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What's the future roadmap for Revenant development


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It would be nice to hear. I hope they continue to give the core class some attention as it is what needs it the most. I like some of the changes they have made, such as rehauling some of the Retribution line and giving each grandmaster trait in Invocation a distinct role and purpose. Core revenant feels better now than it has previously, but I would still like to see it brought closer in line with meta builds. The power discrepancy between the two is inevitable, but in my opinion, a bit too drastic currently. Despite revenant having a diverse selection of legends, it has been plagued by a particular lack of build diversity in PvP. Its build diversity for PvE seems pretty great, but it just doesn't carry over to PvP or WvW on the same way.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> I play Revenant mainly but I, like many others, never see much here from developers on anything regarding the class. Took years now just for energy cost to get reduced. At this time I want to see either more developer interaction or a future roadmap for the Revenant class laid out for us.


Is that a serious comment? Check my sig if you think we never hear anything from the devs about class redevelopment. I mean, I'm pretty baffled that you feel that way, or think that somehow, Revenant is somehow unique enough to get a roadmap for players to scrutinize. That's not how Anet has worked EVER.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > I play Revenant mainly but I, like many others, never see much here from developers on anything regarding the class. Took years now just for energy cost to get reduced. At this time I want to see either more developer interaction or a future roadmap for the Revenant class laid out for us.


> Is that a serious comment? Check my sig if you think we never hear anything from the devs about class redevelopment. I mean, I'm pretty baffled that you feel that way, or think that somehow, Revenant is somehow unique enough to get a roadmap for players to scrutinize. That's not how Anet has worked EVER.


^this. What crack you smoking knighthonor cuz I want some

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Revenant patch notes for the foreseeable future:


•Revenants still exist




really though rev hardly ever gets changed in a meaningful way even meaningless changes still give us the shortest section in the patch notes 90% of the time and as far as we know it will stay that way.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Revenants deserves special attention because they were added with hot, and does not have years of iteration like the core classes


That doesn't make they special or differentiate them from any other class, at least not enough for any sensible person to think it's THE class that Anet provides a development roadmap for.

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ITT: Naysayers who think Revenant is inferior to other classes because it was added during HoT.


Do you have any idea how OP Shiro is during the leveling process?


I won't deny baseline Rev could use some polishing. But it's about as good as any other baseline class. Baseline Necro and Baseline Ranger are more of a joke than Baseline Rev.


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> @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> ITT: Naysayers who think Revenant is inferior to other classes because it was added during HoT.


> Do you have any idea how OP Shiro is during the leveling process?


> I won't deny baseline Rev could use some polishing. But it's about as good as any other baseline class. Baseline Necro and Baseline Ranger are more of a joke than Baseline Rev.



The leveling process last between two weeks, two minutes or two seconds, based on how much you play the game with the character or how much knowledge tomes/instant level ups you have stacked. So leveling is a drop in the ocean, doesn't matter how the class feels in such tiny time scale but how does in the long term.


But I agree that doesn't deserve anything special. The roamap for Rev in the future is crystal clear: you will have your Renegade build for raids, the hammer Herald for WvW, and the power Herald for PvP, as always was the case.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> It would be nice to hear. I hope they continue to give the core class some attention as it is what needs it the most. I like some of the changes they have made, such as rehauling some of the Retribution line and giving each grandmaster trait in Invocation a distinct role and purpose. Core revenant feels better now than it has previously, but I would still like to see it brought closer in line with meta builds. The power discrepancy between the two is inevitable, but in my opinion, a bit too drastic currently. Despite revenant having a diverse selection of legends, it has been plagued by a particular lack of build diversity in PvP. Its build diversity for PvE seems pretty great, but it just doesn't carry over to PvP or WvW on the same way.


There's not really a point in buffing "Core Rev" builds...


Yes, some other classes might have viable core builds (Guard, War, Thief) and yes, some other builds have worked in the past (condi ranger/mesmer/engi b4 they were power crept by their PoF elite versions). But those were made (and carry over for the f2p crowd) from a time when elite specs didn't exist. There was never a need to build a strong core for Rev, since you can't even make a Rev without an expansion purchase.


And sure, from time to time, trait buffs align that let a core build rise to the top (like core guard in spvp or power core war in pve), but imo it shouldn't be Anet's intention to try to make core builds as good as their elite counterparts... At that point the word "elite" loses all meaning. I'm fine if it sort of happens by accident via buffs and players' creative stitching together of the base trait lines, but like, I think Anet's efforts are better spent trying to bring real balance to the classes within the scope of their elites, and not worry about making the 9 core builds just as viable--and tbh, trying to do so would only create bigger balance problems. It's not easy (or even possible in some cases) to make a spec's core trait lines strong enough to compete without making them broken OP when combo'd with an elite spec. This is especially true with Revenant, who's two elite traitlines are basically giant damage modifiers.



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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> At that point the word "elite" loses all meaning.


Daily reminder. Elite specs were never supposed to be stronger than core, just alter playstyle. And without fixing core you cant really keep adding overpowered elite specs to compensate. Glint is not going to be replaced any soon as elite spec unless they will make something even stronger at everything she does which means they might as well not bother adding new elite for rev. Or make her base... which is not going to happen. Or rework core so its actually functional on it own

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> @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> plz buff kalla Legend and traitline to be comepetitive in tpvp ... also some defense bunker build upgrades for jalis would be nice .... you know the inspiring reinforcments underwater skill for land too


Im surprised that it wasnt done yet. Something that was needed from the start. That change with getting rid of cd and making it a stunbreak (no cast time please) would alone buff Jalis a lot. Hammers, Rite, and heal are fixable in their current state with number adjustments/extra effects. That taunt chain joke needs a rework into another defensive skill like a reflect imo or some warding ring.

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> @"Scoobaniec.9561" said:

> > @"narcx.3570" said:

> > At that point the word "elite" loses all meaning.


> Daily reminder. Elite specs were never supposed to be stronger than core, just alter playstyle. And without fixing core you cant really keep adding overpowered elite specs to compensate. Glint is not going to be replaced any soon as elite spec unless they will make something even stronger at everything she does which means they might as well not bother adding new elite for rev. Or make her base... which is not going to happen. Or rework core so its actually functional on it own


I mean this is all well and good, but literally anyone who picked up the elite specs during HOT beta knew they were already stronger than the core specs from Day 0. Sure, Anet paid lip service to the idea of “all traitlines being equally viable etc and core being on par with elite” but it’s been 4 years and that blatantly has _very rarely_ been the case. It’s not feasible and it’s not going to happen. So the idea of “elite specs being just altered playstyles from core” died in a fire just like the idea of 5-6 raids per year and all the other good promises we’ve had over 6 years that have never happened.


Plus I’m with Narcx they’re called elite specs for a reason I don’t think they should ever be eclipsed by core specs unless it’s some sort of happy accident.

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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > @"Scoobaniec.9561" said:

> > > @"narcx.3570" said:

> > > At that point the word "elite" loses all meaning.

> >

> > Daily reminder. Elite specs were never supposed to be stronger than core, just alter playstyle. And without fixing core you cant really keep adding overpowered elite specs to compensate. Glint is not going to be replaced any soon as elite spec unless they will make something even stronger at everything she does which means they might as well not bother adding new elite for rev. Or make her base... which is not going to happen. Or rework core so its actually functional on it own


> I mean this is all well and good, but literally anyone who picked up the elite specs during HOT beta knew they were already stronger than the core specs from Day 0.


And Anet has been addressing that since ... so the intention is real and the target is still a playstyle offering, not a power increase.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> I play Revenant mainly but I, like many others, never see much here from developers on anything regarding the class. Took years now just for energy cost to get reduced. At this time I want to see either more developer interaction or a future roadmap for the Revenant class laid out for us.


I laughed a bit when I saw the “road map.” It will need 3-4 more patches of PvE buffs to get herald power to be competitive.


Condi rev will need 12-15 more patches before it is becomes PvP viable. By that time, a new expansion will be out and will start the whole process... again.


Condi renegade will never be PvP viable.


If you think any different, PoF track records indicates otherwise.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> I laughed a bit when I saw the “road map.” It will need 3-4 more patches of PvE buffs to get herald power to be competitive.


Power Herald's really only like one or two changes from being PvE competitive, the problem is that anet's not likely to implement them.


Herald actual does pretty ok damage, the problem is it has zero burst, and burst is what power specs are all about cuz of the nature of boss encounters and their phases. If they found a way to give Herald *real* burst skills without busting it in other game modes it'd probably be right up there. I think a good candidate would be massive PvE-only buffs to Burst of Strength. A 15% modifier is cool and all, but for that type of a modifier, 5 seconds is too way too short, especially because of all the aftercasts involved in getting from using BoS and then getting to use real damage skills... Minimum you're looking at using BoS, and then swapping to Shiro and using Sw 4/2, but even with quickness, that's about BARELY all you can do due to skill lag, cast times, and aftercasts.


If you look at a similar skill 5 second skill like Assassin's Signet, which gives 540 power, is INSTA cast, and isn't locked behind a legend stance, it's not even close. So, a good first step would be to either give BoS a longer duration (meh), or make it an instacast F-skill and/or change it to a huge direct power boost akin to Assassin's Sig (woo!). The problem is, Anet doesn't want Heralds to have crazy PvE burst, they want their damage delivered steadily--which is apparent through how all of their skills work (not counting sw4, which is a new skill.) And it doesn't matter how much they buff things, if they don't give the class burst, it won't be raid-competitive vs the vast majority of the power fights.


And honestly, I feel like changes like that aren't going to happen. I think they're pretty content with dps Herald being a great PvP/WvW/Solo PvE build and if they were to try and work Herald into the raid meta, it'd be as a boon-bot again, since that was it's original vision or whatever. If anything, we'd probably see changes that make Power Renegade a competitive dps build before we see Power Herald near the top of the benchmark list. :sleepy:

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > I laughed a bit when I saw the “road map.” It will need 3-4 more patches of PvE buffs to get herald power to be competitive.


> Power Herald's really only like one or two changes from being PvE competitive, the problem is that anet's not likely to implement them.


> Herald actual does pretty ok damage, the problem is it has zero burst, and burst is what power specs are all about cuz of the nature of boss encounters and their phases. If they found a way to give Herald *real* burst skills without busting it in other game modes it'd probably be right up there. I think a good candidate would be massive PvE-only buffs to Burst of Strength. A 15% modifier is cool and all, but for that type of a modifier, 5 seconds is too way too short, especially because of all the aftercasts involved in getting from using BoS and then getting to use real damage skills... Minimum you're looking at using BoS, and then swapping to Shiro and using Sw 4/2, but even with quickness, that's about BARELY all you can do due to skill lag, cast times, and aftercasts.


> If you look at a similar skill 5 second skill like Assassin's Signet, which gives 540 power, is INSTA cast, and isn't locked behind a legend stance, it's not even close. So, a good first step would be to either give BoS a longer duration (meh), or make it an instacast F-skill and/or change it to a huge direct power boost akin to Assassin's Sig (woo!). The problem is, Anet doesn't want Heralds to have crazy PvE burst, they want their damage delivered steadily--which is apparent through how all of their skills work (not counting sw4, which is a new skill.) And it doesn't matter how much they buff things, if they don't give the class burst, it won't be raid-competitive vs the vast majority of the power fights.


> And honestly, I feel like changes like that aren't going to happen. I think they're pretty content with dps Herald being a great PvP/WvW/Solo PvE build and if they were to try and work Herald into the raid meta, it'd be as a boon-bot again, since that was it's original vision or whatever. If anything, we'd probably see changes that make Power Renegade a competitive dps build before we see Power Herald near the top of the benchmark list. :sleepy:


I agree with you. Anet needs to either strengthen PvE burst or overall PvE damage to be closer to condi builds. The issue is, I do think Anet has an objective here..


My problem with Anet balance is they tend to either kill something or spend 10 patches tinkering with no success. And this is not a Rev exclusive issue. But it is pretty evident with how the have been fixing Herald power dps since the beginning of PoF, and yet cannot get it to where it needs to be. Or condi rev in PvP.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > It would be nice to hear. I hope they continue to give the core class some attention as it is what needs it the most. I like some of the changes they have made, such as rehauling some of the Retribution line and giving each grandmaster trait in Invocation a distinct role and purpose. Core revenant feels better now than it has previously, but I would still like to see it brought closer in line with meta builds. The power discrepancy between the two is inevitable, but in my opinion, a bit too drastic currently. Despite revenant having a diverse selection of legends, it has been plagued by a particular lack of build diversity in PvP. Its build diversity for PvE seems pretty great, but it just doesn't carry over to PvP or WvW on the same way.


> There's not really a point in buffing "Core Rev" builds...


> Yes, some other classes might have viable core builds (Guard, War, Thief) and yes, some other builds have worked in the past (condi ranger/mesmer/engi b4 they were power crept by their PoF elite versions). But those were made (and carry over for the f2p crowd) from a time when elite specs didn't exist. There was never a need to build a strong core for Rev, since you can't even make a Rev without an expansion purchase.


> And sure, from time to time, trait buffs align that let a core build rise to the top (like core guard in spvp or power core war in pve), but imo it shouldn't be Anet's intention to try to make core builds as good as their elite counterparts... At that point the word "elite" loses all meaning. I'm fine if it sort of happens by accident via buffs and players' creative stitching together of the base trait lines, but like, I think Anet's efforts are better spent trying to bring real balance to the classes within the scope of their elites, and not worry about making the 9 core builds just as viable--and tbh, trying to do so would only create bigger balance problems. It's not easy (or even possible in some cases) to make a spec's core trait lines strong enough to compete without making them broken OP when combo'd with an elite spec. This is especially true with Revenant, who's two elite traitlines are basically giant damage modifiers.




You're right in that core rev doesn't necessarily need competitive builds, but an argument can be made that elite specs for rev will always be unable to be constructed well because core rev lacks synergy and a good foundation. Every elite spec has to be designed in a way to be able to synergize with most or all of the core legends because the core lacks synergy and basic necessities. Things like swiftness (or impossible odds), might stacking, protection, a reliable heal, etc. are not easily accesible on core rev without designing your whole build around them. This requires the elite specs to provide the bulk of the necessities which results in what in my opinion is a messy situation which limits how "specialized" revs elite specializations can be.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > I laughed a bit when I saw the “road map.” It will need 3-4 more patches of PvE buffs to get herald power to be competitive.


> Power Herald's really only like one or two changes from being PvE competitive, the problem is that anet's not likely to implement them.


> Herald actual does pretty ok damage, the problem is it has zero burst, and burst is what power specs are all about cuz of the nature of boss encounters and their phases. If they found a way to give Herald *real* burst skills without busting it in other game modes it'd probably be right up there. I think a good candidate would be massive PvE-only buffs to Burst of Strength. A 15% modifier is cool and all, but for that type of a modifier, 5 seconds is too way too short, especially because of all the aftercasts involved in getting from using BoS and then getting to use real damage skills... Minimum you're looking at using BoS, and then swapping to Shiro and using Sw 4/2, but even with quickness, that's about BARELY all you can do due to skill lag, cast times, and aftercasts.


> If you look at a similar skill 5 second skill like Assassin's Signet, which gives 540 power, is INSTA cast, and isn't locked behind a legend stance, it's not even close. So, a good first step would be to either give BoS a longer duration (meh), or make it an instacast F-skill and/or change it to a huge direct power boost akin to Assassin's Sig (woo!). The problem is, Anet doesn't want Heralds to have crazy PvE burst, they want their damage delivered steadily--which is apparent through how all of their skills work (not counting sw4, which is a new skill.) And it doesn't matter how much they buff things, if they don't give the class burst, it won't be raid-competitive vs the vast majority of the power fights.


> And honestly, I feel like changes like that aren't going to happen. I think they're pretty content with dps Herald being a great PvP/WvW/Solo PvE build and if they were to try and work Herald into the raid meta, it'd be as a boon-bot again, since that was it's original vision or whatever. If anything, we'd probably see changes that make Power Renegade a competitive dps build before we see Power Herald near the top of the benchmark list. :sleepy:


Thief is also a low burst high sustained damage power DPS spec and is very meta for many raid encounters. Problem is herald DPS is like 20% behind Daredevil which is way too large a margin regardless of assassin's presence. Herald sustained DPS is so bad it's about 10% behind the sustained DPS of bursty DPS builds like dh and soulbeast while having such low burst that certain Condi builds only need about 5 seconds of ramp up to pass it. Oh yeah and it has worse than horrible cleave thanks to damage splits on skills 2, 4, and impossible odds. It is really quite bad now and keeps getting worse every patch.

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