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Can we make SAB a permanent feature?

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I know it is currently a festival but I don't see a reason why SAB can't be around all years. All of the other festivals are calendar-related. Considering the difficulty in finishing the Crimson Assassin collection (~6 years of SAB) a simple solution is to leave it as a permanent feature.

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Unfortunately... with the addition of the weekly trader, it makes it harder to see it become a permanent fixture in the game. Other than that, I'd love to see it stay permanently. It's such a fun game mode, and it would give everyone a break from their daily grindfests. Positivity all around, I say

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YES PLEASE! There is no way in this world for me to complete tribulation 16 times during the event. If I could buy these weapons skins then I wouldn't have a problem with that. But I can't.

Why almost everything in this game requires either luck or agility?

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> You will see how quickly it becomes boring if it was made permanently accessable. It is much more exciting when you are looking forward for its return. It is a great festival and it should remain a festival.


Boring to you maybe but not to me.

I re-visit my favorite jumping puzzles in game a lot and I enjoy them very much. If they made Jumping Puzzles as a festival, I wouldn't be enjoying them as much as I am now. The problem I have with SAB being a festival is I can never enjoy the game when I am being forced to play a game mode I like when I am not in the mood because it will be taken away ruins the fun of it in my opinion. I am unable to fully enjoy SAB.


At least if SAB was permanent, I can play it when I'm in the mood and I don't have to play it when I am not in the mood. I have a choice and more choices is better.

If you get bored of SAB quickly then you can choose to stop playing it too and jump back in whenever you want if you want. But taking away other people's choice to play because YOU personally get bored of it quickly is kinda selfish. Especially when you don't enjoy it as much as those who do. That's my opinion.

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> @"DreamyAbaddon.3265" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > You will see how quickly it becomes boring if it was made permanently accessable. It is much more exciting when you are looking forward for its return. It is a great festival and it should remain a festival.


> Boring to you maybe but not to me.

> I re-visit my favorite jumping puzzles in game a lot and I enjoy them very much. If they made Jumping Puzzles as a festival, I wouldn't be enjoying them as much as I am now. The problem I have with SAB being a festival is I can never enjoy the game when I am being forced to play a game mode I like when I am not in the mood because it will be taken away ruins the fun of it in my opinion. I am unable to fully enjoy SAB.


> At least if SAB was permanent, I can play it when I'm in the mood and I don't have to play it when I am not in the mood. I have a choice and more choices is better.

> If you get bored of SAB quickly then you can choose to stop playing it too and jump back in whenever you want if you want. But taking away other people's choice to play because YOU personally get bored of it quickly is kinda selfish. Especially when you don't enjoy it as much as those who do. That's my opinion.


I'm glad you're able to pick & choose carefully, to avoid burning out on the parts of the game you like best. Unfortunately, that's not how it works with everyone. _Absence makes the heart grow fonder_ and _familiarity breeds contempt_ are cliches because they turn out to be true often, as they do with SAB. Even many who love love love Moto's box reach a point of saturation and can only play so many times before they need to stop.


Besides that, this isn't an 8-bit platform simulation game; SAB is a lark, which makes it perfect as an annual festival. More importantly, if it were permanent, the pressure to add to SAB would grow, and ANet has already decided that isn't a priority for them.

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I would prefer if SAB was all year round, I really really hate having to rush things. Acquiring all the skins and completing the collections takes time even if the event was permanent and let's face it, not everyone has a lot of free time to play the game, everything considered 3 weeks is a very short time.


A quick lineup of things to do in SAB:


Achievements - Some are easy, others a bit tough and time consuming.

Vendor items which Baubles - Baubles are easy to obtain and you need a lot to get everything.

Orange Weapon Set - If you do the daily every day it would still take you 4 months to finish the collection.

Green Weapon Set - Only obtainable by doing Tribulation mode World 1.

Yellow Weapon Set - Only obtainable by doing Tribulation mode World 2.

Crimson Weapon Set - 200 Tokens to finish the collection which equals to almost 6 months work.

Blue Weapon Set - The easiest to obtain but still time consuming.


In other words it's a lot of work and 3 weeks time window is a really short time.

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> @"Tzarakiel.7490" said:

> When they added world 2 SAB stayed around until September, but everyone forgot about it after April.


Um, not exactly. The [introduction](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Super_Adventure_Box_(release)) lasted all of April 2013, [back to School](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Super_Adventure_Box:_Back_to_School) lasted all of September 2013 (and was when trib mode was introduced and when W2 was completed). After that, there was no SAB until it returned as a [festival in 2016](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Super_Adventure_Festival_2016).


And I assure you, people did not "forget about it" after April 2013, which is (partly) why we had "Back to School" and why it eventually returned as a festival.

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> @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" said:

> I would prefer if SAB was all year round, I really really hate having to rush things. Acquiring all the skins and completing the collections takes time even if the event was permanent and let's face it, not everyone has a lot of free time to play the game, everything considered 3 weeks is a very short time.


> A quick lineup of things to do in SAB:


> Achievements - Some are easy, others a bit tough and time consuming.

> Vendor items which Baubles - Baubles are easy to obtain and you need a lot to get everything.

> Orange Weapon Set - If you do the daily every day it would still take you 4 months to finish the collection.

> Green Weapon Set - Only obtainable by doing Tribulation mode World 1.

> Yellow Weapon Set - Only obtainable by doing Tribulation mode World 2.

> Crimson Weapon Set - 200 Tokens to finish the collection which equals to almost 6 months work.

> Blue Weapon Set - The easiest to obtain but still time consuming.


> In other words it's a lot of work and 3 weeks time window is a really short time.


Imho, the major issue is with the Kaiser Snake/Crimson Assassin collections, especially the latter. The time-gating itself wouldn't be that bad...but when the content itself is available for less than a month per year, it is really disheartening.

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> @"Manuhell.2759" said:

> > @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" said:

> > I would prefer if SAB was all year round, I really really hate having to rush things. Acquiring all the skins and completing the collections takes time even if the event was permanent and let's face it, not everyone has a lot of free time to play the game, everything considered 3 weeks is a very short time.

> >

> > A quick lineup of things to do in SAB:

> >

> > Achievements - Some are easy, others a bit tough and time consuming.

> > Vendor items which Baubles - Baubles are easy to obtain and you need a lot to get everything.

> > Orange Weapon Set - If you do the daily every day it would still take you 4 months to finish the collection.

> > Green Weapon Set - Only obtainable by doing Tribulation mode World 1.

> > Yellow Weapon Set - Only obtainable by doing Tribulation mode World 2.

> > Crimson Weapon Set - 200 Tokens to finish the collection which equals to almost 6 months work.

> > Blue Weapon Set - The easiest to obtain but still time consuming.

> >

> > In other words it's a lot of work and 3 weeks time window is a really short time.


> Imho, the major issue is with the Kaiser Snake/Crimson Assassin collections, especially the latter. The time-gating itself wouldn't be that bad...but when the content itself is available for less than a month per year, it is really disheartening.





This takes a years to complete.

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> @"Katastroff.1045" said:


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Eldvin_Monastery_Brew_of_the_Month_Club



> This takes a years to complete.


A single year? That's cute. The Crimson Assassin collection requires 200 tokens, and you get one per day. At three weeks per year...well, if one started it during this festival, he can do it in 10 years. The time can be halved if one gets tokens via the Course Load reward (assuming the progress is retained between releases, and i'm not sure about it) but we're still talking about 5 years, and you aren't getting Kaiser Snake weapons if you do so (the supply of which is rather scarse in the TP, i should add).


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