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Too “Nice” - Is GW2’s Community REALLY That Great?

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> @"sigur.9453" said:

> If you add a single fail status like in wvw/raids/fracs/pvp "nicest community" isn't so nice anymore.

> So "we" are nice by design.


Exactly this.

Which is why I don't PvP. :P

And the raid community is pointlessly salty with its demands of superlative performance that's never necessary to finish a raid boss. Entirely too much of this "2-5 years of HR experience to get an HR job" kinda thing.


Heck, even open-world events like Tarir get sassy sometimes when it looks like East or South might botch the job early. Blame the mechanics of the fight for that. So again, "nice by design," except when it isn't.


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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > If you add a single fail status like in wvw/raids/fracs/pvp "nicest community" isn't so nice anymore.

> > So "we" are nice by design.


> Exactly this.

> Which is why I don't PvP. :P

> And the raid community is pointlessly salty with its demands of superlative performance that's never necessary to finish a raid boss. Entirely too much of this "2-5 years of HR experience to get an HR job" kinda thing.


> Heck, even open-world events like Tarir get sassy sometimes when it looks like East or South might botch the job early. Blame the mechanics of the fight for that. So again, "nice by design," except when it isn't.



Better not talk about raids, I was one of the you would call salty ones ;) but thx for correcting my typo!

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> @"sigur.9453" said:

> Nah, community is nice because ther is almost no "conflict potential".

> Metaevents hardly fail (i remember times when chack, ds, etc. where not a 100% win, there was a lot of salt going on, still is on serpents ;) )

> There is no mob/kill stealing.

> Nodes are also shared.

> Everyone gets the same rewards.


> If you add a single fail status like in wvw/raids/fracs/pvp "nicest community" isn´t so nice anymore.

> So "we" are nice be design.

> i´ve seen this in a lot of other games as well. everyone is everyones best friend until someone messes up/gets loot you do not get now anymore.

> We are the best in praising ourself though, never seen that before.


Yeah was gonna say this, the game makes us nice by design, but being truly nice is up to the individual. I personally not a cat! and try to help/join lfg people if not busy. To reinforce Sigur's point: years ago playing WoW a guy came to me and angrily told me to "stop stealing his boars!" because I was doing a quest to get boar meat, and the guy wanted to tame a boar we were at odds, glad GW2 doesn't have mob stealing XD

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You are wrong. This niceness comes from preventing bad behaviors. For example:


* You cannot PK in open world, because combat between players has strictly delimited areas. So players do not have to worry about that.

* You cannot easily troll or insult enemy players in WvW, since chat is separate per world.

* You cannot kill steal, because players have individual rewards from kills.

* You cannot ninja-steal nodes, since nodes are accessed separately per account.

* The gearing system and horizontal progression system makes helping others the best way to show off. Since your stats are not what make you complete content, but your knowledge, and the best way to show off your knowledge is sharing it and helping other players.


The best way to prevent a bad behavior is making it impossible. And that's what make a 'nice community'.


This is why most of the toxic behavior in the game is concentrated in places where other player's failure determines one's own failure, as that creates frustration because it's not possible to control other player's skill as much as one's own.

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Lets not sugar coat it, the community has nicer people in it than most, but it still has jerks. You wont get away from that even FF that people claim has the best community in the world has a lot of trash talking. What i have run into lately are the fashion snobs, thats a new one to me. In most games i have played people are either jerks and snobs because of how much better they are than you at hard core content. LOL not here people are snobs not for the content they have cleared but for who has the best most expensive wardrobe rofl, thats a new one to me. Got to love it when you are told your toon looks like a dumpster fire.

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I've been part of events where things go pear-shaped and people start to get salty and throw insults and blame around. For me it's been the exception and not the rule. I think that compared to other game's communities I've seen, there really does seem to be a bigger percentage of nice, helpful people here. I agree with those who say that a lot of this is due to design decisions that encourage that attitude.


I'm also mindful that we're in a time where we're getting new people coming from other games and former players coming back, so I try to be a positive presence myself. I like this game a lot and compared to others that I've been in I've found it to be a really great place to belong.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> This is why most of the toxic behavior in the game is concentrated in places where other player's failure determines one's own failure, as that creates frustration because it's not possible to control other player's skill as much as one's own.


PvP. He means PvP.


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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> Yes, everyone is “nice.” But it’s the niceness that comes from being so distant from each other. You don’t act mean to people you don’t know that well. And no one on Guild Wars 2 really knows each other that well, it’s a solo effort done in groups you don’t have any real interaction with.


Actually your supposition is incorrect, the exact opposite is true...just look at the internet in general, it's much easier for people to be mean to people they don't know well online than they are to people they do know. There fore the statement that the GW2 community is "nice" is true generally in comparison to most other online games, but as will all online communities you will still have bad actors...everything is relative in it's own sense.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> Yes, everyone is “nice.” But it’s the niceness that comes from being so distant from each other. You don’t act mean to people you don’t know that well. And no one on Guild Wars 2 really knows each other that well, it’s a solo effort done in groups you don’t have any real interaction with.


Relatively speaking. People have bad days, good days, and all things in between. If you want salty and mean, check out the PvP lobby.


>! And even they're tame by most competitive game standards, they're just moaning about the latest BS or what killed them.


I don't know what more you expect from people. It's just the nature of communicating online. I'll take anonymous kindness over anonymous strife.


The pendulum is more often tilted to the later not the former, so it's nice to say our game has people that are more willing to be helpful and kind rather than angry and quarrelsome.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Sadly that can lead to new and unusual problems too. Once someone saw me doing a puzzle on my elementalist and demanded a portal to the top (didn't ask, told me I was going to do it), when I explained I couldn't he called me a lazy elitist 'kitten' and then started ranting in map chat about how all mesmers are rude and selfish and someone had better portal him up to prove him wrong. But that kind of thing is very much the exception in my experience.


I doubt anyone would take that kind of obvious baiting seriously. We all know that lots of mesmers go way beyond what could reasonably be expected of them - too many for anyone to actually agree with such a blithering rant.

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In comparison to other online communities, it is nicer. Been playing since beta, fewer people will call you names in rage or demand you kill yourself for being terrible. Maybe Blizzard could learn more things from Anet about game design that could curb such toxic behaviors. Lord knows they copied the Transmutation system and some gw1 Assassin assets.

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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> I've seen the same things in GW2 as many other MMORPG's - people raging for failing at HoT zone events, the usual racist/political/religious nonsense in Lion's arch, know of people being kicked from the final boss in dungeons for someone's guild members to be let in, let's not even go into raids/PvP/WvW and so on...


> But probably the most damning thing about this game's community is the obsession with farming gold, which actually makes the community worse in certain respects than other MMORPGs. For example take dungeons (back when dungeons were still a thing), when I played LOTRO (long ago when it was sub based) there were a lot of guilds, even individuals who did events (or simply announce in chat) to teach people dungeons or run low levels through, etc. In GW2 on the other hand that sort of thing was a very rare occurrence, because people were obsessed with running through dungeons as fast as possible all the time for gold per hour. And God forbid people tried running a low level dungeon on a character that wasn't max level...


> Overall the GW2 community reflects the game, shallow.



I agree with the point that most people are obsessed with doing successful runs and getting as much loot and reward as possible. One of the guilds I am in has this daily fractal runs, BUT it's only for T4 fractals. Despite my prompting of interest in learning and trying out at lower T levels, I was told to gear up with agonies and join in T4. No officers or guildlies who are familiar with fractals ever offer a guiding run for lower tiers. So, I stopped asking.


I too remember when this game was new, about 4 - 5 years ago, whenever I got lost in the Ruins of Orr and every time when I asked for directions, all I get from map chats are people indulging in their own chats or troll replies and even perverted whispers from idiots. My personal experience, this community is far from being nice to strangers.


Of course, there are always the opposing sides. There are a few real saints I came across that really helped me out all the way and even beyond what I needed <3 But these kind and friendly players are rare. A few became my cyber friends in my fb and instagram. I wish there are more such players.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > Its because GW2 isn't a competitive game. In PvE there are players who don't want to go kitten swinging so they may be mostly female or older gamers. This tends to breed a pretty friendly community of non competitive types.

> > >

> > > If you step into WvW or PvP, thats more likely where you'll find the 15-30 male age range. This is generalising, but younger men tend to enjoy game modes with a more competitive edge. My girlfriend for example finds this stressful, so she's much more likely to be drawn to completionist or cooperative activities.

> > >

> > > Whereas for me, this doesn't satisfy my particular gaming itch because I want to compete.

> >

> > I kinda have to disagree being a rare breed of female gamer who loves a challenge and would like to be more competitive, however all the trash talk and egos turn me off because after 5 years of games like Aion i'd rather have an easy life without some kitten whispering me and calling me a noob.

> > In the original Guildwars I did all kinds of PvP. Halls, arenas, hero battles, AB et al and we are talking hours and hours. Loved it. Very few whispers i might add. I guess it wasn't so important to show how fricken wonderful you were in those days.


> There are definitely girls who seek out competitive modes, although I must say, almost all of the girl gamers I meet tend to gravitate towards a support role in these competitive modes. Whereas some of the more "big ego" types you mentioned typically gravitate towards high damage and burst specs. So even when girls come into these modes, it is still likely to be in a way that supports cooperative play.


> Nothing wrong with that by the way, just an interesting observation.


I can only speak for myself as a female gamer--I love PvP/WvW, but I get bored with classic support roles. I much prefer the freedom of being able to break off and solo a point to pull some enemy pressure. Especially if I'm tanky and can hold the point until their whole team zergs up to get it back xD Tank for life

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I have 400 people in my guild and most of them are nicer than people I've met in other games, at least to me, and some of us know each other really well. Just depends on the people you hang out with. However, games that allow trolling more easily tend to attract people who require that as part of their "diet". They want to mess with people and it's harder in this game than others, so there's less reason for them to stick around.


Some people are competitive and PvE in the open world here is generally cooperative. If you're going to compete, you're liking looking to advance past other players, rather than help them out.


I've seen more people in this game helping new players in start zones as a hobby (I even have a character named New Player Helper) than I have in any other game. Sometimes I go into a zone to help newbies, realize someone's already doing it and I move to another zone.


Yep, I think this community is better than most MMOs. The one I've found almost as nice as this one was in Lotro.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> Yes, everyone is “nice.” But it’s the niceness that comes from being so distant from each other. You don’t act mean to people you don’t know that well. And no one on Guild Wars 2 really knows each other that well, it’s a solo effort done in groups you don’t have any real interaction with.


not rly mate

we are so polite to each other because in the smalles sign of being a bit ''open minded'' / ''open mouthed'' you gonna get sent on Vacation srsly if ppl could they would turn this forum and in game chat into standardized bar talk in Brooklyn at 5:00 Am after all stuff in bar has been drunk and eaten and the band is playing rly out of tune

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> > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

I have seen people conjure straight from the depths, some of the most horrible, insensitive, malevolent, violent, hurtful, wounding, destructive, twisted, caustic, ruinous sentiments and images toward others online. Totally bereft of empathy or patience, with the intent to render another person's self esteem as garbage, or harm them psychologically.


Ah this dude knows me xD or at least knows my drunk me


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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Its because GW2 isn't a competitive game. In PvE there are players who don't want to go kitten swinging so they may be mostly female or older gamers. This tends to breed a pretty friendly community of non competitive types.


> If you step into WvW or PvP, thats more likely where you'll find the 15-30 male age range. This is generalising, but younger men tend to enjoy game modes with a more competitive edge. My girlfriend for example finds this stressful, so she's much more likely to be drawn to completionist or cooperative activities.


> Whereas for me, this doesn't satisfy my particular gaming itch because I want to compete.


girls play games as well

just sayin

and no it is not like in each state on earth there is just one girl playing games

up to 40 % of gamers are FEMALEs

just sayin

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > I've never seen a community whine more more often and so vigorously than gw2's. That's saying something.


> Confused what you mean with this comment, are you saying we demand more more as in content.

> Dont all communites do that?


Yes. They do


But this community is catered in such a specific way that if Ant breathes the wrong way the forums cry, and very loudly and vigorously I might add. While trying to spout that THEY know what's best for the company and not the ones that clearly run it.

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > Its because GW2 isn't a competitive game. In PvE there are players who don't want to go kitten swinging so they may be mostly female or older gamers. This tends to breed a pretty friendly community of non competitive types.

> >

> > If you step into WvW or PvP, thats more likely where you'll find the 15-30 male age range. This is generalising, but younger men tend to enjoy game modes with a more competitive edge. My girlfriend for example finds this stressful, so she's much more likely to be drawn to completionist or cooperative activities.

> >

> > Whereas for me, this doesn't satisfy my particular gaming itch because I want to compete.


> girls play games as well

> just sayin

> and no it is not like in each state on earth there is just one girl playing games

> up to 40 % of gamers are FEMALEs

> just sayin


We are not talking candy crush here mate 40% of gw2 population for sure aint female.

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > Its because GW2 isn't a competitive game. In PvE there are players who don't want to go kitten swinging so they may be mostly female or older gamers. This tends to breed a pretty friendly community of non competitive types.

> >

> > If you step into WvW or PvP, thats more likely where you'll find the 15-30 male age range. This is generalising, but younger men tend to enjoy game modes with a more competitive edge. My girlfriend for example finds this stressful, so she's much more likely to be drawn to completionist or cooperative activities.

> >

> > Whereas for me, this doesn't satisfy my particular gaming itch because I want to compete.


> girls play games as well

> just sayin

> and no it is not like in each state on earth there is just one girl playing games

> up to 40 % of gamers are FEMALEs

> just sayin


I know they do, I even said so in my post? Am I missing something here...

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