reason we need dismounting abilities is simply due to balance.


Balance between what?



> Take Celestial gear as an example, extremely time gated to make, has no real use for PvE which means the gear is probably best suited for WvW and yet due to the CC immunity, 3 dodges and extra movement available its literally impossible for a person in Celestial gear to dismount someone.

> Now what if that person had 30 odd characters and several sets of Celestial gear dedicated to WvW AND missed out on the gear reset due to celestial being a core stat?

> Theres not even a chance to adapt.

> Its like 6 years worth of building up characters was just rendered moot and a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge waste of time.


> I understand we can both like different things too.


Wut? Because you specced for celestial (and yes, I hate timegates) you are then entitled to dismount people because you can't do enough damage to the mount? Or did I read this wrong? Also there are more avenues to get celestial through stat selection ascended gear in WvW. While it doesn't abolish all of the timegates it still greatly increased the pace to which you can gain them. **And there is a chance to adapt: run something more burst heavy (condi or power) than the celestial stat**. It's not like the mount can cleanse condis...


Or is that not balanced?



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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > Nuuu

> > Anet responses are too rare and precious to let slip into the void


> Yeah, unfortunately... It seemed like they were going to start communicating more with the community but alas...


Might have more to do with the community and less to do with the developers. Just a thought.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > Nuuu

> > > Anet responses are too rare and precious to let slip into the void

> >

> > Yeah, unfortunately... It seemed like they were going to start communicating more with the community but alas...


> Might have more to do with the community and less to do with the developers. Just a thought.


That may be true but they are the ones responsible for generating this community. There are scores of games that have a healthy stream of communication with their players so it's doable. As communities go this is a pretty decent one. People just really like the game so they have strong feelings about it.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > Nuuu

> > > Anet responses are too rare and precious to let slip into the void

> >

> > Yeah, unfortunately... It seemed like they were going to start communicating more with the community but alas...


> Might have more to do with the community and less to do with the developers. Just a thought.


You're right, we don't deserve things because we don't kiss enough hiney


My bank loses my account when I don't give the branch manager a belly rub too

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