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Please add dueling hubs

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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> So I know a lot of people are opposed to open world dueling because of possible meta event disruption.

What. How is it supposed to happen? And why not implement duel in such way it's cancelled if any of participants steps within zone around some meta-event?


> @"yoni.7015"

> There is an arena in the mists

That won't do. It's public, so no guarantee nobody will interfere in your duel. They can kill you both, or they can heal one of you, just in spite of it. You also need to specifically move there, just for a single petty duel, what is a "no-go" for a casual way of having fun.


Ideally, there should be a gemstore item which allow you to start duel with a specific player, anywhere (but still far enough from any PvE activity), and will guarantee nobody will be able to affect both of you for the duration of it.

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Just to point out there are likely some technical limitations to this, iirc ANet mentioned that they couldn't enable pvp in the PVE maps at all, so even festival maps like toypocalypse etc and the snowball wars are actually put in PVP maps to enable PVP at all.


If so, then creating any kind of dueling/pvp system in anywhere of PVE would likely require a huge restructuring/redesign of the core engine, or at least large parts of it.


Not against it myself, but I'm content enough with the methods we have available.

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> If so, then creating any kind of dueling/pvp system in anywhere of PVE would likely require a huge restructuring/redesign of the core engine, or at least large parts of it.


It's been confirmed that it takes more work than they are prepared to devote; 1v1 rooms are the existing work-around.


> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" [wrote in September 2018](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/695146/#Comment_695146):

> I'm not against 1v1 dueling, with restrictions to areas. But as other's noted, to do this right requires a lot of work. (Specified duel areas, a way to change the skill ruleset used based on an area rather than a whole map, etc.


> We have so many higher priorities that I can't see us ever actually getting to this in the foreseeable future. Especially as we already have the means for players to create their own 1v1's via custom arenas.




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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> You can invite them to your guild if you want to duel them. Everyone has five guild slots


People suggesting SPvP arena = PvP stats/amulets/runes + sigils are limited and thus stifle some builds you might find in WvW, so there is a restriction.


People suggesting Guild Hall = PvE stats/skill splits, meaning some skills are far more overpowered in the guild hall when they shouldn't be in a setting like WvW balanced for player confrontation.



Apart from the pay wall of Armistic Bastion, is there anywhere to duel with someone with WvW stats/freedom of build/balance, that is accessible by people not just in your server bracket?


I'll wait.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"PistolWhip.2697" said:

> > Apart from the pay wall of Armistic Bastion, is there anywhere to duel with someone with WvW stats/freedom of build/balance, that is accessible by people not just in your server bracket?

> Edge of the Mists


No that is not dueling for the last time. Dueling is a fight between 2 people without anyone else jumping in. Mists is out of the question that is a free for all arena not a duel.


This is what dueling is you know someone you want to go against 1v1 you walk up to them and right click them and ask to duel, they can either decline or say yes. Then a timer pops saying duel starting in 3..2..1. No one else can jump in and attack either party, its just you two. You know the area in the sylvari start zone where you walk up to the wardens and ask them to fight? Thats a duel, it can be done. In a duel you dont kill your opponent it just goes down to a certain hp or a forfeit. It a fun thing to do without having to die to do it, or leave/join a guild, or go to an area where anyone can jump in and ruin the duel. In a way they already do it, look at costume brawls, its not a stretch from that to actual duels.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"PistolWhip.2697" said:

> > Apart from the pay wall of Armistic Bastion, is there anywhere to duel with someone with WvW stats/freedom of build/balance, that is accessible by people not just in your server bracket?

> Edge of the Mists


What if the person you want to duel happens to be on the same colour side as you?


Suddenly it isnt possible.


Face it, every single method proposed is jumping through hoops just to invalidate any value in this proposal. It has been like that since the dawn of this proposal's time from launch year.


Until they add a non pay-walled arena, which allows you to select which game modes/stats and build balances you want to pick, and allows you to duel anyone who would like to duel you back, this is not possible without work arounds by the player themselves.


Whether you even agree with duelling being in the game is another discussion worth having entirely, but lets stop pretending we have exactly what everyone is asking for because we have some stuff which is 'close-ish'.




To add onto this, why aren't some people vehemently against costume brawls? I have never seen them promote toxicity by virtue of existing in 'PvE-land' or anything myself, but I'm sure this goes against the "no competition in my co-operative game mode!" philosophy.

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> @"Neural.1824" said:

> > @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> > > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > > There is an arena in the mists and there is also an arena in the guild halls.

> >

> > People keep saying that but nobody goes to mists to duel and it's so lame. I want to fight in Tyria where it looks cool and not have to be in party with someone and go to the trouble of going into pvp lobby etc.. same with guild halls. Only guildies zzz


> So in other words, you want people to see how l337 you are.


> Dueling for skill and competition is great, and GW2 offers a number of ways to do it.


> Dueling for attention is not.


You missed the point entirely.

Way too many people here do not understand how a dueling community enlightens the game. There is nothing better than hanging around with others and fighting for fun and talking shit. It's game, stop being so boring.

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> @"wickedkae.4980" said:

> > @"Neural.1824" said:

> > > @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> > > > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > > > There is an arena in the mists and there is also an arena in the guild halls.

> > >

> > > People keep saying that but nobody goes to mists to duel and it's so lame. I want to fight in Tyria where it looks cool and not have to be in party with someone and go to the trouble of going into pvp lobby etc.. same with guild halls. Only guildies zzz

> >

> > So in other words, you want people to see how l337 you are.

> >

> > Dueling for skill and competition is great, and GW2 offers a number of ways to do it.

> >

> > Dueling for attention is not.


> You missed the point entirely.

> Way too many people here do not understand how a dueling community enlightens the game. There is nothing better than hanging around with others and fighting for fun and talking kitten. It's game, stop being so boring.


buy a spvp private arena get your friends in and duel all you like.

You can then talk in map chat talking kitten all you like in that arena,

You can kick and ban people who dont follow your rules or beat you at your own game =)

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > @"PistolWhip.2697" said:

> > > Apart from the pay wall of Armistic Bastion, is there anywhere to duel with someone with WvW stats/freedom of build/balance, that is accessible by people not just in your server bracket?

> > Edge of the Mists


> No that is not dueling for the last time. Dueling is a fight between 2 people without anyone else jumping in. Mists is out of the question that is a free for all arena not a duel.

I know what duelling is. The person I was quoting was asking for a way to duel somebody in wvw outside of their server bracket. That's exactly what Edge of the Mists is, WvW outside of a specific match-up. The map is large, you can easily find a secluded spot to 1vs1 without interference just like people 1vs1 behind south camp or around Stonemist castle on the regular WvW maps.


Btw, you don't have to leave/join a guild to duel in a guild arena either. Just invite your friend to a party, and they can then enter your guild hall (through the main entrance) as long as you are inside the guild hall.


> @"PistolWhip.2697" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > @"PistolWhip.2697" said:

> > > Apart from the pay wall of Armistic Bastion, is there anywhere to duel with someone with WvW stats/freedom of build/balance, that is accessible by people not just in your server bracket?

> > Edge of the Mists


> What if the person you want to duel happens to be on the same colour side as you?

Wait until next week? Yeah, there are restrictions, since WvW wasn't built with duelling in mind (that's what private pvp rooms and guild hall arenas are for, although I agree that due to the splits between game modes it's not quite the same). But to say you only get the chance if you end up in the same wvw bracket is widely inaccurate.

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> @"wickedkae.4980" said:

> Way too many people here do not understand how a dueling community enlightens the game. There is nothing better than hanging around with others and fighting for fun and talking kitten. It's game, stop being so boring.

I've been out of kindergarden for well over 40 years. Pretty much anything you can do in game is better than being subjected to people bashing each other "for fun", thank you. What you don't seem to understand is that a lot of people are playing this game precisely because it is cooperative and we don't have to deal with all that adolescent foolishness. If you want to fight each other, there's ways to do it in this game without bothering the rest of us. I for one very much hope it stays that way, since duelling in towns and starting areas is one of the experiences I really don't miss from previous games.


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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"wickedkae.4980" said:

> > Way too many people here do not understand how a dueling community enlightens the game. There is nothing better than hanging around with others and fighting for fun and talking kitten. It's game, stop being so boring.

> I've been out of kindergarden for well over 40 years. Pretty much anything you can do in game is better than being subjected to people bashing each other "for fun", thank you. What you don't seem to understand is that a lot of people are playing this game precisely because it is cooperative and we don't have to deal with all that adolescent foolishness. If you want to fight each other, there's ways to do it in this game without bothering the rest of us. I for one very much hope it stays that way, since duelling in towns and starting areas is one of the experiences I really don't miss from previous games.



You put that more nicely than I would have. :) I completely agree with your position in this regard.

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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > There is an arena in the mists and there is also an arena in the guild halls.


> People keep saying that but nobody goes to mists to duel

Why do you think arenas in OW would be more popular? People that aren't willing to use what's currently available would not go to those as well. No matter how they claim otherwise now.



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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> Why do you think arenas in OW would be more popular? People that aren't willing to use what's currently available would not go to those as well. No matter how they claim otherwise now.


Pretty much this. And even if dueling grounds were added, then it would be "Weh, we need dueling at world bosses because waiting is wah" or "I want to duel in places no one wants to be bothered, for reasons!" Best not to even bother entertaining such things.

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Off topic, but one thing I'd rather like to see, is some of the existing arena's in the OW game (like the one at the heart in NE of Gendarran fields) have some own mini games, where you can take on larger and larger challenges, to see how far you get, and actually support some challenging gameplay for 1-5 players. Probably locking off the area so others couldn't interrupt though.

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> Off topic, but one thing I'd rather like to see, is some of the existing arena's in the OW game (like the one at the heart in NE of Gendarran fields) have some own mini games, where you can take on larger and larger challenges, to see how far you get, and actually support some challenging gameplay for 1-5 players. Probably locking off the area so others couldn't interrupt though.


Or some sort of "challenge arena" (where you could spawn enemies to fight with) upgrade for guildhalls

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> I dont get it, why the animosity you people have for an option?

You can go back and read some of the other threads, which include cogent explanations as to how _an option_ could impact the experience of non-duelers.


The bigger issue is that adding dueling in a way that fits with GW2 isn't cheap, there are tons of other suggestions (including many with higher priority for large segments of the population), and most importantly: the fraction of people who want dueling is never going to be more than tiny.


Presumably, ANet's version of dueling would be more appealing to more people than is typical of other games (for example, the niche appeal of raids is wider in this game than many others). And even then, it wouldn't be something that the majority of PvErs would have interest in.


Which is why ANet has said: fun idea; just not something they have plans to include.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > I dont get it, why the animosity you people have for an option?

> You can go back and read some of the other threads, which include cogent explanations as to how _an option_ could impact the experience of non-duelers.


> The bigger issue is that adding dueling in a way that fits with GW2 isn't cheap, there are tons of other suggestions (including many with higher priority for large segments of the population), and most importantly: the fraction of people who want dueling is never going to be more than tiny.


> Presumably, ANet's version of dueling would be more appealing to more people than is typical of other games (for example, the niche appeal of raids is wider in this game than many others). And even then, it wouldn't be something that the majority of PvErs would have interest in.


> Which is why ANet has said: fun idea; just not something they have plans to include.


Not for nothing but are there numbers to back this up? I mean when this game came out it was about pvp endgame, they didnt have a pve endgame it was one of the reasons i didnt get it back then. Pve'ers arent interested in wvw either, should they get rid of that ? Pvp'ers get little from this game anymore, everything has swapped to open world events and lw stories. Yet there is a big core of pvp'ers you cant starve them forever they will leave, and while pve people see that as a plus its not. It would hurt the game tremendously , so basically what im saying is i dont give a flying fig what pve wants only, there are other modes of gameplay too.


I dont see how anyone can play a game and lock themselves into one mode, how boring. When i play i try to get a little of every game mode in. Because its fun to do different things everyday instead of running the same path over and over. And raiding isnt even a big niche there are games that have far more raiders. Deciding what content to put in only on one type of gameplay is a bad idea.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> Not for nothing but are there numbers to back this up?

You can look at what fraction of people complete PvP achievements (the ones that happen nearly automatically, versus the ones that people strive for).


> Pve'ers arent interested in wvw either, should they get rid of that ?

The question isn't whether to get rid of PvP, it's whether to increase its footprint.


> Yet there is a big core of pvp'ers you cant starve them forever they will leave,

They have been (nearly) starved nearly forever. And many have left.


> i dont give a flying fig what pve wants only,

Apparently not, otherwise you'd realize that what PvE-only folks want matters when ANet considers whether to make a change in the PvE-only zones.


> I dont see how anyone can play a game and lock themselves into one mode, how boring.

Some people eat the same thing for breakfast every day; some eat something different every day. Do you really have trouble understanding that different people like different things?


> Deciding what content to put in only on one type of gameplay is a bad idea.

Except this discussion is about one specific idea, not about whether to improve or change or add to PvP or WvW. No one is saying, "never do stuff in PvP;" they are arguing that this particular proposal would not be neutral for PvE. (Whether that's true or not is apparently moot for some people in this thread.)



And finally, it's entirely moot. Ben P has come right out and said: he likes the idea; he just doesn't think it's a viable one.

Regardless of the opinions of the "dueling or riot" crowd or the "no dueling or quitting" crowd, or of anyone in between, ANet has considered the idea and decided it doesn't fit with their priorities.


The good news (for the pro-dueling subset) is that ANet didn't reject it out of hand, which almost certainly means they'll reconsider it, maybe in 2-3 years.


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