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[Sugestion] Create weakly quest for BL key from the side story events

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > > Adding additional rewards to content that isn't currently populated is a great idea, but I don't think ANET has an burning desire to make BL keys more easily obtainable in game, given the goal is for people to buy them, and thereby generate revenue for the company.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > I think OP's idea was to keep the key at once a week, but add ways to get it to bolster participation in underplayed content. So you could do either L10 story or Serpent's Ire, for example, but would still only get one key even if you did both . . .

> > >

> > > Though it is kind of unclear and I could be wrong . . .

> >

> > No I understood what he meant, but the implication (maybe I'm wrong here) is that doing the personal story each week is either too hard, too boring, or whatever, so they were proposing an additional path to getting that weekly key. My opinion was that ANET would have no desire to make getting that key easier. For every player who feels the weekly personal grind is too hard/boring/whatever and doesn't participate, that's one less free key given out.


> I don't think they can make getting the weekly key too much easier than it already is tbh. It's basically free as it is . . .


> I read OP's suggestion as a method to increase participation in underplayed content without introducing any additional rewards over what is already available . . .


But it is introducing additional rewards that quite afew people if you go by the 2 guilds Im in dont bother to do.

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Does the Black Lion statuette or black lion ticket scrap sound better then the key? Not sure that they have much draw though.

As i asked what reward would make you go for old content?

Also after all the sub talk (remember sub bad, big no no) the weakly/ monthly( @CETheLucid.3964 like the idea by the way) could be made into a gem store unlock like the garden plots. As most people that play this game like to buy something and have it permanently. Now you need the extra slot so the price for it should be around the same 800 to 1000 gems to be fair.

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I don't agree with the OP's problem statement. Even if I did, I don't think the proposed solution would address it very well. There are so many things for L80 characters to do in the game, it would be surprising if all of them were equally popular.


> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> Now people can farm one BL key a week from the 10th level story completion, so why not add a weakly quest which shares the cooldown with the story reward and since people do less and less the side story events add them in a rotation so each week they change to lets say Kill x number of bloodstone beasts , anomalies, Awakened invasions and do a jumping puzzle or world boss, dungeon, activity like Keg Brawl and so fourth. Basically the content that is not done that much.


There are a number of implicit assumptions underlying the idea:


**Assumption: lots of things in the game are abandoned**

This is such a common assumption that people take it as a fact. And to be fair, there's some evidence for it: if you keg brawl or survivor outside of when it's a daily, there aren't many people involved.


**Assumption: it's a problem for the community & the game that people don't make better use of them**

I can't agree this is a problem _for the community_. It might be a problem for ANet: perhaps it's not an efficient use of their limited resources to keep producing content that gets forgotten. Still, that's their headache; it doesn't affect us directly.


**Assumption: adding a rotating weekly incentive would reinvigorate these parts of the game**

More importantly: adding a rotating weekly incentive won't change the fact that the content gets forgotten. Like dailies, it would just bring people for the reward and they'd forget about it again, perhaps more quickly than before. People would produce guides about how to choose the option with the least effort.


The bigger issue is that there are just so many maps and other things to do. There's just no way that veterans are going to repeat content just because it's there. They'll gravitate towards the parts of the game that are the most fun and/or the most lucrative. Some parts of the game simply won't make the cut.


**Assumption: offering a BL key (in addition or in replacement to the Chapter 1/L10 key run) is a good incentive**

And finally, as long as BL keys get people to spend real life cash on gems, I can't imagine why ANet would voluntarily offer methods that allow more people to get them without gems. If all the other three things were true (and I'm not convinced they are), the most effective incentive would be to continue to nerf the most lucrative farms while buffing the least fun, least efficient maps. That probably should be a combination of gold-per-hour, map currencies per hour, and astronomically low chance of dropping something amazingly fun and/or valuable (e.g. like the chak egg sac for TD meta).

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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > > And isn't it better to give some incentive to people to do content together instead of playing single player mission over and over.

> >

> > But that wasn't part of the original design - the players picked up on this, and at first you could do this as many times per day as you wanted, until ANET capped it at once per weekly reset.

> >

> > And anyone who does this regularly is doing so with tomes of knowledge - heck it takes me about 15 minutes to finish the LV 10 story arc, and I spend longer than that standing around in the Mistlock Sanctuary waiting to start T4 dailies.

> >

> > Nothing broken here, therefore no need to fix it.

> The old content participation is broken a lot of living world maps are empty, anomaly event constantly fails, activities are ghost town.I'm more interested in making people more excited about old content, that is fun but it doesn't have this gold per minute attached to it. Also forget about the Key its basically the easiest option that it popped in my mind that it can be done weakly.



I mean that's your experience, but mine has been way different. Of the last 5 times I've attempted the anomaly, 4 were successful. In the past year, whenever I had to go back and do "old content" for the purposes of the collection, the only time, and I mean the single ONLY time I ran into a problem was when I was doing the Beetle mount collection, and needed to fight that champ in far silverwastes, as by that time most people had the mount, and people on the map were more focused on the meta.


So in my opinion and from my perspective, there is no problem with participation in old world content. Sure during festivals/events like SAB I imagine most players are non doing Shadow Behemoth or Karka Queen, but once SAB shuts down I think it will go back to normal. I also have had very good experiences with using the LFG to get needed help on map. Doesn't work 100% of the time of course, but it does work.


Of the myriad of complaints one can levy at GW2, player presence in "old content" would not be on my list, and it's one of the things I love about this game, compared to other MMOs like WoW where you have entire continents that are empty except for players leveling new characters.


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Well dungeons, side story content like the bloodstone beast, awakened invasion, Conservation of Magic, the shining blade bounties, all of the POF big metas,i would even say that there aren't many people doing living world season 3 metas . Idea is to rotate some content it might be wvw, pvp, raid,fractal week and you get some reward for completing several stuff a weak, a big scavenger hunt with something cool at the end be it Key, Scrap, Ascended or Legendary crafting materials.

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A Black Lion key costs about 40 Gold, if you do the gold -> gems conversion and buy it from the store.

I suspect for a lot of events, if they just added 5 gold to the existing reward, you would get a lot of people doing it.

It could be interesting to double rewards (or some other increase) to events in some region/on some map to get people to play it. They have sort of done this in some cases by having collections that require certain events to be completed, but that is a really short term solution - once an account does it once, they never need to do it again. If ANet wants to actually have increased participation long term, the reward has to be increased long term (or at least cycle through) and not be a 1 time thing.

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